



1、語法專題五:定語從句定語從句在復(fù)合句中作定語,由關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞引導(dǎo),被修飾的詞為先行詞。關(guān)系代詞的用法指代對象人事物人+事物主格who/thatwhich/thatthat賓格who/that/whomwhich/thatthat所有格Whosewhose/of which1 .只用that不用which?(1)介詞+which+從句,在此結(jié)構(gòu)中因介詞提前不能用that代替which,當(dāng)介詞不提前時(shí)方可。此結(jié)構(gòu)可用關(guān)系副詞代替“介詞 +which ”,如:The chair on which she sat is made of wood.The chair which /that she

2、 sat on is made of wood.?(2)先行詞本身是that /thoseWhat s that which flashed in the sky just now2關(guān)系代詞只能用that的情況? (1)先行詞為“ all”,“ everything ” , “nothing ”,“ little “ much ” 等不定代詞。? eg. There is someth ing that you can borrow.? (2)先行詞被 the only, the very, the same, the last 修飾。? eg. This is the very place

3、that I want to find.? The last place that we visited was a factory.?(3)先行詞被形容詞的最高級修飾。? eg.This is the best book that I have ever read.?(4)先行詞為兩種或兩種以上不同的事物。先行詞若為分別表 示人和事物的名詞,也只能用that引導(dǎo)定語從句。? eg.She gave me some books and a pen that I n eed.?(5 )先行詞被序數(shù)詞修飾。? eg.This is the sec ond article that I wrote

4、in En glish.? (6)主句是以who或which幵頭的特殊問句時(shí)。? eg.Who is the pers on that is sta nding at the door?-3.as引導(dǎo)的定語從句(1)asf故關(guān)系代詞、關(guān)系副詞引導(dǎo)限制性定語從句,在從句中充當(dāng)主語、表語、狀語,常使用的有以下結(jié)構(gòu):the sameassuchas, as man y.as, as muchas, as. ask, ? He bought such a book as I have.(a做 賓語)?You should do it the same way as I did.(a做狀語)(2)as引

5、導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,常見習(xí)語:?as anybody can see(正如人人都能看到的那樣)?as we all know(眾所周知)?as is known to all(眾所周知)?as we had expected(正如我們預(yù)料的那樣)?as is reported in the newspaper (正如報(bào)紙報(bào)道的那樣 )?as is ofte n the case(正如經(jīng)常發(fā)生的那樣關(guān)系副詞的用法關(guān)系副詞when, where, why分別表示時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、原因, 在從句中作狀語,其先行詞一般是分別表示時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、 原因的名詞。as ill.? r II tell you the

6、time whe n I reach your school.?The reas on why you failed is clear.?This is the room where they held the meeti ng. ? I will never forget the day when I joined the party.ught a?The reason why he didn t come is that he w三、“介詞+關(guān)系代1.介詞的確定應(yīng)依據(jù)定語從句中短語的習(xí)慣性搭配?eg.Who is the girl with whom you shook hands?(sh

7、ake hands with習(xí)慣性搭配) 2.介詞常受先行詞的制約(即介詞和先行詞的搭配)?eg.He built a telescope through which he could study theskies.(through which 即 through the telescope)3.當(dāng)關(guān)系代詞作“動(dòng)詞+介詞”固定短語的賓語時(shí),此時(shí)因定短語中的介詞不能拆開移到關(guān)系代詞前?eg.This is the watch which you are looking for./He is a kind of man whom you can safely depe nd on.四,幾個(gè)特殊詞后的定語從句精品文檔,超值下載1.situation 后常用 wherenwhich引導(dǎo)定語從句?Ca n you imag ine a situation where/in which you can use the word?2.way(方式,方法)后常用 in ?Do you know the way(in which 或 that 或 how 引導(dǎo)定語which/that/how) he從句,也可省略worked out the problem?3.the s


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