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1、譯林版 3A 第五、六單元綜合練習題一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。()1.A. jacketB. skirtC. shirt()2.A. capB. catC. car()3.A. fatherB. familyC. friend()4.A. bedB. birdC. red()5.A. notB. noC. now()6.A. whoB. whereC. what()7.A. motherB. fatherC. brother()8.A. AliceB. PaulC. Tom()9.A. he sB. she sC. this()10.A. brownB. blueC. black二、根據(jù)

2、所聽順序,用數(shù)字給下列句子標上序號()1. How nice!()2. How are you?()3. What colour is it?()4. She s my friend.V錯誤的打X。()5. This is me.三、聽錄音,判斷所聽句子是否正確,正確的打()1. This is my orange T-shirt.()2. Would you like a jacket?8/ 8()3. My new cap is black and white.()4. What colour is this bag?()5. It s a nice skirt.四、聽錄音,選出正確的中文

3、。()1. A看我的T恤衫。B看我的新T恤衫。()2. A.它很漂亮。B多漂亮??!()3. A他是我的朋友。B她是我的姐姐。()4. A.我的夾克衫是什么顏色?B.你的夾克衫是什么顏色?()5. A.看我的帽子。B.看我的貓。五、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽問題,選擇正確的答案。()1. A. It s a jacket.B. It s red.()2. A. It s great.B. Thank you.()3. A. He s my father.B. Hes a doctor.()4. A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, please.()5. A. No, she isn t.B. No,

4、 he isn t.六、找出不同類的單詞,把序號寫在提前的括號內(nèi)。()1. A. skirtB. shirtC. book()2. A. grandpaB. sisterC. teacher()3. A. heB. sheC. mother()4. A. redB. colourC. yellow()5. A. heB. isC. are七、按要求寫單詞1. mother (對應(yīng)詞)2. black (對應(yīng)詞)3. to (同音詞)4. he (完整形式)5. it is (縮寫形式)6.1(完整形式)7. friends (單數(shù)形式)8. she is(縮寫形式)9. hi (近義詞)10.

5、 see you(近義詞)八、翻譯下列詞組。1 .一個雞蛋 2. my yellow cap3. 什么顏色 4. a green jacket5.我的奶奶 6. my new T-shirt7 .一條漂亮的裙子 8. a black and white cat9.我的家庭 10. an orange orange九、選擇題()1. Look at my shirt. .A. All right.B. It s nice.C. Thank you.()2. is it? It s red.A. WhatB. What colourC. What s colour()3. Alice. She s

6、 friend.A. She; herB. He s; myC. She s; my()4. This is new skirt.A. IB. anC. my()5. This is egg.A. aB. anC. /()6. Would you like an egg? .A. Yes, I amB. No, I m not.C. Yes, please.()7. Is that your T-shirt? No, .A. it isB. it isn tC. that is()8. Is this your brother? .A. No, she isn t.B. Yes, this i

7、s.C. No, he isn t.()9. This is my father.A. Nice to meet you.B. Yes, he is.C. Thank you.()10. Good evening, Mike. .A. Good evening.B. Goodbye.C. Good morning. 十、根據(jù)情景,選擇正確的譯文。()1.想讓別人看自己的新裙子時,你可以說:A. Look at my skirt.B. Look at my new skirt.()2.告訴奶奶這是你的新帽子時,可以說:A. Grandma, this is my new cap. B. Gran

8、dma, look at my new cap. ()3.你看到別人的新夾克后,可以說:A. It s nice.B. Look at my jacket.()4.你想問對方的短裙是什么顏色時,可以說:A. What colour is my skirt?B. What colour is your skirt?()5.你欣賞對方的衣服時,可以說: A. It s nice.B. Thank you. 十一、根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容填空,每空一詞 A: Good , Liu Tao.B: Good morning, Helen.十二、選擇相應(yīng)的答句,把序號填入題前的括號內(nèi)。()1. What colou

9、r is my dress?A. Nice to meet you, too.()2. Look at my jacket.B. Good morning.()3. This is my friend, Tim.C. It s red.()4. Nice to meet you.D. Hello, Tim.()5. Good morning.E. It s nice.十三、連詞成句,注意開頭字母大寫和標點符號。1. my, at, jacket, look, (.)2. now, it, what, colour, is, (?)?3. like, an, you, egg, would, (

10、?)?4. is, this, a, red, apple, (.)5. skirt, my, is, yellow, (.)十四、中譯英。1. 它現(xiàn)在是什么顏色的?它是紅白相間的。 is it now? It s a.nd2. 看我的新 T 恤衫。 at my T-shirt.3. 你的短裙是什么顏色的?紅色的。 is your ? It s .十五、按要求改寫句子。1. This is a cap(. 改成否定句)This a cap.3. She s Yang L(改成一般疑問句) Yang Ling?4. The jacket is black(. 劃線部分提問) is the jac

11、ket?十六、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從所給選項中選擇一個最恰當?shù)?,把?號填在題前的括號內(nèi)。Hello, my name is Wang Bing. I m ten. I like hamburgers可樂)ok elike redand blue. This is Miss Li, my English teacher. This is my friend, Tom.()1. My name is .A. Wang BingB. Miss LiC. Tom()2. I m .A. 8B. 9C. 10()3. I like .A. hot dogs and cokeB. hamburger

12、s and cokeC. hamburgers and hot dogs()4. I like .A. red and blueB. red and yellowC. blue and black()5. My English teacher is .A. Wang BingB. Miss LiC. Tom.聽力材料:一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。聽兩遍。1. jacket2.cap3.family4.red5. now6.what7.brother8. Alice9.she s10.brown二、根據(jù)所聽順序,用數(shù)字給下列句子標上序號。聽兩遍。(3) 1. How nice!(2)2. How are you?(1)3. What colour is it?(4) 4. She s my friend.聽兩遍。(5) 5. This is me.三、聽錄音,判斷所聽句子是否正確,正確的打 錯誤的打1. This is my orange skirt.2. Would you like a jacket?3. My new cap is red and white.4. What colour is this bag?5. It s a new skirt.四、聽錄音,選出正確的中文。聽兩遍。1. Look at my new T-shirt.2. How n


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