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1、 匯編語言課程實習報告實習題目 班級通信錄管理系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn)學生姓名 班級(學號) 院系 信息學院計算機系指導老師 葉曉霞提交時間 班級通信錄管理系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn)1.需求說明: 建立一個班級通信錄,可以實現(xiàn)添加、刪除、修改、查詢一個同學的通信記錄;顯示所有同學的通信記錄;能根據(jù)姓名或宿舍號進行排序。通信錄包括學號、姓名、電話號碼、宿舍號等信息,所有信息最終用文件保存。2.設計說明:以參數(shù)形式建立個人的文件,如:你名字為cac,則調(diào)用tongxun.exe文件時,以cac為參數(shù),你應輸入c: tongxun cac,這樣就建立了一個cac的文件記錄你收藏的通信資料。將段前綴的說明部分單獨作為一

2、段,并將ds固定指向該段;其他數(shù)據(jù)單元(提示信息等)另設一段,以es固定指向該段,在引用該段變量時加上es段前綴即可。3.詳細的算法描述: 3.1 程序界面 如上圖,0-8八個選項分別實現(xiàn)不同的功能。依次是增加、刪除、修改、查詢、顯示全部信息、生成、按名排列、按寢室排序、退出。3.2 程序思想 在這個實驗中,主要的就是子程序的應用這方面,其中修改,刪除的子程序都以查找核心算法為基礎。這方面的鋪墊工作做好后再做好每一塊的工作,最后檢查下,程序就能完好的運行了。4.源程序與執(zhí)行結(jié)果: 4.1.主要程序代碼: dataseg segmenttitlestrdbstudent no. name pho

3、ne dormitory ,0dh,0ah,$titlelen equ $ - titlestritemrowdbtitlelen dup ( ),0dh,0ah,$handledw?showindb0memptrdw?searchnumberdb20dup( )searchstrdb30dup( )searchphonedb20dup( )searchdormdb20dup( )searchndb0exactmatchdb0inputbufdb34actlendb?inputstrdb34dup( )infomsg1dbinfo: give your command below ,0dh,0

4、ah,$ infomsg2dbwarning: unrecognized command,type again ,0dh,0ah,$ infomsg3dbinfo: input your name below ,0dh,0ah,$ infomsg4dbinfo: input your phone number below ,0dh,0ah,$ infomsg5dbinfo: input the number of item below ,0dh,0ah,$ infomsg6dbinfo: input your student no. below ,0dh,0ah,$ infomsg7dbinf

5、o: input your dormitory number below ,0dh,0ah,$ msgemptydb,0dh,0ah,$ msg0 db=,0dh,0ah db| |,0dh,0ah db| welcome to use address list 0.1 alpha |,0dh,0ah db| |,0dh,0ah db=,0dh,0ah,$msgmenu db0dh,0ah db-,0dh,0ah dbplease choose an operation:(0-8),0dh,0ah db1- add 2- delete 3- modify,0dh,0ah db4- query

6、5- list 6- create,0dh,0ah db7- sort(name) 8- sort(dorm) 0- exit ,0dh,0ah db-,0dh,0ah,$ msgblank db ,$ pathname dbaddress.txt,0 msg1 db cannot find address.txt ,0dh,0ah,$ msg2 db program will create the file address.txt ,0dh,0ah,$ msg4 db open file successfully ,0dh,0ah,$ msg5 db create file fail ,0d

7、h,0ah,$ msg6 db program terminate ,0dh,0ah,$ msg7 db create file successfully ,0dh,0ah,$ msg8 db read file failed,exit ,0dh,0ah,$ msg9 db write file failed,exit ,0dh,0ah,$ msgfind db the item you found is: ,0dh,0ah,$ msgferr db cannot find the item ,0dh,0ah,$ msgferr2 db check your input! ,0dh,0ah,$

8、msglen equ$ - msgferr2;file buffer recordsizeequ20+30+20+20 filebufdb0 itemlistdb10 dup(20 dup(0),30 dup(0),20 dup(0),20 dup(0)dataseg endscodeseg segmentassume cs:codeseg,ds:dataseg,es:dataseg,ss:datasegmainprocfarpush dsxor ax,axpush axmov ax,datasegmov ds,axmov es,axlea dx,msg0call showmsgcall fi

9、ndfilecall getcommandretmainendpshowmsgprocnearmov ah,9int 21hretshowmsgendpgetcommandprocneargcinput:lea dx,msgmenumov ah,9int 21hmov ah,7 ; get inputint 21hgetcom:cmp al,1jne gc2call additemjmp gcinputgc2:cmp al,2jne gc3call delitemjmp gcinputgc3:cmp al,3jne gc4call edititemjmp gcinputgc4:cmp al,4

10、jne gc5call queryitemjmp gcinputgc5:cmp al,5jne gc6call listitemsjmp gcinputgc6:cmp al,6jne gc7call createfilejmp gcinputgc7:cmp al,7jne gc8call sortnamejmp gcinputgc8:cmp al,8jne gc9call sortdormjmp gcinputgc9:cmp al,0jne gc10call closefileretgc10:jmp gcinputgcexit:retgetcommandendpadditem proc nea

11、rcall getnumbercall getnamecall getphonecall getdormlea di,filebuf ;content starts here inc di mov al,filebuf mov bl,recordsize mul bl add di,ax addstr: lea si,searchnumber mov cx,20 cld rep movsb lea si,searchstr mov cx,30 cld rep movsb mov cx,20 lea si,searchphone cld rep movsb lea si,searchdorm m

12、ov cx,20 cld rep movsb inc filebufretadditem endpgetnumber proc near lea dx,infomsg6 mov ah,9 int 21hgetno: mov ah,0ah lea dx,inputbuf int 21h cmp actlen,0 jbe getno cmp actlen,20 jbe getnonext mov actlen,20getnonext: mov cl,actlen mov ch,0 lea si,inputstr lea di,searchnumber cld rep movsb retgetnum

13、ber endpgetname proc nearlea dx,infomsg3 mov ah,9 int 21hgetn: mov ah,0ah lea dx,inputbuf int 21h cmp actlen,0 jbe getn cmp actlen,20 jbe getnnext mov actlen,20getnnext: mov cl,actlen mov ch,0 lea si,inputstr lea di,searchstr cld rep movsb retgetname endpgetphone proc near lea dx,infomsg4 mov ah,9 i

14、nt 21hgetp: mov ah,0ah lea dx,inputbuf int 21h cmp actlen,0 jbe getp cmp actlen,20 jbe getpnext mov actlen,20getpnext: mov cl,actlen mov ch,0 lea si,inputstr lea di,searchphone cld rep movsb retgetphone endpgetdorm proc nearlea dx,infomsg7 mov ah,9 int 21hgetd: mov ah,0ah lea dx,inputbuf int 21h cmp

15、 actlen,0 jbe getd cmp actlen,20 jbe getdnext mov actlen,20getdnext: mov cl,actlen mov ch,0 lea si,inputstr lea di,searchdorm cld rep movsb retgetdorm endpsearchprocnearmov exactmatch,0lea si,filebufmov al,siinc simov di,sisub di,recordsizepush disealoop:pop di ; cuz cmpsb chaned it, so restoreadd d

16、i,recordsizelea si,searchnumberpush didec almov cx,20cldrepe cmpsbjne seanextmov exactmatch,1sub di,20mov memptr,dijmp searetseanext:cmp al,0jne sealoopsearet:retsearchendpdelitem proc nearcall getnumbercall searchcmp exactmatch,1jne delretmov bl,filebufmov si,memptrdelloop:mov di,siadd si,recordsiz

17、ecldrep movsbdec bljnz delloopdec filebufdelret:retdelitem endpedititem proc nearcall getnumbercall searchcmp exactmatch,1jne editretcall getnamecall getphonecall getdormmov di,memptr editstr: lea si,searchnumber mov cx,20 cld rep movsb lea si,searchstr mov cx,30 cld rep movsb mov cx,20 lea si,searc

18、hphone cld rep movsb lea si,searchdorm mov cx,20 cld rep movsb editret:retedititem endpqueryitem proc nearcall getnumbercall searchcmp exactmatch,1jne queryretmov si,memptrlea di,itemrowmov cx,16rep movsbadd si,4mov cx,16rep movsbadd si,14mov cx,16rep movsbadd si,4mov cx,16rep movsbmov ah,9lea dx,it

19、emrowint 21hqueryret:retqueryitem endplistitems proc nearlea dx,titlestrcall showmsglea si,filebufcmp filebuf,0je listemptymov bl,filebufinc sisub si,recordsizelistloop:add si,recordsizelea di,itemrowmov cx,16rep movsbadd si,4mov cx,16rep movsbadd si,14mov cx,16rep movsbadd si,4mov cx,16rep movsbmov

20、 ah,9lea dx,itemrowint 21hdec blcmp bl,0jne listloopretlistempty:lea dx,msgemptymov ah,9int 21hretlistitems endpcreatefile proc nearmov ah,3chmov cx,0lea dx,pathnameint 21hlea dx,msg7call showmsgretcreatefile endpsortname proc nearretsortname endpsortdorm proc nearretsortdorm endpreadfile proc nearm

21、ov ah,3fhmov bx,handlemov cx,1+recordsize*10lea dx,filebufint 21hsub filebuf,30hretreadfile endpclosefile proc nearmov ah,42hmov al,0mov bx,handlemov cx,0mov dx,0int 21hlea dx,filebufmov bx,handlemov cx,1+10*recordsizemov ah,40hint 21hmov ah,3ehint 21hcall exitproretclosefile endpfindfile proc near;

22、find file ,exist open not exist ,creat mov ah,3dh mov al,2 lea dx,pathname int 21h jc fif ;jump when file not exist mov handle,ax call readfile lea dx,msg4 call showmsg ret fif: lea dx,msg1 call showmsg lea dx,msg2 call showmsg mov ah,3ch mov al,0 mov cx,0 lea dx,pathname int 21h jc ffwrong mov handle,ax lea dx,msg7 ;create file call showmsg call fillitem ret ffwrong: lea dx,msg5 call showmsg lea dx,msg6 call showmsg call exitpro ;exit when creat failedfindfile endpfillitem proc nea


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