已閱讀5頁,還剩31頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、課程設(shè)計報告書(飯店點菜系統(tǒng))班 級: 學 號: 姓 名:指導教師:xxx2009年07月12號題目: 飯店點菜系統(tǒng)摘要:本程序設(shè)計報告的題目是飯店點菜系統(tǒng),報告內(nèi)容包括點菜系統(tǒng)的功能介紹,設(shè)計思想、功能模塊和流程圖說明數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)、中心算法代碼說明,以及程序如何運行及運行效果說明,最后說明了統(tǒng)使用、計心得體會(設(shè)計收獲、設(shè)計中遇到的困難和問題、設(shè)計題目及功能的改進意見,對課程設(shè)計的建議等等)。通過實踐對于窗體,常用控件有了更深意義上的理解。關(guān)鍵字: 窗體 控件 列表框 1、課程設(shè)計題目要求41.1主要功能有42、關(guān)于系統(tǒng)42.1、設(shè)計思想42.2、系統(tǒng)完成功能42.3、功能框圖52.4、界面設(shè)計


3、制,按相應(yīng)的命令按鈕進入相應(yīng)的菜系,每個菜系為一個單獨的界面,在主菜單上有選菜的總清單,同時顯示總的消費額,若金額大于199元,原來被隱藏的抽獎按鈕顯示,點擊進入抽獎界面,點擊后按鈕被隱藏,以此來防止重復(fù)抽獎。每類菜系有各自的界面,其設(shè)計思路相似。在列表框 1中顯示本菜系的菜的品種及其價格,其價格用相應(yīng)的數(shù)組來記錄,用列表框2來顯示顧客在本菜系選擇的菜,可以實現(xiàn)退菜的功能,用列表框3來記錄所選中的菜的各自價格,text用來記錄本菜系的的消費額。顧客每作出一個選擇則顯示此步操作所帶來的在本菜系的消費額,在顧客點擊每道菜是image中出現(xiàn)對應(yīng)的圖片,在菜系的最下面則是本菜系中所有菜的效果圖。主菜單


5、抽獎按鈕被隱藏,在消費額達到要求時出現(xiàn)2.4.2菜系界面介紹每類菜系有各自的界面,其設(shè)計思路相似。在列表框 1中顯示本菜系的菜的品種及其價格,其價格用相應(yīng)的數(shù)組來記錄,用列表框2來顯示顧客在本菜系選擇的菜,可以實現(xiàn)退菜的功能,用列表框3來記錄所選中的菜的各自價格,text用來記錄本菜系的的消費額。顧客每作出一個選擇則顯示此步操作所帶來的在本菜系的消費額,在顧客點擊每道菜是image中出現(xiàn)對應(yīng)的圖片,在菜系的最下面則是本菜系中所有菜的效果圖。2.5、核心算法及說明private sub command1_click() 界面的轉(zhuǎn)換,一個用隱藏,另一個顯示 主菜單.hide 烤肉類.showend

6、 subprivate sub command2_click() 主菜單.hide 涼菜類.showend subprivate sub command3_click() 主菜單.hide 湯類.showend subprivate sub command4_click() 主菜單.hide 餅類.showend subprivate sub command5_click() 主菜單.hide 主食類.showend subprivate sub command6_click() 主菜單.hide 炒菜類.showend subprivate sub command7_click() 輸出消費

7、總額 picture2.cls sum = val(烤肉類.text1.text) + val(涼菜類.text1.text) + val(湯類.text1.text) + val(餅類.text1.text) + val(主食類.text1.text) + val(炒菜類.text1.text) picture2.print sum; 元 if sum 199 then 若 消費額高于199 即可參加抽獎 command9.visible = true 顯示原來被隱藏的抽獎按鈕 end ifend subprivate sub command8_click() 顯示顧客的點菜清單 pictu

8、re1.cls for i = 0 to 烤肉類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 烤肉類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 涼菜類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 涼菜類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 湯類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 湯類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 餅類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 餅類.list2.lis

9、t(i) next i for i = 0 to 主食類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 主食類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 炒菜類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 炒菜類.list2.list(i) next iend subprivate sub command9_click() 抽獎.show 主菜單.hide command9.visible = false 點擊抽獎按鈕后 按鈕隱藏 數(shù)據(jù)全部歸零 烤肉類.list2.clear 涼菜類.list2.clear 湯類.li

10、st2.clear 餅類.list2.clear 主食類.list2.clear 炒菜類.list2.clear 烤肉類.list3.clear 涼菜類.list3.clear 湯類.list3.clear 餅類.list3.clear 主食類.list3.clear 炒菜類.list3.clear 烤肉類.text1.text = 涼菜類.text1.text = 湯類.text1.text = 餅類.text1.text = 主食類.text1.text = 炒菜類.text1.text = end subprivate sub form_load() picture = loadpict

11、ure(app.path & 圖片背景圖片13.jpg) 加載背景圖片 command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) 加載命令按鈕的圖片 command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command4.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command5.picture = loadpicture

12、(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command6.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command7.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command8.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command9.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) picture1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片30

13、.jpg) 加載圖像框的圖片 picture2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg) end subprivate sub command1_click()dim j(1 to 6) as integer 定義數(shù)組存放價格j(1) = 68: j(2) = 67: j(3) = 66: j(4) = 65: j(5) = 64: j(6) = 63 static sum 保留靜態(tài)變量,sum為本菜系消費額for i = 1 to 6if list1.selected(i - 1) then 若list1中的項目被選中,其對應(yīng)價格相加,賦值到

14、text1,并將項目添加到list2中,其text1用來記錄sum數(shù)值被隱藏sum = val(text1.text)sum = sum + j(i)list2.additem list1.textpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元list3.additem j(i)text1.text = sumend ifnext i end subprivate sub command2_click() dim y%, x%, t%x = list2.listcount 將list2的項目個數(shù)賦值給xfor y = 1 to xif list2.selecte

15、d(y - 1) then 若list2中的項目被選中其對應(yīng)價格相減,并移除被選中項目list2.removeitem y - 1t = list3.list(y - 1)list3.removeitem y - 1sum = val(text1.text)sum = sum - ttext1.text = sumpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元exit forend ifnext yend subprivate sub command3_click() 窗體的轉(zhuǎn)換 烤肉類.hide 主菜單.show end subprivate sub form

16、_load() picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片13.jpg) 加載背景圖片 image2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜預(yù)覽圖烤肉類.jpg) 顯示本菜系的所有菜的預(yù)覽圖 command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) 加載命令按鈕圖片 command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片

17、按鈕.jpg) picture1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg) 加載圖像框圖片 end subprivate sub list1_click()if list1.selected(0) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤肥牛.jpg) 加載被選中菜的圖片elseif list1.selected(1) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤牛肉.jpg)elseif list1.selected(2

18、) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤全牛.jpg)elseif list1.selected(3) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤人參牛排.jpg)elseif list1.selected(4) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤生牛舌.jpg)elseif list1.selected(5) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path

19、 & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤無骨牛排.jpg)end ifend sub2.6結(jié)論我主要負責的是點菜功能的實現(xiàn),由于在平常的上課過程中老師詳細的講解了關(guān)于列表框的用法,所以在接手時思路比較清晰。但由于實踐少,總是遇到這樣那樣的錯誤,在剛開始,無法實現(xiàn)價格的記錄,后來借助于數(shù)組與列表框項目對應(yīng),用一個隱性的text來記錄價格。從而解決了這個難題。在自己的糾正及同組同學的幫助下,最終在規(guī)定的時間實現(xiàn)了在各個分菜系中對于顧客點菜的記錄,對于本菜系的消費額的記錄,再把各個菜系的的菜的品種及其價格相加,從而,實現(xiàn)了點菜系統(tǒng)應(yīng)有的功能。從書中的例題中尋找解決問題的方法,在加上對于vb本身的理解,還有同學的幫助,

20、最終達到了自己的目的。3、后記經(jīng)過10多天的努力,在3個人的通力合作下將點菜系統(tǒng),抽獎部分,留言板部分加以組合,組成了完整的飯店點菜系統(tǒng)。這次練習把課堂上學的東西又運用到了實際中,加強了理論和實際的聯(lián)系。4、參考文獻1.visual basic 6.0編程案例精解, 張路平,電子工業(yè)出版社2.visual basic 程序設(shè)計 王學軍,中國鐵道出版社3. msdn4.visual basic+access數(shù)據(jù)庫項目開發(fā)實踐,周國民,中國鐵道出版社5、附錄5.1主界面private sub command1_click() 主菜單.show 主界面.hideend subprivate sub

21、command2_click() 留言板.show 主界面.hideend subprivate sub form_load() picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片首頁.jpg) command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片首頁.jpg) command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片首頁.jpg) windowsmediaplayer1.url = app.path & 音樂愛向著我來的那天.wma windowsmediaplayer1.cont

22、rols.playend subprivate sub timer1_timer()if label1.left + label1.width 0 thenlabel1.move label1.left - 50elselabel1.left = 主界面.scalewidthend ifend subprivate sub timer2_timer() label2.caption = timeend sub5.2主界面private sub command1_click() 界面的轉(zhuǎn)換,一個用隱藏,另一個顯示 主菜單.hide 烤肉類.showend subprivate sub comma

23、nd2_click() 主菜單.hide 涼菜類.showend subprivate sub command3_click() 主菜單.hide 湯類.showend subprivate sub command4_click() 主菜單.hide 餅類.showend subprivate sub command5_click() 主菜單.hide 主食類.showend subprivate sub command6_click() 主菜單.hide 炒菜類.showend subprivate sub command7_click() 輸出消費總額 picture2.cls sum =

24、 val(烤肉類.text1.text) + val(涼菜類.text1.text) + val(湯類.text1.text) + val(餅類.text1.text) + val(主食類.text1.text) + val(炒菜類.text1.text) picture2.print sum; 元 if sum 199 then 若 消費額高于199 即可參加抽獎 command9.visible = true 顯示原來被隱藏的抽獎按鈕 end ifend subprivate sub command8_click() 顯示顧客的點菜清單 picture1.cls for i = 0 to

25、烤肉類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 烤肉類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 涼菜類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 涼菜類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 湯類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 湯類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 餅類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 餅類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0

26、 to 主食類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 主食類.list2.list(i) next i for i = 0 to 炒菜類.list2.listcount - 1 picture1.print 炒菜類.list2.list(i) next iend subprivate sub command9_click() 抽獎.show 主菜單.hide command9.visible = false 點擊抽獎按鈕后 按鈕隱藏 數(shù)據(jù)全部歸零 烤肉類.list2.clear 涼菜類.list2.clear 湯類.list2.clear 餅類.list2.cl

27、ear 主食類.list2.clear 炒菜類.list2.clear 烤肉類.list3.clear 涼菜類.list3.clear 湯類.list3.clear 餅類.list3.clear 主食類.list3.clear 炒菜類.list3.clear 烤肉類.text1.text = 涼菜類.text1.text = 湯類.text1.text = 餅類.text1.text = 主食類.text1.text = 炒菜類.text1.text = end subprivate sub form_load() picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片

28、13.jpg) 加載背景圖片 command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) 加載命令按鈕的圖片 command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command4.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command5.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.

29、jpg) command6.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command7.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command8.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command9.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) picture1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片30.jpg) 加載圖像框的圖片 pictur

30、e2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg) end sub5.3烤肉類private sub command1_click()dim j(1 to 6) as integer 定義數(shù)組存放價格j(1) = 68: j(2) = 67: j(3) = 66: j(4) = 65: j(5) = 64: j(6) = 63 static sum 保留靜態(tài)變量,sum為本菜系消費額for i = 1 to 6if list1.selected(i - 1) then 若list1中的項目被選中,其對應(yīng)價格相加,賦值到text1,并將項目添加到li

31、st2中,其text1用來記錄sum數(shù)值被隱藏sum = val(text1.text)sum = sum + j(i)list2.additem list1.textpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元list3.additem j(i)text1.text = sumend ifnext i end subprivate sub command2_click() dim y%, x%, t%x = list2.listcount 將list2的項目個數(shù)賦值給xfor y = 1 to xif list2.selected(y - 1) then 若

32、list2中的項目被選中其對應(yīng)價格相減,并移除被選中項目list2.removeitem y - 1t = list3.list(y - 1)list3.removeitem y - 1sum = val(text1.text)sum = sum - ttext1.text = sumpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元exit forend ifnext yend subprivate sub command3_click() 窗體的轉(zhuǎn)換 烤肉類.hide 主菜單.show end subprivate sub form_load() picture

33、 = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片13.jpg) 加載背景圖片 image2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜預(yù)覽圖烤肉類.jpg) 顯示本菜系的所有菜的預(yù)覽圖 command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) 加載命令按鈕圖片 command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) picture

34、1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg) 加載圖像框圖片 end subprivate sub list1_click()if list1.selected(0) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤肥牛.jpg) 加載被選中菜的圖片elseif list1.selected(1) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤牛肉.jpg)elseif list1.selected(2) thenimage1.pi

35、cture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤全牛.jpg)elseif list1.selected(3) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤人參牛排.jpg)elseif list1.selected(4) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤生牛舌.jpg)elseif list1.selected(5) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系烤肉類烤無骨牛排

36、.jpg)end ifend sub5.4餅類private sub command1_click() dim j(1 to 6) as integerj(1) = 8: j(2) = 8: j(3) = 8: j(4) = 8: j(5) = 8: j(6) = 8 static sumfor i = 1 to 6if list1.selected(i - 1) thensum = val(text1.text)sum = sum + j(i)list2.additem list1.textpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元list3.addite

37、m j(i)text1.text = sumend ifnext i end subprivate sub command2_click() dim y%, x%, t%x = list2.listcountfor y = 1 to xif list2.selected(y - 1) thenlist2.removeitem y - 1t = list3.list(y - 1)list3.removeitem y - 1sum = val(text1.text)sum = sum - ttext1.text = sumpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum;

38、元exit forend ifnext yend subprivate sub command3_click() 餅類.hide 主菜單.showend subprivate sub form_load() picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片13.jpg) image2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜預(yù)覽圖餅類.jpg) command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path

39、 & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) picture1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg)end subprivate sub list1_click()if list1.selected(0) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系餅類海鮮蔥煎餅.jpg)elseif list1.selected(1) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(ap

40、p.path & 圖片菜系餅類韓式地瓜餅.jpg)elseif list1.selected(2) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系餅類韓式千頁餅.jpg)elseif list1.selected(3) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系餅類韓式土豆餅.jpg)elseif list1.selected(4) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系餅類泡菜餅.jpg)elseif list1.selected

41、(5) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系餅類松仁玉米餅.jpg)end if end sub5.5涼菜類private sub command1_click() dim j(1 to 6) as integer j(1) = 11: j(2) = 12: j(3) = 13: j(4) = 14: j(5) = 15: j(6) = 16 static sumfor i = 1 to 6if list1.selected(i - 1) thensum = val(text1.text)sum = sum + j(i)list2.

42、additem list1.textpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元list3.additem j(i)text1.text = sumend ifnext iend subprivate sub command2_click() dim y%, x%, t%x = list2.listcountfor y = 1 to xif list2.selected(y - 1) thenlist2.removeitem y - 1t = list3.list(y - 1)list3.removeitem y - 1sum = val(text1.text

43、)sum = sum - ttext1.text = sumpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元exit forend ifnext yend subprivate sub command3_click() 涼菜類.hide 主菜單.showend subprivate sub form_load() picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片13.jpg) image2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜預(yù)覽圖涼菜類.jpg) command1.picture = loadpi

44、cture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) picture1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg)end subprivate sub list1_click() if list1.selected(0) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系涼

45、菜類韓式拌花生.jpg)elseif list1.selected(1) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系涼菜類雞肉水果沙拉.jpg)elseif list1.selected(2) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系涼菜類辣白菜.jpg)elseif list1.selected(3) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系涼菜類涼拌狗肉.jpg)elseif list1.selected(4) then im

46、age1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系涼菜類蘿卜泡菜.jpg)elseif list1.selected(5) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系涼菜類生拌牛肉.jpg)end if end sub5.6炒菜類private sub command1_click() dim j(1 to 6) as integer j(1) = 29: j(2) = 28: j(3) = 29: j(4) = 28: j(5) = 29: j(6) = 28 static sumfor i = 1 t

47、o 6if list1.selected(i - 1) thensum = val(text1.text)sum = sum + j(i)list2.additem list1.textpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元list3.additem j(i)text1.text = sumend ifnext iend subprivate sub command2_click() dim y%, x%, t%x = list2.listcountfor y = 1 to xif list2.selected(y - 1) thenlist2.remo

48、veitem y - 1t = list3.list(y - 1)list3.removeitem y - 1sum = val(text1.text)sum = sum - ttext1.text = sumpicture1.clspicture1.print 消費額:; sum; 元exit forend ifnext yend subprivate sub command3_click() 炒菜類.hide 主菜單.showend subprivate sub form_load() picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片13.jpg) image

49、2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜預(yù)覽圖炒菜類.jpg) command1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command2.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) command3.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片按鈕.jpg) picture1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片背景圖片1.jpg)end subprivate sub list1_cli

50、ck() if list1.selected(0) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系炒菜類韓式燉刀魚.jpg)elseif list1.selected(1) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系炒菜類韓式紅燒狗肉.jpg)elseif list1.selected(2) thenimage1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系炒菜類韓式石板豆腐.jpg)elseif list1.selected(3) thenimage1.pic

51、ture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系炒菜類烤五花肉.jpg)elseif list1.selected(4) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系炒菜類鐵板雞翅.jpg)elseif list1.selected(5) then image1.picture = loadpicture(app.path & 圖片菜系炒菜類五花肉炒辣白菜.jpg)end if end sub5.7主食類private sub command1_click() dim j(1 to 6) as integerj(1) = 15: j(2) = 15: j(3) =


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