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1、河北傳媒學(xué)院授課教案周次時間年月日第節(jié)早節(jié)名稱Unit Seven授課方式 課堂講授:(話實(shí)踐課:()教學(xué)目的You can n ever overstress the importa nee of health, which is one of our most precious gifts. But fast-pace modern life brings too much stress to people. Advice is given on how to adjust our mood and take charge of our reactions to life events.

2、Learn the useful Ian guage points appeared in this un it.教學(xué)手段Teach ing method: Stude nt-orie nted com muni cative teachi ng, free discussi on and in teract ion. Teach ing aids: Multi-media and blackboard重點(diǎn)eaching emphasis: 1. organizing a paragraph with a general statement supported by specific deta

3、ils and the reas on2. key words, phrases and some useful sentence patter ns;難點(diǎn)Teach ing difficulties: Readi ng for the main ideas in paragraphsSome key sentence patter ns作業(yè)Assign homework: 1. Composition on urban life. 2. Translation and after-class reading.3. Passages to recite and retell.教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 與

4、 教 學(xué) 過 程教學(xué)過程:1. Warm-up activities: Group discussing (15 minutes)2. Understanding the text(30 minutes)(ask students some questions related to the text.)3. Detailed studies of text(45 minutes)4. Grammar and exercises(35minutes)5. Enrichment reading(55minutes)6. Listening &Speakingpractice(90minutes)7

5、. Writing practice(45minutes)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:1. Warm-up activitiesIntroductory Remarks:Step 1: What causes stress?TeachingStep 2: What we can lear n from Ben Fran kli n?method:Step 3:What s the real meaning of a happy life?listening,II. Understanding the textwatchingMany people lose their tempers easily, how t

6、o control one s an ger beccand pair mesthe key point. Ask the stude nts:work教1. If some one wron ged you, what would you react?Teaching學(xué)2. What would you do to calm yourself dow n?aids:內(nèi)3. How to alleviate one s stress?multimedia容4. How to face all the problems and difficulties in our daily lives?與川

7、.Detailed studies of the text教N(yùn)ew Words and Phrases學(xué)1. overwhelm: 1.戰(zhàn)勝;征服;壓倒2.覆蓋;淹沒3.使受不了 ;使不知所措過(+by/with)程e.g. The defense was overwhelmed by superior numbers.防守被優(yōu)勢的兵力摧垮了。TeachingThe village was overwhelmed by ash from the volca no.method: pair村子被火山灰覆蓋。I was overwhelmed by his gen erosity.work,stu

8、dents 他的慷慨令我感激難言。presentation2. spin: 1.紡紗2.(蠶等)吐絲,作繭;(蜘蛛等)結(jié)網(wǎng)3.旋轉(zhuǎn);暈眩Teachinge.g. The old woman was spinning in the corner of the room.aids:老婦人在房間一角紡紗。textbook,My sister can spin on her toes like a dan cer. 我妹妹能像舞者一樣踮著腳尖旋轉(zhuǎn)。My head is spinning.multimedia3. hot: 1.熱的2.辣的3.急躁的;激動的;猛烈的4.熱情的;熱切的e.g. This

9、curry is too hot.這咖哩太辣了。Hes got a hot tempe.他脾氣急躁。She was a hot patriot.她是一個熱情的愛國者。4. excess 1.超越,超過U 2.超額量U 3.過量,過剩U 4.(飲食等的) 過度,無節(jié)制UCe.g. Last years profits were in excess of one billion dollars.Teaching去年的利潤超過了十億美元。method:An excess of rain caused severe floods.explanation雨水過量造成了嚴(yán)重的水災(zāi)。throughHis e

10、xcesses shorte ned his life.enlightening飲食無度使他折壽。Teaching5. attribute: 1.把歸因于;把歸咎于(+to) 2.認(rèn)為.是某人所有aids:教(+t。)textbook,學(xué)e.g. He attributed his good health to exercise.Multimedia內(nèi)他認(rèn)為自己之所以身體好是因?yàn)檫\(yùn)動。容Do you thi nk it proper to attribute weak ness to wome n?與你覺得把軟弱當(dāng)作女性的屬性適當(dāng)嗎?教比較:contribute to 1.捐助;幫助2.促成學(xué)

11、e.g. How much did you con tribute to the relief fund?過你為那筆救濟(jì)金捐了多少?程Your suggesti on has greatly con tributed to the accomplishme nt of our work.你的建議大大地促進(jìn)了我們工作的元成。6. interior: 1.內(nèi)的,內(nèi)部的,內(nèi)側(cè)的2.國內(nèi)的,內(nèi)政的3.內(nèi)心的;本質(zhì)的; 深藏的e.g. She specialized in interior design. 她專門從事室內(nèi)設(shè)計。An in terior decorator desig ns and dec

12、orates the in terior of aroom or building.室內(nèi)裝飾家設(shè)計,裝飾房間或建筑物的內(nèi)部。Those products are for in terior markets.那些產(chǎn)品供應(yīng)國內(nèi)市場。The in terior meaning of the poem fin ally daw ned on him.他最終領(lǐng)悟了詩中隱含的深意。7. be all thins to all people使人人滿意,八面玲瓏& blow one s tOp脾氣,發(fā)瘋e.g. Her parents blew their tops when they learned tha

13、t she had eloped with her e out top名歹U前茅Teachinge.g. He came out top in the exam.他在考試中名歹U前茅。method:come to the top 出名;成功explanatione.g. He has fin ally come to the top in the finan cial bus in ess.through他終于在金融界取得了成功。enlighteningfrom top to toe從頭到腳;元元全全Teaching教e.g. They surveyed the boy fr

14、om top to toe.aids:學(xué)他們從頭到腳打量那男孩。textbook,內(nèi)blow it搞砸Multimedia容e.g. This exam in ati on will determ ine your final grade. Dont blow it.與考試決定你最后的成績,不要搞砸了。教blow on es cool 沉不住氣學(xué)blow ones mind令人產(chǎn)生幻覺;令人感到極度興奮過blow on es own horn/trumpet吹噓程9. outlet: 1.出口;出水口 ;排氣口 ;出路(+for) 2.(感情,精力等的)發(fā)泄途徑(或方法)(+for)e.g.

15、Clean the sink outlet.清除洗滌槽出水口的污物。e.g. These boys want an outlet for their energy.要有個辦法讓這些男孩子發(fā)泄他們的精力。10. stir: 1.攪拌,攪動2.動;移動;搖動;撥動3.激起;激動;轟動;鼓動;煽動(+to) 4.喚醒;喚起(+from)e.g. Mother stirred the flour and milk to a stiff paste.母親把面粉和牛奶攪成濃漿。教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 與 教 學(xué) 過 程e.g. The wind stirs the leaves.風(fēng)吹動樹葉。The n ews s

16、tirred him to acti on.這消息促使他采取行動。A shriek stirred me from sleep.尖叫聲把我從睡夢中喚醒。11. be on sb s尋找,跟蹤be on sbs heel緊跟某人12. stimulate: 1.刺激;激勵;使興奮;促使(+to/into) 2.促進(jìn)的功冃能e.g. The government will do everything in its power to stimulate econo mic growth.政府將竭盡全力去刺激經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展。e.g. The optical system of the eye stimula

17、tes cells of the retina.眼睛的光學(xué)系統(tǒng)刺激視網(wǎng)膜內(nèi)的細(xì)胞。e.g. Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.鍛煉促進(jìn)血液循環(huán)。13. cut down:削減e.g. He tried to cut dow n on smok ing but failed.他試圖少抽煙,但沒成功。14. mind:頭腦;意見;注意力;精神bear/keep in mi nd 記住e.g. Bear in mind that youll have to practice economy.記住要厲行節(jié)約。in on es right mi nd 精神正常e

18、.g. He is in his right mind.他精神健全。be in two minds 猶豫不決e.g. She is in two mi nds about it.她對此舉棋不定。of one mind 同心一致e.g. They were all of one mind on this subject.在這個問題上他們的意見完全一致。of the same mi nd保持原來的意見Teaching method: group discussion, students reporting or presentationTeaching aids: textbook, Multim

19、edia教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 與 教 學(xué) 過 程e.g. Is she still of the same mind?她仍持原來的意見嗎?15. deadline:截止期限,最后限期e.g. Can they finish this before the deadline?他們能不能在最后期限之前完成這項丄作?The deadli ne for making an applicati on is n ext Friday.申請于下星期五截止。16. priority: 1.優(yōu)先,重點(diǎn);優(yōu)先權(quán);先取權(quán)U(+over) 2.優(yōu)先考慮的事; 優(yōu)先配給Ce.g. Safety has high priori

20、ty in factories.工廠里安全至關(guān)重要。Road build ing is a top priority.筑路是最優(yōu)先考慮的事。Difficult Sentences and Patterns1. If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of con trol, the n you may be hurt ing your heart.If you ofte n/always ,the n you may 如果你經(jīng)常/總是那么你很可能 e.g. If

21、you always pick holes in everything and find fault with every one around you, the n you may be pursu ing an un happy lifestyle.If you hold everyth ing in con tempt, the n you may be idli ng away your precious time.如果你對什么事都挑剔、對什么人都吹毛求疵,那么你可能在追求一種不幸的生活方式。如果你什么事都看不上眼,好像無事值得你去做,那么你可能在虛度寶貴的時光。2. What hap

22、pens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem.What happe ns is that ,the more the more 此時會發(fā)生這樣一種情況,越越 Teaching method: pair work, students presentationTeaching aids: textbook, multimedia教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 與 教 學(xué) 過 程e.g. In

23、 a healthy atmosphere of family life, what often happens is that the more self-c on fide nt childre n get with pare ntS proper praises, the more likely they are to do eve n better with such self-c on fide nee.在健康的家庭生活氛圍里,常常會出現(xiàn)這樣的情況一一孩子由于 父母恰如其分的表揚(yáng)變得越自信,從而他們很可能會因?yàn)檫@種自信而做 得更好。IV. Text Analysis of Passa

24、geText Structure: The passage can be divided into 4 parts.Teaching method: explanation by way of enlighteningTeaching aids: textbook, multimediaPara.Main IdeaDeveloping Skill13the stress in lifein direct quotati on46how stress affects one hearts cha in like cause-a nd-effect711major causes of the st

25、ress n life,direct quotation1220the steps to cope with the stressexamples+ quotati onV. ReproductionSuppose you are a psychological doctor. A patient suffering from depression consultsyou. Work in pairs and role-play the situation. Use as many expressi ons and ideas from the text as you can.Points t

26、o cover:?Excha nge of greeti ngs.?Necessary inquiry about the patient s life style,job, present engagement Necessary inquiry about the patient s life style,? How to man age stress effectively.A sample beginningA: Morni ng, Doctor Smith.B: You look upset. What s the matter?教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 與 教 學(xué) 過 程A: My heart beats like a bag of worms.B: What are you busy with these days?W. The way to develop paragraphs:chai nl ike cause-a nd-effectTo make his idea more convincing, the author adopts the findings of researchers to expla in how excess stres


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