工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué):2008-2009 期末B_第1頁
工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué):2008-2009 期末B_第2頁
工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué):2008-2009 期末B_第3頁
工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué):2008-2009 期末B_第4頁
工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué):2008-2009 期末B_第5頁
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1、中國石油大學(xué)(北京)2008-2009學(xué)年度第1學(xué)期儲運2006工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué)期末試卷B卷(閉卷)姓名: 班級: 學(xué)號: 工程熱力學(xué)傳熱學(xué)總分題號一二三四五得分All the answers be written on the answer sheetThermodynamics一. PROBLEMS ( 30 points for total )1 Consider a well insulated rigid tank that is divided into two compartments by a partition. Initially, one side holds air,

2、 while the other side is evacuated. The partition Is now removed, and the air fills the entire tank. Analysis: (1) the change of internal energy of the air;(2) Is the work done by air? (6 points)2 Write the applicable conditions of the expressions.(8 points).(1); (2); (3); (4) 3 Describe the change

3、of internal energy of ideal gas during a process from an initial state 1 to a final state 2 in T-s diagram. (4 points)4 A system undergoes a process between two fixed states first in a reversible manner and then in an irreversible manner. For which case is the entropy change greater? Why? (4 points)

4、5 According to the T-s figure of an ideal reheat rankle cycle(再熱循環(huán)), describe the thermal processes involved in the cycle. Write the expression of thermal efficiency. (8 points)二. CALCULATION(30 points for total)1 Consider a well insulated horizontal rigid cylinder that is divided into two compartme

5、nts by a piston that is free to move but does not allow either gas to leak into the other side. Initially, one side holds 0.5kg of the ideal gas at 30C, and 0.4MPa, while the other side holds 0.5kg of the same ideal gas at 30C, and 0.12MPa. Now thermal equilibrium is established in the cylinder as a

6、 result of heat transfer through the piston.i. Find expressions for the equilibrium temperature T and pressure P reached after removal of the partition. ii. Calculate the entropy changes for A and B and the total entropy change of the cylinder. Assume that Cv,m is constant, Rg=0.287kJ/(kg.K), and th

7、at the process is adiabatic. (15 points)2 An inventor claims to have devised a heat pump which exchanges heat with reservoirs at 393K and 300K, the work is provided by a heat engine which exchanges heat with two constant temperature reservoirs at 1200 K and 300 K. The heat engine absorbs heat QH=110

8、0 kJ, produces work Wnet=742.5kJ Determine:(1) Can the heat engine work? reversible or irreversible?(2) If the heat pump rejects heat Q1=2400 kJ,can the heat pump work? reversible or irreversible?(3) The maximum amount of heat that heat pump produces Q1,max.(15 points)Heat Transfer三. PROBLEMS ( 24 p

9、oints for total )1 Describe the expressions (1) Heat conduction differential equation; (2) Fin(肋)efficiency;(3) The surface resistance to radiation(表面輻射熱阻);(4) The space resistance to radiation(空間輻射熱阻).(6 points)2 The nondimensionalized equation of forced turbulent flow in the tube is . Write the de

10、finitions and meanings of Nu, Re, Pr.(6 points)3 Describe the characteristics of the velocity and thermal boundary layer.(6 points)4 The figure shows a ideal gray diffuse surface.Try to write the radiation energy involved with the surface. Write the expressions of radiosity(有效輻射) and net radiation h

11、eat transfer(凈輻射熱流)of the surface. (6 points)四. CALCULATION(16 points for total)A Steam pipe with an outside radius of 4cm is covered with a layer of asbestos(石棉)insulation =0.15W/(m.) 1cm thick, which is in turn covered with fiberglass(玻璃纖維)insulation =0.05W/(m.) 3cm thick. The outside surface of t

12、he steam pipe is at a temperature of 330, and the outside surface of the fiberglass insulation is at 30.Determine (1) the heat transfer rate per meter length of the pipe and; (2) the interface temperature between the asbestos and the fiberglass insulation. 中國石油大學(xué)(北京)2006-2007學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期儲運2004工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué)期末

13、試卷B卷(閉卷)工程熱力學(xué)部分五. 判斷對錯(每題1分,共計5分)1 氣體膨脹時一定對外作功;( )2 道爾頓定律只適用于理想氣體,定律指出混合氣體的總壓力等于各組元分壓力之和;( )3 工質(zhì)被加熱熵一定增大,工質(zhì)放熱熵一定減??;( )4 當(dāng)m公斤的河水與G公斤的沸水具有相同的熱力學(xué)能時,它們的可用能一定相同;( )5 水蒸氣的定溫膨脹過程滿足Q=W。( )六. 問答題(共計18分)6 將滿足以下要求的理想氣體多變過程表示在同一個p-v圖和T-s圖上(1) 理想氣體的定溫,定壓,定容和定熵過程;(2) 工質(zhì)又膨脹,又升溫,又吸熱的多變過程。(5分)7 某熱機(jī)工作在T1=2000K的高溫?zé)嵩春蚑

14、2=300K的低溫?zé)嵩粗g,問能否實現(xiàn)作功1200kJ,向低溫?zé)嵩捶艧?00 kJ?(4分)8 解釋濕空氣的露點溫度,說明將未飽和濕空氣轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)轱柡蜐窨諝獾姆椒ā#?分)9 如圖為蒸汽一次再熱循環(huán)的T-s圖, 指出各相應(yīng)過程的特點,并寫出熱效率的計算公式。(5分)七. 計算題(共計30分)1 如圖有一汽缸和活塞組成的系統(tǒng),汽缸壁和活塞均由絕熱材料制成,活塞可在汽缸中無摩擦地自由移動。初始時活塞位于汽缸中間, A,B 兩部分理想氣體的質(zhì)量均為1 kg,兩邊的壓力、溫度都相同, 并有PA1= PB1 =0.2 MPa,tA1= tB1= 20?,F(xiàn)通過 A 腔氣體內(nèi)的一個加熱線圈,對A 腔氣體緩慢加熱

15、,則活塞向右緩慢移動, 直至 PA2= PB2 =0.4 MPa 時。試計算: (1) A,B 腔內(nèi)氣體的終態(tài)容積, 終態(tài)溫度各是多少 ? (2) 過程中供給 A 腔氣體的熱量是多少 ?(3) A,B 腔內(nèi)氣體的熵變及整個氣體組成的系統(tǒng)熵變是多少 ? 設(shè)氣體的比熱容為定值,cp = 1.01 kJ/(kg.K),cV = 0.72kJ/(kg.K)(15分)2 將1 kmol理想氣體在400K下從0.1 MPa緩慢地定溫壓縮到1.0 MPa,試計算下列三種情況下此過程氣體的熵變,熱源的熵變和總熵變。(1) 過程無摩擦,熱源溫度為400K;(2) 過程無摩擦,熱源溫度為300K;(3) 過程有摩

16、擦,比可逆壓縮多消耗20%的功,熱源溫度為300K。(15分)傳熱學(xué)部分四. 回答問題(共計21分)5 一個具體導(dǎo)熱問題的完整數(shù)學(xué)描述應(yīng)包括哪些方面?寫出直角坐標(biāo)系,有內(nèi)熱源,常物性,非穩(wěn)態(tài)三維導(dǎo)熱的微分方程。(4分)6 寫出平直絕熱邊界節(jié)點溫度的有限差分計算式。(2分)7 流體強(qiáng)迫對流換熱特征數(shù)關(guān)聯(lián)式包括哪些準(zhǔn)則,寫出各準(zhǔn)則的表達(dá)形式及物理意義。(6分)8 以流體外掠平板時流動邊界層為例,分析說明邊界層內(nèi)熱量交換的特點。(5分)9 如圖,兩表面組成一封閉系統(tǒng),試確定角系數(shù)的值。已知兩表面面積A1,A2。(4分)五. 計算題(共計26分)5 用熱電偶測量氣罐中氣體的溫度。熱電偶近似為球形,直徑

17、為0.2mm。熱電偶的初始溫度為20,與氣體表面的傳熱系數(shù)為10 W/(m2.K)。試計算插入氣體中10s后,(1) 熱電偶的過余溫度為初始過余溫度的百分之幾?(2) 要使熱電偶過余溫度不大于初始過余溫度的1%,至少需要多長時間?已知熱電偶焊絲的= 67 W/(m.K),=7310 kg/m3,c=228 J/(kg.K)。(12分)6 兩塊平行放置的平板表面發(fā)射率均為0.6,其板間距遠(yuǎn)小于板的寬度和高度,且兩表面溫度分別為t1=427 ,t2=27 。試計算:(1) 板1的自身輻射;(2) 板1的投入輻射;(3) 板1的反射輻射;(4) 板1的有效輻射;(5) 板1,2間的凈輻射換熱量。(1

18、4分)中國石油大學(xué)(北京)2006-2007學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期儲運2004工程熱力學(xué)與傳熱學(xué)期末試卷B卷答案工程熱力學(xué)部分一. 判斷對錯(每題1分,共計5分)1 X; 2 ; 3 X; 4 X; 5 X 。二. 問答題(共計18分)1 (5分)2 (4分)答:法1:利用克勞修斯積分式判斷循環(huán)是否可行:,因此此循環(huán)能實現(xiàn),且為不可逆熱機(jī)。法2;利用孤立系統(tǒng)熵增原理判斷循環(huán)是否可行;孤立系統(tǒng)由高溫?zé)嵩矗蜏責(zé)嵩?,熱機(jī)和功源組成。 ,故此循環(huán)能實現(xiàn)。3 (4分)答:濕空氣中水蒸氣分壓力所對應(yīng)的飽和溫度,稱為露點溫度。將未飽和濕空氣轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)轱柡蜐窨諝獾姆椒ㄓ袃煞N:法1:濕空氣溫度T一定時,增加水蒸氣分壓力

19、, 法2:保持水蒸氣含量不變,降低濕空氣溫度。4 (5分)答:熱力過程為:4-5-6-1 鍋爐中未飽和水定壓加熱成過熱水蒸氣過程;1-7過熱蒸汽在高壓汽輪機(jī)中可逆絕熱膨脹過程;7-1過熱蒸汽在再熱器中可逆定壓加熱過程;1-2 過熱蒸汽在低壓汽輪機(jī)中可逆絕熱膨脹對外作功過程;2-3 乏氣在冷凝器中可逆定壓放熱過程;3-4 飽和水在給水泵中可逆絕熱被壓縮過程。熱效率:由:得:三. 計算題(共計30分)1 (15分)解:(1)根據(jù)題意,B側(cè)為可逆絕熱膨脹過程,終態(tài)時A,B兩側(cè)壓力相同,且過程中總體積不變,即。先計算工質(zhì)的物性常數(shù):。初始時:先取B為熱力系,進(jìn)行可逆絕熱過程,故有:,A熱力系:,溫度:。(2) 再?。ˋ+B)為熱力系統(tǒng),整個系統(tǒng)對外不作功。有: (3)求熵變:整個汽缸絕熱系的熵變:2 (15分)解:(1)此過程為可逆過程。對于可逆的定溫壓縮過程,消耗功量:因此,由閉口系統(tǒng)能量守恒得:將氣體和熱源看成孤立系統(tǒng),孤立系統(tǒng)經(jīng)歷可逆過程,由孤立系統(tǒng)熵增原理得:其中: (2)熱源和氣體之間進(jìn)行有溫差的傳熱過程,故該過程為不可逆過程。因為


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