七年級英語湘教版上 期末復(fù)習(xí) 課件_第1頁
七年級英語湘教版上 期末復(fù)習(xí) 課件_第2頁
七年級英語湘教版上 期末復(fù)習(xí) 課件_第3頁
七年級英語湘教版上 期末復(fù)習(xí) 課件_第4頁
七年級英語湘教版上 期末復(fù)習(xí) 課件_第5頁
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1、 Unit 1 Making New Friends 一、問候語一、問候語 1. Good morning / afternoon / evening / night. 2. Nice / Glad to see / meet you. - Nice to see you, too. 3. How do you do ? - How do you do? 4. How are you? - Fine, thanks. 5. See you later / then. - See you. 6. Welcome to China / my home. - Thanks. 7. Thanks. /

2、 Thank you. - Thats OK. / Youre welome. / Not at all. 二、數(shù)字句型二、數(shù)字句型 1. Whats your telephone number? - Its 4567967. 2. How old are you / is he / are they? - Im / He is / They are thirteen. 3. What class / grade are you / is he / are they in ? Im / Hes / Theyre in Class Four, Grade Seven. 三、名詞單復(fù)數(shù)三、名詞單復(fù)

3、數(shù) 1. 復(fù)數(shù)加復(fù)數(shù)加-s / -es 1) 直接加直接加-s books, mouths 2) 加加-es (以以s, x, sh, ch 結(jié)尾結(jié)尾) buses, boxes, classes, dresses 3) 元音字母元音字母+y結(jié)尾,直接加結(jié)尾,直接加-s boys, toys, ways 4) 輔音字母輔音字母+y結(jié)尾,改結(jié)尾,改y加加-ies babies, families, 5) 特殊特殊 foot feet, knife knives, man men, woman women, mouse mice 2. 句型句型 1) Whats this / that in En

4、glish? - Its a / an 2) Whatre these / those in English? - Theyre 3) Can you spell it, please? - Yes, M-A- P, map. 4) How do you spell it? - M-A-P, map. 5) Whats three and four? Its seven 四、其它句型四、其它句型 1. be from = come from Im from China. = I come from China. 2. Who is he / she? Who are they? - Hes /

5、 Shes / Theyre 3. in the same class / in different classes 4. The use of “be”:I 用用am,you用用are,其,其 余單數(shù)余單數(shù)is復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)are. 5. 字母字母 元音字母:元音字母:A E I O U /ei/ A H J K /i:/ E B C D G P T V /ai/ I Y /ju:/ UQW /e/ F L M N S X R O Exercises I 字母字母 1. 寫出與寫出與E含有相同音素的字母:含有相同音素的字母: _ 2. 寫出含有寫出含有/e/的字母:的字母: _ II 詞匯詞匯 一

6、、按要求寫單詞一、按要求寫單詞 1. C (同音詞同音詞) _2. U(同音詞同音詞) _ 3. R(同音詞同音詞) _4. no(同音詞同音詞) _ 5. to(同音詞同音詞) _6. toy(對應(yīng)詞對應(yīng)詞) _ 7. morning(同上同上) _8. teacher(對應(yīng)詞對應(yīng)詞) _ 9. this(對應(yīng)詞對應(yīng)詞) _10. those(對應(yīng)詞對應(yīng)詞) _ 11. boy (復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _12. foot(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù))_ 13. woman(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 14. mouse(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 15. knife(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 16. family(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _17. this(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)

7、數(shù)) _ 18. that(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 19. my(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 20. he(復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 21. her (復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)) _ 二、根據(jù)句意填詞二、根據(jù)句意填詞 1. W_ to China. - Thanks. 2. Nice to m_ you, too. 3. Mr. Green is English. He is from E_. 4. Whats your t_ number? 5. Can you s_ it, please? - Yes, B-O- O-K, book. 6. This is my t_, Mill Li. 7. E_ me, are you Jane?

8、 8. What _ (be) your name? 9. - _ (be) you from Canada? - No, I _ (be) from the USA. 10. Mike and I _ (be) good friends. 11. Where _ (be) your mother from? - She _ (be) from Fuzhou. 12. What _ (be) those in English. - _ _ (be) my books. 13. We _ (be) in different _ (class) 14. The _ (boy) are in the

9、 same _ (grade). 15. I have three _ (knife). 16. Whats this in _ (England)? III句型轉(zhuǎn)換句型轉(zhuǎn)換 This is a nice dress. (復(fù)數(shù)句復(fù)數(shù)句) _ nice _. Those are old bikes. (單數(shù)句單數(shù)句) _ old bike. She is a Chinese woman. (復(fù)數(shù)句復(fù)數(shù)句) _ _ Chinese _. They are both in Class Two. (同義句同義句) They are in _ _ _. They are from Japan. (同義句

10、同義句) They _ _ Japan. We are not in the same grade. (同義句同義句) They are in _ _. Thats OK. (同義句同義句) _ _. _ at _. These are dresses That is an They arewomen the same class come from different grades Not at all Youre welcome Tom is 12 years old.(劃線提問劃線提問) _ _ is Tom? That girl is my friend. (劃線提問劃線提問) _ _

11、 that girl? My father is from Zhujiang. (劃線提問劃線提問) _ is _ father _? Mike is in Grade Eight. (劃線提問劃線提問) _ _ is Mike _? We are in Class Eleven. (劃線提問劃線提問) _ _ are you in? This is an eraser in English. (劃線提問劃線提問) _ _ in English? Those are Chinese books. (劃線提問劃線提問) _ _ those? How old Who is whereyourfro

12、m What grade in What class Whats this What are Unit2 Looking Different 1. Youre right :你是對的:你是對的 2. my favorite movie star: 我最喜歡的電影明星我最喜歡的電影明星 3. in the same school: 在同一所學(xué)校在同一所學(xué)校 4. in different classes: 在不同的班級在不同的班級 5. come from=be from: 來自來自 6. look the same: 看起來像看起來像 7. have the same look: 有相同的外貌

13、有相同的外貌 8. look like: 像像樣樣 9. give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.:把某物給把某物給 某人某人/ 給某人某物給某人某物 e.g: I give this letter to you = I give you this letter 10.look at this photo: 看這張照片看這張照片 11. look different: 看起來不同看起來不同 12. in+顏色顏色 :穿著:穿著顏色的衣服顏色的衣服 或或 in + (a) + 顏色顏色+服裝服裝:in a red coat, in brown shoes 13.名詞所有格:人

14、名名詞所有格:人名+s: 人的人的 Kangs: Li Mings: my mothers; my friends 14 both: be 動詞之后,實義動詞之前動詞之后,實義動詞之前 e.g.: My parents are both office workers./ We both have black hair and black eyes. 15. help sb. do sth. : help us find him; help me cook B:1. I have a small nose. Do you have a small nose? Yes, I do. / No, I

15、 dont 2. They have round faces. Do they have round faces? Yes, they do. / No, they dont 3. She has big ears. Does she have big ears? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. 4. Who is your favorite movie star? Its Bruce Lee. 5. I come from England. 6. We are in the same school, but in different grades. 7. Y

16、ou look the same. 8. We dont have the same look, but were good friends. 9. Please give this letter to Maria. 10. What does she look like? She is tall like you. 11.The girl in yellow is Maria. 12. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. 13. What color is this T-shirt/dress/coat/cap/skirt? Its red. 14

17、. What color are these shoes/pants? Theyre green. 15. Whose bike is this?=Whose is this bike? Its my bike= Its mine 16. Whose toys are these? They are your toys= They are yours 17. Whose jacket is this? I think its Kangkangs. 18. I have a new classmate 19. Please help us find him. 根據(jù)漢語意思填空根據(jù)漢語意思填空 T

18、om, who is your _ _? (最喜歡的老師最喜歡的老師) Jackie Chan is a _ _. (電影明星電影明星) I _ England, Im an English boy. (來自來自) We are _ _ _ _,(在同一個年級在同一個年級) but _ _ _. (在不同的班級在不同的班級) Do you have _ _ _ . (一本英語書一本英語書) I have two _ _.(大腳大腳) - Do you have a knife? Yes, I have _ _. (三把小刀三把小刀) My friend has a big mouth, but

19、 I have a small mouth. We have _ _.(不同的嘴巴不同的嘴巴) 二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1.I have a big nose. (改為一般疑問句并作否改為一般疑問句并作否 定回答定回答) _ you _a big nose? No , _ _. 2. He has a small face. (同義句同義句) _ _ is small. 3. I have a wide mouth. (用用he改寫改寫) _ _ a wide mouth. 4. He has long arms and legs. (改為一般疑改為一般疑 問句并作否定回答問句并作否定回答)

20、 _ he _ long arms and legs? No, _ _. 5. Bruce Lee is my favorite movie star. (對對 畫線部分提問畫線部分提問) _ is _ favorite movie star? 6. Maria is from Cuba. (同義句同義句) Maria _ _ Cuba. 一、根據(jù)漢語意思填空一、根據(jù)漢語意思填空 1. Im a Chinese boy. I have _ _ (黑色的頭發(fā)黑色的頭發(fā)) 2. We dont have _ _ _(同樣的外貌同樣的外貌), but were _ _.(好朋友好朋友) 3. Whe

21、re is the pen? _ _. (它在這兒它在這兒) 4. Please _ this apple _ your sister. (把把給給) 5.My mother is _ a red _and _ _. (戴一頂紅色帽子穿一雙藍(lán)色鞋子)(戴一頂紅色帽子穿一雙藍(lán)色鞋子) 6. The boy _ _ _ _ is Jack.(穿一件白色穿一件白色T恤恤) 7. The man is _ and _. (高又壯高又壯) 8. _ _ (看看看看) this photo, the little boy is me. 二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1. My dress is pink. (

22、對畫線部分提問對畫線部分提問) _ _ is _ dress? 2. They look the same. (改為同義句)(改為同義句) They _ the same _. 3. I know the boy. (改為否定句改為否定句) I _ _ the boy. 4. Ill give the shirt to Mr. Zhang. (改為同義(改為同義 句)句) Ill _ Mr. Zhang _ _. 5. The pants are green. (對畫線部分提問對畫線部分提問) _ _ _ the pants? 6. Her mom is tall. (對畫線部分提問對畫線部分

23、提問) _ does her mom _ _? 7. Lisa has blond hair. Jenny has blond hair, too. (合并為一句合并為一句) Lisa and Jenny _ _ red hair. 根據(jù)漢語意思填空根據(jù)漢語意思填空 I have a _ _. (新新 同學(xué)同學(xué)) _ _ (誰的夾克誰的夾克) is this? _ _(我想我想) its Toms We look the same, but we are in _ _ (不同的衣服不同的衣服) Please _ us _ him. (幫著幫著.找找) He has _ _ _. (黑色短發(fā))(

24、黑色短發(fā)) 二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1. Is this your cap, Jane. (改為同義句)(改為同義句) Is this _ _, Jane? 2. They are my shoes. (對畫線部分提問對畫線部分提問) _ _ are these? 3. That is his shirt. (對畫線部分提問對畫線部分提問) _ _ is that? 4. Whose pants are these?(改為同義句)?(改為同義句) _ are these _? Is that your bike, Ann? (作否定回答作否定回答) No, its _ _. This bab

25、y is hers. (改為同義句)(改為同義句) This is _ _. Those are their knives. (改為同義句)(改為同義句) Those knives _ _. 作文作文 在一次英語課上,老師組織同學(xué)們玩在一次英語課上,老師組織同學(xué)們玩“who is it?游戲,請每個同學(xué)用英語描述一位他們游戲,請每個同學(xué)用英語描述一位他們 最熟悉的同學(xué),讓其它同學(xué)猜猜他最熟悉的同學(xué),讓其它同學(xué)猜猜他/她是誰。她是誰。 李明想描述他的同學(xué)李明想描述他的同學(xué)David,請幫助他完成這個請幫助他完成這個 任務(wù)詞數(shù)任務(wù)詞數(shù)60個左右:來自加拿大,個左右:來自加拿大,13歲;高歲;高 個

26、,棕色的短發(fā);圓臉,大鼻子,小嘴巴,大個,棕色的短發(fā);圓臉,大鼻子,小嘴巴,大 眼睛,大耳朵;最喜歡藍(lán)色;他穿著藍(lán)色褲子,眼睛,大耳朵;最喜歡藍(lán)色;他穿著藍(lán)色褲子, 褐色鞋子和白色褐色鞋子和白色T-shirt。 Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak English? 知識點(diǎn)知識點(diǎn) Could you please + 動詞原形?用來表示請求,動詞原形?用來表示請求, 意為意為“請你請你好嗎好嗎?” 。 這里的這里的could比比can語語 氣更加委婉,肯定回答常用氣更加委婉,肯定回答常用“OK/Sure.”。 Could you pleas

27、e tell me your name? like.very much/ a lot非常喜歡非常喜歡 I like English very much/a lot. likea little有點(diǎn)喜歡有點(diǎn)喜歡 I like English a little. notlike at all根本不根本不/一點(diǎn)都不喜歡一點(diǎn)都不喜歡 I dont like English at all. help sb. with sth幫助某人某事幫助某人某事 He helps me with my Chinese. help sb. do sth.幫助某人做某事幫助某人做某事 He helps me study C

28、hinese. help each other互相幫助互相幫助 live in 居住在居住在 We live in Yingde. Where do you live? want to do sth. He wants to visit the Great Wall. no problem 沒問題沒問題 speak, say和和tell的區(qū)別的區(qū)別 speak 意為意為“說,講,談話,發(fā)言說,講,談話,發(fā)言”,其賓語常,其賓語常 是某種語言;是某種語言;speak還可表示說話的能力和方式;還可表示說話的能力和方式; speak還可用于常見的電話用語中。還可用于常見的電話用語中。 say意為意為

29、“說,講說,講”,強(qiáng)調(diào)說話的內(nèi)容。,強(qiáng)調(diào)說話的內(nèi)容。 tell意為意為“告訴,講述,吩咐告訴,講述,吩咐”。常見的固定搭配。常見的固定搭配 有:有:tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb. 。 12some 和和any some 和和any都能表示都能表示“一些一些”,都可跟可數(shù)名,都可跟可數(shù)名 詞和不可數(shù)名詞。但詞和不可數(shù)名詞。但some常用于肯定句中,常用于肯定句中,any 用于疑問句和否定句。但在以下三種問句中的一些用于疑問句和否定句。但在以下三種問句中的一些 只能用只能用some: 1) Would you like some? 2)Why not/ Why don

30、t you have some? 3)What/How about some? Topic 2 What does your mother do? 重點(diǎn)詞句重點(diǎn)詞句 1. have a seat 就座,坐下就座,坐下 2. on a farm 在農(nóng)場在農(nóng)場 3. family tree 家譜家譜 4. on the sofa 在沙發(fā)上在沙發(fā)上 5. live in 住在某地住在某地 6. live with 和某人生活在一起和某人生活在一起 7. look after 照顧,照看照顧,照看 8. Im home. 我回到家我回到家 9. Glad to meet you. 很高興見到你。很高興

31、見到你。 Glad to meet you, too. 我也很高興見到你。我也很高興見到你。 10.What does your mother/father do? 你媽媽你媽媽/爸爸是干什么的?爸爸是干什么的? She/ He is an office worker. 她她/他是名辦他是名辦 公室職員。公室職員。 11.What do you do? 你是干什么的你是干什么的? Im a student. 我是個學(xué)生。我是個學(xué)生。 12. What do your parents do? 你父母是干什么的你父母是干什么的? They are both office workers. 他們倆都

32、是辦公他們倆都是辦公 室職員。室職員。 13. What do the men/they do? 那些人那些人/他們是干他們是干 什么的?什么的? They are farmers. 他們是農(nóng)民。他們是農(nóng)民。 14.Where does she/he work? 她她/他在哪里工作?他在哪里工作? She/ He works in a hospital. 她她/他在醫(yī)院工作。他在醫(yī)院工作。 15.Where do they work? 他們在哪里工作?他們在哪里工作? They work on a farm. 他們在農(nóng)場工作。他們在農(nóng)場工作。 16. This is a photo of my

33、 family. 這是一張我這是一張我 的全家福。的全家福。 17. Whos the young woman in yellow? 穿黃穿黃 色衣服的那個年青婦女是誰?色衣服的那個年青婦女是誰? She is my aunt. 他是我嬸嬸。他是我嬸嬸。 18. Is the young man in a green T-shirt your uncle? 穿綠色穿綠色T恤的那個年青男子是你叔叔嗎?恤的那個年青男子是你叔叔嗎? Yes, hes my uncle. 是的,他是我叔叔。是的,他是我叔叔。 19. I have a big family. 我有一個大家庭。我有一個大家庭。 20.

34、My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home. 我爺爺奶奶和我們住在一我爺爺奶奶和我們住在一 起,在家里照看起,在家里照看Rose. 詞匯詞匯 A) 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1. Mr. Wang is a _. He _ bus. (drive) 2. Li Mings mother is a _. She _ Chinese. (teach) 3. My _ (parent) are both _ (work). They _ (work) in a factory. 4. They work on

35、a farm. They are _ (farm). 5. Ann is a student. She _ (study) in a high school. 6. Mr. Brown is a _. He _ very well (cook). B) 根據(jù)漢語意思填空根據(jù)漢語意思填空 1. Please _ _ _ (就座就座)。 2. My uncle works _ _ _ (在農(nóng)場里在農(nóng)場里)。 3.The young man works _ _ _ (在辦公室里)。(在辦公室里)。 4. This is _ _ _ (一張一張照片照片) my family. 5. Jane _ _

36、(居住在居住在) Beijing now. 6. _ _ the women _ (干什么干什么)? 短文填空短文填空 office, mother, children, work, he, family, hospital, girl, like, year Look at the photo. Its a photo of my 1. . Look! This is my father. 2. name is Wang Dong, and he is 40 3. old. He is an 4. worker. The woman is my 5. . She is 39. She is

37、a doctor. She 6. in a childrens 7. . She likes working for 8. . The 9. is my sister. Her name is Wang Xiaoli. She is 18. She works in an office. She 10. singing. Topic 3 What would you like to drink? I . 短語短語: 1. 隨便吃隨便吃 Help yourself/yourselves ( to ) 2.點(diǎn)菜點(diǎn)菜 take ones order 3. 想要想要 would like 4 。怎么樣

38、?。怎么樣?What/ How about? . 5 好吧好吧/行吧!行吧!All right ! 6 好主意好主意 Good idea . 7 吃吃/喝的東西喝的東西 something to eat / drink 8外出吃飯外出吃飯 eat out 9 等一下等一下wait a moment 10 一杯果汁一杯果汁 a glass of juice 11吃晚餐吃晚餐 have dinner 12 為什么不。為什么不。Why not / Why dont you ? 13 給你給你 Here you are . 14 例如例如 such as 15讓我想想讓我想想 Let me see.

39、16 我要牛奶我要牛奶 milk for me 17 一些蔬菜一些蔬菜 some vegetables 18 一些米飯一些米飯 some rice I. 短語短語 1. 隨便吃隨便吃 _ 2.點(diǎn)菜點(diǎn)菜 _ 3. 想要想要_ 4 。怎么樣?。怎么樣?_ . 5 好吧好吧/行吧!行吧!_ 6 好主意好主意 _ 7 吃吃/喝的東西喝的東西 _ 8外出吃飯外出吃飯 _ 9 等一下等一下_ 10 一杯果汁一杯果汁 _ 11吃晚餐吃晚餐 _ 12 為什么不。為什么不。_ 13 給你給你 _ 14 例如例如 _ 15讓我想想讓我想想 _ 16 我要牛奶我要牛奶 _ 17 一些蔬菜一些蔬菜 _ 18 一些米飯

40、一些米飯 _ II. 句子:句子: 1. -你要吃什么?你要吃什么? - What would you like to eat / have -我要吃一個雞蛋和一些米飯。我要吃一個雞蛋和一些米飯。 I d like an egg and some rice . 你想來點(diǎn)喝的你想來點(diǎn)喝的/吃的東西嗎?吃的東西嗎? Would you like something to eat / drink ? 我想喝一杯牛奶。我想喝一杯牛奶。 Id like a glass of milk . 隨便吃些魚吧隨便吃些魚吧。 Kate and Tom, help yourselves to some fish.

41、. 可以點(diǎn)菜嗎?可以點(diǎn)菜嗎? May I take your order? 6. 我們老師對我們很好我們老師對我們很好。Our teacher is very kind to us. 7. 我很高興在這。我很高興在這。 Im glad to be here. 8 晚餐我們通常吃魚和蔬菜晚餐我們通常吃魚和蔬菜。We usually have fish and vegetables for supper. 9. 來杯蘋果汁怎么樣?來杯蘋果汁怎么樣? What about a glass of apple juice ? 10. 你愿意幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語嗎?你愿意幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語嗎? Would you

42、like to help me with my English ? 來些魚和雞肉怎么樣?來些魚和雞肉怎么樣? (4種)種) 1)Why not have some fish and chicken? 2) What about / how about having some fish and chicken? 3) Why dont you have some fish and chicken ? 4) Would you like to have some fish and chicken ? V, 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子: - 你想吃什么?你想吃什么? - 我想吃個雞蛋

43、和一些米我想吃個雞蛋和一些米 飯。飯。 - What _ you _ to eat / have ? - I d like an egg and some rice . 你想來點(diǎn)喝的東西嗎?你想來點(diǎn)喝的東西嗎?Would you like _ _ _? 我想喝兩杯牛奶。我想喝兩杯牛奶。 Id like _ _ _ milk . Kate and Tom, _ _ ( 隨便吃隨便吃 ). May I _ _ _(點(diǎn)菜)(點(diǎn)菜). 我們老師對我們很好。我們老師對我們很好。Our teacher _ _ _ _. 我很高興在這兒。我很高興在這兒。 Im glad _ _ _. 晚餐我們通常吃魚和蔬菜

44、。晚餐我們通常吃魚和蔬菜。We usually _ fish and vegetables _ supper. 來杯蘋果汁怎么樣?來杯蘋果汁怎么樣? _ _ a glass of apple juice ? 你愿意幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語嗎?你愿意幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語嗎? Would you like to _ me _ my English ? 為什么不來些魚肉和雞肉呢?為什么不來些魚肉和雞肉呢?1) _ _ have some fish and chicken? 2) _ _ having some fish and chicken? 3) _ _ _ have some fish and chicken

45、 ? 你愿意和我外出吃飯嗎?你愿意和我外出吃飯嗎? Would you like _ _ _ wth me ? VI.短文填空:短文填空: friend, at , with ,China ,in , glad , supper , live , for, kind Im from England. I _ China now . I have many new _ here. They are very _ to me .Sometimes I eat out _ them .I have breakfast _ home . Id like some eggs and milk _ bre

46、akfast . I usually have lunch at school. The food _ my school is very good. I have _ with my parents.I like _ food very much ,such as Sichuan food, Shangdong food and Fujian food.They are very delicious (好吃好吃 ). Im very _ to be here. Unit 4 Having Unit 4 Having funTopicfunTopic 1 What can I do for y

47、ou?1 What can I do for you? 1.try on_ 2.over there_ 3.how much _ 4.think of_ 5.think about_ 6.do some shopping_ 7.how many _ 7.buy sth. for sb._ 8.All right_ 9.all the same_ 10.a glass of apple juice_ 11six bottles of milk _ 12.three bags of salt_ Key sentences: What can I do for you, madam? I want

48、to buy some clothes for my daughter. Can I try it on? Sure. It looks very nice on you. Thats fine. Well take it. Im just looking, thanks. How do you like the pants? Theyre too long. 1.I dont like it at all. 2.Well, Ill think about it. 3.How about some bread? 4.Are you kidding? 5.Thank you all the sa

49、me. 6.What do you think of this green skirt? 4.We need two kilos of apples and some salt. 5.Is that all? Yes, I think so. 6.Do you have any vegetables? 7.Here you are. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1.The woman often goes _ (shop) and _ (try) on new clothes. 2. My mother wants to buy two _ (kilo) of salt.

50、 3. There are many _ (mouse) in the old house. 4. Are you _ (kid)? The skirt is 280 yuan. Ill _ (think) about it. 5. How many _ (bottle) do you want? 6. Id like to take a pair of _ (glass) 7.We can buy many _( thing) in the shop. 8.The shoes look very nice. Please try _ ( they) on. 9. Whats thirty a

51、nd ten? Its _(four) 10. There are two _ (hundred) teachers in the school. 漢譯英漢譯英 1.你覺得這雙鞋子怎么樣?你覺得這雙鞋子怎么樣? _ do you _ this pair of shoes? _ do you _ _ this pair of shoes? 2 你呢?你呢? 來一些魚吧。來一些魚吧。 _ _ you? Some fish. 3. 我們需要三袋鹽。我們需要三袋鹽。 We need three _ of _. 4. 別著急,我會幫你的。別著急,我會幫你的。 _ _-_. I can help you.

52、 5. 你要多少公斤蘋果?你要多少公斤蘋果? How _ _ of apples do you want? 6. 你穿上這條裙子很漂亮。你穿上這條裙子很漂亮。 This dress _ very nice _ you. You _ very nice this dress. 7. 你常幫你媽買東西嗎你常幫你媽買東西嗎? Do you often help your mother _ _ _ ? 8. 還是要謝謝你還是要謝謝你 Thanks _ _ _. 9.我想買我想買5 瓶水瓶水. I want to buy five _ _ _. II.句型轉(zhuǎn)化句型轉(zhuǎn)化 1. The dress is o

53、nly 50 yuan .(對畫線部分提問對畫線部分提問) _ _ is the dress? 2.Can I help you? (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) _ can I _ _ you? 3. How do you like this book?(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) _ do you _ of this book? 4. He wants some bread (改為否定句改為否定句) He _ want _ bread. 5. Id like like some milk.(疑問句疑問句) you like milk? 6. bottles, of, , need, they, do

54、, many, how , water (連詞成句連詞成句) Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic? Fill in the blanks and read them. 1、你愿意去做某事嗎?、你愿意去做某事嗎?_ 2、告訴某人關(guān)于某事、告訴某人關(guān)于某事_ 3、忘記去做某事、忘記去做某事_ 4、帶來你的吉他、帶來你的吉他_ 5、去釣魚、去釣魚_ 6、唱歌、唱歌_ 7、放風(fēng)箏、放風(fēng)箏_ 8、我樂意去、我樂意去_ 9、我恐怕、我恐怕 _ 10、怎么樣?怎么樣?_ 11、沒有時間、沒有時間_ 12、給某人回電話、給某人回電話_ 13、去野餐、去野餐_ 14

55、、那一定會很開心的。、那一定會很開心的。_ 15、今天下午、今天下午_ 16、好的,可以、好的,可以_ 17、帶去一些面包、帶去一些面包_ 18、電話留言、電話留言_ Expressions of invitation & response. 1. Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? Oh, Id love to. Thanks. That would be nice. 2. Would you like to sing some songs with me? Im sorry I cant. 3. How about flying a kite with me? Id like that, but Im afraid I have no time. 4. What about having a picnic with us? That would be very nice/fun/great! Lets go and see our grandparents. Good idea! 請你總結(jié)請你總結(jié)“提出建議、邀請?zhí)岢鼋ㄗh、邀請”的句型:的句型: 請你總結(jié)它們的語法功能:請你總結(jié)它們的語法功能: 1“怎么怎么 樣?樣?”_ 2“為什么為什么 不不?”_ 3“你想要(做)你想要(做) 嗎?嗎?


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