已閱讀5頁,還剩23頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、機械專業(yè)術(shù)語 rear plate后板 miller銑床 to unload material卸料 power wire電源線 buzzle蜂鳴器 組裝、沖壓、噴漆等專業(yè)詞匯 chassis 基座 grinder磨床 to return material/stock to退料 defective product label不良標(biāo)簽 scraped |skræpid|報廢Assembly line組裝線 bezel panel面板 driller 鉆床 identifying sheet list標(biāo)示單 削scrape .v. 刮; Layout布置圖 power button電源按

2、鍵 linear cutting線切割 screwdriver holder起子插座 electrical sparkle電火花 Conveyer流水線物料板 deficient purchase reset button重置鍵 來料不良pedal踩踏板manufacture procedure制程welder電焊機 Rivet table拉釘機 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高壓測試stopperprocedureVoltage switch of SPS 阻擋器 deficient staker=reviting machine鉚合機 manufacturing Rivet gu

3、n拉釘槍 flow boardScrew driver起子 制程不良 流水板職務(wù)電源電壓接拉鍵 positionhydraulic handjack油壓板車president董事長 Electric screw driver電動起子 oxidation | ksidein|沖件sheet metal parts 氧化 forklift叉車 general manager總經(jīng)理 Pneumatic screw driver氣動起子 scratch塑膠件plastic parts 刮傷 palletspecial assistant manager特助工作桌worktable 棧板制造作業(yè)程序SO

4、P dents壓痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 glove(s)factory director廠長 開箱檢查OOBA 手套 物料檢查表material check list 割手with defective to staking鉚合不良 exposed department director 組裝在一起fit together 部長 fingers工作間work cell glove(s) embedded lump鑲塊 鎖緊fasten(螺絲) deputy manager=vice manager副理 套臺車trolley carton thumbfeedin

5、g is not in place送料不到位 大拇指 治具夾具fixture () 課長section supervisor 紙箱 支線sub-line forefinger食指漏沖 stamping-missing 棧板pallet 副課長deputy section supervisor 叉車left fork 副課長midfinger中指 生產(chǎn)力 條碼barcode production capacity vice section superisor group leader/supervisor personnel resource department 組長 無名指 教育與訓(xùn)練 條碼

6、掃描器barcode scanner education and training ring finger 線長小指 人力資源部 proposal improvement 提案改善 熔合fuse together little fingerline supervisor assistant manager production department生產(chǎn)部門 助理 band-aid spare parts=buffer 熱熔機fuse machine備件 創(chuàng)可貼 企劃部planning department iudustrial alcohol forklift叉車 修理repair 工業(yè)酒精

7、to move, to carry, to handle搬運 品管科alcohol container trailer=long vehicle拖板車 沾濕臺 作業(yè)員operator be put in storage入庫 QC Section stamping factory compound die合模 head of screwdriver 品管QC pack packing包裝起子頭 沖壓廠 sweeper掃把 to apply oil 課長supervisor 擦油 die locker painting factory烤漆廠 鎖模器 mop 制造工程師MEto file burr

8、銼毛刺 成型廠molding factory pressure plate=plate pinch壓板拖把 制造生技MTfinal inspection終檢 常用設(shè)備common equipment bolt螺栓吸塵器 vaccum cleaner 外觀檢查cosmetic inspectto connect material接料 整平機uncoiler and straightener rag 抹布 name of a department 部門名稱 inner parts inspectgarbage container 沖床punching machine deptadministrat

9、ion/general affairs to reverse material 翻料灰箕 內(nèi)部檢查 機械手robot 總務(wù)部 wet station沾濕臺 大頭螺絲thumb screw garbage can垃圾箱 天那水Tiana垃圾袋 電動啟子automatic screwdriver 鎊、英寸lbs. inch 油壓機hydraulic machine garbage bag chain鏈條 厚薄規(guī) 導(dǎo)電條EMI gasket 車床lathe 抹布cleaning cloththickness gauge 前板front plate 刨床planer |plein| 上料to load

10、 material升降機jack 治具gauge(or jig)19 / 1 production line流水線 excesssive gap間隙過大 regulation整頓 not up to grade, not qualified不合vocabulary for stamping 沖壓常詞匯 格chain鏈條槽 grease/oil stains油污 cleanness清掃 stamping, press沖壓 material change, stock change材料 magnetizer加磁器 inclusion雜質(zhì) conservation清潔punch press, die

11、ing out press culture教養(yǎng) 沖床 lamp holder燈架 變更painting peel off臟污uncoiler & strainghtenershrinking/shrinkage縮水 feature change 特性變更 整平機qualified products, up-to-grade to mop the floor拖地 feeder送料機 mixed color雜色 evaluation 評估 products良品 to clean the floor掃地rack, shelf, stack料架to clean a table擦桌子 preparati

12、ons for up-to-grade scratch劃傷 prepare for, make defective products, not cylinder 準(zhǔn)備air pipe 氣管 油缸products不良品 poor processing 制程不良 robot機械手 parameterswastepackaging tool打包機 廢料 參數(shù) poor incoming part事件不良 taker取料機 board看板packaging打包 rotating speed, revolution轉(zhuǎn)速 fold of pakaging belt打包帶折皺 conveyer belt輸送

13、帶 manufacture managementfeedermissing part漏件 送料機 制造管理 painting make-up補漆 異常處理 transmission rack wrong part錯件 輸送架abnormal handlingsliding rack滑料架 discoloration羿色 water spots production unit生產(chǎn)單位 excessive defects過多的缺陷 top stop上死點defective product box不良品箱 水漬 polishing/surface processing表面處 lots of prod

14、uction生產(chǎn)批量 critical defect極嚴(yán)重缺陷 bottom stop下死點 die change 換模 理 one strokesteel plate鋼板 major defect主要缺陷 一行程to fix a die裝模 exposed metal/bare metal金屬裸露to take apart a die拆模 roll material卷料 minor defect次要缺陷 inch寸動 lack of painting烤漆不到位 manufacture procedure 制程 not up to standard不合規(guī)格 to continue, cont.

15、連動to repair a die修模 安全safety operation procedure作業(yè)流程 to grip(material)biggera dimension/size is little 尺 吸料 packing material包材 location lump, locating piece, block 品質(zhì)quality to revise, modify ) 小寸偏大(basket蝴蝶竺 修訂 stop 交貨期delivery deadline plastic basket膠筐 外觀不良cosmetic defect to switch over to, switch

16、-to 定位塊 throw-over switching over 切換 baffle 成本cost isolating plate plate; screw screwhead/slippery slipped reset復(fù)位 engineering, project difficulty head 工程engineering 隔板barricade 螺絲滑頭 smoothly 工程瓶頸 順利 模修die repair carton box紙箱 screwhead/shippery 工程模stage die 壓痕enterprise plan screw enterprise = 拉深to

17、pull and stretch dentslipped cut to place, material 企劃expansion projects put in 刮傷scratch 自動化thread automation to 落料material, to input 鉚合to stake, staking, reviting deformation 變形 滑手 品管QC 加潤滑油add lubricating oil 鐵削 壓線to impose lines 斑點speckle 模工die worker filings to draw holes 壓縮to compress, compres

18、sing 發(fā)霉mildewed=moldy=mouldy 生產(chǎn)production, to produce 架模shut die 抽孔 字模character die 生銹rust 設(shè)備equipment 查尋 架模高度shut height of a die inquiry, search for 變形deformation開機to start a press庫存to stock, storage, in stock 送料to feed, feeding 類模器analog-mode device 領(lǐng)取receive 舉模器 毛邊)塑件)flash(金屬burr( 關(guān)機stop/switch

19、 off a press 運輸transportationdie lifter 審核 鉚合不良poor staking 整理classification 合格(be)qualfied, up to gradeapproval examine and verify 氬焊argon welding19 / 2 processing, to process加工 斷裂 upper die base上模座 This sheet and physical inventory present members出席人員 subject主題to lubricatedelivery, to deliver 交貨 潤

20、滑 lower die base下模座 list will be sent to accounting conclusion 結(jié)論department together (Those of NHK common to return delivenry to. vocabulary for die 上承板upper supporting blank decision itemsupper padding plate blank上墊板 engineering 決議事項will be sent to financial to send delinery back responsible depart

21、ment負(fù)責(zé)單位 department) spare dies模具備品 to retrn of goods退貨 pre-fixed finishing date預(yù)定完成日 本表請與盤點清冊一起送會計部 模具工程常用詞匯registration登記 spring 彈簧 approved by / checked by / prepared (NHK螺栓bolt die registration card登記卡 模具 廠區(qū)送財會部) by Application status 圖檔 records of 文件夾document folder figure file, chart file to c

22、ontrol管制 核準(zhǔn)/cutting die, blanking die沖裁模 審核/承辦year-end physical inventory List 資料夾file folder to put forward and hand in提報 PCE assembly production 安全庫存 schedule and physical inventory card progressive die, follow (-on)die 整理資料to put file in ordersafe stocksheet acceptance = receive驗收 手工備品倉spare tool

23、s location連續(xù)模 年終盤點卡與清冊使用狀況明 PCE組裝廠生產(chǎn)排配表 細(xì)表 to notice通知 初盤人復(fù)合模compound die first count model機鍾 for application form purchase請購blank and waste sheet NO. 初盤復(fù)棹人沖孔punched hole first checkwork order復(fù)盤人second count 工令 單 空白與作廢單號 鑲塊panel board revision 復(fù)盤復(fù)核人second check 版次 consume, consumption消耗 電鍍scrapcuted

24、ges=side to cut=side 切plateremark 成型mold to fill in填寫 備注 邊 設(shè)備equipmentproduction 廢料waste materials for material abrasion磨損 engineering control confirmation 折彎to bending mold 生 產(chǎn)確認(rèn)工程試模材料testing reverse angle = chamfer倒角 拉伸to pull, to stretch 在制品work in progress product checked bycasing = containeraza

25、tionphysical in character die字模 inventory初審 線拉伸Line streching, line pulling 裝箱 included not approved byto collect, to gather收集不列入盤點 核準(zhǔn) 刻印engraving, to engrave quantity of physical invetory second department failure, trouble故障 部門 翻邊upsiding down edges count 復(fù)盤點數(shù)量 樣品samplestock age analysis sheet inco

26、ming inspected be 鉚合 統(tǒng)計 to stake quantity of customs count material to statistics庫存貨齡分析表demand and supply需求 點數(shù)量 設(shè)計designing, to design會計師盤, 進貨待驗on-hand inventorydescription 設(shè)計變化design modification 第一聯(lián)the first page現(xiàn)有庫存 career card履歷卡 品名 available material 模塊die block 鋼材steel/rolled steel to take apa

27、rt a die卸下模具良品可使用 department accounting by filed for obsolete materialmaterial statistics sheet 良品已呆滯 to load a die裝上模具 會計部存查reference 折彎塊folded block to be inspected or reworked to tight a bolt擰緊螺栓 使unit(department)end-user/using 滑塊sliding block 物料統(tǒng)計明細(xì)表待驗或重工 擰松螺栓to looser a bolt 用單位 定位銷location pin

28、 會議記錄meeting minutes totalyear-end of summary 頂料銷lifting pin合計 會別physical to move away a die plate移走模板meeting type 模板die plate, front board cause description原因說明 inventory bills 易損件easily damaged parts 分發(fā)單位distribution department 料號 part number/ P/N 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件standard parts 地點location 墊塊padding block 年終盤點截

29、止單據(jù)匯總表 形態(tài) breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 墊條stepping bar 單據(jù)名稱bill nametype 主席chairman19 / 3 item/group/class類別 sheet stock片料 insert 入塊 flow chart流程表單 gouge溝槽;鑿槽 satin texture段面咬花quality品質(zhì) 工差tolerance 組裝club car高爾夫球車 assembly witness line證示線 prepared by制表 score=groove壓線 capability能力 stamping沖壓patent專

30、利molding成型 notes說明 滑塊cam block parameter參數(shù)gritfactor系數(shù) 沙礫 spare parts=bufferinventory year-end physical 備品 pilot導(dǎo)正筒 granule=peuet=graintrimcoordinate細(xì)粒 phosphate皮膜化成剪外邊 座標(biāo)difference analysis sheet grit maker抽粒機 pierce剪內(nèi)邊 dismantle the die折模 viscosity涂料粘度 年終盤點差異分析表 cushionphysical inventory盤點數(shù)量緩沖 壓鍛差

31、drag form 輔助功能auxiliary fuctionalkalidipping脫脂magnaliummain manifold physical count quantity帳面數(shù)量 主集流脈 鎂鋁合金poly-line多義線pocket for the punch head掛鉤槽 magnesium鎂金 difference quantity差異量 bezel斜視規(guī) 加熱片heater band 廢料孔slug hole metal plate鈑金 cause analysis原因分析 blanking穿落模 熱電偶公母模feature die thermocouplelathe噴

32、沙sand blasting 車 raw materials原料 dejecting頂固模 展開圖expansion dwg millradius銼 砂礫grit materials物料 demagnetization去磁;消磁 半徑 plane刨 除銹機 finished product成品 derusting machine high-speed transmission高速傳遞楔子shim(wedge) torch-flame cut磨 打澆口degate semi-finished product半成品 grind heat dissipation熱傳火焰切割 止付螺絲set scre

33、w 鋁 drill烘干機 packing materials包材 dryer rack上料 折刀form block 脫脂鏜 goods/ good product/accepted boring 感應(yīng)induction degrease 定位銷stop pin rinse水洗 良品accepted parts/good parts induction light 氣泡blinster感應(yīng)光 圓沖round pierce punch=die button ;嵌邊 不defective product/non-good parts 感應(yīng)response=reaction=interactionf

34、illet鑲 alkaline etch齡咬 子通孔形式 連桿ram 良品 through-hole form desmut剝黑膜 shape punch=die insert異形子滾針形式 巡邊器edge finder disposed goods處理品 voller pin formality D.I. rinse純水次 凸concave cam driver warehouse/hub倉庫 Chromate鉻酸處理 鍘楔 stock locater block定位塊 凹convex on way location在途倉 陽性處理Anodize shank 清角under cut=scra

35、p chopper 摸柄 crank shaft 曲柄軸 oversea location海外倉 seal封孔 活動板active plate 射料不足short augular offset角度偏差 版次spare parts physical inventory list備revision 擋塊baffle plate 缺口nick 品盤點清單part number/P/N料號 蓋板cover plate 瑕speck? velocity速度 模具備品倉spare molds location良品good products 公模male die 生產(chǎn)進度現(xiàn)狀 production temp

36、o亮班shine skid/pallettorque 母模female die 銀紋splay 報放心品scraped products 扭矩 棧板 焦痕gas mark 不良品defective products spline=the multiple keys花鍵 自鉚機tox machine 壓線沖子groove punch 成品finished products 淬火 起鱗delamination 線割wire EDM 氣墊頂桿air-cushion eject-rod quenching tempering回火 冷塊 放電機EDM 彈簧箱頂板spring-box eject-plat

37、e 處理品disposed productscold slug 卷料coil stock 襯套bushing block 條碼barcode退火annealing 導(dǎo)色blush 19 / 4 carbonization碳化 deburr or coin壓毛邊 coil spring彈簧 inner stripper內(nèi)脫料板 spring-box eject-rod彈簧箱頂桿 spring-box eject-plate彈簧箱頂板 alloy合金 punch riveting沖壓鉚合 lifter pin頂料銷 lower stripper下脫料板 bushing bolck襯套eq-heig

38、ht sleeves=spool等高套筒 鎢高速的tungsten high speed steel 側(cè)沖壓平side stretch cover plate蓋板 pin銷 零件類 moly high speed steel鉬高速的 reel stretch卷圓壓平guide pad導(dǎo)料塊groove壓線 lifter guide pin浮升導(dǎo)料銷 punch沖頭有機溶劑organic solvent 塑件bracket小磁導(dǎo) &(嵌入件) blanking下料 模具相關(guān)英文 guide pin導(dǎo)正銷 insert入塊compre sion molding壓縮成型 沖字stamp letter

39、(料號) 壓毛邊沖子deburring punch wire spring圓線彈簧 聯(lián)絡(luò)單liaison flash moldvolatileouter guiding post外導(dǎo)柱溢流式模具 shearing剪斷 揮發(fā)性 壓線沖子groove punch plsitive moldstamped punch電阻resistance stop screw止付螺絲 擠壓式模具 tick-mark nearside正面壓印 字模沖子 split mold分割式模具 round punch離子ion located pin定位銷 圓沖子 tick-mark farside反面壓印 cavity型控

40、 母模異形沖子滴定儀titrator special shape punch outer bush外導(dǎo)套 沖壓名稱類 core模心 公模折刀警示燈beacon bending block extension dwg展開圖 taper錐拔 滾軸roller 冷卻液coolant 模板類 procedure dwg工程圖 leather cloak仿皮革 擋塊baffle plate 破碎機crusher top plate上托板(頂板) die structure dwg模具結(jié)構(gòu)圖shivermaterial材質(zhì)飾紋 定位塊located block top block上墊腳 flow mark

41、material thickness料片厚度流痕 上模座 supporting block for location 模具工程類 punch setwelding mark factor系數(shù) punch pad上墊板 定位支承塊 溶合痕 簡易模plain die post screw insert氣墊板 upward向上 punch holder上夾板 螺紋套筒埋值 沖孔模pierce die air cushion plateself tapping screwair-cushion eject-rod downward向下 stripper pad脫料背板 氣墊頂桿 成型模forming

42、die 自攻螺絲 striper plate切邊沖子 press specification沖床規(guī)格 up stripper上脫料板 脫料板 連續(xù)模progressive die trimming punchpiston die height range適用模高 (male die公模凸模stiffening rib punch = stinger 活塞 復(fù)合模gang dies ) cylinder die height閉模高度 feature die公母模 加強筋沖子 剪邊模shearing die 汽缸套 chip毛邊burr) 凹模 ribbon punch壓筋沖子細(xì)碎物 鉚合模riv

43、eting die (母模 female diehandle moldupper plate上模板手持式模具 沖孔piercereel-stretch punch卷圓壓平?jīng)_子 間隙gap ) 沖凸抽凸(成型forming, 定位板guide plate移轉(zhuǎn)成型用模具 重量weight lower plate下模板 encapsulation molding 抽孔draw hole 滑塊sliding block 總重量total wt. die pad下墊板 折彎bending 滑塊固定塊sliding dowel block 上模重量punch wt. die holder下夾板低壓封裝成型

44、 切邊trim active plate活動板 die set 下模座射出成型用模具 凸點emboss兩極式(模具) 下墊腳 五金零件類 bottom block lower sliding plate下滑塊板two plate dome 內(nèi)導(dǎo)柱inner guiding postwell type蓄料井 ) 底板( 凸圓bottom plate下托板上壓塊upper holder block 絕緣澆道方式insulated runner 上中間板upper mid plate 半剪semi-shearing 內(nèi)六角螺釘inner hexagon screw) (內(nèi)外打stripping pl

45、ate脫料板 熱澆道 沖記號stamp mark dowel pin固定銷 外脫料板outer stripperhot runner 彈簧箱spring box19 / 5 runner plat澆道模塊 tab gate搭接澆口 POC passage quality control 改正行動要求 百萬分之一 PPM Percent Per Million 批號 corrective action report valve gate閥門澆口 film gate薄膜澆口 段檢人員 制程統(tǒng)計品管專類 改正行動報告flash gate閘門澆口 QA quality assurance band h

46、eater環(huán)帶狀的電熱器 SPC Statistical Process Control slit gate縫隙澆口 spindle閥針 質(zhì)量保證人員 統(tǒng)計制程管制FQC運作類 刨尖頭spear head OQA output quality assurance fan gate扇形澆口 SQC Acceptable Quality Level Statistical Quality Control 出貨質(zhì)量保證人員 dish gate因盤形澆口 slag well冷料井 AQL 統(tǒng)計品質(zhì)管制 運作類允收品質(zhì)水準(zhǔn)QE 冷料渣cold slag H=F=1/2t1/5t quality engi

47、neering R Range air vent排氣道 品質(zhì)工程人員 全距 S/S T=2.53.5mm Sample size AR Averary Range h=0.020.05mm 全距平均值 抽樣檢驗樣本大小 隔膜澆口diaphragm gate管制環(huán)形澆口ring gate Limit UCL w=3.2mm Upper 品質(zhì)保證類 Central ACC Accept 允收 Reject REE FAI L=35mm first article inspection 拒收 上限 潛入式澆口subarine gate 管制tunnel gateLimit LCL CR weldin

48、g line熔合痕 新品首件檢查 Critical 極嚴(yán)重的 隧道式澆口 Lower Central 下限 first article assurance FAA eject pin頂出針 主要的MAJ Major 針點澆口pin gate 0.81.0mm MIN 最大值 knock pin頂出銷 Maximum 首件確認(rèn) Minor 輕微的 MAX tool verification report TVR 回位銷反頂針return pin Minimum 最小值 Average Output Quality 無澆道Runner less AOQ MIN GRR Gauge (sprue l

49、ess) 套筒sleave 無射料管方式 模具確認(rèn)報告 平均出廠品質(zhì) Reproducibility&Repeatability long nozzle延長噴嘴方式 Output Quality 脫料板stripper plate Average AOQL 模具正式投產(chǎn)前確認(rèn)3B 3B 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可 ;sprue澆口溶渣 CP capability index 放置入子insert core Level 能力指數(shù) 靠與否 平均出廠品質(zhì) capability index of process CPK 澆道脫料板runner stripper plate Quality/Relia

50、bility/Service Q/R/S 尺寸DIM 品質(zhì)人員名稱類 模具制程能力參數(shù) Dimension guide pin導(dǎo)銷 直徑 品質(zhì)管理人control 品質(zhì)standardized SSQA supplier /可靠度服務(wù) eject rod (bar)(成型機)頂業(yè)捧 DIA Diameter quality QC 員頻率 quality FREQ Frequency subzero深冷處理 軍Military-Standard MIL-STD 合格供應(yīng)商品質(zhì)評估 N Number three plate三極式模具 用標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 樣品數(shù)final quality control FQC

51、 其它品質(zhì)術(shù)語類 Special I-Special IV S I-S IV runner system澆道系統(tǒng)開箱檢 box out OOBA 終點品質(zhì)管制人員 of audit 品QCC stress crack應(yīng)力電裂 特殊抽樣水準(zhǔn)等級Quality 查in process quality control IPQC Control Circle Part Number orientation定向P/N 制程中的品質(zhì)管制人員 QFD quality function deployment 質(zhì)圈 料號 sprue gate射料澆口,直澆口 特采Lot Number output qualit

52、y control OQC L/N Quality Improvement Team QIT 品質(zhì)機能展開 品質(zhì)改善小組 Deviation On AOD failure model effectiveness FMEA 射嘴nozzleAccept 特 最終出貨品質(zhì)管制人員 失效模式分析analysis ) 拉料桿(sprue lock pin料頭鉤銷 采Plan Do Check Action incoming quality control IQC PDCA 總結(jié) 冷料井slag well 計劃執(zhí)行 進料品質(zhì)管制人員 項回復(fù)內(nèi)容8 8 disciplines Use As It UAI

53、首件檢查報告檢查 ZD 零缺點Zero Defect Inspection Piece First 最後一次稽核 側(cè)澆口side gatetotal quality control TQC final audit FA FPIR 品質(zhì) 側(cè)緣澆口edge gate 全面質(zhì)量管理 corrective action request CAR Improvement Quality QI Report 19 / 6 改善 制造作業(yè)規(guī)范 產(chǎn)品在龍華沖壓廠制造作業(yè)規(guī)范 A Asssembly 組裝(廠) A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible盡可能快的CQCA Q-Quality A-As

54、sembly IS QP Quality Policy 目標(biāo)方針 Inspection Specification 成) S Stamping 沖壓(廠E-MAIL 品檢驗規(guī)范 生產(chǎn)類 Electrical-Mail Compaq TQM Total Quality Management 電子郵件 Bill BOM Of Material 物料清根,塊等 ) PCS Pieces 個(產(chǎn)品在龍華組裝廠品管作業(yè)規(guī)范 全面品質(zhì)管理 N/A Not Applicable PRS 單 Pairs Compaq 退貨雙(對等) 不適用 CQCP P-Painting MRB Material Reject Bill QTY 單 Quantity 數(shù)量 PS Package Specification 包裝 CTN Carton 卡通箱 產(chǎn)品在龍華烤漆廠品管作業(yè)規(guī)范VS 最LQL Limiting Quality Level 部類 以及 棧板 規(guī)范 PAL Pallet/skid REV Revision PMC Production & 低品質(zhì)水準(zhǔn) Material PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單 SPEC Specification 規(guī)格 版本 JIT Just In Time Audit R


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