1、Chapter 12 FinancingContentsSummary2Outline3Questions 13Vocabulary15Part 1 SummaryPart A Financing foreign trade: introduce the kinds of documents .trade terms, financing arrangements used in international sales that must be known.Part B and CThis part mainly discusses the function of the bills of l
2、ading and the bills of exchange. They are the two important financing and payment instruments used in international trade. This part also introduce the law governing bills of exchange and many types of bills of exchange, time and sight bills.Part D This part gives us a definition of the promissory n
3、ote. It also defines the different patties to bills of exchange and promissory notes. It lists a lot of examples of typical promissory notes.Part E To trade to run smoothly, a bill or note have a lot of things to do.1.A bill or note must contain a promise or an order to pay that is unconditional. 2.
4、 Define sum of money or monetary unit of account. 3. payable on demand or at a definite time. 4. signed by the maker or drawer.Part FTo satisfy commercial, bills and notes have to be freely transferable. This part discuss 1 the meaning of assignment 2 the definition and many kinds of negotiation .4
5、The role of banks in collecting and paying negotiable instruments.5 Limitations on the excuses that drawers and makers can use to avoid paying off a bill or note. 6Liabilities of makers, drawers, drawees endorsers, and accommodation partiesPart G This part mainly introduces the letters of credit. Fo
6、r example, how to apply for a letter of credit, and the governing law.Part H This part mainly introduces 1 private sources of capital 2 governmental sources of capital 3 regional and international development agencies.Part 2 OutlineChapter 12 - FinancingA.SCOPE OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCING1.The Financ
7、ing of Foreign Trade: Involves the underwriting, paying, and collecting of money for the purchase of goods and services2.The Capitalization of Foreign Investments: Involves the acquisition of debt and equity financing to establish or expand overseas business operationsB.FINANCING FOREIGN TRADE1.Trad
8、e Documentsa.Reason for use in international trade: Buyers and sellers are separated both in distance and by the differing financial practices of their home countries.1)Difficult for seller to determine the credit standing of a foreign buyer.2)Difficult for buyer to reliably establish the foreign se
9、llers integrity and reputation.C.BILLS OF LADING1.The Essential Document for all international salesa.A document of title: It represents the goods.1)Allows for transfer of title while goods are in the possession of a carrier or warehouseman.2)Discussed in Lecture 10.D.BILLS OF EXCHANGE1.Defined: A b
10、ill of exchange (or draft) is a.A written, dated and signed instrument.b.Containing an unconditional order.1)From drawer.2)Directing drawee.3)To pay a payee.c.A definite sum of money.d.With payment to be made.1)On demand, or2)At a specified future date.2.Bills of Exchange are Negotiable Instrumentsa
11、.A proper holder will take it free of the “personal defenses” or “equities” that the drawer might have that: 1)The underlying contract was improperly performed, or2)The instrument was improperly made.b.Importance: Bills of exchange are more readily saleable and, therefore, useful financial tools for
12、 raising money.3.The Laws Governing Bills of Exchangea.Three basic laws:1)Anglo-American laws.a)English Bills of Exchange Act (BEA) of 1882.1Applicable in UK and commonwealth countries.b)United States Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).1Adopted in all US states except Louisiana.2)Model laws applicable in
13、 the rest of the world.a)Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (ULB) of 1930.b)Uniform Law for Checks (ULC) adopted in 1931.3)United Nations Convention.a)UN Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes (CIBN) of 1988.b)Meant to make international t
14、ransactions uniform.c)Not yet in force unlikely to be in force soon.4.The “Form” of Bills of Exchangea.BEA and UCC requirements:1)In writing.2)Payable either to order or to bearer.b.ULB requirements:1)In writing.2)Payable either to order or to bearer.3)Contain the term “bill of exchange” in the body
15、 andthe language of the check.4)State the place where the bill is drawn.5)State the place where payment is to be made.6)Be dated.5.Types of Bills of Exchangea.Time bill: Drawee must pay at a definite future time.b.Sight (or demand) bill: Drawee must pay either when 1)The holder presents the bill for
16、 payment, or2)At a stated time after presentment.c.Trade acceptances: Drawee is one who bought goods from the drawer and owes the sale price to the drawer.1)Drawee is a credit buyer.2)May be a time or sight bill.d.Checks: Drawee is holding money on account for drawer.1)Drawee is a bank.2)Checks are
17、always payable on demand.E.PROMISSORY NOTES1.Defined: A promissory note (or simply a “note”) isa.A written promise.b.To pay a determinate sum of money.c.Made between two parties.1)Maker: The issuer of a promissory note.2)Payee: The person to whom the note is to be paid.2.Difference Between a Promiss
18、ory Note and a Bill of Exchange The maker of a note promises to personally pay the payee rather than ordering a third party to do so3.Governing Law: Same as those that apply to bills of exchangeF.NEGOTIABILITY OF BILLS AND NOTES1.Requirements of Negotiabilitya.Be in the proper form, andb.Contain the
19、 following promissory elements:1)State an unconditional promise or order to pay.2)State a definite sum of money or a monetary unit of account.a)Money.1BEA, UCC and ULB define money as “a medium of exchange authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government as part of its currency.”2Internatio
20、nal practice also includes ad hoc currency baskets established by the parties.b)Definite Sum: The sum to be paid must be ascertainable from the bill or note itself without reference to any outside source.3)Be payable on demand or at a definite time.4)Be signed by the maker or drawer.a)Signature: “An
21、y symbol executed or adopted by a party with present intention to authenticate a writing.”Case 12-1. Constantaras v. AnagnostopoulosG.THE NEGOTIATION AND TRANSFER OF BILLS AND NOTES1.Assignment: The transfer of rights under a contracta.The assignee acquires only those rights that the assignor posses
22、sed.b.Any objections to honoring the assigned obligations that could be raised against the assignor can be raised against the assignee.2.Negotiation: The transfer of a bill or note in such a way that the recipient becomes a holdera.Negotiating order paper.1)Order paper: A bill or note payable to a n
23、amed payee.2)Negotiated by delivery and endorsement.b.Negotiating bearer paper.1)Bearer paper: A bill or note payable to the bearer or to cash.2)Negotiated by delivery.Case 12-2. Miller v. Racec.Converting order to bearer paper and bearer to order paper.1)Order to bearer paper:a)By an endorsement in
24、 blank, i.e., the endorsees signature alone.b)By an endorsement to pay to the bearer.2)Bearer to order paper: By the use of a special endorsement, e.g. “pay to John Adams.”3.Forged Endorsementsa.Effect.1)ULB: A forged endorsement is effective.a)Both the person taking a forged instrument and all subs
25、equent holders are entitled to payment.b)Rationale: This rule encourages the free transfer and exchange of bills and notes.2)BEA and UCC: A forged endorsement is ineffective.a)The endorsee taking from a forger is responsible for determining the validity of an endorsement.Case 12-3. Mair v. Bank of N
26、ova Scotia1Exceptions:aImpostor rule: A forged endorsement is effective if a drawer, maker, or endorser draws, makes or endorses an instrument to an imposter.bFictitious payee rule: A forged endorsement is effective if the instrument was issued in the name of a payee who had no interest in the instr
27、ument.b)Rationale: Liability is imposed on the person best able to prevent the forgery from happening.c)Problem with rule: It encourages litigation.1Determination of whether one or the other of the two exceptions applies has to be made after the fact.2The last holder has to initiate suit against the
28、 dishonoring party to determine who must press the claim against the forger.4.Limitations on the Excuses that Drawers and Makers Can Use to Avoid Paying Off a Bill or Notea.ULB limitations.1)Basic rule: Anyone who acquires a bill or note by negotiation is a holder who is entitled to payment from the
29、 maker or drawer.2)Exceptions:a)The possessor is not a holder because he did not acquire title through an uninterrupted series of endorsements.b)The holder acquired the instrument in bad faith.1Bad faith includes:aActual theft of the instrument.bKnowing that the instrument is stolen, lost, or mispla
30、ced.cKnowing that the payee, or some prior holder, is not properly entitled to payment.c)The holder acquired the instrument through gross negligence (i.e., carelessly but without actual knowledge).b.BEA/UCC limitations:1)Basic rule: The maker or drawer does not have to pay someone who is not a holde
31、r, he can assert “personal defenses” or “equities” against a holder, but only “real defenses” against a holder-in-due course.a)Holder: One who acquired the bill or note through an uninterrupted series of endorsements.b)Holder in Due Course (HDC): A holder who acquires an instrument:1For value,2In go
32、od faith, and3Without notice that it is overdue, or that it has been dishonored, or that the maker, drawer, or a prior endorser has a valid excuse for not paying it off.2)Personal Defenses:a)Breach of contract (including breach of contract warranties).b)Lack or failure of consideration.c)Fraud in th
33、e inducement.d)Illegality, incapacity (other than minority), or duress, if the contract is voidable.e)Previous payment of the instrument.f)Unauthorized completion of an incomplete instrument.g)Nondelivery of the instrument.3)Real Defenses:a)Forgery.b)Fraud in the execution.c)Material alteration.d)Di
34、scharge in bankruptcy.e)Minority, if the contract is voidable.f)Illegality, incapacity, or duress, if the contract is void.5.Liabilities of Makers, Drawers, Drawees, and Endorsersa.Liability on the Instrument: Liability arising out of a signature.1)Makers and drawees have “primary” liability: Must m
35、ake payment on presentment of the instrument.Case 12-4. Far East Realty Investment, Inc. v. Court of Appeals2)Drawers and endorsers have “secondary” liability: Only have to pay if the maker or drawee fails to do so.b.Warranty Liability: Responsibility arising out of the implied guarantees a person m
36、akes at the time he transfers or presents a negotiable instrument.1)BEA and ULB: No warranty liability.2)UCC: Every person who transfers an instrument (whether order or bearer paper) in exchange for consideration makes five implied guarantees to his immediate transferee and to every subsequent holde
37、r who takes the instrument in good faith.a)The transferor has good title to the instrument or is otherwise authorized to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who does have good title.b)All signatures are genuine or authorized.c)The instrument has not been materially altered.d)No defense of
38、any party is good against the transferor.e)The transferor has no knowledge of any insolvency proceedings against the maker, the acceptor, or the drawer of an unaccepted instrument.H.THE ROLE OF BANKS IN COLLECTING AND PAYING NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS1.Functions Banks Perform in connection with negotiat
39、ion of bills and notesa.Issue instruments themselves (e.g., certified checks and certificates of deposit).b.They assume primary liability (as drawees and acceptors) on bills of exchange and promissory notes.c.They act as the collecting agent for holders and transferees.d.They take instruments as end
40、orsees, paying the endorser, and presenting the instrument for payment in their own right.Case 12-5. Charles R. Allen, Inc. v. Island Cooperative Services Cooperative AssociationI.LETTERS OF CREDIT1.Alternatives to Using Letters of Credita.“Cash in advance” term: Used if seller is unable to determin
41、e buyers creditworthiness.b.“Documents Against Payment” term: Used when buyer wants to confirm that the goods have been shipped.1)Seller instructs a bank in the buyers country to release title (e.g., a carriers bill of lading) only after the buyer delivers to the bank a receipt from the seller indic
42、ating that the seller has received payment.c.“Documents Against Acceptance” term: Buyer insists upon taking delivery before making payment.1)Seller instructs a bank in the buyers country to release title only on receipt of an acknowledgement of delivery.2.The Letter of Credit Transactiona.Defined: A
43、n instrument 1)Issued by a bank, or other person, at the request of a customer (called an “account party”).2)It is a conditional agreement between the issuer and the account party that is intended to benefit a third party.3)It obliges the issuer:a)To pay a bill of exchange drawn by the account party
44、, up to a certain sum of money,b)Within a stated time period, andc)Upon presentation by the beneficiary of documents designated by the account party.b.Function: To substitute the credit of a recognized international bank for that of the buyer.c.The parties:1)The buyer is the account party.2)The buye
45、rs bank is the issuing bank.3)The seller is the beneficiary.d.Types of Letters of Credit:1)Irrevocable: Cannot be altered without the beneficiarys express consent.a)Preferred by beneficiaries because it provides the most security.2)Revocable: Revocable by the issuing bank.a)Disliked by beneficiaries
46、 because it provides the least security.3)Confirmed: A second bank adds its endorsement to the credit, indicating that it too will make payment against the specified documents.a)Gives the beneficiary additional assurance that payment will be made.3.Governing Law:a.International Chamber of Commerces
47、Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits (UCP) governs virtually all international letter of credit transactions.1)Most banks incorporate the UCP in the terms of the credits they issue.4.Applying for a Letter of Credita.Applicant must have an existing relationship with a bank.b.Applican
48、t completes a “Letter of Credit Application.”1)Caveat: Not an application for credit, but a set of instructions telling the issuing bank what needs to be included in the letter of credit.c.The consequences of not obtaining a letter of credit when the buyer has contractually agreed to obtain one 1)If
49、 the credit was a condition precedent to the formation of the contract: There will be no contract, and consequently no breach.2)If the credit was a condition for the performance of the contract: Because the contract already exists, the failure to obtain a credit will be a breach that will entitle th
50、e injured party to sue for damages.Case 12-6. Trans Trust, Sprl v. Danubian Trading Co., Ltd.5.Documentary Formalitiesa.No particular form is required.b.Must have the following formalities:1)Be in writing.2)Be signed by the issuer.3)Be complete and precise.4)Indicate if it is irrevocable.a)Presumpti
51、on that a credit is revocable.1Note: The latest version of the UCP (UCP 500) changes this rule so that a credit is presumed to be irrevocable.5)Indicate clearly when and how credits are to be paid.a)This may be by:1Sight payment.2Deferred payment.3Acceptance.4Negotiation.6)Name the bank(s) which is/
52、are authorized to:a)Pay the credit,b)Accept bills of exchange drawn in accordance with the letter, orc)Negotiate the credit.6.Advising and Confirming Letters of Credita.Advising Bank: A corresponding bank in the beneficiarys county which delivers the credit to the beneficiary.1)Assumes no liability
53、for paying the letter of credit.2)Only obligation is to the issuing bank, to insure that the beneficiary is advised and the credit delivered, and to take “reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the credit.”a)It does this by comparing the signature on the credit with the authorized sig
54、natures it maintains on file.b.Confirming Bank: A bank that independently promises that it will pay, accept, or negotiate a credit, as appropriate, when the documents specified in the credit are presented to it and the other terms and conditions of the credit have been complied with.1)A confirming b
55、ank is entitled to reimbursement from the issuing bank if the documents it receives are in order.2)Obligations of confirming banks:a)If the documents are not in order the confirming bank will be left with title to the goods in its own name.b)If the issuing bank or the account party are unable to rei
56、mburse the confirming bank, the confirming bank will be left with title to the goods in its own name.7.The Obligations of Banksa.To examine documents with reasonable care.b.Paying, accepting, or negotiating banks must forward irregular documents to the issuing bank.c.To honor or refuse credits “on the basis of the documents alone.”1)So long as the documents appear regular on their face, the bank must pay.a)The Rule of Strict Compliance: A bank may reject documents that do not ex
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