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1、學為中心,教學生學”教學新范式課例小學六年級英語學科PEP8 Unit4 B Let s Talk【學習目標】知識目標 :1、能聽說讀寫句子: How did you go there? 及其答語 I went by train.2、能在實際情景中正確運用以下過去時態(tài)句型:Where did you go on your holiday? I went to/When did you go? I went in/ How. did you go there? I went there by/ What did y.o u do there? I能力目標 :1、能基于生活經(jīng)驗就話題 Last h

2、oliday 進行問答。2、能基于語言經(jīng)驗,通過添加連詞、過渡語和運用過去時態(tài)對話題進行較為自然的敘述。3、能通過聽說讀寫對相關的語言信息進行處理,提高解決問題的能力。情感目標 :1、培養(yǎng)學生享受假日,熱愛生活的情感。2、能運用所學知識提取及摘錄信息,提高語言運用的積極性,增強學習的信心?!鞠葘W任務】1、準備 1-3 張自己曾經(jīng)旅行的照片并用英語描述when, where, how 。(可以選擇用單詞或者是用句子進行描述。)意圖 :通過自己的照片,親身的經(jīng)歷來復習所學的日期描述以及出行方式。這樣既復習了已經(jīng) 學過的舊知,又為接下去要學習的新課做好準備,讓學生在課堂上有輸出的材料,而三個特殊疑問

3、 詞又點出了本課時的重點。當然,對于不同層次的學生可以有不同的預習要求,使每一個學生都能 體會到學習英語的樂趣。使后進生也能完成簡單的預習工作,使優(yōu)秀的學生也能體會到做題的成就 感。2、寫出 10 個你所學過的動名詞詞組。意圖 :讓學生發(fā)散思維,搜索記憶中的動名詞詞組,可以有效溫習以前學過的知識,并為新課 的內容打好基礎。為動詞的過去式的變化提供更加多的素材,使操練更加廣泛。對于六年級的學生 來說, 已經(jīng)學習了很多的動名詞結構, 學生可以在自己記憶的寶庫中選擇自己喜歡的詞組進行摘錄, 體現(xiàn)了學生對于學習的自主性。選擇 10 個,數(shù)量并不多,這樣學生才會有書寫的興趣,能給學生一 個練習書寫的機會

4、。學為中心,教學生學”教學新范式課例【教學過程】Step Warming upEnjoy our holiday pictures with music before class.(說明:師生一起欣賞假期的照片,分享彼此生活中快樂的時光。在課前活躍學生們的思維, 引起學生們想要學習的欲望,并為后面的教學過程提供說話的素材。不僅如此,貼近生活的照片欣 賞可以為本堂課打造一個良好的開端,增強學生學習的興趣。)1. Free talkWhat do you usually do on holidays?What did you do on your last holiday?(說明:在欣賞假期的照片

5、后,自然引出關于假期的對話,讓學生有話可說。通過以前學過的 一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)的提問過渡到過去時態(tài)的提問,通過對比,讓學生體會到兩個句型間的異同。由舊知 到新知的銜接也比較自然,對于學生來說難度不是很大。)2. Lets chant動詞過去式規(guī)則變化的 chant不規(guī)則變化的 chant(說明:通過學生回答的內容,為一些動名詞進行一個整合與歸納,而最佳的操練方式就是朗 朗上口的歌謠。兩組歌謠,第一組由老師提供,而第二組則由學生自己創(chuàng)編后加以整理。兩個歌謠 雖然都是旨在復習動詞的過去式,但卻用規(guī)則動詞和不規(guī)則動詞的變化來進行歸納比較。)【現(xiàn)場】T: Good morning, boys and gir

6、ls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.T: Before class, let s enjoy our holiday pictures together.Ss: OK!T: Nice pictures, nice holidays. What do you usually do on holidays?S1: I usually T: What did you do last holiday?S1: I (Ask more than 3 students.)T: You did so many things. Now, let s make a chant for the

7、se things.【反思】從課前的照片欣賞,讓學生的注意力集中到課堂上來,也為本節(jié)課提供對話的素材。而后,以此為話題,進行簡單的自由對話,將學生的思維從原先的舊知帶到新學內容上來。而后,根據(jù)學生學為中心,教學生學”教學新范式課例的回答內容編兩則朗朗上口的歌謠。熱身環(huán)節(jié),主要是引起學生求知的欲望,并為本節(jié)課的重點做 一定的鋪墊。Step Presentation1. Miss Xus holidayLook at the photo, ask the questions.(說明:在原先單詞操練的基礎上進行對話的引出和操練。在正式學習句子之前,先讓學生根 據(jù)老師的照片來自由提問。這么做,既能夠激

8、發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,讓學生有想提問的欲望,又 能檢查學生預習的情況。 如果預習充分的話, 在提問環(huán)節(jié)就能出現(xiàn)本課的重要句型: Where did you go on your holiday? When did you go? How did you go there? What did you do there? )2. Say you, say me.(1) Talk about the places we wentPair work: Where did you go on your holiday? I went to .(2) Talk about the time we went

9、Pair work: I went in spring. It was in June. It was warm.(3) Talk about the transport we tookPair work: How did you go to ? I went there by plane. It was fast.(4) Talk about the things we didPair work: What did you do there? I(說明:借著學生的提問,教師可以進行逐個回答。而在回答每一個問題時,順勢教授新句型。回 答一個問題,然后進行板書并跟讀,借著根據(jù)板書內容進行對話的操

10、練,在操練時可以適當加入新 句型。例如,在回答時間時,可以加入當時的天氣情況;在回答交通方式時可以加入選擇這個交通 方式的原因等。)【現(xiàn)場】T: Look at my photo; what do you want to know about my holiday?S1: Where did you go on your holiday?S2: When did you go on your holiday?S3: How did you go there?S4: What did you do on your holiday?S5: .T: Now, I will answer your q

11、uestions. First, where did you go on your holiday? I went to Dalian.(板書: Where did you go on your holiday? I went to . )T: Let s read the sentences together!Ss: OK!學為中心,教學生學”教學新范式課例T: Then, what about your holidays. Where did you go on your holiday? Please ask and answer in pairs.T: Show time.S1: Wh

12、ere did you go on your holiday?S2: I went to What about you?S1: I went to (Ask more than 3 pairs.)T: ( 借著最后一組學生的回答 ) is a beautiful place. When did you go there? What was the weather like there?(類似的方法教學另外幾組對話,并對對話內容進行一定的拓展。 )【反思】 通過教師對自己假期情況的回答,起到一個拋磚引玉的作用。然后,主要以學生對對話進行模 仿并創(chuàng)新。本環(huán)節(jié)的對話內容較為簡單,主要以同桌對話為主,

13、盡可能多叫幾組進行反饋。3. Sarah s holiday(1) Before listeningTry to ask Sarah some questions about her last holiday. (說明:同樣是自由提問,卻體現(xiàn)了不同的先學后教的理念。這部分的提問可以將機會留給中 等學生或者是后進生,在學習了前面的對教師照片的提問以及四組問答的操練后,對于 Sarah 的提 問就顯得更加水到渠成。這里的提問開口度也就更大一些,什么問題都可以。)(2) While listeningLet students listen and answer. Where did you go,

14、Sarah? When did you go, Sarah? How did you go there, Sarah? What did you do there, Sarah? (說明:帶著問題去聽錄音,使聽力更有效。這里的問題主要以剛才學生自己提問的為主, 教師可以適當加幾個問題。自己提問,自己回答,也體現(xiàn)了先學后教的理念。)(3) After listeninga. Listen and repeat the dialogue.b. Role-playing.c. Add some connective words to make your dialogue more natural.學

15、為中心,教學生學”教學新范式課例Hello, XX.Er, let me seeeWell.What about you?That was great.d. Make a new dialogue.(說明:在通過聽力與問答后,學生對于文本已經(jīng)有了初步的理解。然后邊聽邊跟讀,讓學生 對文本內容進一步的理解與記憶。在接下來的分角色表演中,學生基本已經(jīng)能夠回憶文本內容,而 對于基礎較差的,可以看幾眼課本進行表演。緊接著,將文本進行一定的潤色與拓展。最后,在此 文本的基礎上,就其他幾個插圖進行類似對話的編寫。學以致用,活學活用。)【現(xiàn)場】T: You had so much fun on your h

16、oliday. So did Sarah. Look at Sarahs holiday picture and asksome questions.S1: Where did Sarah go on her holiday?S2: When did Sarah go on her holiday?S3: How did Sarah go there?S4: What did Sarah do on her holiday?S5: .T: Now, let s listen the dialogue between Sarah and Amy, try to find the answers.

17、T: Who can answer these questions? Hands up! Ss: Let me try!T: Then, listen and repeat the dialogue together.T: Let s act the dialogue. Who wants to be Sarah? Who wants to be Amy?Ss: Me.(Ask more than 3 pairs.)T: We can add some connective words to make the dialogue more natural. Just like that! (PP

18、T 示范 ) Then, make a new dialogue in pairs according your own holiday pictures or the pictures on your book.(Ask more than 3 pairs.)反思】學為中心,教學生學”教學新范式課例通過前面教師照片提問和四組對話的操練,再接觸課本中的對話就顯得比較簡單。學生的話匣 子就被打開了,語言的輸出就自熱而然了。對于學生的學習基礎技能來說,本環(huán)節(jié)中不光只停留在 說這一方面,還涉及到了聽和讀的技能鍛煉。相對前面一部分的練習又進行了一些提升。根據(jù)提示 讓學生在聽前預設問題,培養(yǎng)學生良好的聽

19、的習慣。聽前設問,聽中思考,聽后扮演等任務的設計, 使文本對話自然呈現(xiàn),扎實學習。在原有文本對話中,引導學生使用一些連詞,使對話更生動,語 言更地道,交際更真實。角色扮演加深支架句型,在交際中理解和運用所學句型。Step Consolidation and extension1. My holidaya. Enjoy my last holiday pictures and holiday diary.b. Read the diary: My Last TravelingMarch1st SunnyIt was Spring. It was warm and sunny. So I went

20、 toDalian. I went there by bike. It was a beautiful place. I saw many trees and flowers. I flew kites with my son. Then we rowed a boat and ate good food there. I was very happy.c. Let Ss pay attention to the four essential facts in writing diary.d. Write your holiday diary.(說明:將對話的內容改編成日記的形式,結合自己的照

21、片進行一定的書寫操練顯得更具有實 用性。在本環(huán)節(jié)中,教師先將自己的假日情景改編給學生一個示范。然后學生在學習之后,根據(jù)自 己的假日照片來模仿寫日記。)2. Enjoy your holiday, Love your life.【現(xiàn)場】T: I took many pictures on that holiday. I also wrote a diary for holiday. Let s read the diary with my pictures.T: Look at the diary and pay attention about the date, the weather And what else should we write? S1: Where did you go on your holiday?S2: When did you go on your holiday?S3: How did you go there?S4: What did you do on yo


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