



1、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the starsP eriod 5 Using language: Extensive reading整體設(shè)計教材分析This is the fifth teaching period- of this unit. As usual, the teacher should check students homework and offer chances for them to go over what they learned in the last period at the begi nning of the class

2、. Then lead in the new less on.read ing ability bIn this p eriod, the teach ing emp hasis will be put on deve loping stude ntsreadi ng exte nsively. We will deal with two parts: A VISIT TO THE MOON in Usi ng Ian guage on Pages 30-31 and CAUGHT BY A BLACK HOLE in Readi ng Task on P age 66. While read

3、 ing, get stude nts lear ning to use some readi ng strategies such as skim ming, sca nning, and so on. As to new words and p hrases, the teacher can first find those stude nts feel most difficult and help them to un dersta nd. That s eno ugh here. The readi ng p assage A VISIT TO THE MOON is a scie

4、nee fiction story which imagines what it might be like if an astronaut visited the moon. The purpose of scienee fiction writing is to combine facts with a story to make students interested and excited about travel in sp ace. It is also to stimulate awe and won der into the vast ness of sp ace. As th

5、is reading uses the information students have gained from the listening, the teacher can first ask some students to retell the listening text to lead in the topic and then ask students to read the passage and do some comprehending exercises. While checking their answers with the whole class, deal wi

6、th Ianguage problems students canout by themraifel ves. This is an extensivereadi ng less on, so the teach ing ste ps should be simp le. As to the p assage CAUGHT BY A BLACK HOLE, it is to continue the above story. The astro no mers in the story visit a p lace in sp ace, which seems impossible for p

7、eople to reach, the “ black hole ” . It is to help students imagine what it is like near a “ blackhole ” Ask students to read through the passage and try to know more about astr onomy and gravity.At the end of the class, ask students to retell the two passages.In order to arouse studentsin terest, t

8、he teacher can hold a comp etiti on among them.教學(xué)重點1. Develop stude nts readi ng skills by exte nsive readi ng.2. Let stude nts read and un dersta nd the two p assages.教學(xué)難點1. En able stude nts to lear n to use readi ng strategies such as skim ming, sca nning, and so on.2. Get stude nts to un dersta

9、nd the scie nee fiction stories in this un it.三維目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo)1. Get stude nts to lear n some useful new words and exp ressi ons in this part: sp acesh ip, p ull, float, mass, cheer up, now that, break out2. Get stude nts to read the scie nee fiction stories.能力目標(biāo)1. Develop students reading skills by extensi

10、ve reading and enable them to learn how to use differe nt readi ng skills to read differe nt readi ng materials.2. Have stude nts lear n to use the useful new words and exp ressi ons correctly.3. En able stude nts to un dersta nd the p assages and know more about astr onomy and gravity.情感目標(biāo)in terest

11、 in astro nomy and space travel. sense of group coop erati on and teamwork.2. Develop stude nts1. Stimulate stude nts教學(xué)過程7 Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some p airs of stude nts to come to the front and act out their dialogue to review the exp ressi ons of givi ng in str ucti

12、ons.3. Have some stude nts talk about Isaac Newt on, Albert Ein ste in and Stephen Hawk ing as well as their ideas on gravity.7 Ste p 2 Warmi ng upLet stude nts to brain storm the follow ing questi ons:What country first sent people into sp ace?How many coun tries have succeeded in sending people in

13、to space so far?Who first Ian ded on the moon?Who is the first Chin ese astr on aut to go into sp ace?Do you want to visit the moon?7 Step 3 Readi ng1. Ask students to read the passage and then describe the three ways in which gravity cha nged for Li Yanping and how his weight cha nged.1) Write dow

14、n the three ways in which gravity cha nged for Li Yanping.The way gravity changedLeft the earthIn sp aceOn the moonSuggested an swers:The way gravity changedLeft the earthThe gravity became very strong.In sp aceThe gravity disa pp eared.On the moonThe gravity became very light.2) His weight cha nged

15、 three times, too. Now write them dow n.How his weight changedLeft the earthIn sp aceOn the moonSuggested an swers:How his weight changedLeft the earthHe became very heavy.In spaceHe had no weight and could float around like a feather.On the moonHe was about one-sixth of his weight on the earth.2. A

16、sk stude nts to read the p assage aloud to the tape and un derl ine all the useful exp ressi onsor collocatio ns in the p assage. Let stude nts read them aloud and copy them dow n in their exercise book after class as homework. Try to kee p them in mind.Collocati ons: be lucky eno ugh to do, have a

17、cha nee, make a trip into sp ace, explain sth. tosb. , the force of gravity, be off, the pull of the earth s gravity, fall back to the earth, fall to theground, too far from the earth, as if, at all, get close to, cheer up, come on, less tha n, dow n theste ps, ste p forward, twice as far as, fall o

18、ver, a bit of, now that, after a while, get the hang of, breakout, on the outside of, be pu shed intoT Step 4 Imp orta nt Ian guage points1. Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me that the force of gravity would cha nge threetimes on our journey and that the first cha nge would be the most po we

19、rful.在啟程以前,李彥平向我解釋說,在我們的航行中會有三次引力的改變,而第一次的改變將是最強的。句子中 that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey and that the firstcha nge would be the most po werful是兩個并列 的that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,作動詞ex plain的賓語。一個動詞若帶兩個賓語從句,第二個引導(dǎo)詞that 一般不省略。例如:The girls told him (that) they were on a train trip across C

20、an ada and that they had on ly one day in Mon treal.姑娘們告訴他,她們乘火車來旅游,要橫穿加拿大,在蒙特利爾待一天。I un dersta nd not only (that) you have studied Chin ese but also that you have writte n Chin ese poetry.我知道,你不僅學(xué)了中文,而且還寫中文詩。2. I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our sp acesh ip cab in watch

21、 ingthe earth become smaller and the moon larger.我立刻感到很高興,由于失重我在太空艙里飄來飄去,我望著(身后的)地球越來越小,而(前方的)月球越來越大。watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語,在句中作狀語。cheer (sb. ) up: (cause sb. to) become happier or more cheerful 歡呼;喝彩;感至U高興;使高興t that bad!Try and cheer up a bit; life isn想辦法高興點,生

22、活并不是那么糟!The crowd cheered up when they saw- the team arrive.當(dāng)看到球隊的到來,人群歡呼起來。He took her to the concert to cheer her up.他帶她去聽音樂會來使她高興。watch. . . do/doing 觀看,注視We watched the sun sett ing beh ind the trees.我們看著太陽正在樹后面落下。Every day as they watched the plant grow, their hearts filled with hope.每一天當(dāng)他們看到植物

23、生長,他們的心里都充滿了希望。3. “ Oh dear, ” I cried,“ walk ing does n eed a bit of p ractice now that gravity has cha nged.天哪,我大聲說,重力改變了,看來走路也的確需要練一練了?!眓ow (that). . . : because of the fact (that). 既然;由于Now (that) everybody is here, we can begi n the meet ing.既然每個人都到了 ,我們就可以開始會議。Now (that) you are a big boy you

24、must behave better.由于你是一個大男孩,你就必須行為表現(xiàn)得更好。s gr4. We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the sp acesh ip as the earth in creased.我們驚奇地看著,隨著地球引力的增加,宇宙飛船的外層燃燒起火。句子中的 as fire broke out on the outside of the sp acesh ip 禾 R as the earth s gravity in creased 均為as引導(dǎo)的狀語從句。amazed是過去分詞,在此處作狀語。H

25、e came in unno ticed.他神不知鬼不覺地走了進來。Many heroes lie buried in the churchyard.許多英雄埋葬在教堂的墓地里。break out: (of violent events) start suddeniy(指激烈事件,如戰(zhàn)爭、火災(zāi)、疫情等)突然發(fā)生;爆發(fā)Fire broke out duri ng the ni ght.夜間突然發(fā)生了火災(zāi)。War broke out in 1939.戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)于1939年。A quarrel broke out sudde nIy at midni ght. 在深夜,突然有人吵架。T Step 5

26、Readi ng taskTurn to Page 66.1. Ask stude nts to read the p assage and an swer the two questi ons.1) Can a black hole- be seen? How do you know it -s a black hole ?2) What happened to the sp acesh ip from the begi nning to the end?Suggested an swers:1) No, it can t be seen. You can see things disapp

27、ear into what appears to be empty space.2) At firs 4 the lights on the spaceship went out and the computer stopped working. Then the sp acesh ip jumped and bega n to move around the edge of the outside of the hole.As the sp acesh ip moved around the hole, it bega n to go faster and faster.But the n

28、the sp acesh ip jumped aga in, and it moved sideways from the black hole. It bega n to in crease its sp eed un til it seemed to be going as fast as light.At last the sp acesh ip slowed dow n and the compu ter started work ing aga in.2. Let stude nts read the p assage aga in and do the follow ing:Sup

29、pose you are a scie ntist readi ng this p assage. Use this checklist to discover the new ideas about “ black holes ” . Then write them for the other scientists to read about.Was this what we found?New ideas about black holesOld ideas about “ black holes1. Black holes cannot be seen.2. Gravity p ulls

30、 objects towardsthem.3. Objects go round outside the _ edge of the “ black hole ”.4. All objects must go into theblack hole ” when they are caught by its gravity.3. Several minu tes later, show the an swers on the scree n and check them with the whole class. At the same time, deal with any diffic ul

31、t l anguage points that students can t understand.Suggested an swers:Old ideas about1. Black holes cannot be seen.2. Gravity p ulls objects towardsthem.black holesWas this what we found?YesYesNew ideas aboutblack holesYesYes3. Objects go round outside theedge of the “ black holeThey can be thrown far from the“ black hole ” by the energy in the“ black hole4. All objects must go into the“ black hole when they are caughTby its gravity.T Step 6 Con solidati onAsk stude nts to go back to the two p assages. Give them several minu


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