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1、Major English-Speaking Countries Final Exam Study GuideImportant This is not a substitute for a semester of participation and proper study habits. This is merely a means of self-evaluation, a way to determine which topics you need to review before the final exam. There may be questions on the test t

2、hat ask about information that isnt in this study guide. It is your responsibility to look over your notes and the information in the textbook. Dont focus on specific numbers. For example, years are not important, but you should know that the Revolutionary War happened before the American Civil War.

3、 Dont study the night before the test. You will “burn out.” Let your brain rest before the exam. Good luck!Exam OverviewTrue or False:25 questions,25%Matching:50 questions,25%Multiple Choice:25 questions,25%Short Answer:5 question,25%The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSymbolsFla

4、g Also known as the Union Jack A combination of three flagso Englands flag, Scotlands flag, Irelands flagNational Anthem “God Save the Queen”Country and PeopleThe United Kingdom The U.K.s full title: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The current Prime Minister is David Cameron

5、 Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, and Wales Capital City of the U.K.: London Population: 59.6 million peopleo 90% live in urban areas, 10% live in rural areaso Demographics: 94% white 1.5% Indian 0.3% Chinese 0.03% African 1.5 million Muslims Second largest Jewish population Official lan

6、guage is English Religiono 8.4 million church goers (44.3% of the population)o 20.9% are Anglican (Church of England)o 9% are Roman Catholico 2.8% are Presbyterian (Church of Scotland)The U.K. consists of four countries Englando Capital: Londono Landmass: 53.7% of the United Kingdomo Population: 50

7、milliono The “backbone” of England: The Pennines Mountainso Second longest river: Thameso Origin of the English language Language derived from the Normans and Anglo-Saxons Scotlando Capital: Edinburgho Landmass: 32.1% of the United Kingdomo Population: 5 milliono Highest Mountain: Ben Neviso Uncommo

8、n regional language: Gaelic Waleso Capital: Cardiffo Landmass: 8.5% of the United Kingdomo Population: 3 milliono Longest river: Severn River (flows from Wales into England)o Official language: Welsh Northern Ireland (Ulster)o Capital: Belfasto Landmass: 5.7% of the United Kingdomo Population: 1.5 m

9、illiono The Largest Lake: Lough Neagho Uncommon historical language: IrishSocial Structure The U.K. is a very class-conscious society. Social mobilityo Ability to move up or down in status based on wealth, occupation, education, or some other social variable. The U.K. is a socially mobile society. C

10、lass Structureo Upper-class Wealthy, highly educated, and/or socially distinguished citizens o Middle-class Average income earners, educated, o Working-class Unskilled to skilled laborerso Underclass Homeless and/or long-term unemployed citizensHistoryMain foreign invaders in chronological order Rom

11、anso Part of the Roman Empire The Anglo-Saxonso Germanic tribeso England means “Angles Land” The Vikingso From northern Europe The Normanso Modern-day FranceFeudalism The Hundred years Waro Fought between France and Englando Destroyed feudal nobility and brought a new social ordero France lostThe Tu

12、dors Henry VIIo Seized the crown from King Richard III, becoming the first Tudor monarch Henry VIIIo Created the Church of England, ruled by the monarcho Famous for having six wives Edward VIo Henrys only son, died when he was very young Mary Io Restored Catholicism and killed hundreds of Protestant

13、so Known as Bloody Mary Elizabeth Io Restored the Church of Englando Ushered in a Golden Age in British Historyo Stopped religious fighting, maintained peace with other nations, expanded trade, developed an open parliament, promoted business, grew the military and took control of the seasWorld War I

14、 A very destructive and expensive war Signaled the beginning of the decline of the British EmpireWorld War II Led to high unemployment, a devastated infrastructure, and economic collapse in the United Kingdom. Signaled the end of the British Empire and the rise of the United States Winston Churchill

15、 was the Prime Minister during this war See World War I and World War II under The United States for more details.Way of LifeRecreation Social drinking at a pub is the most common social activity Sports originating from the U.K.o Soccer (the national sport), tennis, golf, badminton, boxing, rugby, c

16、ricket, snooker, squash, billiards, curling Places to go during free timeo Movies, libraries, museums, concerts, sporting events, musicals, plays, Like to read magazines and news paperso The Daily Telegraph is considered a “quality” newspaper Television is owned by the governmento Television Channel

17、s are numbered: BBC 4, BBC 5, etc.Famous People Famous author: J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter series Famous band: The BeatlesThe United States of AmericaSymbolsFlag Also known as the Star-spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes, and Old Glory The 50 stars represent the 50 states in the union The 13 stripes

18、represent the 13 original coloniesNational Anthem “The Star-spangled Banner” Written about our flag at Fort McHenry during the War of 1812Country48 contiguous states and 2 noncontiguous statesPhysical features and climate by region Westo Deserts (Like the Sierra Nevada Desert)o Very mountainous regi

19、on known as The Cordillera (includes the Rocky Mountains, aka the Rockies) Mountains reach the coast, rocky coasts, very small beaches People moved here because of the discovery of GOLDo Old-growth forests in the northwest (Sequoia National Park)o Consistent temperatures along the coast all yearo Ra

20、ins in the north, snows in the mountains, no precipitation in the deserto Arid West rainfall is unpredictableo Humid Pacific Coast has a Mediterranean climate Mid-westo The Great Mississippi River Valleyo Very flat (the Great Plains)o Great for farming, especially grains (The Breadbasket of America)

21、o Unpredictable temperatureso Very windy, prone to tornadoes (Tornado Alley) Easto The Appalachian Mountains, very “short” eroded mountain chaino Large, flat coastal region between the mountains and the Atlantic oceano Humid climateo Four distinct seasons Hot summers, cool falls/autumns, cold snowy

22、winters, rainy warm springs Southo Flat coastal regiono Dry regions to the west are good for ranches, cattle farmso Gulf coast region is prone to hurricaneso Hot and humid summers, warm rainy springs, cool winters, no snowHistoryPre-European First humans to live in America are called Indians or Nati

23、ve Americans1600s Europeans were either religiously or financially motivated to colonize America The first permanent English settlement was Jamestowno Located in Virginia, financially motivated The first English colonist in the South came for economic reasons Plymouth was a religious colonyo Located

24、 in Massachusetts, founded by the Pilgrims1700s Settlers from England, continental Europe, and Africa traveled to North America The East Coast was organized into 13 coloniesThe Revolutionary War (1775 1783) Fought between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the thirteen British colonies The colonies de

25、clared independence on July 4th, 1776 George Washington was the general in charge of the Continental Army The colonies won the war in 1783 when both sides signed the Treaty of Paris George Washington become the first presidentThe Civil War (1861 1865) Fought between the Northern and Southern states

26、The Northern states where still called The United States or the Union The Southern states wanted to leave the Union, calling themselves the Confederate States or the Confederacy The Confederate States lost the war and the Union was maintained More Americans died in the Civil War than any other war i

27、n American historyo More Americans died than both World War I and World War II combined Abraham Lincolno President during the Civil Waro 16th president of the United StatesReconstruction Era The North was untouchedo Boom in industrial development The West expandedo Great leaps in farming, mining, an

28、d ranching The South was destroyedo Had to rebuild infrastructureo Build a new society around freed slaves Tried to maintain white supremacyWorld War I (1914 1918) Fought between:o The Triple Alliance / Central Powers Original three: German, Austria-Hungry, Italy Italy left in 1915o The Triple Enten

29、t / Allied Powers Original three: Britain, France, Russia, 28 nations joined including China and the U.S.World War II (1939 1945) Fought between:o The Allies Major Allies: Soviet Union, The British Empire, France, Poland, China, the United States Winston Churchill was the British Prime Ministero The

30、 Axis Major Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy, Hungary Adolf Hitler was the German ChancellorIdentity, Private LifeA Nation of Immigrants The U.S. is a heterogeneous societyo A mix of cultures, ethnicities, national origins, races, and religionso Metaphorically referred to as a melting pot, mosaic, salad,

31、 or soup Ethnicity of Americans by Populationo White/European American 196 million, 63.7%o Latino/Hispanic 50.5 million, 16%o Black/African American 39 million, 12.6%o Asian American 14.6 million, 4.8%o Native American 2.9 million, 1%Population Distribution Most people live in the suburbs Poorer peo

32、ple tend to live in the city 2/3 of the population live in the NortheastLifestyle 1st in home ownershipo Most Americans live in single family homeso 2/3 families own homes Children do household chores Young teenagers find part-time work values of work, experience and independence Young teenagers pay

33、 or contribute towards things that are not daily living essentials Young adults leave the family home earlier than in most other countries. Work most Americans work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks paid vacation a year School ends daily 3:30pm, summer and winter vacations After work parents tak

34、e part in variety of classes, join clubs and do voluntary activities After school children take extra lessons and take part in sporting activities and do voluntary workSports American football most popular team sport and spectator sport 4 major sports American football, baseball, basketball, and hoc

35、key Golf popular sport as well as an important social gathering activity Tennis & Swimming popular among college students Skating & Skiing winter sports popular with northerners Sailing & Surfing popular with people living near coastlines & lakes Physical fitness craze concerns with being overweight

36、 and living a sedentary lifestyleCanadaSymbolsFlag Red and white Maple leaf in the center of the flag, a popular symbol of CanadaNational Anthem “O Canada”The Land and the PeopleGeography Second largest country It is composed of ten provinces and three territories. More lakes and inland water that a

37、ny other country. Most of the country is uninhabitableo Under water, rocky, marshy, and mountainous Regions Can you locate and describe them?o Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canadian Shield, Canadian Interior Plains, Western Cordillera, Canadian ArticPopulation 34,762,600

38、 people Native Canadians descended from Mongolians in Asia Demographicso Canadian 32%o English 21%o French 15.8%o Scottish 15.1%o Irish 13.9%o German 10.2%o Italian 4.6%o Chinese 4.3%HistoryImportant People John Cabot (for England) 1497o First to explore N. America since Vikingso Search for the Nort

39、hwest Passage Jacques Cartier (France) 1534o First to travel inland in North Americao Claimed Canada for France Henry Hudson (England) 1607o Attempted to find the Northwest Passageo Crew mutinied in June, 1611 and sent Hudson adrift with his son and some crew. Samuel de Champlain (France) 1608o The

40、Father of New Franceo Exploration of New Franceo Founding of Quebec Cityo Fur trade was popular at this time, especially for the highly profitable beaverNew France Seven Years War (1756 - 1763)o Conflict with English colonies to the south over trade routes, mostly for fur, especially beaver fur.o Th

41、e Treaty of Paris ended the war New France ceded to Britain Britain allowed French colonists to retain language and religion.1800s The United States and Canada fought during the War of 1812 By the 1830s, Reformers wanted an American-style government and rebelled Britain implemented a fair Canadian p

42、arliament to unite the countryo Canada became a confederation1900s Canada relied more on the US than Britain for imports and exports. World War I and II helped strengthen the economy. In 1931, Canada became an independent country but still part of the Common Wealth of NationsThe Quiet Revolution An

43、intense relationship between English and French Canadians 1974, French became the official language of Quebec Push for Quebecs independence Attempts to eliminate EnglishSocial and Cultural LifeWelfare Protections from the insecurities of modern society.o Pensions, disability protection, unemployment

44、 insurance, child benefits, maternity welfare, subsidized housing, and free medical care Pensionso Every Canadian has the right to a pension when they retire. Heath careo Responsibility of the provinceso Public heath care is universalo 90% of costs covered by the governmentEducation Just like its we

45、lfare system, education is managed by the 13 legislatures of the provinces and territories. Free schooling from kindergarten to grade 12o Grade 13 in Ontario and grade 11 in Quebec Depending on the province, school is compulsory from age 6 or 7 to 14 or 16. Elementaryo Kindergarten through grades 6

46、or 7 or 8 Secondary/high school o Up to grades 9 or 10 or 12 Community collegeso Two to three yearso Trade, vocational, and technical courses Universitieso At least three yearso Grant degreesEnvironment Environmental Conservation Authority (ECA)o Established in Alberta, it was the first body responsible for environmental issues Environment Canadao Federal department for environmental protection Attempts to curb acid raino Caused by carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide fr


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