水利水電 流體力學(xué) 外文翻譯 外文文獻(xiàn) 英文文獻(xiàn) 混凝土重力壩基礎(chǔ)流體力學(xué)行為分析_第1頁(yè)
水利水電 流體力學(xué) 外文翻譯 外文文獻(xiàn) 英文文獻(xiàn) 混凝土重力壩基礎(chǔ)流體力學(xué)行為分析_第2頁(yè)
水利水電 流體力學(xué) 外文翻譯 外文文獻(xiàn) 英文文獻(xiàn) 混凝土重力壩基礎(chǔ)流體力學(xué)行為分析_第3頁(yè)
水利水電 流體力學(xué) 外文翻譯 外文文獻(xiàn) 英文文獻(xiàn) 混凝土重力壩基礎(chǔ)流體力學(xué)行為分析_第4頁(yè)
水利水電 流體力學(xué) 外文翻譯 外文文獻(xiàn) 英文文獻(xiàn) 混凝土重力壩基礎(chǔ)流體力學(xué)行為分析_第5頁(yè)
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1、文獻(xiàn)出自:gimenes e, fernndez g. hydromechanical analysis of flow behavior in concrete gravity dam foundationsj. canadian geotechnical journal, 2006, 43(3): 244-259.混凝土重力壩基礎(chǔ)流體力學(xué)行為分析摘要:一個(gè)在新的和現(xiàn)有的混凝土重力壩的滑動(dòng)穩(wěn)定性評(píng)價(jià)的關(guān)鍵要求是對(duì)孔隙壓力和基礎(chǔ)關(guān)節(jié)和剪切強(qiáng)度不連續(xù)分布的預(yù)測(cè)。本文列出評(píng)價(jià)建立在巖石節(jié)理上的混凝土重力壩流體力學(xué)行為的方法。該方法包括通過(guò)水庫(kù)典型周期建立一個(gè)觀察大壩行為的數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù),并用離散元法(de




5、烏鴉和gale(1985),gentier(1987年),江崎等人(1992),和其他人中發(fā)現(xiàn)。該水力行為的聯(lián)合可以表示為非線性應(yīng)用之間的有效正應(yīng)力雙曲線關(guān)系,,并聯(lián)合, 在裝卸,重大的聯(lián)合封發(fā)生在低有效正應(yīng)力的地方。該單位的壓力關(guān)閉規(guī)模迅速下降,但是,隨著應(yīng)力水平增加。雙曲線的定義是由初始切線剛度定義,并聯(lián)合最大的漸近結(jié)束,。這種關(guān)系也是非線性,遲滯的卸載條件,直到成為有效正應(yīng)力為零(圖1a)。和的價(jià)值觀通過(guò)對(duì)實(shí)驗(yàn)數(shù)據(jù)的回歸分析來(lái)估計(jì)的。對(duì)于自然和花崗巖裂隙,這些參數(shù)都是相互關(guān)聯(lián)的下列限制范圍之間的阿爾瓦雷斯等。 (1995年):這里的單位是m pa/m, 的單位是m粗糙關(guān)節(jié)展覽最大規(guī)模的聯(lián)

6、合最高和最低的封閉初始關(guān)節(jié)僵硬,關(guān)節(jié)光滑而有最低和最大的巖石的共同特點(diǎn)是液壓行為之間的線性關(guān)系液壓孔徑,它控制流動(dòng)規(guī)模,關(guān)閉和機(jī)械聯(lián)合,用于水平應(yīng)力。液壓孔繪制相應(yīng)的聯(lián)合與關(guān)閉(圖1b),以獲取攔截線,起始水力孔徑,邊坡系數(shù)和耦合,而“刻畫(huà)了聯(lián)合流體力學(xué)行為,i. e,兩者在液壓機(jī)械孔徑由于孔徑的變化變化的關(guān)系,鑒于其中是剩余的水力孔徑對(duì)于給定的巖石節(jié)理,兩者之間是有粗糙度及耦合系數(shù)的關(guān)系,因?yàn)閒的分布和沿關(guān)節(jié)面流道曲折而定。對(duì)于理想的平行板,以在整個(gè)關(guān)節(jié)面單流道,f= 1.0.對(duì)于集中流道蜿蜒穿過(guò)關(guān)節(jié)面,f1.0。因此,用經(jīng)典的立方定律表示通過(guò)巖石節(jié)理流率:其中q是流量; 是水的單位重量;

7、是沿巖石節(jié)理頭部下降;是水(11.005ps)的動(dòng)力粘度; 是聯(lián)合液壓孔徑而g是形狀因子,由水流幾何而定。直流地下g=w/l(其中w和l是寬度和長(zhǎng)度,分別聯(lián)合),為不同徑向流,g =2/ln(re/),其中和re分別為內(nèi)外圓柱面半徑。裂隙巖體滲透性隨深度變化另外,巖體等效滲透,公里,可以以同樣的形式作為修改后的定律,或在液壓口徑計(jì)算,同樣的形式占關(guān)節(jié)間距,s:在裂隙巖體滲透性的變化,由于覆蓋層和圍應(yīng)力,計(jì)算。 1 - 3。巖體的滲透性,k,理論的深度關(guān)系的結(jié)果高達(dá)1000米,采用當(dāng)量。 5載于圖2??椎囊簤弘S覆蓋減少?gòu)?qiáng)調(diào)在巖體滲透性,隨深度的增加,從 cm/s到附近的水面在600厘米深度/秒

8、- 1000米的結(jié)果估計(jì)巖體滲透性得到假設(shè)f= 1.0,=和= 10,這是在實(shí)驗(yàn)室測(cè)試中取得的值與(阿爾瓦雷斯等al.1995)相似,巴西在這一測(cè)試中描述位置的花崗巖編隊(duì)部分。覆蓋層講估計(jì)使用的是26.0 kn/m3單位重量。在這種情況下,它的假設(shè)是橫向和縱向應(yīng)力大致相同(土壓力系數(shù)ko = 1.0),這也被認(rèn)為將在巴西的測(cè)試位置的火成巖地層的代表,但其他價(jià)值在原位強(qiáng)調(diào)可以預(yù)計(jì),如對(duì)高e.g., for ko1.0,垂直節(jié)理將有較大的滲透率。在深露天礦在巴西花崗巖開(kāi)采項(xiàng)目獲得的場(chǎng)滲透率測(cè)量在圖2中繪制與理論的關(guān)系比較。聯(lián)合間距從鉆孔巖心觀察值都在數(shù)米范圍內(nèi),從而產(chǎn)生了一個(gè)5米間距是常數(shù)的計(jì)算假

9、設(shè)。阿霍的價(jià)值在300 -1000m范圍被用來(lái)確定公里= f的理論關(guān)系(z)的,其中z是深度,以實(shí)地測(cè)量和比較這兩個(gè)鉆孔測(cè)量值相對(duì)滲透率在100至200米深處的高,可能表明的一個(gè)區(qū)或剪切節(jié)理巖帶更多的存在。所測(cè)巖石滲透率穩(wěn)步下降,在深度的增加,然而,它們的值與對(duì)應(yīng)的巖體滲透性的理論與模型估計(jì)趨勢(shì)良好。典型液壓孔徑400 -500m的和后關(guān)節(jié)僵硬= 10v的雙曲線關(guān)系,與三菱商事和= 似乎同意這些結(jié)晶巖體觀測(cè)場(chǎng)行為良好。圖.2.裂隙巖體滲透性隨深度的關(guān)系。雖然真正的流體力學(xué)節(jié)理巖體的行為是需要考慮具體的地點(diǎn)和地質(zhì)因素,該方法提供了一個(gè)框架,但在設(shè)計(jì)階段,其中巖石資料尚未提供大規(guī)模滲透。hydro

10、 mechanical analysis of flow behavior in concrete gravity dam foundationsabstract: a key requirement in the evaluation of sliding stability of new and existing concrete gravity dams is the prediction of the distribution of pore pressure and shear strength in foundation joints and discontinuities. th

11、is paper presents a methodology for evaluating the hydromechanical behavior of concrete gravity dams founded on jointed rock. the methodology consisted of creating a database of observed dam behavior throughout typical cycles of reservoir filling and simulating this behavior with a distinct element

12、method (dem) numerical model. once the model is validated, variations of key parameters including litho logy, in situ stress, joint geometry, and joint characteristics can be incorporated in the analysis. a site-specific simulation of a typical reservoir cycle was carried out for albigna dam, switze

13、r land, founded on granitic rock, to assess the nature of the flow regime in the rock foundations and to evaluate the potential for sliding surfaces other than the damrock interface to develop. the factor of safety against sliding of various rock wedges of differing geometry present within the dam f

14、oundations was also evaluated using the dem model and conventional analytical procedures. estimates of crack propagation patterns and corresponding uplift pressures and factors of safety against sliding along the damrock interface obtained with the dem were also compared with those from simplified p

15、rocedures currently used in engineering practice. it was found that in a jointed rock, foundation uplift estimates after crack development obtained from present design guidelines can be too conservative and result in factors of safety that are too low and do not correspond to the observed behavior.

16、key words: hydromechanical, jointed rock, flow, dam design.introduction: evaluating the safety of concrete gravity dams against sliding requires an understanding that rock foundations and the structure above them are an interactive system whose behavior is controlled by the mechanical and hydraulic

17、properties of concrete materials and rock foundations. about a century ago, the failure of boozy dam prompted dam engineers to start considering the effect of uplift pressures generated by seepage within the damfoundation system and to explore ways to minimize its effect. today, with modern computat

18、ional resources and much more precedent, it is still most challenging to determine the pore-pressure distribution along foundation discontinuities to assess pertinent stresses and evaluate factors of safety. it is our opinion that observing and monitoring the behavior of large dams on well mapped an

19、d adequately instrumented foundations can bring important insights for a better understanding of factors controlling joint opening, crack propagation, and pore-pressure development in foundations of concrete gravity dams.fig.1.hydromechanical behavior of natural joints :(a) mechanical;(b)hydraulic.t

20、his paper presents behavior representative of cycles of reservoir operation in the last 20 years collected from monitored data of albigna dam, switzerland, and also describes the results of a series of numerical analyses carried out to assess the hydromechanical behavior of its foundations. comparis

21、ons are made between results of numerical modeling and the actual behavior monitored in the field. based on these comparisons, a series of conclusions are drawn regarding basic pore-pressure buildup mechanisms in jointed rock masses with implications that may be considered in other engineering proje

22、cts, where the hydromechanical behavior of jointed rock should be considered. such projects include pressure tunnels, hazardous waste disposal, and other situations dependent on geologic containment controlled by flow behavior along rock discontinuities.hydromechanical behavior of natural joints a b

23、rief summary of the state-of-the-art of mechanical and hydraulic behavior of individual rock joints is presented here. a more detailed description of rock joint hydromechanical behavior can be found in alvarez(1997)and alvarez et al.(1995)and in investigations in laboratory and numerical model simul

24、ations carried out by raven and gale (1985), gentier (1987),esaki et al.(1992),and others.the mechanical behavior of the joint can be represented by a nonlinear hyperbolic relationship between the applied effective normal stress,, and joint closure, during loading, significant joint closure takes pl

25、ace at low effective normal stresses. the magnitude of the closure per unit of stress decreases rapidly, however, as the stress level increases. the hyperbola is defined by the initial tangent stiffness, and the asymptote maximum joint closure, . this relationship is also nonlinear and hysteretic fo

26、r the unloading condition until effective normal stresses become zero (fig.1a).the values of and are estimated by regression analysis on experimental data. for natural and induced fractures in granite, these parameters are interrelated and range between the following limits alvarez et al. (1995):whe

27、re is in m pa/m and is in mrough joints exhibit the largest joint maximum closure and the lowest initial joint stiffness, whereas smooth joints have the lowest and the largest the hydraulic behavior of the rock joint is characterized by the linear relationship between hydraulic aperture, which contr

28、ols the magnitude of flow, and mechanical joint closure, , which depends on stress levels. hydraulic apertures are plotted versus their corresponding joint closure (fig.1b)to obtain the line intercept, ,initial hydraulic aperture, and the coupled slope coefficient, ,which characterizes the hydromech

29、anical behavior of the joint ,i. e., the relationship between changes in hydraulic aperture due to changes in mechanical aperture, given bywhere is the residual hydraulic aperture.for a given rock joint, there is a relationship between roughness and the coupled coefficient, because f depends on the

30、distribution and tortuosity of flow channels along the joint surface. for ideal parallel plates, with a single flow channel along the entire joint surface, f=1.0.for concentrated flow channels meandering across the joint surface, f1.0.hence, the classic cubic law expresses flow rate through a rock j

31、oint:where q is the flow rate; is the unit weight of the water; is the head drop along the rock joint; is the dynamic viscosity of the water(1.005pas ); is the joint hydraulic aperture; and g is the shape factor, which depends on the geometry of flow. for straight flow, g=w/l (where w and l are the

32、width and length, respectively, of the joint); and for divergent radial flow, g=2/ln (re/), where and re are the borehole and external cylindrical surface radiuses, respectively.jointed rock mass permeability change with depthalternatively, the rock mass equivalent permeability, km, can be expressed

33、 in the same form as the modified cubic law, or in terms of hydraulic aperture, to account for spacing of the joints, s:changes in jointed rock mass permeability due to overburden and confining stresses were calculated using eqs. 1 3.the results of a theoretical relationship of rock mass permeabilit

34、y, k, for depths up to 1000 m, using eq. 5 are presented in fig.2.the reduction of hydraulic apertures with increasing overburden stresses results in a rock mass permeability that decreases with an increase in depth from cm/s near the surface to cm/s at depths of 600 1000 m.the rock mass permeabilit

35、y estimates were obtained assuming f=1.0, = and =10, which are representative of the values obtained in laboratory tests carried out in granitic formations(alvarez et al.1995)similar to those of the brazilian test location described in this section. overburden stresses were estimated using a unit we

36、ight of 26.0 kn/m3.in this case it was assumed that horizontal and vertical stresses are about the same (coefficient of earth pressure at rest ko=1.0), which are also considered to be representative of the igneous formations at the brazil test location, but other values of in situ stresses could be estimated, e.g., for ko1.0, vertical joints would have larger permeabilities.field permeability measurements obtained in packer tests at a deep open-pit mining project in granitic rock in brazil are also plotted in fig.2 for comparison with the theoretical relationship. values of joint spacing


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