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1、8 / 122016年上海市初中畢業(yè)統(tǒng)一學(xué)業(yè)考試英語試卷(滿分150分,考試時(shí)間100分鐘)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 聽力)I. Listening comprehension (聽力理解)(共30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根據(jù)你聽到內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)圖片)(6分)ABCD(根據(jù)你聽到對(duì)7. A. In March.8. A. His son.9. A. 11.10. A. Lio ns.B. I n MayB. His daughter.B. 12.B. Elepha nts.C. In JuneC. His fat

2、her.C. 13.C. Mon keys.D. I n JulyD. His mother.D. 14.D. Tigers.B. Liste n to the dialogue and choose the best an swer to the questi on you hear 話和問題,選出最恰當(dāng)答案)(8分)B. Because he n eeds mon ey.D. Because he wants to buy a new car.C. At school.D. In the hospital.B. Order a meal.D. Buy some milk.C. The ki

3、ds.D. The weather.11. A. Because the car is too old.C. Because there is too much traffic.12. A. At home.B. In the museum.13. A. Make some cakes.C. Take him to a restaura nt.14. A. Sleep.B. Fans.C. Liste n to the dialogue and tell whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or false (判斷下列句 子是否符合你聽到對(duì)話

4、內(nèi)容,符合用“T表示,不符合用“F表示)(6分)15. Amy ofte n stays up late at ni ght to lear n En glish.16. The programmes Amy liste ns to are Can adia n and America n.17. Amy thinks that talk cha nn els are better tha n music cha nn els.18. Amy s progress is slow, but her English is getting better than before.19. Tom is

5、n t interested when Amy tells him about listening online.20. Tom and Amy are talk ing about a good way to lear n En glish.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (聽短文,完成下列句子。每空格 限填一詞)(10分)21. The yearly Walk for Charity willarden Street.in the tow n.22. Money will be raised to

6、build a children s23. If rain is forecast, walkers shouldll possible even ts.24. Walkers are told to keep toin the din gle line while walk ing.25. The bus leaves every half-hour and the service.2015Part2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 語音、語法和辭?。㊣I. Choose the best answer (選擇最恰當(dāng)答案)(共20分)26. Le

7、t s take a rest and listen to some music. Which is correct for the underlined part?A) /e/-B)/i:/C)/i/D)/?/27. The tee nagers hadgoodtime in the summer camp in their sister school.A. aB.anC.theD./28. When James arrived at the railway station, he tried to look a place to park his car.A. afterB.atC.up2

8、9. The local com munity centre is ope n Mon day to Saturday.A. inB. fromC. for30. The retired couple have decided to go to college. ItA. theyB. themC. theirD. forD. ons time for to begin a new life.D. theirs31. This temple is one ofbuildi ngs in the tow n. We must take action to protect it.A. oldB.

9、olderC. oldestD. the oldest32. The man ager soun dedon the pho ne. He offered to show us around the compa ny.A. softlyB. frie ndlyC. gen tlyD. seriously33. The light went out sudde nl y. It was very dark and _ould be see n clearly.A. anythingB. someth ingC. nothingD. everyth ing34. -Disney amuseme n

10、t parks are there in Chi na?-Two.A. How manyB. How often35. The flight was delayed by the storm, heA. but36. The nurse wonA. uni essB. ort leave her patientsB. becauseC. How soonD. How longpasse ngers had to wait at the airport.C. soD. forshe s sure they are all taken good care of.D. ifC. since37. A

11、 good friend is some one you share your pleasure and pain with.A. oughtB. needC. can38. Last week Vivia n a dress for her mother with her first-m onth salary.A. buyB. boughtC. will buyD. mustD. would buy39. This medicine millions of people s lives since it was put into use.A. is savi ngB. will saveC

12、. has savedD. had saved40. After she fini shed the story, Alice wrote a review for her school n ewspaper.A. readB. readsC. to read41. I can t tell you what she said. I ve promisedA. keepB. to keepC. keep ing42. The twins fond of the new idea in the magazine article.A. beB. amC. is43. won derful spee

13、ch Emma gave at the UN conferen ce!A. HowB. What44. - Excuse me, where is the Moon light Hotel?-I m a stranger myself.A. Sorry, I don t know.C. It doesn t matter.45. - The Are Festival is coming. WeD. read ing it a secret.D. keptD. arereC. What aD. What anB. No, I donD. Thank you all the same. goi n

14、g to wdelfttelplght.t think so.A. That s all right B. Never mindC. You re welcome D. Enjoy your timeIII. Complete the follow ing passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (將下列單詞或片語填入空格。每空格限填一詞,每次只能填一次)(共8分)A. realize B. public C. experime nt D. polluti on E. plasticThe

15、scie ntist was in a hurry. She had to get some water for her 46 before dark ness fell. She was testing the water in the rivers that went into the ocean. Her job was to find out the cause of 47 in the sea at nearby beaches. She lifted out the water and looked angrily at the rubbish in it. Old clothes

16、, 48 bags and pieces of paper were in the dirty water.“ Don t people 49 that everything theythrow onto the street gets washed into rivers? And they lead right into the ocea n!” she sa“ How many years will it take to make it clean again?”A. bright B. filled with C. exactly D. worried about E. immedia

17、telyThe scie ntist felt sad deep in her heart. She 50 the ocea n ani mals as she walked back to the beach. But whe n she got there, a group of stude nts and teachers from a local primary school were carry ing bags of rubbish to the bins. They had spe nt their after noon clea ning the beach! She was

18、51 joy.As she spoke with the teacher, the stude nts gathered around them. With52_ smiles on their faces, they shouted,“ We must do sometpingjo protectthe ocea n!”agreed the scie ntist, as she smiled at their kind ness.“ That s 53 right,IV. Complete the sentences with the give n words in their proper

19、 forms (用 括弧中所給單詞適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一詞)(共 8 分)54. Tony s father and uncle are both . They help keep the city safe. (policeman)55. Could you pass me thedictionary from the right on the shelf? (seven)56. Every one believes thatteam will win the match this weeke nd. (we)57. “ Be not to touch the paintings

20、 in the museum,” Mum said. (care)58. The artist s helps him go further on the road to his dream. (wise)59. The childre n enjoy the life in the country and live _ ith their families. (happy)60. I have someth ing importa nt to ith you through video talk. (discussi on)61. Some wild animals may forever

21、if we don t stop hunting them. (appear)V. Complete the following sentences as required(根據(jù)所給要求完成句子。62-67 小題每空格限填一詞)(共14分)62. George wants to be a tour guide at the Bund for foreig n visitors. (改爲(wèi)一般疑問句)Georgeto be a tour guide at the Bund for foreig n visitors?63. Charlie is so young that he can t tak

22、e the undergi改爲(wèi)d簡單句)Charlie isto take the un dergro und alone.64. They like play ing basketball in the club better tha n going home after school.(保持句意不變)Theyplay ing basketball in the club oing home after school.65. The Chinese graduate became a star because of his speech at Harvard.(對(duì)劃線部分提問) the Ch

23、in ese graduate become a star?66. A middle school stude nt invented a new robot last term.(改爲(wèi)被動(dòng)語態(tài))A new robotby a middle school stude nt last term.67. “ When will you fin ish the project on In ternet safety?(改爲(wèi)賓語從句)sked.The official askedIfinish the project on Internet safety.68. are good for, fruit

24、s and vegetables, to keep fit, people, fresh (連詞成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分讀寫)VI. Reading comprehension (閱讀理解)(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer (根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)答案)(12分)Nearly 14,000 cnildren in PA State have ion ttieir homes.卩erhaps your family is able to provide tiousmg and grnotiQMl support f

25、or a chhd or amho nave nohomes of oiun, uno need loye and care.Up to nowr more than 8.000 families have joined usWith your support we can wke a big differeitce in the life f a child and have a great effect on their future. Cd( 492 tc ksini uhixH tr.iin .ns;, expenjw 汕id other lequircm胡tx th汎 urv nee

26、ded to can? t?r a iicnmk.飾 chikl in your lurntly. Attend LiMeetiat lhe Meinu Joy otnee, ThurKUy. February 4th or I懸thLll 49Z-&338 lVi cithji qtbr 書門2丫丄1 Xkvfijti Volutiltxrs arc welcome Cflll 49Z-9396 to become a membef of F.LrN.Famifie I rtitetf rrwtirk (f .t. ,fi908 Cotvy figPA69. Aboutchildren in

27、 PA State have no homes of their own.A. 8,000B. 14,000C. 17,100D. 22,00070. The un derl ined expressi on al support ” means caring for a childA. foodB. educati onC. housesD. feeli ngs71. Which teleph one nu mber can people call to ask about the Gen eral Meet in gs?A. 492-9345B. 492-9338C. 492-9396D.

28、 492-390872. The Ge neral Meeti ngs will be held .A. every Thursday in FebruaryB. three times in FebruaryC. betwee n February 4 th a nd18thD. on February 4 th a nd 18th73. The purpose of the material above is to help .A. childre n with no homesB. families with no childre nC. schools with little mone

29、yD. teachers with little trai ning74. We can read the material above probably from the sect ion of a n ewspaper.A. fashi onB. sportsC. advertiseme ntD. bus in essB. Choose the best an swer and complete the passage (選擇最恰當(dāng)選項(xiàng)完成短文)(12 分)1lTMmh. Mr and Mrs W;ikt moved(o a s nidl 祀wn becm to the store omi

30、er.The next day the newcomer uent to die store. 邛 wted her with a big Ik (old her hou htippy he wa$ io see her agin, and sid be hoped she liked their town. Ik aho ottered himseir as a resource to Mrs Walter and her husband ch they gat settled. Then nc took care of her rrd?r77 .Mre WaJtiJt wn占 ury bu

31、rpri龍丘 When slw got hLun百 曲吐 reported the b訥7S n her nciuhbnur, Li 口1冋燈: you IqU him bow puur 1 Lhoughl iIk: er* ice hc ijuscd.Wt;ll. no; Uic neighbour 汕ioi tlw Light ir was one of the he-il-riin stores youd ever si people will do nearly inything ?i?r you if you re$jet ltulltyP That m)e電竭 milking it

32、 cleai io lljciJj tluL tlitJ frdings ;irc imptirlii 1 仁蕓nd ihcii opinions iir precious75. A. expla inedB. apologizedC. liste nedD. compla ined76. A. Mr. WalterB. Mrs. WalterC. The ownerD. The n eighbour77. A. quicklyB. sadlyC. an grilyD. easily78. A. successB. changeC. decisi onD. idea79. A. For exa

33、mpleB. At leastC. I n factD. After all80. A. un derstoodB. forgotC. prete ndedD. deniedC. Read the passage and fill in the bla nks with proper words(在短文空格內(nèi)填入適當(dāng)詞,使其內(nèi)容通順,每空格限填一詞,首字母已給)(14分)The Young Pers on?s Rail-card is very popular in Brita in nowIt gives young people the chanee to buy ( 81) ctrain

34、 tickets across the country .Just imagine, it could take you to festivals , to see friends, or to London for a weekend break , at a lower price .7/12Who can apply?Any one berween 16 ard 25 years of age. You 樂ill need to provide something to 卩 X? lhat you an: under 26 I or ih v only yuiir ID dnl. dri

35、ving 1:cence, pit竹perl or inedicil card will be jcceplable.Or, it vftu are ar adult student o 225 years old but receivingfvniial ducativn, you cm apply. You will need uei y sign the applicate form ftp ij Je). Tormal education refers to studies of nwrr than 15 Ik.mha per week for al 1chi 2H weeks 帛 y

36、ear in college.Th er take your cimpkkd sip 卩 licatiwi lonn ilh a recent d 影 PyoursdC. 28 and other maleriils needed to any main railway siatioai or student Ims el ol lke lo ipply lor the card.IIow to use your rail-card?You can ua ii any time - weekends, holidays or duriny (he wceK.Please at your loc

37、al ststMon or contact a miluay travel aent for iTMirv i HSIf a ruil-card docs net have the users nanH signed, it will be considered btvuiid (無效的L No one else may use either your rail-card or any tickets bought with it. You will be required(o pay the i 柏 price of the ticIccT if you arc unable to show

38、 your own rail-curd with the dckcl for a check diiriiiE o journey.Ilclets a( reduced prices are nx available Ibr firsL-class (ravek or ter travels m K? 一 such av tn I riincc nr (jcrmany Pinscngcrs will bai k/ cook J加itfltltenisaors ivc up their prccfous t/m* id dzJ born hfHBEU/o廠丸 Parents and c/frfr

39、rfl 岀石 冷 /th-t. Pwi禰$跡$ arin tht (orAp/dW. Thir chrfdnri s jbs 憶 scitoaLTtte (?nly differtics is that parents.cleufi hp uffiFWit. Mb ufl wear ciothes (hat gel iiiriy. Somerme has lt tiyh flit in. iron ifitm. anti /)uf iht-m u uvr C/iiidrvfi mif/. h um 94.Parent n?rt frotn A untii 6. Sitre. a/fei 4 f

40、j clock, children hac ()rk Hit I ticr i, ttcufs iitive fwne urk 77i i fjhv tu 而 ihv go to lhe bank, pay the htl/sr and 恥i their kids 勒M their tJH/J加屮帕曲Hit.i think ft 5 on/ 血k l/t0lrt patd ckJdwn dent Pi?r*rtt !/ AhMEq t&ach tftum$ut titis Isjust a trick. Fetrentf trick tJr/r hds intodffrn hadfeork b

41、azdvarc. /izy.qfier rheel. vs. Hin ,訕冊(cè)曲i 畑JM,0“占-fptfdwdSefW阪對(duì)88. What is the writers question in Letter A?Later JiLetter (fis jobs accord ing to Letter A?89. How are parents jobsdifferent from children90. Why does Letter B say its good for tee nagers to help out a bit at home?91. Who most probably

42、wrote Letter B, a pare nt or a child?t they?92. The two letters agree that pare nts and childre n both have jobs, don93. What can be filled in the blank at the end of Letter B?VII. Writing (作文)(共 20 分)6094. Write at least 80 words on the topic(以I 我準(zhǔn)備好了 爲(wèi)題,寫一篇不少於個(gè)詞短文,標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)不占格)你對(duì)明天一定有著美好憧憬。爲(wèi)此,你已經(jīng)做好六哪方面

43、準(zhǔn)備?請(qǐng)結(jié)合你經(jīng)歷或特長等,選取一個(gè)角度具體談?wù)勀闶侨绾巫鰷?zhǔn)備Oo(注意:短文中不得出現(xiàn)任何人名、校名及其他相關(guān)資訊,否則不予評(píng)分。)The followi ng is for refere nee on ly.(一下內(nèi)容僅供參考)?in depe ndentresponsibleHardworking參考答案1-6C B H E AG 7-14CBBAC DAD 15-20FFTTFT21 start from 22 book shop 23 Prepare for 24 one side 25is free26-30 AADBB 31-35DBCAC 36-40ACBCD 41-45BDC

44、AD46C 47 D 48E 49A 50D 5 1B 52A 53 C54. policemen55.seventh 56. Our 57. Careful 58. Wisdom 59. Happily 60. discuss 61. disappear62. Does want63. Charlie is too young to take the underground alone64. They prefer playing basketball in the club to going home after school65. Why did the Chinese graduate

45、 become a star?66. A new robot Was invented by a middle school student last term67. The official asked when I would finish the project on Internet safety 68. Fresh fruits and vegetablesare good for people to keep fit 69-74BDBDAC 75-80 DCABCA81. cheap/cheaper82. prove83. over84. photo/photograph/pict

46、ure.85. Information86. full87 abroad88. Why fill up all this free time with housework ?89. Parents get paid( and/but children dont )90. (Because the writer thinks)it teacheschildren how to look after themselves91. A parent92. Yes, they do93. they leave home to go to college or to live on their own範(fàn)文

47、一:I m rea10!/ 12Are you a pers on who always likes to get ready for everyth ing? Do you ofte nmake a full preparati on for someth ing before doing?I am such a guy due to anun forgettable experie nee.I still remember it was a final exam, Ihad bee n play ingall day before it, believi ngthat I am eleve

48、r eno ugh to get a high score, however, the result was very awful.From the n on, I know if you want to succeed, the most importa nt thingis to getready for it .Therefore, duri ng the last whole year, Idevote all my time to review ingmylessons. The only reason is that I know there isn t a lucky dog i

49、n the world, and on the way to success , hardworking is the key.精彩亮點(diǎn)分析:亮點(diǎn)一:疑問句開頭,弓I發(fā)閱讀興趣亮點(diǎn)二:過去完成進(jìn)行時(shí)使用使文章意思表達(dá)更清晰亮點(diǎn)三:分詞做伴隨狀語,使文章檔次提升亮點(diǎn)四:be +adj.+e nough to do sth.足夠做某事亮點(diǎn)五:條件狀語從句使用亮點(diǎn)六:不定式做表語亮點(diǎn)七:devote one s time (in)to 把奉獻(xiàn)給亮點(diǎn)八:表語從句使用範(fàn)文二:I m ready !As far as I m concerned , every one n eeds help and it

50、 s time to get ready to helpothers. Im ready to give my help ing handto my dQsk-matewho is poor at math.First, I will teach him the methods of solving math problems and help him with problems that he can t work out. In addition ,1 will also encourage him whenever he loses his heart.As the say ing goes, you share rose and get fun. I wish every one could give out his helping hand. I m ready to give out mine, are you ready?精彩亮點(diǎn)分析:亮點(diǎn)一:開頭以高分片語as far as I m concerned ”引出個(gè)人觀點(diǎn),並巧用強(qiáng)調(diào)句及從句,明確表達(dá)了自己準(zhǔn)備好幫助他人總論點(diǎn)。亮點(diǎn)二:中間段落運(yùn)用 first, in addition等連接詞,將具體幫助他人步驟較清晰地呈現(xiàn) 亮點(diǎn)三:結(jié)尾段落用諺語提升了幫助他人立意。亮點(diǎn)四:結(jié)尾句用設(shè)問


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