1、定語從句.名詞性從句與狀語從句專項練習100題-I cant find Mr、Bro wn W h ere d id you mee t him t h is-1 t was in t he ho t e 1he st a ye d、A、 tha tpB、w h ichC. wheremorning?h en2、D、3、Well g 0 outfor a A、 s t opsra i n i ng r a inThwa 1 k as s o on a s itB、 r a ini n gt opt o raine film wasi nter e st i ngevery o newanted
2、to s ee Itagai n、A、too. 10pB、 s Or thatunt i IsD、very.that4、s t u d i es h a rd w i 1 1 pasA、 Whoeve rB Anys ihe examination、st u den t C、WhoThos5、mem,whoMe e t i n g my u n c 1 e a f ter al 1 I wthese y e ars was a nu nfor s ettabl emo6、A、 th a tShe t ook itA、tha twhen7、-i 11 alway s ireasu re、 aB、
3、 one nC.f orgra n ted FllB、w hctli e ritagree wi t h her、C ifD、 whathe 1 p i fyou cam a n d our c o untry will im pr ove more q ui ck 1 y and bet t eA、 Gi V i n gGiveC、G i ve nD、 Togive8、4 HowI will not t ake an_ i t rains I ater on in the day?Whatu mbre 1 1 aw i thme today、if9、are、B、How abou tt o b
4、e a PAs oldier when I wasy oung、And now yo0 A、 How I w a n t c d X B .How did I want4?、Wh a t I w anted D、Wha t di d I want10、Rece ntly I bought an anc able、A which p riceD. t h e p rice11、Af t e r ten y e a ri ent Ch i n ese v a s e,.d B、 t h e p rice of whicho f tha ts , sh e changed a 1 ot anfrom
5、, she us e d t o be、A. thatdB、 whomwho1 2i s known to e v cryonc. th e moon I r a velsce eve ry mon(Ik4 ItB、 As.w a s very r easo nC、 i ts p ric ed 10 o k e d d i f fe r entwhatD、round t he earth onXD、 What13、Hes go t h i ms e Ifi nto adan gI 01 0 s ec 0 n irol overt he pI anc、A、 wh e reoB、whichhy14
6、、In f ormati o n h as b cenp u tgraduatc s wi 1 1 be admilt ed i n ter OUS situ a ti o nwh i I eA.f 0 rwardo u n ive r skies、B 、 th a I1 5、 What t he doc torswhile11 ei s I i ke 1 yD、 wmor e midd 1 e schoolC. whenoni t h e serious d i s e as eA、 wh e n16、r e ally dou b t i smy m o the rw i II r e co
7、ver f rsoon.B、howpC、 wh e ihcrThe s t u d e n ts of the mu s i c s c hool studys om e o t her subject sA、 music bu t a IsoB、whatsome othe r subj e Cl s as welt as music Q music as wel I a ssome oth e r subj e c t ss omeothersu bjec t s a nd music-Have yo u seen Lord of t b e R /”gs? h. y es.but it w
8、a sA、 t ha t aB、si n cc17、such an inter e sting film asRetH rn of the K /was at col I eg e . 0 C. whenD、/There i s pie n ty of ra i n 0 rth、18、in the souththe reis i i tt I e in the n19、A、 whileB、asC. whenD、 soA Being be e n as k eds everal times ab o ut it* but he could n ot give the correct answer
9、 He wo u Id as ka skcdB、 Having beenasked。C.sD、He had- -I d 0I d on tn 1 lik e c hicken lik echi c k e n.fi s IkI i ke fishA、21、As22、a nd:6D、 or:andthe day sA、 WithandoB、and ;bu tV e ry much、C、we n tlhesituat i 0 ncethere got worse、 C、 Whilee V eryb o dy is h e re,A Now t h atlets set out right a w
10、ay、Be c auseB、C、 ForA f ter23、T h e sci e nee of medicine,rh a ps t he m 0 s t importan tA、 to whic h 0 B、 in_pros ress has been very rap i d lately, of al Ithe scien c c s .ic hwhic h0 C、 whichD、ispewith w h2 4、We mu s I d 0 the e x pc rB、 s i neei men tcar e f ullydC、 a sMis sL i u told us、D、whi2
11、5、Tony will ne ver forget t hese daysshe I ived inmothe r,has a g rea t ef f e c t on he r I i f c、C h in a w i t h herA.wh i c h 1 think is B、 which 11 h i n k i t isC、whic h I t hi n k111 at; whichD、 whe n : thatA、oB、whe n ; wh i chC、which: t hat26、I know, t h ey w i li got o Be i ji n g t o wa t
12、ch t he Ol y mpic Games in 200 8、A、As i fSinceS o f ar asIn c aseD、27、Who doyou t hi n k (he a mine a田、d ocior will have10 examinef i rsCst, John or Kate? e X amin i n gD、 ex a mined28、W h at are yo uA Whe t her wee a na nxiou s about?succeed8 B、 I f w e succe e dD 0 we sue c ccdT hat we c an succ e
13、 cd2 9、YOU s 11 ould put t h e A. wh e reB、d i c donary _ th e place一you “c、can find it easily、 the pl a c e on wh i ch D、what3 0、She said to me, TT 14 because 站、t el 1 youtheresu 1 t o f the mom e ntC.the test a f ic rI know H、zD、 thoug3 U G ra n dp a he hadused 10t i mesoonwhe never3 2. L i F a ng
14、lesson s、isA、 bu t3 3、Ge t tin gpared to d cal with dA、 if;won*ttell u s some t hi n g abo utlh e Cult ural Revo lution*to s parc、asvery busy,shes a I wa y s h e I p ing o the r sB、 a 1 t h oughw i th the i raD、 fi gh t job can be difficull thejoboB、I n I e rv J c w、unless: Wil 1the s t udcni sC. un
15、les s ;arepreif:a re34、Every t hing dependsA、 i fonB、 t h ey wh i chw i 11 supp 0 rtyou abo u I i t .C、 whe the roD、 th a t3 5、She won ih e first prize in th e spe e chconte sI andsu r p r ise dus、4 wh i chC、asoD、 wh3 6、T h c Oscar is one of the filmp ri z esofferedt 0 an y Chine s e actor ora c t r
16、e s s so far、A、w h ich is notB、t h at have not beenC、that has noUD、that h as not bee n37、Hema d e a n o ther won de r ful disc o v ery.grealimportan cetosci e ncc、iu D、I ihi n kis38、1 f s r e a i ly very1 I int o the we 1 1、d a ngcrous、On e mo r e s t e p ,the ba b y will faoB、sobutoD、 a nd3 9、She i
17、s A m er I c an.A、 s 0 she knows li 11 IB ye tde aboutC、 an dAmeri c an his t ory、therefore4 0、I n f orma t i onm 0 st s choolSrwe hA、 s 00B、wh ileD、for41、to Idy OU I h at w a slyin g .A、 WhoB、Who eve rD、 The p erson42、Th i s isMr、 s mith ,I think ha sa ve entere ddC、 AnyoneA、t ech n 0 1 ogy ista u
18、ghl i n the in f 0 rma t ion society、a B. t h atC、st i 11something new toC w h om0 D、t e 11 us、who43、Itned、wasquitea long t i me.ma de i t out what hadha ppeoA、44、afterth e texta secobe foreaC、 when。 D、nd t ime, the mean i ng will bee cle a re rsincet o yoyou45、A. Rea dr eadRea ding8 C、If r e adin g
19、 2、WhenA、D、_d 0 es heNot only: but als o Both: andd 0 hiswork well,dB、 N e i t her: norh e helps ot h ers with theirE i t he r:orC、,so h e d i d n I e to s c ho o I la s I week.A. Tho u gh he was ill qB、 Bci n g illHe w a s ill47、She trie d ev e ry w a ys he co U 1 d1cm、A、 how whichzB、 in w h i chfi
20、ndt hatH a V i ng been ilh D、0 s olve the pro b48、Lil y hassomdA、whatidea she sg oi ng to be when sh e grows up、 sB、 (ha t C. asD、 whi c h49、Toa s imp ortan t t 0 play wel IB、50、play f a ir isA.play i ng we I 1y0 u go, you shouldnA.W here oB、 Whenevert hink、p lay we 11。C .asp 1 ay wellD、bear t hemot
21、herland i nmind、 mC、 H o weverD、 W h erev e r51、 She had three sons, allb e c a me do c t o rs、A、 whichdB、 of thempD、 of whom0 f whic hWhat66、Fo r Iun i tely we had awith 0 utwe w 0 uld have got 1 o sA、 which“C、 thatwhat67、T he Great W a 11 is t h e I a $I placeMr s mith i sgoi ng to V isit bef orhe
22、 leaves Beijing、 A、 wherebD、 what68、s hall n e vere fa r mer s . t h al: w h i chwh e n; whoA、D、aB、 whichforget t hose yearshas a great e ffec t on my li f e .d B、 when: whichwhi c h ; t hatn the country with th6 9、I dont like t he way oB、in tha tA、 /y 0 u sp e a k to her、C、 which n D、of w h i c 117
23、0、She sp e nt l h e wh o ie e vening t aiki n g a b o u t the t hin g s n o n e of u s has eve ra nd th e personsA、whichoB、7 I I ha V e b ought s uc h Wh i ch72、Fr e e film tic ket sA、 whomeve rwhichever73、The dem andA、 whathenhe a rd ofwhoa w a tchC、X C、 whomwas ad V e r ti s e d on TV、D、 itwil 1 b
24、 e s e nt t ozB、 w hoeverthe w o rke r s7 4、W e wont g i veu pe ve n i f、 sinceA、75、r e m e mb e rth i s us e dA、when76、riiA、1 el youbeforeaB、 how kn 0 w7 7 Sh eA、are i n t eres t e d i n t he f iinuoC、 wh a t everask for higher wages seemed r e asonab 10 u 1 d faC、to beC、 h e es bac k、 b B、 b ecaus
25、ei 1 ten tim e s、wh e ihcra qu i et wherea ssoonuntilvilla g e .as oD、wh a ta 1 th o u gwill sing a s ongsh e is a sked、B、 u n les sforD、 since78 We will w o rkwe areneed e d、A、cvcra79、whenev e rRc a dbB、it a loudA、so th a tyougo,A、 Wh e n everb ecause 2 C、 s i nc eI h e cl a ss can hear you、d 0 n*t
26、 forg e t yo u r0 B、 H o we V e rC. whenp eo p 1 e、C、 Whereverwhe r3D、 a1 t hough弘D、Wh icheve84 I t is a b out ten ye a r ssine eforA、_ I in e I y 0 u last.C、when D、 asS* 2、Theywi 1 I ne V er su c ceed.A、b e c a useh a rd they t ry、B、 ho we V erwhenD、sincc83、stillhalf d r unk, he ma d e h i sA、WhenB
27、、Be c a usew a y hom e、ThoughAs84、A、 Asshe wa s very lir e d. s he went on worki n A11 houghB、C、g EvenD、In s p i8 5、 Bus yA、 ashe wa s h e Ip you、wh e n 2 C s i neehe tried his best toD、 forr Mother will wa i tA、11owever lai e i s h efor him t oha ve d inner tog ether2 Bs 11 ow e ver la t e he isC、H
28、owe V e r is he la t eD s Howeve r he is lai edont want to g o out_ oC、i n c ase87、J ohn may phon e ton ight、IA、as long asi n order th a t88、After the war” a new school bu i Iding was put up ihca t re、he p hones.so thatD、111 e r e had onceb een aB、wher emC、whic hD、wh en89、If we wor k with as t rong
29、wi 11 .we can ove r e any di f f i cull i esrareal90、Did-Yes,9 1. 1 ihoug h tA、first lime92、youeair e、A、T h ough9 3、Jas mines he was b iltend D、wha t ev e r give Mary t h e mon ey you 0 w e d h e r?I saw her、you rem mber to I ga V e it to her pB、the mom e n ther nic e and lion e2B、fo rcall m eC. sud
30、denly 0 4)、on c eI met hcrthe first timeto say yo uWhetheri d a y ing w on I h e leg by a lion、B、wh i 1 ewas h 0 IC、the first timere not in g, I lloC、U n tili 111 h e r f aniily4)、by the first timse e you at the t hD. Uni e s si n a wildlife parkD、one e9 4、T h egen t lemangu told me y e st e rd a y prov e d to be a th i e f.A、who、about whomC、whomD、with whom9 5、Afie r Yang Liwei sue c e e d ed in circling t he earth,a uts desi r e t o do is wal k i n s
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