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1、啊預(yù)憨絳稆道看電影學(xué)英語 kungfu panda 功夫熊貓 -narrator: legend tells of a legendary warrior.legend: 傳奇 legendary: 傳奇的 warrior: 武士傳奇故事傳頌著一名傳奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.stuff: 物質(zhì)他的功夫出神入化。he traveled the land in search of worthy foes.in search of: 尋找 foe: 敵人他走遍天涯,獨孤求敗,-demon: i see you like to

2、chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜歡吃啊,maybe you should chew on my fist!fist: 拳頭有種就吃了我的拳頭!-narrator: the warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不發(fā),因為正忙著吃,then he swallowed.swallow: 吞咽然后一口吞下,and then he spoke.開口道:“enough talk. lets fight! shashabooey! shashabooey!”“別廢話,動手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-narrator: he was so dea

3、dly in factdeadly: 致命的他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 awesomeness: 敬畏他的敵人目不暇接,只有瞠目結(jié)舌的份兒-demon: my eyes!我的眼睛!-rabbit1: hes too awesome!awesome: 令人驚嘆的他太彪悍了!-rabbit2: and attractive!太有魅力了!-rabbit1: how can we repay you?我們何以回報?-warr

4、ior: there is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的偉大不求回報or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更無所需kablooey! kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-narrator: it mattered not how many foes he faced.foe: 敵人他征戰(zhàn)無數(shù)they were no match for his body!無人堪與匹敵,never before had a panda been so feared!從沒有哪只熊貓能讓人如此恐懼,and so love

5、d.又讓人如此愛戴。even the most heroic heroes in china,即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士們the furious five,furious: 兇猛的勇猛五杰, bowed in respect to this great master.bow: 鞠躬也心懷敬意地拜倒在這位大師腳下。-monkey: we should hang out.hang out: 出去咱出去玩玩怎樣?-warrior: agreed.同意。-narrator: but hanging out would have to wait.但出去玩的事情得先放一邊,because when y

6、oure facing the 10 000 demons of shemon mountaindemon: 惡魔因為尚有萬千暴徒待鏟除,theres only one thing that matters and thats.正經(jīng)事只有一件,就是-monkey: po! get up!po,快起床!youll be later for work!要誤了生意了!-po: what?什么? scene: the dream is over, and po gets up to work. -dad: po! get up!po,快起床!po. what are you doing up ther

7、e?po,你磨蹭啥呢?-po: nothing.沒啥。monkey! mantis! crane! viper! tigress!mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鶴 viper: 毒蛇monkey! mantis! crane! viper! tigress!-dad: po! lets go! youre late for work.po!快點,都誤了生意了。-po: coming!來啦sorry, dad.對不起,老爸-dad: sorry doesnt make the noodles.對不起可變不出面條來。what were you doing up there?你在搞什么名堂?a

8、ll that noise.稀里嘩啦的。-po: nothing. i just had a crazy dream.沒什么,就是個亂七八糟的夢。-dad: about what?什么夢?what were you dreaming about?夢到什么了?-po: what was i.?夢到了我夢見了i was dreaming about.我夢見了.noodles.面條。-dad: noodles?面條?you were really dreaming about noodles?你真夢見面條了?-po: yeah. what else would i be dreaming about

9、?沒錯。不然還能夢見啥?careful! that soup is sharp.小心!湯很鋒利哦(有飛鏢)。-dad: oh, happy day!哦,太讓人高興了!my son finally having the noodle dream!我兒子終于夢到面條了!you dont know how long ive been waiting for this moment.哦,你不知道我等這一刻都等了多久!this is a sign, po.sign: 跡象這是個好兆頭,po。-po: a sign of what?什么好兆頭?you are almost ready to be entr

10、usted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup.entrust: 委托 ingredient: 原料我終于可以把我的私釀密湯的配方傳給你了。then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!destiny: 命運 take over: 繼承這樣你就能不辱使命,繼承這間飯館了。as i took it over from my father who took it over from his father.就像我子承父業(yè),父承祖父業(yè)一樣,.wh

11、o won it from a friend in mahjong.mahjong: 麻將這店可是爺爺來麻將從朋友手里贏來的。-po: dad, dad, dad, it was just a dream.老爸,老爸,這不過是場夢。-dad: no, it was the dream.不,這是注定的夢。we are noodle folk.folk: 特定集團中的人我們是面條世家,broth runs through our veins.broth: 肉湯 vein: 靜脈流淌著肉湯面條的血脈。-po: but, dad, didnt you ever want to do something

12、 else?可是,老爸,你有沒有想過做點別的?something besides noodles?除了面條之外的?-dad: actually, when i was young and crazy,其實,我還年少輕狂的時候,i thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.run away: 離家出走 tofu: 豆腐曾想過離家出走,學(xué)做豆腐。-po: why didnt you?那你干嗎不做?-dad: because it was a stupid dream.因為這是個黃梁蠢夢,can you imagine me m

13、aking tofu?你能想象我做豆腐的樣子嗎?tofu.豆腐?no! we all have our place in this world.別提了!我們各有其命。mine is here,我就是面條命,and yours is.而你-po: i know, is here.我知道了,也是面條命。-dad: no!its at tables 2, 5, 7 and 12.錯!是2號桌,5號桌,7號桌還有12號桌。service with a smile.別忘了微笑服務(wù)。 scene: in the jade palace, master and his students are playin

14、g kungfu, and the bad news comes. -master: well done, students.干得好,徒兒們!if you were trying to disappoint me.如果還有什么想讓我挑剔的地方,就是tigress, you need more ferocity!ferocity: 兇猛tigress,力道要更強!monkey, greater speed.monkey,速度要更快。crane, height.height: 高度crane,更高。viper, subtlety. mantis.subtlety: 微妙viper,更精準。mant

15、is-zeng: master shifu.大師傅。-master: what?!插什么嘴?!-zeng: its master oogway.是oogway大師,he wants to see you.他想見您。-master: master oogway, you summoned me?summon: 召喚oogway大師,您召見我。is something wrong?是出什么事了嗎?- oogway: why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?為何非要出事才能與老友相聚呢?-master: so n

16、othings wrong?這么說,沒出啥事?-oogway: well, i didnt say that.我倒也沒這么說,-po: you were saying?您是說-oogway: i have had a vision.vision: 幻覺我看見了些幻相,tai lung will return.tai lung會重現(xiàn)江湖。-master: that is impossible! he is in prison.prison: 監(jiān)獄這不可能!他還在牢里呢。-oogway: nothing is impossible.一切皆有可能。(阿迪達斯贊助了?)-master: zeng!ze

17、ng!fly to ohorh-gom prison and tell them,馬上飛到桃崗天牢去告訴他們,to double the guards, double their weapons, double everything!weapon: 武器看守加倍,兵器加倍,什么都加倍,tai lung does not leave that prison!確保tai lung不會越獄-zeng: yes! master shifu!遵命!師傅大師-oogway: one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.avoid

18、: 拒絕有言,子欲避之,反促遇之。-master: we must do something!我們不能無動于衷!we cant let him march on the valley,march on: 向.推進 valley: 山谷我不能讓他來谷中泄憤,take his revenge!take revenge: 報復(fù)以報私恨hell.他會-oogway: your mind is like this water my friend.你心如此水,老朋友。when it is agitated it becomes difficult to see.agitated: 不安的亂則不明。but

19、if you allow it to settle.settle: 安頓但若心如止水,.the answer becomes clear.答案便盡現(xiàn)眼前。the dragon scroll.dragon: 龍 scroll: 卷軸龍之卷軸。it is time.是時候了。-master: but who?可傳給誰?who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power?誰能有能力繼承這無限的力量?to become the dragon warrior?warrior: 武士成為“龍武士”?-oogway: i dont k

20、now.我亦不知。 scene: master oogway is going to choose the “dragon warrior”, and po goes to see the selection, and the unexpected thing happens. -po: excuse me. pardon me. sorry.借過,抱歉,-customer: watch it!嘿,看著點走!-po: sorry.對不起,-customer: suck it up! suck up: 吸收(吸盡)把這個擦掉!-po: sorry. a thousand pardons.對不起,

21、一千個抱歉。what?什么?master oogways choosing the dragon warrior! today!oogway大師選龍武士?!今天!everyone! get to the jade palace!jade: 翡翠大伙們,快去翡翠宮!one of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll!scroll: 卷軸五杰之一要得到龍卷軸了!weve waited 1000 years for this!千年等一回??!take the bowl!bowl: 碗吃完就快去啊!this is the greatest day in kung

22、 fu history! just go!今天是功夫史上最偉大的一天,(別操心付賬了)快去吧!-dad: po! where are you going?po!你要去哪兒?-po: to the jade palace.jade: 翡翠去翡翠宮。-dad: youre forgetting your noodle cart.cart: 搬運車可你忘了你的面條車了,the whole valley will be there and youll sell noodles to all of them.整個山谷的居民都會去,你就可以大賣特賣了。-po: selling noodles?賣面條?bu

23、t, dad, i was thinking, maybe i.可是,老爸,我在想我可不可以-dad: yeah?什么?-po: i was thinking maybe i.我在想我可不可以could also sell the bean buns.bean: 豆 bun: 圓形小點心可不可以也順道賣點綠豆糕,theyre about to go bad.它們快壞了。thats my boy!真是個好孩子!i told you that dream was a sign.我說過那個夢是個好兆頭。-po: yeah. glad i had it.是呀,真高興我做了這個夢。-rabbit1: i

24、m a kung fu warrior!我是功夫兔子!-rabbit2: me too!我也是!-rabbit1: theres spots at the top.比賽地點在山頂呢!-rabbit2: lets go.我們走。-po: come on. come on!加油,加油!almost there.就要到了。what?什么?no! oh, no!不會吧,不,不!-rabbit: sorry, po.不好意思了,po。well bring you back a souvenir.souvenir: 紀念品我們會給你帶紀念品的。-po: no. ill bring me back a so

25、uvenir.不,我要自己帶紀念品下來。-master: it is an historic day.這是歷史性的一天,isnt it, master oogway?是吧?oogway大師?-oogway: yes, and one i feared i would not live to see.沒錯,我還怕我不能活著等到這天。are your students ready?你的徒弟們準備好了嗎?-master: yes, master oogway.準備好了,oogway大師。-oogway: know this, old friend.老朋友,你得明白,whomever i choose

26、 will not only bring peace to the valley.不管我選了誰,不僅是給山谷帶來安寧but also to you.也是給你帶來安定。-master: let the tournament begin!tournament: 錦標賽比武大會現(xiàn)在開始! scene: the tournament begins, and po finally gets to the jade palace, but unfortunately, he is shut out of the door, and he manages to get in. -people: yeah.帥

27、!-po: no, no, wait!不!等等!im coming! wait, wait!我來了!等等!yes!到了!hey! open the door!嗨,把門兒開開!let me in!讓我進去!-master: citizens of the valley of peace,citizen: 居民平和谷的居民們,it is my great honor to present to you. tigress!我深感榮幸為你們介紹,tigress!viper! crane! monkey! mantis!viper!crane!monkey!mantis!the furious five

28、!勇猛五杰!-people: yeah, the furious five!耶,勇猛五杰!-master: warriors, prepare!warrior: 武士武士們準備!-po: wait. no. oh, peeky-hole.peeky: 可窺視的等等,不,噢,可以從門洞里看。-master: ready for battle!battle: 戰(zhàn)役準備比武!-people: yeah.太好了!-master: the thousand tongues of fire.tongue: 舌頭數(shù)千火舌。-people: look at that.哇噢,看看那個!-po: hey!get

29、out of the way!嗨!別擋著我!-master: and finally master tigress!最后出場的是tigress!and believe me, citizens you have not seen anything yet.相信我,居民們,你們將大開眼界。-po: i know!我知道?。ㄉ兑矝]看到)-master: master tigress! face iron ox and his blades of death.blade: 刀刃tigress上場,為您表演空手入白刃。-oogway: i sense the dragon warrior is amo

30、ng us.warrior: 武士 sense: 感受到我感覺到“龍武士士”就在我們中間,-master: citizens of the valley of peace平和谷的居民們,master oogway will now choose the dragon warrior!oogway大師現(xiàn)在要甄選“龍戰(zhàn)士”了!-po: oh, no! no, no! wait!什么?不不,等等!yeah.有了!po!po!-dad: what are you doing?!你在干什么?-po: what does it look like im doing?你說我在干什么?stop!別過來!im

31、going to see the dragon warrior!我要去看“龍武士”!-dad: but i dont understand. you finally had the noodle dream!可我不懂,你才夢到了面條啊!-po: i lied. i dont dream about noodles, dad.我騙你的,老爸。我沒夢見面條。i love kung fu!我愛功夫(看他嘴唇)。-dad: come on, son.算了吧,兒子。lets get back to work.還是回去做生意吧。-po: ok.好吧。-dad: come back! 回來! scene:

32、po gets in the palace by using a fire-rocket, and then he is selected as the dragon warrior. -po: whats going on?怎么回事?where.?我在哪?what are you pointing.?你在指什么?ok. sorry.哦,對不起。i just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was.我只是想看看誰才是“龍武士”。-oogway: how interesting.真有意思啊。-tigress: master, are you pointi

33、ng at me?大師,您是指我嗎?-oogway: him.是他。-po: who?誰?-oogway: you.是你。-po: me?我?-oogway: the universe has brought us the dragon warrior!universe: 宇宙上蒼降“龍武士”予我們!-po: what?什么?-master: what?!什么?!-the five: what?什么?!-dad: what?!什么?!-master: stop, wait! who told you to.?停下!等等!誰叫你們?nèi)サ?!master oogway , wait.oogway大師,

34、等等,that flabby panda cant possibly be the answer to our problem.flabby: (肌肉)松軟的那只肥頭大耳的熊貓不可能是救世主,you were about to point at tigress你正要指tigress的時候,and that thing fell in front of her!那只破爛熊貓從天而降!that was just an accident!這是個意外!-oogway: there are no accidents.世上沒有巧合。-tigress: forgive us, master.請您原諒,師傅。

35、we have failed you.我們讓您失望了。-master: no. if the panda has not quit by morning不,要是明天那熊貓還沒打退堂鼓,then i will have failed you.那是我讓你們失望了。 scene: zeng flies to the jail, and sees tailung. -zeng: wait!wait, wait, wait!等一下!i bring a message from master shifu.我是替大師傅來送信的。-guardian: what?!什么?!double the guard?!守

36、衛(wèi)加倍?!extra precautions?!precaution: 預(yù)防特別警戒?!your prison may not be adequate?!adequate: 足夠你的天牢或許不夠嚴密?!you doubt my prison security?!security: 安全你懷疑我天牢的安全?!-zeng: absolutely not.absolutely: 絕對絕對沒有。shifu does. im just the messenger.師傅這么說,我就是個傳話的。-guardian: ill give you a message for your master shifu.那

37、么請你代我傳個話給師傅,escape from ohorh-gom prison is impossible!escape: 逃脫從桃崗天牢越獄絕不可能!impressive, isnt it?嘆為觀止吧?-zeng: its very impressive.是,是,嘆為觀止。its very impressive.相當?shù)膰@為觀止。-guardian: one way in, one way out.進道出路只有一條。one thousand guards and one prisoner.千名守衛(wèi)只為一囚。-zeng: yes, except that prisoner.沒錯,只是那個囚徒是

38、is tai lung.tai lung。-guardian: take us down.送我們下去。-zeng: what are you doing?你要干什么?oh, my.oh, my: 哎呀!噢,我的天!-guardian: behold is tai lung.behold: 看阿看看,這就是tai lung。-zeng: im just gonna wait right here.我我還是待在這兒吧。its nothing to worry about. its perfectly safe.沒什么好擔心的,萬無一失。-guardian: crossbows! at the re

39、ady!crossbow: 拉弓弓箭準備!crossbows?弓箭手?hey , tough guy, did you hear?嗨,混蛋,你聽說了嗎?oogways giving someone the dragon scroll and its not gonna be you.dragon: 龍 scroll: 卷軸oogway要把龍卷軸傳別人了,別想了,反正不會是你。-zeng: dont get him mad.mad: 生氣的別把他惹惱了。-guardian: whats he gonna do about it?他又能怎么著,ive got him completely immo

40、bilized.immobilized: 使固定我已經(jīng)把他捆結(jié)實了。did i step on the little kittys tail?kitty: 小貓 tail: 尾巴我剛是不是踩到小貓咪的尾巴了?-zeng: im good. ive seen enough.我服了,我看的夠多了。ill tell shifu he has nothing to worry about.我會跟師傅說沒啥可擔心的。-guardian: no, he doesnt.當然不用擔心。-zeng: ill tell him that.我會告訴他的。can we please go now?咱們能走了嗎? sc

41、ene: in the jade palace, master shifu is teaching a lesson to po. -people: dragon warrior! dragon warrior!龍武士!龍武士!dragon warrior! dragon warrior!龍武士!龍武士!-po: wait a second!等一下!i think theres been a slight mistake.slight: 輕微的我想這是個小誤會。everyone seems to think that im.大家都以為我是the sacred hall of warriors!

42、sacred: 神圣的這是武士圣殿!no way!不會吧!look at this place.瞧瞧這地兒,master flying rhinos armor with authentic battle damage!rhino: 犀牛 armor: 盔甲 authentic: 真正的 battle: 戰(zhàn)役飛行犀牛大師的盔甲,還有貨真價實的戰(zhàn)斗中損壞的痕跡!the sword of heroes!sword: 劍英雄之劍!said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking.據(jù)說看看都會受傷,the invisible triden

43、t of destiny!invisible: 隱形的 trident: 三叉戟 destiny: 命運隱形的命運之杖!ive only seen paintings of that painting.我只見過這畫的贗品。no!不會吧!the legendary urn of whispering warriors.urn: 骨灰缸 whisper: 說悄悄話傳說中的武士竊語之甕。said to contain the souls of the entire tenshu army.soul: 靈魂據(jù)說里面有整個天書軍的靈魂。hello.你們好。-master: have you finish

44、ed sight-seeing?sight-seeing: 觀光你觀光完畢了嗎?-po: sorry, i should have come to you first.對不起,我該先來看你。-master: my patience is wearing thin.wearing thin: 逐漸消失我的耐心有限,-po: well, i mean, its not like you were going anywhere.不過,看起來你也沒法去哪兒。-master: would you turn around?你能轉(zhuǎn)過身來嗎?-po: sure.當然可以。hows it going?嗨,這怎么

45、弄的?how do you get 5 000. master shifu!你是怎么讓五千 大師傅!someone. broke that.有人把這個打碎了。but ill fix it.fix: 修補但我會給補好的。do you have some.你有沒有.glue?glue: 膠水膠水?a splinter.splinter: 碎片有一塊碎片。-master: so youre the legendary dragon warrior?warrior: 武士你就是那個傳說中的“龍武士”?-po: i guess so.我想是吧。-master: wrong!錯!you are not t

46、he dragon warrior. you will never be the dragon warrior until.你不是也不可能是龍武士,除非you have learned the secret of the dragon scroll.除非你學(xué)會了那龍軸里的秘密。-po: so how does this work?那我怎么上去呢?do you have a ladder or a trampoline or.?trampoline: 蹦床,你有梯子或者蹦床或者其它東西-master: you think its that easy?你想的太簡單了,that ill just h

47、and you the secret我會把那無限力量的秘密to limitless power?就這么交給你?-po: no i.不,我-master: one must first master the highest level of kung fu.一個人必須先達到功夫的最高境界,and that is impossible if that one is someone like you.而像你這樣的人是不可能了。-po: someone like me?像我這樣?-master: yes, look at you! this fat butt!flabby arms!butt: 屁股

48、flabby: (肌肉)松軟的沒錯,你瞧瞧你這肥肥的臀,軟綿綿的手臂,those are sensitive in the flabby parts.啊,這些贅肉可都嬌貴的很呢!and this ridiculous belly.ridiculous: 滑稽的 belly: 肚子還有這滑天下之大稽的大肚皮。and utter disregard for personal hygiene.disregard: 不顧 hygiene: 衛(wèi)生還有,一點兒也不講個人衛(wèi)生。-po: now, wait a minute. thats uncalled for.uncalled for: 不適當?shù)暮伲e點

49、口德。這么說可有點不耐聽。-master: dont stand that close. i can smell your breath.別站這么近,口臭都出來了。-po: listen, oogway said i was.聽著,oogway大師說我是the wuxi finger hold. not the wuxi finger hold!啊,巫師指,別用巫師指!-master: oh, you know this hold?哦,你知道這個指法?-po: developed by master wuxi in the third dynasty.dynasty: 朝代第三王朝時,巫師大師

50、發(fā)明的。then you know what happens when i flex my pinky.flex: 彎曲 pinky: 小手指那你一定知道,一旦彎下小指會發(fā)生什么了。-po: no, no!不,不要-master: you know the hardest part of this?你知道最難辦的是什么嗎?the hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.afterwards: 以后就是清理你的尸骨殘骸。-po: ok, ok, take it easy.好吧,好吧,不要激動。-master: now listen closely, pand

51、a.那仔細聽著,熊貓。oogway may have picked you but when im through with youoogway也許選了你,可當我找上你,i promise you, youre going to wish he hadnt!我向你保證,你會希望,他選的不是你!are we clear?清楚了嗎?-po: yeah, were clear. were so clear.清楚了,清楚了,太清楚了。-master: good.很好,呵呵。i cant wait to get started.我都按耐不住,就等著開始了。lets begin.我們開始吧 scene:

52、master wants po to make some moves, and po falls into great mess. -po: wait, wait, wait.等等,what?什么?now?現(xiàn)在?-master: yes, now.是的,現(xiàn)在!unless the great oogway was wrong除非你認為了不起的oogway錯了,and you are not the dragon warrior.而你也不是“龍武士”。-po: oh, ok, well好吧。i dont know if i can do all of those moves.我不知道我能不能把那

53、些招式都比劃出來。-master: well, if we dont try well never know, will we?不試試,又怎么能知道呢?-po: yeah, its just ,是啊,maybe we can find something more suited to my level.但能不能從更合適我這個層次的開始-master: what level is that?那你的層次又是什么呢?-po: well, im not a master, but.你知道,我不是大師,lets just start at zero. level zero.不如從零級開始,零級。-master: no. there is no such thing as level zero.不,從來沒有零級的說法。-po: maybe i can start with that.嘿,也許我可以從那開始。-master: that?那個?we use that for training children我們用這訓(xùn)練孩子,and propping the door open when its p: 支撐物天熱的時候還用來


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