1、PRODUCT NAME: OCTAFLUOROCYCLOBUTANE (RC 3181. ChemicalProduct and Compa ny Ide ntificati onBOC GasesQivisio n of.The BOC Group, Inc.575 Mountain AvenueMurray Hill, NJ 07974TELEPHONE NUMBER: (908 464-810024-HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER:CHEMTREC (800 424-9300BOC GasesDivisio n ofBOC Can ada Limited
2、5975 Falbourne Street, Unit 2Mississauga, On tario L5R 3W6TELEPHONE NUMBER: (905 501-170024-HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER:(905 501-0802EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN NO: 2-0101PRODUCT NAME:CHEMICAL NAME: Octafluorocyclobuta neCOMMON NAMES/SYNONYMS: Cyclooctafluorobuta ne, Freon C-318, FC-C 318,Halocarbo
3、n C-318,Perfluorocyclobuta ne, Propella nt C 318TDG (Ca nadaCLASSIFICATION: 2.2WHMIS CLASSIFICATION: APREPARED BY: Loss Control (908464-8100/(905501-1700PREPARATION DATE: 11/6/00REVIEW DATES: Not Applicable2. Compositi on. In formati on on In gredie ntsEXPOSURE LIMITS1:INGREDIENT% VOLUMEPEL-OSHA TLV
4、-ACGIH Octafluorocyclobuta ne 99No ne EstablishedNo ne EstablishedFORMULA: C4F 8CAS: 115-25-3RTECS #: GU1779500Refer to i ndividual state or provi ncial regulatio ns, as applicable, for limits which may be more stringent than those listed here.2As stated in 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z (revised July 1, 19
5、933As stated in the ACGIH 1999-2000 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substa nces and Physical Age nts.LD 50 or LC50Route/SpeciesLC Lo : 78 pphi nhalatio n/mouse(2 HOSHA Regulatory Status: This material is classified as hazardous un der OSHA regulati ons.3. Hazards Ide ntificatio nColorless gas an
6、d liquid with ethereal odor. This product does not contain oxygen and may causeasphyxia if released in a confined area. Chlorofluorocarb ons may cause irritati on, cen tral n ervoussystem depressi on and irregular heart beat at high concen trati ons. Con tact with rapidly evaporat in gliquid may cau
7、se frostbite.Non flammable. Thermal decompositi on may form toxic fluori necompo un ds. Contents un der pressure. Use and store below 125F.ROUTE OF ENTRY:Sk in Con tactYes HEALTH EFFECTS:Exposure LimitsNo Teratoge n NoSyn ergistic EffectsN one ReportedSk in Absorpti onNo Eye Co ntactYes In halati on
8、 Yes In gesti on NoIrrita nt NoReproductive HazardNo Sen sitizati onNo Mutage n NoCarcinogenicity: - NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: NoEYE EFFECTS:PERSONS WITH POTENTIAL EXPOSURE SHOULD NOT WEAR CONTACTLENSES. Con tact withrapidly evaporati ng liquid may cause frostbite and tissue damage.SKIN EFFECTS:Con tac
9、t with the rapidly evaporat ing liquid may cause frostbite. Frostbite effects appear as a cha nge in color ofthe skin to grey or white, possibly followed by blistering.lNGESTION EFFECTS:Ingestion is not likely.INHALATION EFFECTS:Product is relatively non toxic. High concen trati ons may cause eye an
10、d respiratory irritatio n.In halati on of high concen trati ons may cause dizz in ess, disorie ntati on, in coord in ati on, n arcosis, n ausea orvomit ing lead ing to uncon scious ness. High concen trati ons may have a n arcotic effect caus ing the heart to beatirregularly and stop.Oxyge n deficie
11、ncy may occur in the prese nee of high concen trati ons result ing in asphyxiati on. Mai ntain oxyge nl evels above 19.5% (at sta ndard temperature and pressure.MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE:Pre-existi ng heart con ditio ns.NFPA HAZARD CODESHealth: OFlammability: Oln stability: 0HMIS HAZ
12、ARD CODESHealth: OFlammability: OReactivity: 0RATINGS SYSTEMO = No Hazardl = Slight Hazard2 = Moderate Hazard3 = Serious Hazard4 = Severe Hazard4. First Aid MeasuresEYES:Never in troduce oin tme nt or oil into the eyes without medical advice! For con tact of liquid, ope n eyes wide toallow liquid to
13、 evaporate. If pa in is prese nt, refer the victim to an ophthalmologist for treatment and follow up.If the victim cannot tolerate light, protect the eyes with a light ban dage.SKIN:Remove con tam in ated clothi ng and flush affected areas with lukewarm water. If irritation persists, seek medicalatt
14、ention.INHALATION:PROMPT MEDICAL ATTENTION IS MANDATORY IN ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE. RESCUEPERSONNEL SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH SELFCONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. Removevictim to fresh air. Admi nister artificial respirati on if breath ing has stopped and suppleme nt with oxyge n by atra ined in divid
15、ual. Further treatme nt should be symptomatic and supportive. Seek medical attention as soon aspossible for follow up treatment. Remove to fresh air. If necessary, give oxygen or provide artificialrespiration. Call a physician.NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: A patie nt adversely affected by exposure to this prod
16、uct should not be give nadre nali ne (ep in ephri ne or similar heart stimula nt since these would in crease the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.5. Fire Fighti ng MeasuresConditions of Flammability: NonflammableFlash point:Method:Autoignition NoneNot ApplicableTemperature: Non eLEL(%: Non eUEL(%: NoneHa
17、zardous combusti on products: Carbon mono xide, hydroge n fluoride, carb onyl fluorideSe nsitivity to mecha ni cal shock: Non eSe nsitivity to static discharge: NoneFIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS:If invo Ived in a fire, product may decompose yieldi ng toxic and corrosive fluori ne compo un ds. Cyli nder
18、 mayrupture viole ntly from pressure whe n invo Ived in a fire situatio n.EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:None required. Use media appropriate for surro unding fire.FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS:Firefighters should wear respiratory protectio n (SCBA and full tur nout or Bun ker gear with chemical protectivecloth i
19、ng as n ecessary to preve nt exposure to decompositi on products. Continue to cool fire-exposed cyli nders un til well after flames are ext in guished.6. Accide ntal Release MeasuresEvacuate all pers onnel from affected area. Use appropriate protective equipme nt. If leak is in users equipment,be ce
20、rtain to purge piping with inert gas prior to attempting repairs. If leak is in container or container valve,c on tact the appropriate emerge ncy teleph one nu mber listed in Secti on 1 or call your closest BOC locati on.7. Han dli ng and StorageProduct is non corrosive and may be used with any com
21、mon structural material.Use only in well-ve ntilated areas. Valve protectio n caps must remai n in place uni ess container is secured withvalve outlet piped to use point. Do not drag, slide or roll cyli nders. Use a suitable hand truck for cyli ndermoveme nt. Use a pressure reduci ng regulator whe n
22、 conn ect ing cyli nder to lower pressure pip ing or systems.Do not heat cyli nder by any means to in crease the discharge rate of product from the cyli nder. Use a checkvalve or trap in the discharge line to preve nt hazardous back flow into the cyli nder. Protect cyli nders fromphysical damage.Sto
23、re in cool, dry, well-ve ntilated area of non-combustible con structi on away from heavily trafficked areas an demerge ncy exits. Do not allow the temperature where cyli nders are stored to exceed 125o F (52o C. Cyli ndersshould be stored upright and firmly secured to prevent falling or being knocke
24、d over. Full and empty cylindersshould be segregated. Use a first in-first out inventory system to prevent full cylinders being stored forexcessive periods of time. Han die with reas on able care. Store in a cool, dry place.Never carry a compressed gas cyli nder or a container of a gas in cryoge nic
25、 liquid form in an en closed space suchas a car trunk, van or statio n wag on. A leak can result in a fire, explosion, asphyxiation or a toxic exposure.For additional handling recomme ndati ons, con sult Compressed Gas Associati on Pamphlet P-1.8. Exposure Con trols, Pers onal Protectio nENGINEERING
26、 CONTROLS:Hood with forced ven tilati on; provide local exhaust to preve nt accumulatio n of high concen tratio ns.EYE/FACE PROTECTION:Safety glasses for gas. Wear protective goggles or faceshield as n ecessary to preve nt con tact with liquid.SKIN PROTECTION:In sulated gloves as n ecessary to preve
27、 nt con tact with liquid.RESPIRATORY PROTECTION:None required un der no rmal worki ng con diti ons (below acceptable exposure guidelines. Level C respiratoryprotection including full-face piece equipped with an escape bottle or a self-c ontained breath ing apparatusshould be available for emerge ncy
28、 use. Operate this equipme nt in the positive pressure dema nd mode.OTHER/GENERAL PROTECTION:Safety shoes, safety showers.9. Physical and Chemical PropertiesPARAMETERPhysical state (gas, liquid, solidVapor pressure at 20 o C Vapor den sity (Air = lEvaporati on poi ntBoili ng poin tFreez ing pointCri
29、tical temperature:pHSpecific gravity (Water = 1Oil/water partition coefficie ntSolubility (H20 Odor thresholdOdor and appeara neeVALUE UNITS : Gas:2.7bar : 6.9:Not applicableo:20.5Fo:-6.4Co:-40.4Fo:-40.2C : 115 C : Not Available: 1.6 (liquid: Not Available: 140 mg/l:Not Available:Colorless gas with
30、ethereal odor10. Stability and ReactivitySTABILITY:StableINCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS。DataHAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:Thermal decompositi on may produce toxic an d/or corrosive fluori necompou nds.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:Will n ot occur.11. Toxicological In formati onINHALATION: Not highly toxic via
31、 inhalation. The lowest lethal concentration (LCLo in the mouse was 789pph (2 H. A TCLo of 861 g/m3 (approximately 105,515 ppm was give n for octafluorocyclobuta ne. SKIN AND EYE: Ski n and eye irritatio n have not been reported in limited published literature. Minimalirritation expected based on si
32、milarity to other compo un ds.12. Ecological In formati onNo data give n.PRODUCT NAME: OCTAFLUOROCYCLOBUTANE (RC 318 13. DisposalCon siderati ons Do not attempt to dispose of residual waste or unu sed qua ntities. Retur n in the shippi ng con tai ner PROPERLY LABELED, WITH ANY VALVE OUTLET PLUGS OR
33、CAPS SECURED AND VALVE PROTECTION CAP IN PLACE to BOC Gases or authorized distributor for proper disposal. 14. Tran sport In formatio n PARAMETER PROPER SHIPPING NAME: HAZARD CLASS: IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: SHIPPING LABEL: Un ited States DOT Octafluorocyclobuta ne or Refrigera nt Gas R C318 2.2 UN 197
34、6 NONFLAMMABLE GAS Canada TDG Octafluorocyclobuta ne (RC 318 2.2 UN 1976 NONFLAMMABLE GAS 15. Regulatory In formation SARA TITLE III NOTIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION SARA TITLEIII - HAZARD CLASSES: Acute Health Hazard Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard SARA TITLE III - SECTION 313 SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION:
35、 This product does not contain toxic chemicals subject to the report ing requireme nts of sect ion 313 of the Emerge ncy Pla nning and Commu nity Right-To-K now Act (EPCRA of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372. 16. Other In formation ACGIH DOT IARC NTP OSHA PEL SARA STEL TDG TLV WHMIS American Co nference of Governme ntal In dustrial Hygie ni sts Departme nt of Tran sportati on Inte
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