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1、管理者請看清楚了面是肇慶市英語一模模試題的掃描版 ( 部分),你若認為不是 , 請不用發(fā)表 ; 你若認為是 , 請刪除后發(fā)肇慶市中小學教學目標管理2005屆高中畢業(yè)班第一次統(tǒng)一檢測試題注意事項:I.10至2卡上,3英語本試卷分第1卷(選擇題)和第n卷(非選擇題)兩部分,第1卷I至10頁,第n卷 1 0頁。答題時間 120分鐘,滿分 150分。答卷前,考生務必用黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將自己的姓名、考生號填寫在答題 密封線內的項目也要填寫清楚。每小題選出答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑,如需改動,用 橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案,不能答在試題卷上。4 主觀題的答案寫在答題卡上相應位置

2、上。5考生必須保持答題卡的整潔,考試結束后將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第一卷 (三部分, 共115分)第一部分: 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30分) Over the phone Meet in the English ClubAttend a language class C 聽下面一段材料,回答7 What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?第一節(jié): (共 15小題;每小題 15 分,滿分 225 分)聽下面幾段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、 B、 C 三個選項中選出最佳的選項,并標在試卷

3、的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀 各個小題,每小題 5 秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出 5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀 兩遍。聽下面一段材料,回答 1-3 小題。 Where is this conversation taking place? In the library B In the classroom What is Scarlett? A foreign student studying in Beijing Ar American teacher teaching in Beijing The gril friend of the man What will the

4、y d0 0n Tuesday evening?Play basketball B Meet in the library聽下面一段材料,回答 4-6 題 Why does the woman watch a Japanese film? She is interested in Japanese films She wants to know something about Japanese culture She will teach in Japan for a year What is the woman going t0 do next month?Go to Japan B Be

5、accepted in a program C What advice does t11e woman give the man? Study hard and learn more Japanese Be quick to learn things and suit the environment Try t0 be as clever as the woman7-9 題 Two friendsB Husband and wifeC Two c0Ueaguese8AWhat are the two talking about?.HOwto surf the Internet B。Lookin

6、g fora job C How to sell clothes When is this conversation taking place? h the morning B 111 the afternoonC In the evening聽下面一段材料,回答 IO 12題10A. What is t11e relatio nship betwee n the two sp eakers?.Clerk and customer . B . Two friends . C . Boss and assista nt11A.In what color is the sweater the ma

7、n gets?.Dark grey . B . Dark blue . C . Dark yellow . What is the sweater made of?.Nyl on。 B . Cott on . C . Wool .13 一 15 題12A聽下面一段材料,回答13A.What did Gran dma Moses begi n t0 do at the age 0f 767.She bega n to do farm work . B . She bega n t0 sell pi ctures.14A15A.She began t0 paint as an artist. Wh

8、en did Galdor no tice Gran dma Moses works?.In 1976 . B .In 1939 . C .In 1961 . What isthis p assage mainly about?Grandma Moses works . B . Grandma Moses late lifeWhoWhat t0 doWhenThe manwants to take a trainin tlle. afternoon .The mancalls t11e Green Leaf Taxi Service16The mans train17at 4:30The ma

9、nwants to get to the station18The man19in 30 minutes .20will send a taxi to get the manat 3:00C . Grandma MOses job二、聽取信息聽下面I段對話。請根據題目要求,從聽到的內容中獲取必要的信息,填入答題紙標號 為5-20的空格中。錄音讀兩遍,中間間隔1分鐘,聽完后你有2分鐘的作答時間。第二部分 :英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié):單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)從以下各題所給的 A、B、C D四個選項中選出一個最佳的選項。21. Scientistssay it

10、may be five or six year _itmedic ine on huma n p atie ntsis possible tO test thisA . si nee B . which C . before D.that22 .You needn t have paid for it .had collected D . collectsin safe p laces p ossessi ons they一 You are right . NObody ticketsA . was collecti ng B . collected C23 . Before the war

11、broke out , many people could not take with themA . threw away B . put away C . gave away D . carried away24. It was the tsunami( 海嘯)in the Indian Ocean in December killedthousa nds Of people are touristtO the region;whoA . when; who B . where; that C . which ; that D . tlat25 . -English has a large

12、 vocabulary, hasn t it?-yes . more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and com muni cate with others.A . Shall B . Will C.Should D . NeedA Know B . Kn owi ng C . TO know D . Known26.ourgovernment demanded that the Chinese hostages(人質)inas po ssible .A . 810uld set free B.be set

13、 free C . arc set free DIraq as soon.set free一 No, but we A . had tried27. Did you find the miss ing couple in the moun tai n yesterday?tO get in touch with them ever sinceB . tried C . have tried D . had bee n trying28Linda,Can I change my Chinese stamps for your foreign ones?A . Go aheadB . My ple

14、asure C . It s up t0 you D.It s a deal29.-HOW about eight o-That me fineclock outside the cin ema?A . fits B . meets C.satisfies D . suits30 . Jack studied oversightA to prepare for Bhsfinal examspreparing C . preparing for D.prepared31 . I m fee ling a bit cold some one g0 and close the door?32. He

15、 is a strict but kind teacher , isalways trying tO make his classeslively and in terest ingA . one B . one who C . he D . he who33 . -Who did you have the toy watch?一 Mr. WangA . rear B . tO rep air C34.Beiji ngwewhat it is nowII see.rep airi ng D in year 2008will.rep airedbe quite differe ntcity fr

16、omA . The; the ; a BC . The; the ; the D35. The aid has come from UN不填;.不填;the ; athe ;不填,but it will be near what is neededA . everywhere B . somewhere C . any where D . no where第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題,每小題1 . 5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從 出一個最佳選項。Sp ecialistsshock is the terpeople have insp ecialists36-55各題所給的

17、四個選項(A、B、C和D)中選say it is not easy m these sp ecialistsnew environment There are 37 stagest036get used tO life in a new culture when talk ing about the feeli ngs matOf culture shock , say theCulture.In t11e 6rst stagewhen the fresh feeling 38,the newcomers like their new environment Then,they begin t

18、O 39 the city , the country , the peoplethere , and 4O else . In the last stage , the newcomers begin to get used tO their surroundings and , asa result , 41 their life .There are some obvious factorsuniOleasant . The customsin culture shock . The weather may bemay be different . The public _42 tran

19、spo rtatio n may be hard to work out 43. The Ian guage may be difficultWhofeels culture shock? Every one still 44 most people those whO 45.in their commu nity 46 established po siti ons an ide ntity. They have to build a new self-imageCulture hock 48 rose tO a feeling feelingmay, be home-sickness .

20、when homesick ,They want , tO protect themselves from the 5Osystem-the tele phone , post office , or.The most simple thi ngs seem to be bigdoes in this way or that . But culture shock .Very ofte n the peoplehavi ng the worst culture shock are.had any difficulties in their homecountriesand were succe

21、ssful, Coming to a new country , those people find they do not have.They find themselves without a role,47 with- outOf disorientation( people like staying environment , and create an escape無方向) This4 all the time.36.A1 . IdiscoverB.spendC.know D. employ37 .A.twoB.threeC.four D. five38 .A.comesB.dies

22、C.app ears D. misses39 .A.10veB.app reciateC.leave D. dislike40 .A.everyth ing B.someth ingC.any where D. somewhere41 .A.satisfyB.realizeC.enjoy D. find42 .A.serviceB.societyC.com muni cati on D. relati on43 .A.thi ngsB.onesC.p roblems D. questi ons44 .A.tiresB.surp rises,C.rui ns D. meets45 .A.seld

23、omB .everC.once D. likely46 .A.properB .the sameC.form er D the newly47 .A.almostB .nearlyC.hardlyD- mostly48 .A.tellsB.showsC givesD means49 .A.outsideB .in sideC.alone D. slee ping50 .A.far away B.n oisyC.known D. stra nge51 .A.safetyB.sile neeC.lOnehness D regret52 .A.sp ecialB .shortC.10ngDp oss

24、ible53 .A.matchB .catchC.famil iar D turn54 .A.gai ningB .offeri ngC.makingD - providing55 .A.aboutB .ofC.forD. to55 the problem of culture shockany where for a sense of 5 1 . This esca pe does solve the p roblem of cultureshock for a 52 term, but it does nothing to make the person 53 with thecultur

25、e . Getting t0 know the new environment and 54 experienee those are thelong term soluti on第三部分:閱讀理解。 (共 20 小題;每小題 2分,滿分 40 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B c和D)中,選出一個最佳選項。Tales From Animal HospitalDavid Grant has become a familiar face t0 millions 0f fans 0f Animal Hospital Here Dr Grant tells us the very be

26、st of his personal stories about the animals he has treatedDavid Grant, including familiar patients sueh as the dogs Snowy andDuchess ,the delightful behind the scenes atcat Marigold SerendipItyDiamond- Fie al。0 takes the readerHarmsworth Memorial Animal Hospital as he decribeshis day . from。 rd m-

27、ary medical check ups to surgery . Tales From Animal Hospital wi n delightall fans of the programme and anyone who has a livelyinterestin theirpet , whether it be cat,_dog or snake1$14 99 Hardback 272pp Simon SchusterISBN 0751304417Isaac Newton:The Last Sorcerer:A Ufe in Scienee , comes tIlis colour

28、ful s first modem scientisL Interesting yet s learned yet teadable new book offers a true picture from what people comlTlOnly know about himNewton witll very hulnan weaknesSes who stood at the pointMichael WhitFrom the author 0f Stephen Hawking description 0f tlle life 0f the world babed on fact , M

29、ichael White 0f Newton completely different is shown as a gifted scientist in history where magic ended and science began 8. 99 Hardback 3200pp Fourth EstateISBN 1857024168Fermats Last TheoremSimon SinghIn 1963 a schoolboy caUed Andrew Wiles reading in his school library calne aCIDSS the WOrlds grea

30、test mathematical problem :Fermats LasI Theorem First put forward by the French mtllemati cian PielTe de Fermat in tle seventeentheentury , tIIe tlleorem had baffled and beaten tlle finest matll ematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem ,

31、and who had t0 dTeSS like a nlan in order t0 be abk t0 studyatthe Ecole Polytech- nique Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally WOrked out the pmblem in 1995An unusual story 0f human effort over thFee centuries,FermatLast Theorem will delight specialists andgeneral readers alike 12.

32、99 Hardback 384pp Fourth Estate What is Animal Hospital? A news story A research report In Michael WhiteISBN 1857025210B . A popular book . D . A TV programme .s book , Newton is described as56AC57 a person who did not look the same as in many pictures. a person who lived a colourful and meaningful

33、life. a great but not perfect manD5859. an old time magicianbaffle ”8sit is used in the text?AB. Which of the f0Uowing best explains the meaning 0fthe word. To encourage people t0 raise questions. To cause difficulty in understanding. To provide a person with an explanation. To limit people s imagin

34、ation . What is the purpose of writing the text?A. To make the books easier to read.B. To show the importance of science.C. To introduce, new authors.D. To sell the books.You may be interested in the present situation of Black Americans today. It is true that their conditions have changed for the be

35、tter since the mid - 1970s. Many Blacks are attending colleges and three -fourths Black college students are now studying in the formally all -white institu-tions. Better education offers better openings for Blacks. With better employment, the percentage of Blacks doing skilled labor rose after the

36、1970s by about 76 %. Many Blacks entered the middle class and moved out of the slums. Many have been elected to governmental positions.Whatever they might be, however, they must share with other Blacks the bond of being Black. Frustrated by white xenophobia ( 恐懼人 ) or superiority, all Blacks suffer

37、from various forms of racism( 種族歧視 ). Nobody can ignore the fact that over a third of all Black Americans are still living below poverty level. Statistics tell us that half of all Black children grow up in poverty and almost 2 million Blacks are jobless, that is, over 12 % of the Black work force is

38、 unemployed. The rate is 2. 5 times that for Whites. In comparison with Whites, Black families earn so much less than is needed for a decent(像樣的)but modest living standard. Usually a Black family s income is only 55% that of a white one. While seeing the rise of a few Blacks,we must no tice at the s

39、ame time that far too many Blacks are livi ng in hop eless ness and des pair from which they have little hope to esca pe.Who can guarantee that the unempioyed will accept their lot quietly, or that the des pairi ng will contain their an ger forever? America ns are far from achievi ng the goal of a c

40、olor -bli nd society. Black p roblems are still a n ati onal issue to be solved.60. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is TRUE accord ing to the p assage?A. Their lives have totally cha nged since the mid - 1970s.B. Blacks can enjoy the same educati on con diti on as Whites.C. The majority of the B

41、lacks are leadi ng comfortable lives.D. More Blacks tha n Whites are unempio yed in America today.61. Accord ing to the p assage, the rate of unemployment of America n Whites is _A. more than 5%B. less than 5%C. more than 12%D. less than 12%62. It can be in ferred from the p assage that _A. the Amer

42、ica n Blacks will fight for their equalityB. many Blacks are satisfied with their p rese nt livesC. America n Blacks have broke n away from racismD. n obody cares about Blacks.63. What does the p assage mainly discuss?A. Blacks fight for equality.B. Black p roblem in America.The unemployment p roble

43、m of America n Blacks.The cha nges of Blacks lives in America .64.The phrase“ color blind soc iety ” probably means.the Society that dislikes color.the society with a lot Of color bli nd sufferers.the society that p ays nO sp ecial atte nti on tO skin colors.the society is too blind t0 differ t11e c

44、olorsP arrots that are trained to talk ofte n say silly things like P oily want a cracker. Although these birds have lear ned to copy the sounds that make up the words, they dont really know what theyre say ing. But there is one p arrot who sp eaks more tha n a hun dred words and actually un dersta

45、nds their meanin gs. He is an Africa n gray p arrot n amed Alex.Dr. Irene Pepperberg, a scientist at the University of Arizona, has worked with Alex for nine- teen years. Teaching Alex to speak and understand wasnt easy at first. He had to learn one word at a time. Irene and an assistant would teach

46、Alex by showing him what a word meant. Irene would hold up an object, saying Whats this? Her human partner would give the word -button, for example-while Alex watched. Irene would praise her partner, then ask Alex the name for the object. Whenhe got it right, Irene would praise him and give him the

47、object to play with as a reward. It took Alex many weeks to learn his first word. Mter that, each new word became easier and easier for him.Why did Irene spend so much time getting a parrot to talk? Scientists like Irene are interested in discovering how intelligent animals are and how their brains

48、work. But studying animal intelli gence has always been difficult, partly because animals havent been able to communicate clearly with humans. Teaching Alex to speak words that he understands has let Irene talk to him directly.She can ask him questions, and he can answer them in English. In this way

49、, Ireneis finding out what sorts of things Alexs brain can do. She has found that parrots are much smarter than scientists used to think. The word birdbrain,which means someone who isnt very smart, certainly doesnt apply to Alex.Alexcan identify over forty kinds of objects , five different shapes, f

50、ive materials, and seven colors, and he can use his knowledge to solve problems and answer questions. For example, from a group of objects, he can pick out the number of things of a certain color, up to the number six. He can also make comparisons, such as bigger or smaller and same or different, be

51、tween objects.65A66 HOW is Alex remarkable? He can uses the English language to communicate his thoughts He HSeS words in English instead of bird calls to caU his mate He can copy the pronunciations 0f more than 100 English words AIex has a brain that is mueh bigger than those of other parrotsHow di

52、d Dr Pepperberg teaeh Alex t0 speak with understanding? She said the same word all day long so that Alex could repeat itShe taught A1ex a special sign languageShe gave Alex rewards if he would say what she saidShe gave A1ex a button every time he answered correctly67 Why did Dr Pepperberg teach Alex

53、 t0 speak with understanding?She wanted to prove it could be doneShe wanted t0 provide a model f-0r people who want to keep talking birds She wanted t0 find out how many Words parrots could memorizeShe wanted to find out what sorts of things his brain could doAs beginningwe cross the threshold( 開 端

54、)into to move from the industrialthe next century , human society is economy into the knowledge basedeconomy The general trend is that the 21stcentury will be a new era 0f theknowledge based economyThe most obvious knowledge based economy is information driven economic growth globalization( 全球化 ) In more specific terms ,the application 0f information the economy is best shown in the networking of communication,0r the so-calledNet economy This Net refers t0 the computer net work 0f satellite , optic fiber( 纖),cables and tele phone lines that conn ect the whol


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