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1、 畢業(yè)論文開題報告學 生 姓 名:學 號:學 院、系:專 業(yè):論 文 題 目:femaleimagesinthethornbirds荊棘鳥中的女性形象指導教師:2015 年 3 月 20 日畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告1結(jié)合畢業(yè)論文情況,根據(jù)所查閱的文獻資料,撰寫2000字左右的文獻綜述:literature reviewthis part discusses the previous studies on the thorn birds, which include the bible prototype perspective, inter-textuality between the

2、bible and the work,comparative study with some other feminist works, structuralism and eco-criticism aspects. it also briefly introduces the author and her main works, explains the theoretical basis of this thesis, especially the main arguments of radical feminist theory. radical feminism issues ser

3、ious criticism against patriarchy from the perspectives of religion, economic relations, class status and sexuality. it argues that patriarchal culture is the root cause for the inequality of all forms. moreover, some radical feminist holds the view that sexual inequality, especially the biological

4、difference, is the root cause of female oppressions and only the elimination of the difference can guarantee the emancipation of women from the biological bondage. 1 research on feminismin dictionaries, feminism is defined as advocacy of the rights of women (based on the theory of equalities of the

5、sexes). however, feminist critic ruth robbins argues that feminism is by no means a single category with clear limits, fixed in a single semantic space. her understanding of this word is that it is anti-totalizingand it does not have one catch-all, all-or-nothing meaning, but many meanings which dep

6、end on contexts, subject positions, languages, the material worlds we inhabit, and our own psychic spaces, all mixed up together. kaplan shares robbinss opinion and offers several explanations of feminism: the word feminism is used in some cases to refer strictly to support of the suffrage movement.

7、 in other cases, it refers more broadly to a defense of women against oppression by men. in yet others, it refers to a totalizing world view, an emphasis on the differences by men and women.no matter how feminism is defined, it definitely denounces the oppression that women generation after generati

8、on suffer in a patriarchal society, and as robbins suggests, feminism uncovers the symptoms of oppression, whatever their grounds,diagnose the problem, and offer alternative versions of livable realities. the origin of feminism can be traced back as far as mary wollstonecrafts the vindication of the

9、 rights of women (1792), which declares womens equal rights with men in an open and brave way. feminism took shape in womens liberation movement and developed with it.the first wave of the womens movement began in the second half of the 19th century, focusing on obtaining womens sufrage, and reached

10、 its height in the early 20th century. the suffragette movement was not simply a political campaign but a profound revolt against oppression and inequality. under its influence, more women became aware of their inferior status in the family and society. these new women not only organized a lot of po

11、litical movements for womens right to vote, but also produced an enormous quantity of writing, from political pamphlets to novels,revealing their own experiences as women and calling for their equal rights with males. among them, virginia woolf was obviously the most famous one, indisputably regarde

12、d as a feminist pioneer.virginia woolfs masterpiece a room of ones own is heralded as the foundation work of feminist literary criticism. it is probably the first feminist document to give a clear definition of a female literary tradition. it deals with the obstacles and prejudices that have hindere

13、d women writers, revealing womens forced silence and their pain for being unable to express themselves under the oppression of the patriarchal values and norms. in this book, woolf calls on women to create their own literature for finding the real self and expressing the real self.womens unceasing e

14、fforts in fighting for their victory. they won their first in 1918 and right to vote finally achieved fully in 1928. since then, the womens movement underwent a decline. not until the 1960s did the womens movement become a strong force again. the movement continued to prosper in the 1970s and 1980s.

15、2 research on the thorn birds2.1 studies abroadin 1977, the thorn birds, becomes an international publishing sensation as its sales climbed past the seven-million mark. the thorn birds gains the good comments from pamela, that is this saga of three generations in an irish catholic family in australi

16、a seemed to pique interest in the history and culture of the continent. talented australians like writer colleen mccullough is flooding the american entertainment market. (pamelavan, 1988, 44)richey and norma jean comments about the novel such as it is a joy to read both for its marvelous narrative

17、and for its presentation of truly extraordinary details, including maps and illustrations by the author. (richeynorma, 1994, 632).walter demons in contemporary literary criticism v27 points out that dialogue of the thorn birds is very dramatic and even declamatory from the perspective of reader resp

18、onse criticism. while the thorn birds can be said to be unrealistic, it can also be said that the relentless drama of the dialogue and the nature of events serve to keep the novels pace moving through several hundred pages and fifty-four years of history. walter demons thinks that her earner work th

19、e thorn birds is a fairly well-crafted piece of fiction with a good story line and, for the most part,convincing characters. (halliday, 2000, 318).morris identifies conventional american literary themes in the thorn birds and considers mcculloughs treatment of social, racial, and gender issues as a

20、source of the novels popularity in the united states. (morris, 1991, 59-69).critics such as eiot fremont-smith in contemporary literary criticism v27finds reasons for its popularity. what holds the book together, however, is not the character alone, or drogherda, or even its rather refreshing wholes

21、omeness, but colleen mcculloughs slightly quirky, very spunky style. her prose, even when stately, owes little to any formula; it is driven by a curiosity of mind, a caring for the subject, and some other great energy with the author that in turn, at one remove, spurs the reader on. (halliday, 2000,

22、 318) as far as the formalistic approach is concerned, joanne kaufman gives acomment:the plot creaks at times, and mccullough is not above exploiting coincidence.but one marvel much more than minds. mccullough does make her characters and their concerns come alive; she gives them (the leader particu

23、larly, and palph most of all) intelligence and complexity and dimension. even the minor characters are not dull. (toril, 1994, 445) joanne kaufman also points out that it is a reasonably simple matter to understand the massive success of one of coiieen mcculloughs previous novels- the thorn birds. t

24、he seductive elements were all there:weeping saga in an exotic locale (australia), comely characters, forbidden passion (girl loves priest, girl briefly gets priest) and thwarted love (girl loses priest but has his child). (kaufman, 1985, 1-2)alice k. turner also offers his understanding about the t

25、horn birds in contemporary literary criticism v27 as following:the unique quality of this novel lies in the astonishing sexual deprivation which is the lot of every character in it. moment of supreme whoopee, we get many other treats-violent death, cunning crafted betrayals, womanly self-sacrifice,

26、manly valor, and a lot of good ,solidly intriguing information about australian life. (halliday, 2000, 319-20)some others also provides a critical overview of the thorn birds, including analysis of thematic concerns, narrative style, and feminist interpretations of the novel.to sum up, the thorn bir

27、ds gains more attention and analysis from traditional and literal perspective over nearly fifty years. it is no denying that many critics and readers contribute a lot to explore and interpret the novel and main characters with different criticisms, but there are few to use lacans psychoanalysis theo

28、ry in the study of the thorn birds.2.2 studies at home the thorn birds has been translated into chinese for over twenty years. in the only one book about australian literary history in china-austnalian literary history written by professor huang yuanshen- there are only several hundred words to intr

29、oduce the thorn birds. the concerns of other critical studies and researches of the thron birds in china are generally divided as follows: first of all, the conflicts between religion and love, divinity and humanity are explored to reveal the distortion and devastation of human nature attributed to

30、church, such as shi hua (1999)and zhang jinghui (2011). they focus on the analysis of the male character ralph, who experienced strong innex conflicts between divinity and humanity. this conflict and sexual oppression of church on human beings are the main causes of the tragic love between ralph and

31、 meggie. secondly, feminist consciousness and themes in the novel are analyzed from the perspective of feminist critical theories. zhao jiali (zhao , 2008, 33-37), fu lili (fu, 2006, 79-82),liu miao (liu, 2008, 21-23) analyze the four major female characters to reveal that feminist consciousness and

32、 the rough course of female self-emancipation; xie xiajun (xie , 2006, 70-73) makes comparative studies of the thorn birds with another famous work the scalet letter and zang riuting (tang, 2010, 150)compares the thorn binds with gone with the wind to disclose the simile feminist consciousness and t

33、hemes by displaying the conflict and struggle between soul and body, persistent pursuit of love and rugged life experience apart from these studies, wan pei (wan pei, 2009) unscrambles main characters and analyzes themes in the thorn binds to present many striking similarities to the images and them

34、es of ti7e holy bible with the approach of mythical archetypal critical ideas; zhang hongxia (zhang , 2008, 206-210) focuses on the literary techniques of colleen mccullough, the image and symbolism in the novel.references halliday, m. a. k. (2000). an introduction to functional grammarbeijing:forei

35、gn language teaching and research press.kolmar, wendy. (2000). feminist theory: a reader, ed. london: mayfield publishing company, madsen, deborah l. (2000). feminist theory and literary practice. london: pluto presspagels, elaine h. (2003). beyond belief: the secret gospel of thomas. new york: rand

36、om house, inc.shen, dan. (2004). narratology and stylistics of fiction . bejing: peking university press.shen, dan. (2006). transitivity and hidden symbolic significance: langston hughes. foreign language teaching and research, (5): 88-93wang, yuling. (2006). the comparative study of the thorn birds

37、 and the scarlet letter. social science review.(3): 17-21zhang, yan. (2007). images of wildness in the scarlet letter and the thorn birds. journal of tangshan college.(4): 112-116zhao, yanyan. (2006). the bible archetypal study of the thorn birds. the world literature criticism, (3): 14-20.白莉. 艱辛的成長

38、之旅對荊棘鳥的女性主義解讀j,咸陽師范學院學報,2006(4):127-128。崔小云. 對傲慢與偏見第十九章之功能文體分析d. 西北工業(yè)大學碩士論文,2004.崔筱溪. 荊棘鳥中菲奧娜的人物形象簡析j. 時代文學, 2009(5): 243-244.高陽. 小說簡愛的功能文體分析d. 哈爾濱工程大學碩士論文, 2003.黃國文,朱永生,張德祿,楊信彰. 功能語言學與語篇分析研究. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2009.劉泓.荊棘鳥中瑪麗卡森的女性形象分析j. 貴州民族學院學報, 2008(3): 621-622. 畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告本課題要研究或解決的問題和擬采用的研究手段(途徑):

39、1.literature research mainly through retrieve the related research literature, at the same time at home and abroad related academic works, journals, browse relevant websites, combineing with the cultural and social background. explains the theoretical basis of this thesis, especially the main argume

40、nts of radical feminist theory. 2.summary induction through the channel such as computer network retrieval and related books and reports, widely collect various documents and information related to this topic, the shawshank redemption rye research status was summarized and comparative analysis. 原文已完

41、。下文為附加文檔,如不需要,下載后可以編輯刪除,謝謝!施工組織設計本施工組織設計是本著“一流的質(zhì)量、一流的工期、科學管理”來進行編制的。編制時,我公司技術發(fā)展部、質(zhì)檢科以及項目部經(jīng)過精心研究、合理組織、充分利用先進工藝,特制定本施工組織設計。一、 工程概況:西夏建材城生活區(qū)27#、30#住宅樓位于銀川市新市區(qū),橡膠廠對面。本工程由寧夏燕寶房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)有限公司開發(fā),銀川市規(guī)劃建筑設計院設計。本工程耐火等級二級,屋面防水等級三級,地震防烈度為8度,設計使用年限50年。本工程建筑面積:27#樓3824.75m2;30#樓3824.75 m2。室內(nèi)地坪0.00以絕對標高1110.5 m為準,總長27#樓

42、47.28m;30#樓47.28 m。總寬27#樓14.26m;30#樓14.26 m。設計室外地坪至檐口高度18.6 00m,呈長方形布置,東西向,三個單元。本工程設計屋面為坡屋面防水采用防水涂料。外墻水泥砂漿抹面,外刷淺灰色墻漆。內(nèi)墻面除衛(wèi)生間200300瓷磚,高到頂外,其余均水泥砂槳罩面,刮二遍膩子;樓梯間內(nèi)墻采用50厚膠粉聚苯顆粒保溫。地面除衛(wèi)生間200200防滑地磚,樓梯間50厚細石砼1:1水泥砂漿壓光外,其余均采用50厚豆石砼毛地面。樓梯間單元門采用樓宇對講門,臥室門、衛(wèi)生間門采用木門,進戶門采用保溫防盜門。本工程窗均采用塑鋼單框雙玻窗,開啟窗均加紗扇。本工程設計為節(jié)能型住宅,外墻


44、;除客廳為吸頂燈外,其余均采用座燈。二、 施工部署及進度計劃1、工期安排本工程合同計劃開工日期:2004年8月21日,竣工日期:2005年7月10日,合同工期315天。計劃2004年9月15日前完成基礎工程,2004年12月30日完成主體結(jié)構(gòu)工程,2005年6月20日完成裝修工種,安裝工程穿插進行,于2005年7月1日前完成。具體進度計劃詳見附圖1(施工進度計劃)。2、施工順序基礎工程工程定位線(驗線)挖坑釬探(驗坑)砂礫墊層的施工基礎砼墊層刷環(huán)保瀝青 基礎放線(預檢)砼條形基礎刷環(huán)保瀝青 毛石基礎的砌筑構(gòu)造柱砼地圈梁地溝回填工。結(jié)構(gòu)工程結(jié)構(gòu)定位放線(預檢)構(gòu)造柱鋼筋綁扎、定位(隱檢)磚墻砌筑

45、(50cm線找平、預檢)柱梁、頂板支模(預檢)梁板鋼筋綁扎(隱檢、開盤申請)砼澆筑下一層結(jié)構(gòu)定位放線重復上述施工工序直至頂。內(nèi)裝修工程門窗框安裝室內(nèi)墻面抹灰樓地面門窗安裝、油漆五金安裝、內(nèi)部清理通水通電、竣工。外裝修工程外裝修工程遵循先上后下原則,屋面工程(包括煙道、透氣孔、壓頂、找平層)結(jié)束后,進行大面積裝飾,塑鋼門窗在裝修中逐步插入。三、 施工準備1、 現(xiàn)場道路本工程北靠北京西路,南臨規(guī)劃道路,交通較為方便。場內(nèi)道路采用級配砂石鋪墊,壓路機壓。2、 機械準備設2臺攪拌機,2臺水泵?,F(xiàn)場設鋼筋切斷機1臺,調(diào)直機1臺,電焊機2臺,1臺對焊機?,F(xiàn)場設木工鋸,木工刨各1臺?;靥钇陂g設打夯機2臺?,F(xiàn)

46、場設塔吊2臺。3、施工用電施工用電已由建設單位引入現(xiàn)場;根據(jù)工程特點,設總配電箱1個,塔吊、攪抖站、攪拌機、切斷機、調(diào)直機、對焊機、木工棚、樓層用電、生活區(qū)各配置配電箱1個;電源均采用三相五線制;各分支均采用鋼管埋地;各種機械均設置接零、接地保護。具體配電箱位置詳見總施工平面圖。3、 施工用水施工用水采用深井水自來水,并砌筑一蓄水池進行蓄水。樓層用水采用鋼管焊接給水管,每層留一出水口;給水管不置蓄水池內(nèi),由潛水泵進行送水。4、 生活用水生活用水采用自來水。5、 勞動力安排結(jié)構(gòu)期間:瓦工40人;鋼筋工15人;木工15人;放線工2人;材料1人;機工4人;電工2人;水暖工2人;架子工8人;電焊工2人


48、。根據(jù)主軸線設置兩條次軸線即27#樓:(h)軸線和(27)軸線;30#樓:(h)軸線和(27)軸線。 b、主、次控軸線定位時均布置引樁,引樁采用木樁,后砌一水泥砂漿磚墩;并將軸線標注在四周永久性建筑物或構(gòu)造物上,施測完成后報建設單位、監(jiān)理單位確認后另以妥善保護。c、控軸線沿結(jié)構(gòu)逐層彈在墻上,用以控制樓層定位。d、水準點:建設單位給定準點,建筑物0.00相當于絕對標高1110.500m?;A測量a、在開挖前,基坑根據(jù)平面布置,軸線控制樁為基準定出基坑長、寬度,作為拉小線的依據(jù);根據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)要求,條基外側(cè)1100mm為砂礫墊層邊,考慮放坡,撒上白灰線,進行開挖。b、在墊層上進行基礎定位放線前,以建筑物




52、準備工作。板中受力鋼筋搭接,i級鋼30d,ii級鋼40d,搭接位置:上部鋼筋在跨中1/3范圍內(nèi),下部鋼筋在支座1/3范圍內(nèi)。鋼筋保護層:基礎40mm,柱、梁30mm,板20mm。保護層采用50mm50mm的水泥砂漿塊。板上部鋼筋用馬凳按梅花狀支起。所有鋼筋綁扎,須填寫隱檢記錄,質(zhì)評資料及目檢記錄,驗收合格后方可進行下道工序。5、砼工程水泥進場后須做復試,經(jīng)復試合格后由試驗室下達配合比。施工中嚴格掌握各種材料的用量,并在攪拌機前進行標識,注明每立方米、每盤用量。同時攪拌時,須車車進磅,做好記錄。 澆筑前,對模板內(nèi)雜物及油污、泥土清理干凈。投料順序:石子水泥砂子。本工程均采用插入式振搗器,一次澆筑

53、厚度不宜超過振搗器作用部分長度的1.25倍,搗實砼的移動間距不宜大于振搗器作用半徑的1.5倍。砼澆筑后1晝夜?jié)菜B(yǎng)護,養(yǎng)護期不少于7d,砼強度未達到1.2mpa之前不得上人作業(yè)。6、模板工程本工程模板采用鋼木混合模板。模板支搭的標高、截面尺寸、平整度、垂直度應達到質(zhì)量驗收標準,以滿足其鋼度,穩(wěn)定性要求。模板支撐應牢固可靠,安裝進程中須有防傾覆的臨時固定措施。本工程選用851脫模劑,每拆除一次模板經(jīng)清理后涂刷脫模劑,再重新組裝,以保證砼的外觀質(zhì)量。6、 架子工程本工程采用雙排架子防護,外設立桿距墻2m,里皮距墻50cm,立桿間距1.5m,順水間距1.2m,間距不大于1m。 架子底部夯實,墊木板,

54、綁掃地桿。為加強架子的穩(wěn)定性,每七根立桿間設十字蓋,斜桿與地面夾角60o。為防止腳平架外傾,與結(jié)構(gòu)采用鋼性拉接,拉接點間距附和“垂四平六“的原則。外防護架用閉目式安全網(wǎng)進行封閉,兩平網(wǎng)塔接和網(wǎng)下口必須綁孔緊密。結(jié)構(gòu)架子高出作業(yè)層1m,每步架子滿鋪腳手板,要求嚴密牢固并嚴禁探頭板。7、 裝飾工程裝飾工程施工前,要組織質(zhì)監(jiān)部門、建設、設計、施工單位四方參加的主體結(jié)構(gòu)工程核驗收,對已完全體分部工程進行全面檢查、發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時處理,清除隱患,并做好裝飾前材料、機具及技術準備工作。1、根據(jù)預算所需材料數(shù)量,提出材料進場日期,在不影響施工用料的原則下,盡量減少施工用地,按照供料計劃分期分批組織材料進場。2、

55、將墻面找方垂直線,清理基層,然后沖筋,按照圖紙要求,分層找平垂直,陰陽角度方正,然后拉線作灰餅。底子灰應粘結(jié)牢固,并用刮杠刮平,木抹子抹平。3、罩面應均勻一致,并應在終凝前刮平壓光,上三遍灰抹子。4、油漆、涂料施工:油漆工程施工時,施工環(huán)境應清潔干凈,待抹灰、樓地面工程全部完工后方可施工,油漆涂刷前被涂物的表面必須干燥、清潔,刷漆時要多刷多理不流墜,達到薄厚均勻,色調(diào)一致,表面光亮。墻面涂料基層要求現(xiàn)整,對縫隙微小孔洞,要用膩子找平,并用砂紙磨平。為了使顏色一致,應使用同一配合比的涂料,使用時涂料攪勻,方可涂刷,接槎外留在陰陽角外必須保證涂層均勻一致表面不顯刷紋。8、 樓地面工程樓地面工程只作


57、應盡量減少彎曲,用線管的彎曲絲接套絲,折扁裂縫焊接,管口應套絲用堵頭堵塞。油漆防腐等均符合圖紙各施工規(guī)范及質(zhì)量評定標準。 燈具、插座、開關等器具安裝,其標高位置應符合設計要求,表面應平直潔凈方正。燈具、插座、開關等器具必須選用合格產(chǎn)品,不合格產(chǎn)品嚴禁使用。做好各種絕緣接地電阻的測試和系統(tǒng)調(diào)整記錄,檢查配線的組序一定要符合設計要求。五、預防質(zhì)量通病之措施本工程按優(yōu)質(zhì)工程進行管理與控制,其優(yōu)質(zhì)工程的目標體系與創(chuàng)優(yōu)質(zhì)工程的保證措施在本工程施工組織設計中做了詳述。本措施不再述。創(chuàng)優(yōu)質(zhì)工程除對各分部、分項、工序工程施工中,精心操作,一絲不茍、高標準嚴要求作業(yè)外,關鍵是防止質(zhì)量通病。為此,提出防止通病的作業(yè)措施如下:1、磚墻


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