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1、百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我%事N將以孚畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計(jì))外文翻譯題目:我國(guó)鄉(xiāng)村旅游開(kāi)發(fā)研究一一以浙江臨安白沙村為例學(xué) 院:旅游與城市管理學(xué)院專(zhuān)業(yè):資源環(huán)境與城鄉(xiāng)規(guī)劃管理 班 級(jí):規(guī)劃0801學(xué) 號(hào):05學(xué)生姓名:陳崎指導(dǎo)教師:程乾二O二年六月百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我外文翻譯之一Factors for success in rural tourism tourism development作者: Suza nne Wils on, Daniel , Julie Fese nm aier and Joh n C,Va n Es 國(guó)籍:US 出處:Journal of Travel Re

2、search原文正文:Since the 1970s,ec ono mic restructuri ng and farm crisis have reducedruralcom mun itiesecono mic developme ntopti ons,making olderdevelopment strategies less viable and forcing many to look for nontraditionalways to sustain themselves. One of the most popularnon traditi onal rural develo

3、pme nt strategies has bee n tourism and its associatedentrepreneurshipruraldevelopment strategies has beentourism and its associated en trepre neurship opport un ities because of tourisms ability to bring in dollars and to gen erate jobs and support retail growth. The purpose of this study was to id

4、entifyand examine thosefactors that have helped rural com mun ities successfully develop tourism and its entrepreneurshipopportunities. Several focus groups werecon ducted with local bus in esspers ons and leaders in six rural Illi nois com mun ities. The results clearlydem on strate the importa nee

5、 of thecommunity approach to tourism development and that rural tourism developme nt and en trepre neurship cannot work without the participati on and collaborati on of bus in esspers ons directly and in directlyinvo Ived intourism.Si nee the 1970s, econo mic restructuri ng and the farm crisis have

6、severely reduced rural communities economic restructuring has causeda loss of rural manu facturi ng pla nts and many jobs. The 1980s farm crisis in the Midwest also led to a decline in the numbers of farmers and restructured farm ownership, forcing somefarm families to augment their in comes with of

7、f-farm jobs, to depart farmi ng, or to declare ban kruptcy. The farm crisis and the loss of manufacturing jobs had substantial ripple effects in rural communities. As rural joblessness rates rose above urban levels, real in come growth stag nated in rural areas (Sears and Reid 1992). Many stores and

8、 agribus in esses disappeared from small rural tow ns. Not surprisingly,a 1992 statewide survey in Illinois found that 39%of ruralresidents perceived their economic prospects as worsening (Walzer 1993).These changes limited rural communities economic development opti ons, making older developme nt s

9、trategies such as manu facturi ng less viable and forcing many to look for nontraditional ways to sustain themselves . One of the most popular non traditi onal rural developme nt strategies has been tourism and its associatedentrepreneurshipopportunities(Edgell and Harbaugh 1993; Luloff et al. 1994)

10、. Rural areashave a special appeal to tourists because of the mystique associated with rural areas and their disti net cultural, historic, eth nic, and geographic characteristics (Edgell and Harbaugh 1993). Rural tourism also is less costly and easier to establish tha n other rural econo mic develop

11、me nt strategies such as manufacturing.Rural tourism can be developmentstrategies such as manufacturing.Rural tourism can be developed locallywith participati on from local gover nment and small bus in esses, and its developme nt is not n ecessarily depe ndent on outside firms or compa ni es. Althou

12、gh tourism can be expe nsive to develop in certa in cases ., large resort areas) or can invo Ive large firms and cha in s, rural tourism can be developed with relatively little investment credit, training, andcapital. Hence, rural tourism can be less costly to develop as comparedto other econo mic d

13、evelopme nt strategies; additi on ally, rural tourismn eed not invo Ive depe ndency on outside firms and their decisi ons onwhether they want to be in an area. Rural tourism provides a base for thesesmall bus in essesmight not otherwise be in rural communities becauseof their small populations. Tour

14、ism particularly helps two types of small bus in esses in rural areas those directly invo Ived in tourism.,attracti onsand hotels/motels) and those in directly invo Ived in tourism .,gas statio ns and grocery stores). Additi on ally,rural tourism works wellwith existing rural enterprises such as far

15、ms ., U-Pick farms) and can gen erate importa ntsec on dary in come for farm households (Opperma nn1996).Nonetheless, rural tourism remains one of the few viable economic options for rural communities 丄ike other economic development strategies, rural tourism requires several comp onents to be succes

16、sful.Tourism developme nt invo lves(1)attract ions:the n atural andmanm adeeatures both within and adjace nt to a com mun ity; (2) promoti on: the marketing of a community and its tourism attractions to potential tourists;(3) tourism infrastructure:access facilities (roads, airports,trains, and buse

17、s),water and power services, park ing,sig ns,andrecreation facilities; (4) services:lodging,restaurants,and thevarious retail bus in esses n eeded to take care of tourists n eeds; (5)hospitality: how tourists are treated by both com mun ity reside nts and employees in tourism bus in esses and attrac

18、t ions (Gu nn 1988). Left out of this list are tourism entrepreneurs and their role in fostering these components. While the above components and a community s assets areclearlyimporta ntto tourismdevelopme nt,only the widespreadparticipation and contribution of rural tourism entrepreneurs can ensur

19、e a broad-based foun dati on for successful tourism developme nt. A research literature has emerged on how to best facilitate the developme nt oftourism. On eview, draw ing heavily on the econo mic literature, argues that tourism and its associatedentrepreneurshipopportunitiesare bestdeveloped by he

20、lp ing and creati ng in dividualsbus in esses and the n lett ingthem compete in the marketplace for a review and descripti on of this view). This view, however, has been critiqued because (1) it views tourism and tourism-relatedbus in esses as isolated from the larger com mun ity andits issues;(2) i

21、t does not recognize the interdependence of the various sectors and actors invo Ived in tourism; and (3)most small tourism bus in ess, especially those in rural areas, do not have the in dividual resources to promote either themselves or the community as a tourist product (Gunn 1988; Murphy 1985; Pa

22、lmer and Bejou 1995).Opposing this view is the community approach to tourism developme nt and en trepre neurship (Murphy 1985). As its nameimplies, the approach argues that tourism is a community product and that, along with en trepre neurial skills and the prese nee of tourist bus in esses, it is a

23、lso n ecessary to have the com mun ity and local capabilities ., local leadership and formal and in formaln etworks)directly invo Ived in tourism developme nt and promoti on effort (Murphy 1985). While the com mun ity approach may be an effective way to develop and promote tourism, creat ing the n e

24、cessary in tercom mun ity cooperatio n and collaborati onis a complex and difficult process. Bus in esses are askedto share resources while simultaneously competing. Local governments may see collaborating to develop tourism as risky, or they maybe worried about losing control over local decision ma

25、king (Huang and Stewart 1996; Jamal and Getz 1995). Because of these problems, research on collaborationandthose factors that allow for community development of tourism is needed . The purpose of the present study is to identifyand examine those factorsthat help ruralcommunities successfully develop

26、 tourism and itsen trepre neurship opport un ities. The prese nt study makes an additi onal contributionto the research literature by includingrural tourism en trepre neurs, an overlooked group in rural tourism research (Stokowski1990).鄉(xiāng)村旅游發(fā)展成功因素作者:蘇珊娜威爾遜,丹尼爾 朱莉和約翰國(guó)籍:美國(guó)出處:SAGE出版社中文譯文:20世紀(jì)70年代以來(lái),經(jīng)濟(jì)體制

27、的改革和農(nóng)業(yè)危機(jī)使得農(nóng)村社區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的 選擇減少,同時(shí)促使老年人發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略可行性降低, 迫使人們?nèi)ふ曳莻鹘y(tǒng)的方式 來(lái)維持生計(jì)。鄉(xiāng)村旅游及其相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展策略因其為社會(huì)帶來(lái)的資金收入、增加就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)及支持零售增長(zhǎng)的功能而成為時(shí)下最流行的非傳統(tǒng)農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展策略之一。 本研究的目的是確定和審查這些因素,幫助農(nóng)村社區(qū)成功走上發(fā)展旅游業(yè)的創(chuàng)業(yè) 道路。幾個(gè)重點(diǎn)群體在伊利諾斯六個(gè)農(nóng)村社區(qū)與當(dāng)?shù)厣倘撕皖I(lǐng)導(dǎo)人進(jìn)行了實(shí)驗(yàn)。 結(jié)果清楚地表明重要的社區(qū)不是直接就是間接地參與到了鄉(xiāng)村旅游的開(kāi)發(fā)中。20 世紀(jì)70年代以來(lái),經(jīng)濟(jì)體制的改革和農(nóng)業(yè)危機(jī)的發(fā)生已嚴(yán)重阻礙了農(nóng)村 經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,經(jīng)濟(jì)結(jié)構(gòu)的調(diào)整導(dǎo)致了鄉(xiāng)村農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)力和就業(yè)崗位的減

28、少。20世紀(jì)80年代在中西部發(fā)生的農(nóng)業(yè)危機(jī)也導(dǎo)致了農(nóng)民和重組制農(nóng)場(chǎng)的減少,迫使一 些農(nóng)戶為增加收入而參與非農(nóng)工作, 或離開(kāi)農(nóng)場(chǎng),或宣布破產(chǎn)。農(nóng)場(chǎng)的危機(jī)和制 造工作的丟失對(duì)農(nóng)村社區(qū)產(chǎn)生了重大的影響。隨著農(nóng)村失業(yè)率高于城市水平,實(shí)際的收入增長(zhǎng)停滯在農(nóng)村地區(qū)(希爾和瑞德 1992)。許多商店和農(nóng)業(yè)從農(nóng)村小 城鎮(zhèn)消失,毫不奇怪,1992年伊利諾斯州的調(diào)查表明,39%勺農(nóng)村居民認(rèn)為他們 的經(jīng)濟(jì)前景將惡化(沃爾澤1993)。這些變化限制了農(nóng)村社區(qū)的經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展方案, 使舊式的發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略例如制造業(yè)的 可行性降低,并迫使許多人尋找非傳統(tǒng)的方式來(lái)維持生活。其中最流行的非傳統(tǒng) 的農(nóng)村發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略當(dāng)屬旅游及其相關(guān)的創(chuàng)業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)(

29、艾基爾和哈博1993;魯洛夫等人。1994)。農(nóng)村地區(qū)因其神秘獨(dú)特的文化,歷史,民族和地理特征而對(duì)游客產(chǎn) 生了特殊的吸引力,(艾基爾和哈博 1993)。鄉(xiāng)村旅游比起其他的農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā) 展戰(zhàn)略例如制造業(yè)相對(duì)來(lái)說(shuō)開(kāi)發(fā)成本較低且建立較容易。鄉(xiāng)村旅游的發(fā)展可以帶 動(dòng)制造等的發(fā)展。鄉(xiāng)村旅游可以與其所在地的地方政府和小型企業(yè)共同發(fā)展,但它的發(fā)展并不一定依賴于外部企業(yè)或公司。 雖然旅游在某些中心地區(qū)的發(fā)展需要較大的成本投入或者涉及大公司和連鎖企業(yè), 但是鄉(xiāng)村旅游卻可以在較少的信貸 投資,人員培訓(xùn)和少量資本情況下得到發(fā)展。因此,鄉(xiāng)村旅游相比較其他的經(jīng)濟(jì) 發(fā)展策略可以在較少投入花費(fèi)情況下得以發(fā)展。此外,鄉(xiāng)村旅游不

30、需要涉及依賴外部公司以及他們是否在同一區(qū)域的決定。 鄉(xiāng)村旅游為一些因人口少而可能無(wú)法 留在農(nóng)村社區(qū)的小公司提供了保障。旅游特別有助于兩種類(lèi)型的小型企業(yè),在農(nóng) 村地區(qū)直接參與(例如,旅游景點(diǎn)和酒店、汽車(chē)旅館)和間接參與旅游的企業(yè)(例 如,加油站和雜貨店)。此外,鄉(xiāng)村旅游與現(xiàn)有的鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)企業(yè)如農(nóng)場(chǎng) (例如,采場(chǎng)) 發(fā)展較好并且可以為家庭農(nóng)場(chǎng)產(chǎn)生第二收入(奧普曼1996)。盡管有這些好處,其可行性作為一個(gè)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,鄉(xiāng)村旅游,在一些農(nóng)村地區(qū)業(yè)有缺點(diǎn)(lulof 等人。1994 1989) 0如農(nóng)村制造,它可以使得農(nóng)村社區(qū)之間互相競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。旅游業(yè) 的就業(yè),像許多其他服務(wù)部門(mén),仍然是美國(guó)最低工資支付階梯(19

31、89)。旅游及 和它相關(guān)的工作的生產(chǎn)利潤(rùn)往往是季節(jié)性的,一年中只有部分。然而,鄉(xiāng)村旅游對(duì)于農(nóng)村社區(qū)仍然是少數(shù)可行的經(jīng)濟(jì)選擇。像其他的經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略一樣,鄉(xiāng)村旅 游的成功需要若干部分的組成。旅游開(kāi)發(fā)涉及(1)景點(diǎn):社區(qū)內(nèi)自然和人為的功能分區(qū);(2)推廣:一個(gè) 社區(qū)和旅游景點(diǎn)的潛在游客的營(yíng)銷(xiāo);(3)旅游設(shè)施:設(shè)施(公路,機(jī)場(chǎng),火車(chē), 公共汽車(chē)),水和電力服務(wù),停車(chē)場(chǎng),標(biāo)志,及娛樂(lè)設(shè)施;(4)服務(wù):住宿,餐飲,和各種零售企業(yè)需要照顧的游客的需要;(5)餐飲:游客在旅游企業(yè)和 旅游景點(diǎn)被社區(qū)居民和雇員如何對(duì)待(甘 1988)。除上述列表外,還有旅游企 業(yè)家促進(jìn)了旅游的開(kāi)發(fā)。雖然上述成分和社區(qū)資產(chǎn)對(duì)于旅游

32、開(kāi)發(fā)是十分重要的, 只有廣泛的參與和貢獻(xiàn),鄉(xiāng)村旅游企業(yè)家確保廣泛的基礎(chǔ),鄉(xiāng)村旅游才能成功的 發(fā)展。研究文學(xué)出現(xiàn)了關(guān)于如何最好地促進(jìn)旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展的研究。一個(gè)繪制大量的經(jīng)濟(jì)試圖的文獻(xiàn),認(rèn)為對(duì)旅游業(yè)及其相關(guān)的創(chuàng)業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)最好的幫助是建立個(gè)人企 業(yè),讓他們?cè)谑袌?chǎng)上競(jìng)爭(zhēng)這一觀點(diǎn),但是,一直精益求精,因?yàn)樗崖糜螛I(yè)及相 關(guān)企業(yè)及其問(wèn)題作為孤立的大社區(qū); 它不承認(rèn)相互依存,不同的部門(mén)和行動(dòng)者共 同參與旅游;(6)多數(shù)旅游小企業(yè),特別是在農(nóng)村地區(qū),沒(méi)有資源,實(shí)現(xiàn)自身 或社會(huì)旅游產(chǎn)品的開(kāi)發(fā)(甘1988; 1985;帕和bejou1995 )。反對(duì)這一觀點(diǎn)的 是社區(qū)旅游業(yè)發(fā)展的企業(yè)家(莫非1985)o顧名思義,該方法

33、認(rèn)為,旅游是一 個(gè)社區(qū)和產(chǎn)品,隨著旅游企業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè)技能的發(fā)展,以及當(dāng)?shù)厣鐓^(qū)(例如,當(dāng)?shù)氐念I(lǐng)導(dǎo)和正式或非正式網(wǎng)絡(luò))直接參與旅游的開(kāi)發(fā)和促銷(xiāo)的努力(莫非1985)。而社區(qū)的辦法可能是一種有效的方式,推動(dòng)旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展,創(chuàng)造了必要的共同合作, 合作是一個(gè)復(fù)雜而艱難的過(guò)程。企業(yè)資源共享的同時(shí),也有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的要求。地方政 府可以看到合作發(fā)展旅游業(yè)是有風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的,或者他們可能擔(dān)心失去地方?jīng)Q策的控制 (黃和斯圖爾特1996;賈馬爾和蓋茨1995)。了解這些問(wèn)題,合作研究這些因 素,對(duì)于社區(qū)旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展是必要的。 本研究的目的是確定和審查這些因素, 幫 助農(nóng)村社區(qū)成功發(fā)展旅游業(yè),創(chuàng)造創(chuàng)業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)。本研究額外進(jìn)行了對(duì)在鄉(xiāng)村旅游發(fā)

34、 展中的鄉(xiāng)村旅游企業(yè)家,一個(gè)被忽視的群體的研究(斯托科夫斯基1990)。外文翻譯之Rural Tourism and Economic Development作者:Martha Frederick國(guó)籍:出處:SAGE Publication原文正文: Tourism is a popular econo mic developme nt strategy. The author reviews three diverse books that study tourism from various social scie nee perspectivesecono mic, sociologic

35、al, psychological, andanthropological.Ryan s book is multidisciplinary in approach and coversall major topics of tourism; tourist experienee; and marketing. Michal Smith details the negative affects of tourism development in rural areas of the southeaster n Un ited States. Fin ally, Vale ne Smith s

36、book prese nts international case studies that document cultural changes caused by tourism developme nt. Despite their differe nt focuses, all three books agree that tourism developme nt has its ben efits and costs and that cha nges to the desti nati on areas are in evitable. Careful pla nning and m

37、arketi ng can lesse n the harmful effects of tourism developme nt.Tourism is an increasinglypopular elixir to economic rural and urbanun derdevelopme nt. Its curre nt prominence in the array of local econo mic developme nt strategies can be traced to several features of the tourism in dustry. Touris

38、m jobs are mostly low-skill jobs, which are a good fit with the job skills of manyrural residents. Also, tourism has a potential for creating an export base that builds on favorable local advantages such as a pleasant climate or sites of historic or natural interest. More important, tourism strategi

39、es meshwith the current political philosophy and budget realities of minimizing government invoIvement and investment. The accommodations, restaurants,and entertainmentactivities thatn ecessarily accompa ny tourism are assumed to be provided by the private8百度文庫(kù)-讓每個(gè)人平等地提升自我sector. Critics of tourism

40、as a development strategy cite its low-paying and dead-end jobs, its degradation of the local natural environment, and its potentialcorruptionof local culture and customs. Further, not everyjurisdict ion in n eed of jobs and a tax base has tourism pote ntial.The study of tourism, like muchof the eco

41、nomic development literature, draws from a wide range of discipli nes. The forte of econo mists is in addressingthe affects of tourism on the local economy; however,econo mists failto describe who touristsare or why they travel.Anthropologists major contributionto defining and studying tourism isin

42、examining the impacts of tourism on local culture. Psychologists are more likely to dwell on the motives for tourism, but they ignore the impacts. Clearly, the complete definition of tourismincludestheecono mic, social, an thropological, and psychological viewpo in ts. One stre ngth of Recreati onal

43、 Tourism: A social Scie nee Perspective by Chris Ryan is its multidisciplinary approach to the study of tourism. In contrast, the case studies from around the world found in Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, edited by Valene Smith, dwell on tourism from the perspectives of history andan

44、thropology, with its focus on theculture affects of tourism and tourism s role in the acculturation process. Behind the Glitter: The Impact of Tourism on Rural Women in the Southeast, by Michal Smith, focuses on the economic and cultural effects of tourism in the rural Southeast.Ben efits of tourism

45、Perhaps chief among the adva ntages of tourism is that it is see n as obta in able, eve n for com mun ities with mini mal public resources. Most com mun ities env isi on n egligible public in vestme nts such as new roads, history markers, town cleanup, storefrontrehabilitation,and marketing.The priv

46、ate sector is expected to provide hotels, motels, restaura nts, en terta inment, and other tourist accommodati ons.Second, tourism is a relatively easy-to-un dersta nd con cept for the lay public and can, therefore, gen erate local support. Com mun ity pride leads reside nts to con clude that their

47、home tow n has somethi ng to offer tourists. Tourism builds on perceived and exist ing local adva ntages or amenities, such as sites of historical interest, mountains and other places of natural beauty, pleasant climates, or clean air. Tourism development uses these resources, which are“free ” ” in

48、the sense thatthe tourism industry has not paid for them. In some cases, these natural resources would have small econo mic value without tourism developme nt. Mieczkowske cites the Alps,“ dying ” fish ing or mill tow ns of NewE ngla ndand the Canadian Maritime provinces, and Caribbean islands as pl

49、aces where tourism has given economic value to natural amenities. Thus tourism can have a positive econo mic effect in such areas of otherwise low econo mic productivity.Third, decades of experieneein smokestack chasing has beendisappo in ti ng for many com mun ities. The competitio n for manu factu

50、ri ng plants is intense and as long as manufacturing employment continues its dow nwardtre nd, competiti on for the rema ining pla nts will only in crease. Also, tourism is perceived as a cleaner industry for the environment than is manu facturi ng.Fourth, rural tourism have ns tend to be growth. Th

51、is decade became known as the population turnaround as it was the first time in the history of the United States the population of rural areas grew at faster rates than urban areas. In Behind the Glitter, Smith found that 65 of the 84 rural tourism counties in her study of the Southeast had populati

52、on growth equal to or exceeding the nationalrate of growth in the1970s.,these nonmetropolitan counties grew %and in the 1980s, they grew at a still impressive rate of %.Fifth, tourism is a labor-intensiveindustry,creating large numbersof jobs that employ low-skill workers and youths, whomayotherwise

53、 rema in unemployed. The low-skilled nature of tourism jobs is ideal for economies with poorly educated or trained labor forces. These added jobs help cut welfare rolls and provide a source of tax reve nue.Fin ally, tourism developme nt means more in come and profits for tourist-related bus in esses

54、. Local in come from tourist expe nditures is mostly spe nt aga in in the local area, which leads to more local in come, and perhaps, to more local jobs. Such in direct ben efits of tourism are measured via regional economic impacts of tourism. Ryan s book has asecti on that in troduces tech niq ues

55、 used to measure the econo mic impacts of tourism. Many other studies also focus on measuri ng econo mic effects of tourism. In contrast,other sources of economic activity, particularlyfor remote coun ties, create relativelyfew direct and in directben efits.For example, nuclear power plants,waste di

56、sposal sites,and manymanu facturi ngpla nts create relatively few jobs and gen erate smallamounts of local purchases.Aside from the fact that not all com mun ities can be tourist have ns, tourism developme nt has its costs. It seems that every ben efit of tourism developme nt has a corresp onding cost.鄉(xiāng)村旅游和經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展作者:弗雷德里克國(guó)籍:美國(guó)出處:SAGE出版社中文譯文:旅游


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