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1、SH/T3903-2004附錄 AAttachment A(規(guī)范性附錄)(Regulatory Attachment)承包單位用表Forms for Construction ContractorA.1 表 SH/T3903 A.1A.14 給出了施工階段監(jiān)理工作承包單位用表格式,表號(hào)與名稱:SH/T 3903 A.1工程開(kāi)工 /復(fù)工報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.2施工組織設(shè)計(jì)(方案)報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.3包單位資格報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.4報(bào)驗(yàn)申請(qǐng)表SH/T 3903 A.5工程款支付申請(qǐng)表SH/T 3903 A.6監(jiān)理工程師通知回復(fù)單SH/T 3903 A.7工程臨時(shí)延期申

2、請(qǐng)表SH/T 3903 A.8費(fèi)用索賠申請(qǐng)表SH/T 3903 A.9工程材料 /構(gòu)配件 /設(shè)備報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.10工程竣工報(bào)驗(yàn)單SH/T 3903 A.11施工進(jìn)度計(jì)劃報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.12工程質(zhì)量事故處理方案報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.13主要施工設(shè)備進(jìn)場(chǎng)報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.14單機(jī)試車申請(qǐng)表A.2 表 SH/T3903A.15A.16 給出了勘察 / 設(shè)計(jì)階段監(jiān)理工作承包單位用表格式,表號(hào)與名稱:SH/T 3903 A.15勘察 /設(shè)計(jì)費(fèi)用支付報(bào)審表SH/T 3903 A.16勘察 /設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)度調(diào)整報(bào)審表SH/T 3903-A.1工程開(kāi)工/復(fù)工報(bào)審表W

3、orks Comme nceme nt/Resumptio n ApprovalRequest工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我單位承擔(dān)的工程,已完成了以下各項(xiàng)工作,具備了開(kāi)工/匚復(fù)工條件,特此申請(qǐng)施工,請(qǐng)核查并簽發(fā) 匚開(kāi)工/口復(fù)工指令。We have fulfilled the following activities for the workcontracted by us, the | |workscomme nceme nt/ works resumpti on con diti ons are available , t

4、herefore the con struct ion is applied hereby, please review and issue 1 Uorks comme nceme nt/ works resumpti on orders.附 Attached :1 開(kāi)工報(bào)告commencement Report ;2 證明文件Supporting documents。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project Man age承包單位(章)日期Con tractor( Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn) Review Comments :總監(jiān)理工程師Chief Supervisi on Engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期

5、CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.2施工組織設(shè)計(jì)(方案)報(bào)審表Con structi on Orga ni zati on Desig n ApprovalRequest工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我方已根據(jù)施工承包合冋的有關(guān)規(guī)定完成了工程施工組織設(shè)計(jì)(方案)的編制,并經(jīng)我單位技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人審查批準(zhǔn),請(qǐng)予以審查。Accord ing to the related regulati ons of the con structi on con tract, we have completed the preparati on

6、 of the con struct ion orga ni zati on desig n, and it has bee n reviewed and approved by the tech ni calespon sible people of our compa ny, please review it.附 Attached :施工組織設(shè)計(jì)/匚|施工方案。Con structi on Organi zatio n Desig n / |c on struct ion Pla n。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project Man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor( Chop)Date專業(yè)

7、監(jiān)理工程師審查意見(jiàn)Review comments from discipline supervision engineer :專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Discipli ne Supervisi on Engin eer日期Date總監(jiān)理工程師審核意見(jiàn)Review comments from chief supervision engineer :總監(jiān)理工程師Chief Supervisi on Engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.3分包單位資格報(bào)審表Subc on tractor Qualificatio n Approval Request工程名稱 Works

8、 Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )經(jīng)考察,我方認(rèn)為擬選擇的(分包單位)具有承擔(dān)下列工程的施工資質(zhì)和施工能力,可以保證本工程項(xiàng)目按合冋的規(guī)定進(jìn)行施工。分包后,我方仍承擔(dān)承包合冋的全部責(zé)任。請(qǐng)予以審查 和批準(zhǔn)。After in vestigati on, we think the proposed(subc on tractor) has the qualificati on andcapability for con tract ing the follow ing works, and can assure that this works will b

9、e con structed as per the con tract regulati ons. After subc on tract ing this works, we still hold the whole resp on sibilities of the lump sum con tractor. Please review and approve it.附 Attached :1 分包單位資質(zhì)材料Subcontractor Qualification Documents ;2 分包單位業(yè)績(jī)材料Subc on tractor Performa nee Docume nts。分包

10、工程名稱(部位)Subc on tracted works(Location)工程數(shù)量Works Qua ntity擬分包工程合同額Con tract price of proposed subc on tracted works分包工程占全部工程Percen tage of subc on tracted works合 計(jì) Totals項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor ( Chop)Date專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師審查意見(jiàn)Review comments from discipline supervision engineer :專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Discip

11、li ne Supervisi on Engin eer日期Date總監(jiān)理工程師審核意見(jiàn)Review comments from chief supervision engineer :總監(jiān)理工程師Chief Supervisi on Engin eer 項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.4報(bào)驗(yàn)申請(qǐng)表In spect ion Request工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我單位已完成了工作,經(jīng)自檢合格,現(xiàn)報(bào)上該工程報(bào)驗(yàn)申請(qǐng)表,請(qǐng)予以審查和驗(yàn)收。We have completed theworks, aft

12、er the self inspection, the works is on spec, now wesubmit the in specti on request for this works, please in spect and accept.附 Attached :項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project Man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor ( Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn)Review comments :總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Chief/discipli ne supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T3903-2004工程名稱 Wor

13、ks Title :SH/T 3903-A.5工程款支付申請(qǐng)表編號(hào) Item No :Works Payme nt Request致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我方已完成了工作,按施工承包合同的規(guī)定,建設(shè)單位應(yīng)在年 月 日前支付該項(xiàng)工程款共(大寫(xiě))(小寫(xiě)),現(xiàn)報(bào)上工程付款申請(qǐng)表,請(qǐng)予以審查并開(kāi)具工程款支付證書(shū)。We have completed theWorks, accord ing to the con tract regulati ons, the owner shouldmake the payment of total of( amount in words) , (say)

14、for this works before.Now we submit the Works Payme ntRequest, please review and issue the works payme nt certificate.附件 Attached :1 工程量清單Quantity List ;2 計(jì)算方法Calculation Methods。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project Man ager日 期Date承包單位(章)Con tractor( Chop)SH/T3903-2004SH/T 3903-A.6工程名稱 Works Title :監(jiān)理工程師通知回復(fù)單Corresp ondence

15、 to Supervisi on Engin eer Notice編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我方接到編號(hào)為的監(jiān)理工程師通知后,已按要求完成了予以復(fù)查。工作,現(xiàn)報(bào)上,請(qǐng)After we received the supervisi on engin eer no tice of,we have completed thejobs, now we submit it , please recheck. 詳細(xì)內(nèi)容 Detailed con te nts:承包單位(章)Con tractor( Chop)項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager日 期Date復(fù)查意見(jiàn)R

16、echeck comme nts:項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)CS/CMC總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Chief/discipli ne supervisi on engin eer日 期DateSH/T3903-2004項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager日 期Date承包單位(章)Con tractor(工程名稱 Works Title :SH/T 3903-A.7工程臨時(shí)延期申請(qǐng)表Works Temporary Delay Request編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC)根據(jù)承包合同條款條的規(guī)定,由于原因,我方申請(qǐng)工程延期,請(qǐng)予以批準(zhǔn)。Accord ing to clauses of

17、the con struct ion con tract clauses , due to thereas ons, we requestthe works delay, please approve it.合同交工日期 Contract As Build Date :申請(qǐng)延長(zhǎng)交工日期 Delayed As Build Date :附件 Attached :1 工程延期的依據(jù)及工期計(jì)算Works delay basis and working period calculation :2 證明材料Supporting documents。SH/T 3903-A.8費(fèi)用索賠申請(qǐng)表工程名稱 Work

18、s Title :Cost Claim Request編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )根據(jù)承包合同條款條的規(guī)定,由于的原因,我方要求索賠金額(大寫(xiě)),請(qǐng)予以批準(zhǔn)。Accord ing to clausesof the con struct ion con tract ,due to thereas ons, werequest the cost claim of (amount in words), please approve it.索賠的詳細(xì)理由及經(jīng)過(guò)Detailed cause and course of the claim :索賠金額的計(jì)算Calculati

19、on of claimed amount :附 Attached :證明材料Support ing docume ntsSH/T3903-2004SH/T 3903-A.9工程材料/構(gòu)配件/設(shè)備報(bào)審表Works Materials/Comp onen ts/Equipme ntIn spect ion Request工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC)我方于年月日進(jìn)場(chǎng)的工程 材料/口構(gòu)配件 口設(shè)備數(shù)量如下(見(jiàn)附件)?,F(xiàn)將質(zhì)量證明文件及自檢結(jié)果報(bào)上,擬用于下述部位:,請(qǐng)予以審核。We have mobilized the followi

20、ng|materials/ P|comp onen ts/ equipme nt for the works onits quantity is listed below ( see the attachments) .Now, we submit the quality documents and our self inspection results, The proposed locations for use as follows :,Please review it.附件 Attached :1 數(shù)量清單 Quantity List ;2質(zhì)量證明文件 Quality Document

21、s ;3 自檢結(jié)果 Self Inspection Results。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor ( Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn) Review comments :經(jīng)檢查上述工程 材料/口構(gòu)配件/口設(shè)備,符合/ 不符合設(shè)計(jì)文件和規(guī)范的要求,準(zhǔn)許/ A準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)場(chǎng),同意/ 不同意使用于擬定部位。After the inspection, the above materials / Icomponents/equipment, meet/ Ido not meet the requirements of the design documents an

22、d specifications. 1 Isite mobilization is allowed/ site mobilization is not allowed, Ouse for the proposed locations is allowed / not allowed.總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Chief/discipli ne supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.10工程竣工報(bào)驗(yàn)單Works Completi on In spect ion Request工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(

23、監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC)我方已按合冋要求完成了工程,經(jīng)自檢合格,請(qǐng)予以檢查和驗(yàn)收。We have completed theworks accord ing to the requireme nts of the con tract , after the selfcheck, it is on spec, please in spect and accept.附 Attached :項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor( Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn) Review comments :經(jīng)初步驗(yàn)收,該工程:after the prelimi na

24、ry in spect ion and accepta nee, this works:1 符合/不符合我國(guó)現(xiàn)行法律、法規(guī)要求;meet/口 not meet the requireme nts of the curre nt state laws and regulati ons.2 符合/ 不符合我國(guó)現(xiàn)行工程建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn);meet/匚1 not meet the requireme nts of the curre nt n ati onal sta ndards.3 符合/ 不符合設(shè)計(jì)文件要求;meet/口 not meet the requireme nts of the desig n

25、docume nts.4 符合/ 不符合施工合冋要求。Meet/口 not meet the requireme nts of the con struct ion con tract.綜上所述,該工程初步驗(yàn)收白合格/不合格,可以/不可以組織正式驗(yàn)收。Based on the above poin ts, the prelimi nary in spect ion and accepta nee of this works isIHIon spec門 offspec, formal inspection and acceptanee dcan bedcan not be organized .

26、總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.11施工進(jìn)度計(jì)劃報(bào)審表Con structi on Schedule Approval Request工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我方已根據(jù)承包合冋的有關(guān)規(guī)定編制完成了年月日至年月日的:We have completed the preparatio ns of the follow ing schedules fromtoaccord ing to the related regulati ons

27、of the con struct ion con tract :1 工程施工總進(jìn)度計(jì)劃Project Construction Overall Schedule;2 工程施工月進(jìn)度計(jì)劃Project Construction Monthly Schedule;3 工程施工周進(jìn)度計(jì)劃Project Construction Weekly Schedule;4 計(jì)劃schedule。并經(jīng)我單位技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人審查批準(zhǔn),現(xiàn)報(bào)上,請(qǐng)予以審查。我們將嚴(yán)格按審查通過(guò)的進(jìn)度計(jì)劃組織 施工。It has bee n reviewed and approved by our tech ni cal resp on

28、sible people. Now we submit it to you, please review. We will orga nize the con struct ion by strictly followi ng the approved schedule.附 Attached :圖表、說(shuō)明書(shū)共頁(yè)。Draw ings and charts, in structi on books, totally inpages.項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor( Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn) Review comments :同意此進(jìn)度計(jì)劃。App

29、roved this schedule.不冋意此進(jìn)度計(jì)劃,請(qǐng)按以下要求修改再報(bào):Not approved this schedule, please modify it accord ing to the follow ing requireme nts, and resubmit it : 專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Discipli ne supervisi on engin eer日期Date審核意見(jiàn)Review comments :總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.12工程質(zhì)量事故處理方案報(bào)審表Works

30、Quality In cide nt Solutio n ApprovalRequest工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC)年月日在(工程部位)發(fā)生工程質(zhì)量事故,已于月日發(fā)出工程質(zhì)量事故報(bào)告(編號(hào):),經(jīng)我方組織對(duì)該質(zhì)量事故進(jìn)行詳細(xì)調(diào)查、分析和研究,現(xiàn)將詳情及處理方案報(bào)上,請(qǐng)審查。On, at(works locati on), there wasworks qualtity in cide nt, theworks quality in cide nt report (item No) has bee n issued on, aft

31、er we in vestigated,an alyzed and studied it, now we submit the details and soluti on to you, please review.附 Attached :事故詳情及處理方案Incident Details and Solution。項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor( Chop)Date審核意見(jiàn)Review comments :冋意此事故處理方案。Approved the soluti on for this in cide nt.不冋意此事故處理方案,修改后再報(bào)

32、。Not approved the soluti on for this in cide nt,please modify it and resubmit.按以下意見(jiàn)修改后執(zhí)行:Dto impleme nt it after modified as per the followi ng comme nts.總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.13主要施工設(shè)備進(jìn)場(chǎng)報(bào)審表Major Con structi on Equipme nt Mobilizati onApproval Request工程名稱 Wor

33、ks Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我方承擔(dān)的工程,按合同規(guī)定的主要施工設(shè)備、機(jī)具及檢測(cè)設(shè)備、工具擬進(jìn)場(chǎng),并經(jīng)自檢合格,請(qǐng)查驗(yàn)。We con tracted theworks, we are going to mobilize the major con struct ion equipme nt andtools as well as the in spect ion equipme nt and tools specified by the con tract, after the self in spect ion, they are on s

34、pec, please in spect.附 Attached :項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager承包單位(章)日期Con tractor( Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn) Review comments :經(jīng)檢查上述施工設(shè)備、機(jī)具及檢測(cè)設(shè)備、工具,符合/不符合施工組織設(shè)計(jì)文件和相關(guān)要求,準(zhǔn)許/ 不準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)場(chǎng)。Accord ing to our in spect ion, the above equipme nt, tools and the in spect ion equipme nt and tools meet/ do not meet the requireme nts of th

35、e con structi on organi zatio n desig n docume nts and other rules, sitemobilization allowed / site mobilization not allowed.不準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)場(chǎng)原因如下:The reasons for not allowing site mobilization are listed below :總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Chief/discipli ne supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期mto工程名稱 Works Title :SH/T 3903-A.14單機(jī)試車申請(qǐng)表P

36、re-commissi oning Request編號(hào) Item No :(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC )我方已按合同要求完成了試車準(zhǔn)備工作,經(jīng)自檢合格,請(qǐng)予以檢查,并準(zhǔn)予試車。We have completed thecommissi onig preparati ons accord ing to the con tract requiremet ns,after the self check, the preparatio ns are on spec, please check and approve the Pre-commissi oning test.附 Attached :承

37、包單位(章)Con tractor ( Chop) 審核意見(jiàn) Review comments :項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager日 期Date總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師Chief/discipli ne supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日 期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.15勘察/設(shè)計(jì)費(fèi)用支付報(bào)審表Geotech/Desig n Payme nt Approval Request工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC)根據(jù)委托設(shè)計(jì)合同第條款,我單位已于年 月 日交付設(shè)計(jì)文件,建設(shè)單位應(yīng)支付該項(xiàng)勘察/ 設(shè)

38、計(jì)費(fèi)共(大寫(xiě))(小寫(xiě):),請(qǐng)予以審核。Accord ing to clausesof the En trusted Desig n Con tract, we have submitted thedesign documents on,Owner should make the payment of ( amount in words )(say:)for|geotech/|design, please review.附 Attached :項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理Project man ager勘察/設(shè)計(jì)單位(章)日 期Geotech/Desig n Un it (Chop)Date審核意見(jiàn)Review c

39、omments :經(jīng)審核同意按合同第條款支付勘察/ |設(shè)計(jì)費(fèi)共(大寫(xiě))After reviewed, the total payme nt of (amount in words)(say:/ 丨 faesign fees are approved to be made as per clauseof the con tract.(小寫(xiě):)for I I geotech項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer日 期CS/CMCDateSH/T 3903-A.16勘察/設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)度調(diào)整報(bào)審表Geotech/Desig n Schedule Change App

40、rovalRequest工程名稱 Works Title :編號(hào) Item No :致(監(jiān)理單位)To(CS/CMC)我單位承擔(dān)的工程的勘察/口基礎(chǔ)工程設(shè)計(jì)/口詳細(xì)工程設(shè)計(jì)原定完成,現(xiàn)擬調(diào)整到完成,請(qǐng)予以審批。|Geotech/ BED/ DED ofthe works contracted by us was scheduled to becompleted on, Now is rescheduled to completed on,Please review and approve it.調(diào)整原因Cha nge reaso ns:計(jì)劃工程師Pla nning engin eer項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理P

41、roject man ager勘察/設(shè)計(jì)單位(章)日期Geotech/Desig n Un it (Chop)Date審查意見(jiàn) Review comments :同意調(diào)整。cha nge approved.不同意調(diào)整cha nge not approved.根據(jù)下列要求調(diào)整:1 To be changed as per the following requirements :總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)日期CS/CMCDateSH/T3903-2004附錄 B Attachment B (規(guī)范性附錄) (Regulatory Attachme

42、nt) 監(jiān)理單位用表 Forms for CS/CMCB.1 表 SH/T3903 B.1 B.8 給出了段監(jiān)理單位用表格式,表號(hào)與名稱:SH/T 3903 B.9.6月工程費(fèi)用控制情況評(píng)析。表 SH/T3903 B.9.1 B.9.6 給出了段監(jiān)理月報(bào)用表格式,編號(hào)與名稱SH/T 3903 B.1SH/T 3903 B.2SH/T 3903 B.3SH/T 3903 B.4SH/T 3903 B.5SH/T 3903 B.6SH/T 3903 B.7SH/T 3903 B.8B.2 監(jiān)理工程師通知單; 工程暫停令; 工程款支付證書(shū); 工程臨時(shí)延期審批表; 工程最終延期審批表; 費(fèi)用索賠審批表

43、; 監(jiān)理備忘錄; 監(jiān)理日志。SH/T 3903 B.9.1監(jiān)理月報(bào)封面;SH/T 3903 B.9.2月工程情況概要;SH/T 3903 B.9.3月工程質(zhì)量控制情況評(píng)析;SH/T 3903 B.9.4月工程進(jìn)度控制情況評(píng)析;SH/T 3903 B.9.5月 HSE 管理情況評(píng)析;SH/T3903-2004SH/T 3903-B.1致To事由 Subject:內(nèi)容 Contents:工程名稱 Works Title :監(jiān)理工程師通知單Supervisi on Engin eer Notice編號(hào) Item No :(承包單位)(Con tractor)項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)CS/CMC總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師

44、Chief/discipli ne supervisi on engin eer日 期DateSH/T3903-2004工程名稱 Works Title :SH/T 3903-B.2工程暫停令Works Suspe nsion Order 編號(hào) Item No :致(承包單位)To(CS/CMC)時(shí)起,對(duì)本工程由于原因,現(xiàn)通知你方必須于年 月的部位(工作)實(shí)施暫停施工,并按下述要求做好各項(xiàng)工作:Due to,we no tify you now to stop the con struct ion on the locatio ns (jobs) offor this works, pleas

45、e do the jobs as per the follow ing requireme nts.總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer日 期Date項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)CS/CMCSH/T3903-2004SH/T 3903-B.3工程款支付證書(shū)工程名稱 Works Title :Works Payme nt Certificate編號(hào) Item No :致(建設(shè)單位)To(CS/CMC)根據(jù)承包合同的規(guī)定,經(jīng)審核承包單位的付款申請(qǐng)和報(bào)表,并扣除有關(guān)款項(xiàng),同意本期支付工程 款共(大寫(xiě))(小寫(xiě):)。請(qǐng)按合同規(guī)定及時(shí)付款。Accord ing to the con tra

46、ct regulati ons, after reviewed the payme nt request and report ing tables and deducted the related costs, we agree with the payment of( amount in words)(say:)。Please make the payme nt per the con tract in a timely manner.其中 Among which :1承包單位申報(bào)款為:The requested payme nt of con tractor:2經(jīng)審核承包單位應(yīng)得款為:T

47、he reviewed payme nt of con tractor :3本期應(yīng)扣款為:The deducted payme nt:4本期應(yīng)付款為:The due payme nt:附件 Attached :1 承包單位的工程付款申請(qǐng)表及附件Contractor Works Payment Request and Attachments ;2 項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)審查記錄CS/CMC Review Records ??偙O(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on engin eer日 期Date項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)CS/CMCSH/T3903-2004工程名稱 Works Title :SH/T 3903

48、-B.5編號(hào) Item No :(承包單位)To(Con tractor)根據(jù)承包合同條款號(hào))要求延長(zhǎng)工期工程臨時(shí)延期審批表Works Delay Temporary ApprovalAccord ing to clauses)offor the durations of暫時(shí)同意工期延長(zhǎng)年 月 日延遲到| Delay of條的規(guī)定,我方對(duì)你方提出的 日歷天的要求,經(jīng)過(guò)審核評(píng)估:of the con tract, we reviewed your Works Delay Request ( No. cale ndar days:日歷天。使交工日期(包括已指令延長(zhǎng)的工期)從原來(lái)的工程延期申請(qǐng)(第年

49、 月 日。請(qǐng)你方執(zhí)行。calendar days approved temporarily , which will delay the as build datePlease follow it.(in cluded the in structed delayed work ing period) from 不同意延長(zhǎng)工期,請(qǐng)按約定交工日期組織施工。_| Delay not approved, please organize the construction as per the agreed as built date.to說(shuō)明Notes:總監(jiān)理工程師Chief supervisi on

50、engin eer日 期Date項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)CS/CMCSH/T3903-2004工程名稱 Works Title :SH/T 3903-B.7編號(hào) Item No :工程最終延期審批表Works Delay Final Approval工程延期申請(qǐng)(第致(承包單位)To(Con tractor)根據(jù)施工合同條款號(hào))要求延長(zhǎng)工期條的規(guī)定,我方對(duì)你方提出的 日歷天的要求,經(jīng)過(guò)審核評(píng)估:Accord ing to clausesof the con tract , we reviewed your Works Delay Request (No.)offor the durati ons ofca

51、le ndar days: 最終同意工期延長(zhǎng)日歷天。使交工日期(包括已指令延長(zhǎng)的工期)從原來(lái)的年月日延遲到年月日。請(qǐng)你方執(zhí)行。Delay ofcale ndar days approved fin ally, which will delay the as build date (in cluded thein structed delayed worki ng period) fromtoPlease follow it. 不同意延長(zhǎng)工期,請(qǐng)按約定交工日期組織施工。| Delay not approved, please organize the con struct ion as per the agreed as built date.說(shuō)明Notes:總監(jiān)理工程師項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)Chief supervisi on engin eer日 期CS/CMCDateSH/T


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