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1、Unit 5 Films復(fù)習(xí)提綱7 /詞組tomorrow TV sup erstar be more realistic be too good for TV be in Hollywood instead sta nd by take two good take would like to bea n actress would rather be a director10. one of Hollywood all-time greatest actresses11. not only but also=but justbut also12.

2、in other parts of the world13. mourn the loss/death of14. beg in tak ing ballet less ons15. at a very young age16. put most of her effort (u.)into ballet trai ning17. because of hetefforts (c.)in this area18. enter (=go in to) the film in dustry19. while acting in the film20. attract oneattention21.

3、 write a no vel called 22. be made into a play23. insist on24. be the perfect girl to play the lead role in the p lay25. mark the beg inning of one successful career26. shortly after/shortly before27. play the lead role of a young prin cess28. play the lead role迥29. be a big success=be very successf

4、ul30. win an Oscar for Best Actress31. for her role in this film32. during her lifetime33. throughout her acting years34. make her final/last appearanee in her last film/o n TV明日電視超級(jí)明星 更現(xiàn)實(shí)一些 對(duì)電視而言太好 而是在好萊塢 各就各位 再來(lái)一次 拍的好 想要當(dāng)一名女演員 寧愿當(dāng)一名導(dǎo)演 好萊塢空前的最杰出的女演員之一 不但。0 0 而且 世界的其他部分 哀悼。的損失/去世 開始上芭蕾舞課 在很小的時(shí)候 把她大部

5、分的精力投入到芭蕾舞訓(xùn)練 當(dāng)中 由于她在這個(gè)領(lǐng)域的努力 進(jìn)入電影界 當(dāng)在這部影片中表演時(shí) 吸引某人的注意力 寫一部叫做。的小說(shuō) 被改編成一個(gè)劇本 堅(jiān)持。是在這個(gè)劇中 主角的最佳人選 標(biāo)志著某人成功事業(yè)的開始 不久之后/不久之前 扮演一個(gè)年輕公主的角色 在(。電影)中扮演主角 很成功 贏得一個(gè)奧斯卡最佳女演員獎(jiǎng) 由于她在這部影片中的角色 在她的一生當(dāng)中 貫穿她的演藝生涯 在電影中/電視上最后一次亮相35. earn four more Oscar nomin atio ns=ear n ano ther four Oscar nomin atio ns36. play herself37. by

6、 showing us the beauty of nature38. go beyond39. remember sb.as40. devote to doing41. the last few years of her life42. work closelywith UNICEF43. be honoured/honored with44. a number of awards45. present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.46. have cancer47. take her last walk in her garden48. ten day

7、s later49. pass away peacefully=die peacefully50. in her sleep51. at the age of 52. some one of great charm53. have an attractive quality54. wear fancy clothes55. the main character=the lead role56. last for about forty years57. a play based on her novel58. film telling beautiful love stories59. fil

8、m based on imaginative stories about the future60. fight with/against sb.61. leave her magazine in the classroom62. start late (adv.)63. arrive out of breath64. be the first one to arrive at cin ema65. get/buy somedrinks (c.)66. buy some pop corn (u.)67. all five of us68. wait for sb.69. outside the

9、 cinema=out of cin ema70. play a lead role71. play the lead role of an gelthethe72. in many other action films 有贏得四次奧斯卡提名 扮演她自己 通過(guò)向我們展現(xiàn)自然的美 超越。0 0 把某人當(dāng)成。來(lái)紀(jì)念 奉獻(xiàn)于/投身于做。00她生命中的最后幾年與聯(lián)合國(guó)兒童基金會(huì)緊密合作 被給予。榮譽(yù) 一大推獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)授予某人。0 0得癌癥在她的花園中最后一次散步十天后平靜地與世長(zhǎng)辭在睡夢(mèng)中 享年。歲 很有魅力的人 有著吸引人的品質(zhì) 穿精美的衣服 主角持續(xù)了四十年一個(gè)建立在她的小說(shuō)基礎(chǔ)上的劇本 講述美麗愛情故

10、事的電影以有關(guān)未來(lái)的幻想故事為基礎(chǔ)的電影 和某人打架/對(duì)抗把她的雜志丟在了教室里開始遲上氣不接下氣地到達(dá) 第一個(gè)到達(dá)電影院的人 買一些飲料 買一些爆米花 我們所有的五個(gè)人 等待某人在電影院外面扮演主角 扮演主角天使 在很多其他的動(dòng)作片當(dāng)中73. had better (not) do sth.74. arrive on time75. so that76. ought to do=should do (oughnto)77. read the film review78. join the Drama Club79. exercise more=take moreexercise80. be

11、suitable for all ages81. ticket price82. a three-hour documentary that shows you what Beijing was like many years ago83. tell the story of a family that lived in the hut ongs84. a baby dinosaur85. be chosen to be the future king of the dino saur family86. fall in love with87. travel on a ship88. som

12、ething terrible89. some information about the three films now show ing at/in cin emas90. bring dinosaurs alive on screen91. special offer =discount92. think about fights in action films93. have a bad effect on94. an experieneed actress95. play the role of strong Chinese wome n very well96. be consid

13、ered as a talented actress97. acting skills98. become even better99. be excited about watching the on e-a nd-a-half-hour film(不)應(yīng)該做??从霸u(píng)加入戲劇俱樂(lè)部多鍛煉(u.)適合所有年齡段的人 票價(jià)一部三個(gè)小時(shí)的向你展示很多年前北 京摸樣的紀(jì)錄片描述一個(gè)住在北京胡同里的家庭的故 事一個(gè)恐龍寶寶被選作恐龍家族的未來(lái)之王愛上。乘船旅行可怕的事情一些關(guān)于電影院正在放映的散步電影 的信息將恐龍栩栩如生地搬上屏幕 特價(jià)認(rèn)為動(dòng)作片當(dāng)中的打斗在。有著壞的影響一位有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的女演員100.b

14、uy me a big hamburger=buy a很好地扮演中國(guó)女強(qiáng)人的角色big hamburger for me被認(rèn)為是一位有能力的女演員101.other films she has taken part演藝技巧in/ acted in會(huì)更好102.act ing career對(duì)看這部一個(gè)半小時(shí)的電影很興奮103.be show n=be on給我買一個(gè)漢堡包104.go to the wrong cin ema其它的她出演過(guò)的電影105.scie nee fiction film演藝生涯106.roma ntic film放映107.in the western USA跑錯(cuò)電影院最

15、好(不)做某事科幻電影準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)浪漫片以便在美國(guó)西部II .詞匯A.詞性變換1. daydream n./v.2. real(adj.)reality( n.)realistic(adj.)3. actresactor acti ng-actio n4. Fran ce-Fre nch5. en ter (v. entran ce( n.)6. charm (u.) charm ing (adj.)7. attract(v.) attractive(adj.)attract ion(n.)8. lead leader9. p rese nt(v.p rese ntati on10. p eace

16、- p eacefup eacefully11. scie nee- scie ntist12. west wester n13. breath(u. breathe (v.)14. affect(v.) effect (u.)15. tale nt( n.) tale nted(adj.)16. exp erie nce( n.exp erie nced(adj.)17. sile nt(adj.)sile nce(u.)18. supp ort-s upporting19. free(adj.) freedom (u.)20. lose (v.) loss( n.)21. beauty-b

17、eautiful22. achieve achievement (可數(shù))B. 近義詞/同義短語(yǔ)famous=well=k nown, at a very young age=whe n sb. is/was very young, en ter=go in to; while acting=while sb. is/was acting; the lead role=the main character; immediately=at o nee (once在本單元另外出現(xiàn)兩次,分別表示“一次“ (P 84)和”曾 經(jīng) ”P93); four more=another four; not on

18、ly but also=not justbut also; present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.; pass away=die; out of breath=breathe heavily; keep quiet=kee p sile nt; exercise more=take more exercise; be on=be show n=be show ing; should=ought toC. 不可數(shù)名詞loss, beauty (美麗),effort (精力),atte nti on lifetime, en vir onment, ch

19、arity (慈善事 業(yè)),freedom, charm, breath, popcorn, silenee, informationD. 易拼錯(cuò)的詞sn ack sn ake,model medal metal,docume ntary laboratory mystery,future true, feefeltfelt, fall fell falle n, p ricep rize, en ter entrance.句型Do you know who I am?(賓語(yǔ)從句使用陳述句的語(yǔ)序)Why donyou sto p daydream in g?=Why not st op day

20、dream ing?st op doi ng sth.(停止正在做的事情)st op to do sth.(停下來(lái)去做某事)Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood all-time greatestactressesone of后面的名詞要使用復(fù)數(shù)形式;all-time空前的When Hepburn died in 1993, the world mourned the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great huma nitaria n.beauty此處可數(shù),表示絕世佳人She began taki

21、ng ballet lessons at a very young age=She began to take ballet less on swhen she was very youngHer dream wasto becomea successful ballet dan cer.She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film in dustry.過(guò)去的過(guò)去用過(guò)去完成時(shí);effort精力不可數(shù);enter=go into (enter和into不 可連用)She was ho

22、nored with a number of awards because of hefforts in this area. effort努力可數(shù)Hepburns beauty and charm attracted the writer attention.= The writer atte nti on was attracted by Hep burbeauty and charm.beauty此處不可數(shù),表示美麗10. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the pla

23、y. insist + that 從句,或者 insist on doing sth.11. Some of the well-k nown films that Hepburn actedin in elude此處in不可省略,翻譯為Hep burn出演的一些著名的影片包括。,Ma in task 中有一句話是類似的知識(shí)點(diǎn):Other films she has take n part in in eludeIII1. Some people thought that she was playing herself because to them, sh

24、e herself was an angeto them,對(duì)她們而言;She herself was an an gel. (she 口 herself 作主語(yǔ)同位語(yǔ))13. By showingus the beauty of n ature, Hepburn wan ted taremind us that we should p rotect the en vir onment.remind sb. of使某人想起;remind sb. to do sth提醒某人做某事;remind sb. that 提醒某人。;by showing通過(guò)展示14. People remember her

25、 not just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian because sheJevoted much of her time tocharity.To作介詞后跟 ing, look forward to doing, devote to doing, be used to doing, pay atte nti on to doing15. During her lifetime, Hep burn earned four more Oscar nomin ati ons.It earned her an Oscar for Best Actress.16. Did you watch any other filmsduring the holiday?any other films 是 some other films用于一般疑問(wèn)句 some改 anyHe is taller than any other boy in our class.any other用于肯定句表示其他任何一個(gè),any other boy=the other boys17. You had better arrive on time so that you wonmiss anything.had better (not)


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