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1、四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真卷 (考試時間:120分鐘滿分:150分) 第卷(選擇題,共100分) 第一節(jié):單項選擇(共20小題,每小題1.5分,共30分) 從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入各題空白處的最佳選項。 ( )1. Have you ever seen _ ipad? I left it here just now. Is it _pink one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. an: the B. an; a C. the; a D. the; / ( )2. There is n

2、ot enough light and _in this picture. A. dark B. darkness C. blackness D. shade ( )3. Is _here? No John and Bob have asked for leave. A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody ( )4. I think the best way to relax is _exercise. A. with B. in C. through D. by ( )5. I am wondering when the plane wil

3、l _. A. reach B. get C. arrive D. arrive in ( )6. What _ do you know about her? She often goes to the zoo with_students A. else: else B. else: other C. other: else D. other: other ( )7. His failure made his father think him a _ boy. A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointment (

4、)8. We must take effective measures to prevent traffic accidents from _ A. raising B. improving C increasing D. decreasing ( )9.Mr.Brown _his hometown since he _the army. A. has left; joined B. has been away from; has join D. has been away from; joined C. left; joined ( )10. Dont blame him, _, he is

5、 a green hand. A. above all B. after all C. in all D. first of all ( )11.-What kind of coffee do you prefer? 11 / 1 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 -I prefer coffee _ milk. A. to B. with C. than D. in ( )12.Where is Tom? I have something important to talk with him. -He was seen _the library just now. Mayb

6、e you can find him there. A. entering B. enter C. to enter D. enters ( )13. I must _my words to avoid any misunderstanding. A. think B. save C. discuss D. weigh ( )14.Mr. King didnt know _ yesterday evening. A. when does his son come home B. when his son comes home D. when his son came home C. when

7、did his son come home ( )15. I suggested that he _ every day to keep in good health. A. exercises B. exercised C. exercise D. to exercise ( )16. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. A. who B. from who C. that D. to whom ( )17. I think I will do it better if more

8、 time _. A. will give B. will be given C. is give D. is given ( )18. My idea _ to be true. A. turned out B. turned on C. turned off D. turned up ( )19. _you enjoy many years health and happiness. A. Wish B. Hope C. Expect D. May簡:三 ( )20.-Could you come, please? I want some help. -_. A. Yes. I could

9、 B. You are welcome C. Sure, Im coming now D. Thats right 第二節(jié):完形填空(共15小題,每小題2分,共30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。 “You dont look Chinese, said the little boy thoughtfully. You dont have a Chinese 21.” He was right, I dont. The boy came to me and asked if I was a( an) 22. I had heard t

10、he question so many times since my23 in China. I gave my usual 24. This was not the first time I had been treated 25. 11 / 2 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 I have attended a wedding, meetings and all sorts of other events since I go here 10 months ago. All of them have a 26 theme: I am a foreigner. The w

11、edding was the first such 27. I was my girlfriends guest at the wedding of a couple I had never met. Suddenly, they asked me to be the best man- for a guy I didnt 28. Then I passed champagne(香檳酒), held the microphone when I was asked 29 politely for photos and thanked guests for coming. Later, I met

12、 a businessman who wanted me to attend meetings to give his company a(an)30 of internationalism(國際化). I 31 the next few weeks as a professional foreigner 32 to crowds on subjects I knew nothing about and meeting their business partners. I even taught their children and ate with their wives. Professi

13、onal networks were being formed, and I was the glue keeping them together. Thats the beauty of China for a foreigner. This little boy had 33 me out as a guy who was different. I cant walk down the street without people 34 me. But it is often 35. Chinese people are great. They truly take delight in m

14、eeting outsiders. ( )21.A. tone B. face C. eye D. head ( )22. A. foreigner B. teacher C. guest D. actor C. arrival D. tour )23. A appearance B. visit ( D. gift )24.A. smile B. words C. reply ( B. carefully ( )25. A. kindly D. differently C. fairly B. special C. amazing D. common )26. A same ( B. sto

15、ry C. accident D. lesson ( )27. A. event C. know B. talk D. enjoy ( )28. A. meet B. asked )29. A smiled C. to wait D. took ( D. air ( )30. A. picture B. feeling C. color ( )31. A. took D. cost B. paid C. spent ( )32. A. studying B. presenting C. brought D. pointing C. kicked D. kept B. put ( )33. A.

16、 singled ( )34. A. photographing B. helping C. pushing D. counting D surprising B. boring C. positive ( )35. A. negative 第三節(jié):閱讀理解(共20小題,每小題2分,共40分) 閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。 Honey from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people, and many 11 / 3 四

17、川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees nest(巢)and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey hav

18、e a strange and unexpected helper a little bird called a honey guide. The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蠟 )in the beehives(蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to

19、help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the west, the follo

20、wer reaches in to get the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share. Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but it is very determined in its efforts t

21、o get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives, and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit. ( )36. Why is it difficult to find a wild bees nest? A. Its small in size B. I

22、ts hidden in trees C. Its covered with wax D. Its hard to recognize ( )37. What do the words the follower in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. A bee B. A bird C. A honey seek D. A beekeeper ( )38. The honey guide is special in the way _. A. it gets its food B. it goes to church C. it sings in the forest D. i

23、t reaches into bees nests ( )39. What can be the best title for the text? A. Wild Bees B. Wax and Honey C. Beekeeping in Africa D. Honey-Lovers Helper B Most middle school students find it boring to learn math. But students in Yat Sen Middle School in New York. 11 / 4 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 US, d

24、ont think so. Why? Because they are in the school of One Program, which asks students to work on their own or in small groups on computers to have math lessons. The program gives the students a new learning style. No traditional classroom can compare with it. We give each lesson according to the stu

25、dents interest and their strong and weak points,” Said Joel, Klein, the schools head teacher. We are looking for a new way that interests students. Students enjoy these math lessons, especially lessons with video games. They must find out the answers to math problems to get through the game. One suc

26、h game is Dimension M. As students move through mazes with their keyboards, some questions come up. Caleb Deng had to answer the question: What is 5+(6x3)?He calculated on paper quickly because there was just a minute left to play. was right, said Deng, 14, as he ended the game with a high score. Th

27、is really makes math lessons more exciting, since we are fighting to learn better. ( )40. Students in Yat Sen Middle School like math because _. A. they work in large groups B. they can work on computers. C. the teachers are interesting D. math questions are easy there ( )41. Which is Not true about

28、 the program? A. It is very successful. B. It is boring for most students C. It makes learning math more interesting. D. It gives the students a new way to learn. ( )42. The underlined word calculated in Paragraph 4 most probably means “_” A. worked out B. wrote down D. gave up C. threw away ( )43.

29、This passage is mainly about _. A. how to learn math well B. an interesting math lesson C. a new way to learn math D. kids in Yat Sen Middle School C 11 / 5 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 How do you usually go to school: walk, cycle, take a bus or drive? Most people know that students who go to school by

30、 bus or car are more likely to put on weight than those who walk or cycle. But did you know that exercising less could also make you fall behind in your schoolwork? Two Danish universities recently carried out a study of 19, 527 students between the ages of 5 and 19.The students were asked how they

31、traveled to school and were given a test. It was found that the students who were driven to school, or took a bus, performed worse in the test because they had poorer concentration than those who took a more active way. “As a third-grade pupil, if you exercise and cycle to school, your ability to co

32、ncentrate increases to the equivalent of someone half a year further in their studies, said Niels Egelund, a member of the study. Depending too much on cars is also a problem for adults. British people are much lazier these days. They are walking 80 miles less every year than ten years ago, a new st

33、udy found. “This creates a huge illness problem and lowers their quality of life, but most people dont seem to know that its a problem, said Harry Rutter from the National Obesity Observatory, UK. A lack of physical activity is the fourth main cause of early deaths around the world and causes about

34、the sames of ill health that smoking does.” ( )44. Students driven to school often do worse in their schoolwork than those on foot or cycling, because _. A. they are lazier than the other in the studies B. they may put on weight which stops them from studying well C. they have poorer ability to conc

35、entrate D. they do many other active things at school ( )45. What is Niels Egelunds opinion on cycling to school? A. He thinks that cycling is good for improving schoolwork. B. He thinks that it needs to be studied further to see if it increases concentration. C. He doesnt think its better to cycle

36、to school. D. He doesnt think exercise is useful in increasing concentration. ( )46. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Most people dont pay attention to their health. B. Without enough exercise, adults also face health problems. C. A lack of physical exercise is the main cause of deaths.

37、 D. Smoking can cause more ill health than lack of exercise. 11 / 6 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 ( )47. The writer wrote the passage mainly to tell us _. A. children whose grades are not good are lacking exercise B. concentration is very important for students C. walking and cycling are good ways to ex

38、ercise D. both students and adults need enough exercise D At thirteen, I was diagnosed(ie F )with a kind of attention disorder. It made school difficult for me. When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks, I could not. In my first literature class. Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and t

39、hen write on it, all within 45 minutes. I raised my hand right away and said, Mrs. Smith, you see, the doctor said I have attention problems. I might not be able to do it.” She glanced down at me through her glasses, “you are no different from your classmates, young man.” I tried, but I didnt finish

40、 the reading when the bell rang. I had to take it home. In the quietness of my bedroom, the story suddenly all became clear to me. It was about a blind person, Louis Braille. He lived in a time when the blind couldnt get much education. But Louis didnt give up. Instead, he invented a reading system

41、of raised dots(點),which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind. 慗湳甥?桴?扜楬摮 in my class, being made to learn like the sighted students? My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance. I completed the task within 40 minutes. Indeed, I was no different from others; I just needed a qu

42、ieter place. If Louis could find his way out of his problems, why should I ever give up? I didnt expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs. Smith, so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day with an A on it. At the bottom of the paper were these words. See what you can do

43、when you keep trying? ( )48. The author didnt finish the reading in class because _. A. he was new to the class B. he was tired of literature D. he wanted to take the task home C. he had an attention disorder ( )49. What do we know about Louis Braille from the passage? A. He had good sight B. He mad

44、e a great invention C. He gave up reading D. He learned a lot from school 11 / 7 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 ( )50. What was Mrs. Smiths attitude to the author at the end of the story? A. Angry B. Inpatient C. Sympathetic D. Encouraging ( )51. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The disabled shou

45、ld be treated with respect B. A teacher can open up a new world to students. C. One can find his way out of difficulties with efforts D. Everyone needs a hand when faced with challenges. E For my grandmothers 70th birthday, my family and I visited South Korea. While there, I was attentive to South K

46、orean high schools and students. I was surprised by how different South Koreas public high schools are from Americas. South Korean high schools can be all-girls all-boys or co-ed(男女同校的) unlike our standard co-ed high schools. In America, unless you want to go to a private school, you dont have to ta

47、ke an entrance exam. In South Korea, however, students must take a test to get in because of the many choices of schools. Another difference I couldnt help but notice was the students appearance. With very few exceptions, all wear uniforms. A name tag(標牌)with the students name, grade and homeroom nu

48、mber must also be worn. Girls skirts cant be above the upper part of the knee, and it is forbidden to dye(染)your hair or wear accessories(裝飾品)except small earrings. There are strict regulations for appearance to achieve neatness, and it seems the only freedom students have is with their choices of h

49、air style, socks and shoes. The final difference was the setup of the classes. There may be 40 students in a classroom, but the number can be less or even more, depending on the population of the town or city. Although there are many students per classroom, they are very close, which I think is a re

50、sult of not changing classrooms for different subjects. There are no levels in the subjects and the teachers are the ones who switch classrooms. They just have ten-minute breaks between subjects. In each class, students are ranked by their grades. This causes strict competition, and South Korean stu

51、dents do a lot of studying. To help them, all schools have extra study classes after school. One other fact that helped me appreciate living in America is that South Koreans have school on Saturdays. Although its only a half day, I think I speak for most Americans when I say we could never imagine o

52、urselves in school on a Saturday. South Koreas public high schools are clearly different from Americas. I had imagined them to be just like our schools, but now I have a clear picture of how different they are. ( )52. How many main differences are mentioned between South Koreas public high school 11

53、 / 8 四川綿陽中學(xué)2016年高中自主招生英語真題包含答案 and Americas? A.3 B.4. C.5 D.6 ( )53. It seems that the writer _ A. is familiar with the education system of high school in South Korea B. is fond of South Korean students appearance C. prefers the high school life of America to the one of South Korea D. feels it commo

54、n to have lessons at weekends ( )54. The underlined word setup in Paragraph 5 probably means _. A arrangement B. size C number D outline ( )55. According to the rules, the students of South Korea can _. A. go to different high schools without exams B. wear any clothes except uniforms at school C. at

55、tend different class as they like D. have different hair styles 第卷(非選擇題共50分) 一、缺詞填空(共10小題,每空1分,共10分) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和所給首字母,在空格處填入一個適當?shù)脑~,使短文意思完整。請將答案寫在每行規(guī)定的橫線上,單詞要完整。 My teachers suggested that I see a speech specialist(專家)in school. Before testing me, the speech specialist a1 me what I thought of having good speech. I told


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