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1、米脂縣第三中學 八年級下英語學案unit 1 . where did you go on vacation? 第1課時 備課人:張宏苗(主)李曉玲 任小玲 折海燕 李靜 馬靜玲* 教師寄語:a good beginning is half done. 良好的開端是成功的一半。【學習目標】:1. 學習不定代詞的詞匯; 2. 學會用過去式討論節(jié)假日 - where did you go on vacation? - he/she/they/i, 【預習交流】1. 根據單元標題和圖片等,預測新課內容;2. 根據音標拼讀新單詞并牢記; 3. 自學課文,勾畫出重點和疑惑。 【知識導學】:不定代詞anyo

2、ne pron. 任何人; everyone pron. 每人;人人;所有人; something pron. 某事;某物 nothing pron. 沒有什么;沒有一件東西1) any ,some ,no ,every 與-thing ,- body , -one 構成不定代詞時,用于指不確定的人或物,做主語時,謂語用單數形式。例如;今天每個人都在everyone is here today. (正) everyone are here today. (誤)2)有形容詞修飾時形容詞要后置。例如; 一些特別的事物 something special (正) special something

3、(誤)3)否定或疑問句中,用anyone代替 someone 或somebody; 用anything 代替something 或 somebody.例如:你有沒有干一些有趣的事情?did you do anything interesting ? (正)did you do something interesting ? (誤)【自主檢測】:、翻譯官1.去山區(qū)_ 2. 度假_3. 去夏令營_ 4. 呆在家里_ 5. 去海灘_ 6. 去看望他的叔叔_7. 玩得開心_ 8.參觀博物館_ 9. 去紐約_ 10. 一些有趣的事_ ii、譯展身手1. 你假期干了什么事?_?2. 你假期去了什么地方?_

4、?3.每個人都過得開心嗎?_?4你有沒有做一些有趣的事情?_?5. 你有沒有去一些有趣的地方?_?6.有沒有人和你一起去度假?_?iii、按要求完成句子。1. she went to the mountains on vacation_?2. he did his homework at home._?3. lingming stays at home.(用yesterday 改寫句子) _?4. my father bought a gift for me last saturday .(先改一般疑問句并作肯定回答)_?_。5. i did something interesting las

5、t weekend.(改為否定句)_?米脂縣第三中學 八年級下英語學案unit 1 . where did you go on vacation? 第2課時 備課人:張宏苗(主)李曉玲 任小玲 折海燕 李靜 馬靜玲* 教師寄語:a good beginning makes good ending. 善始者善終?!緦W習目標】:1. 進行聽力訓練培養(yǎng)學生聽力; 2. 學會用過去時一般疑問句型討論節(jié)假日的對話 - did you go anywhere interesting ? - yes, i did / no, i didnt【預習交流】1. 根據圖片和表格等提示,預測新課內容;2. 根據音標

6、拼讀新單詞并牢記; 3. 自學課文2d,勾畫出重點和疑惑。 【知識導學】:few adj / pron 不多;很少 . 修飾可數名詞. quite a few 相當多;不少lily has a few friends . 李莉有幾個朋友lily has quite a few friends . 李莉有很多朋友little ; few; a little ; a few 用法辨析little,后跟不可數名詞,意思是幾乎沒有,很少few,后跟可數名詞復數,意思是幾乎沒有,很少a little:一點點,用于修飾不可數名詞,肯定用法。a few:一點點,用于修飾可數名詞,肯定用法。little:用于

7、不可數名詞,否定用法。few:用于可數名詞,否定用法。例:there is a little fish in the pool. 池塘里有幾條魚。there are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有幾個蘋果。there is little fish in the pool. 池塘里幾乎沒有魚。there are few apples on the table. 桌子上幾乎沒蘋果?!咀灾鳈z測】:、翻譯官1.上個月_ 2. 相當多_3. 大多時候_ 4. 有趣的地方_ 5.好久不見 _ 6. 為考試而學習_ ii、不定代詞專練1. im hungry. i want

8、_ to eat.a. anything b. something c. everything d. nothing 2. do you have _ to say for yourself? no, i have _ to say. a. something ; everything b. nothing; something c. everything; anything d. anything; nothing 3. why not ask _ to help you? a. everyone b. someone c. anyone d. none 4. everything _ re

9、ady. we can start now. a. are b. is c. be d. were 5. theres _ with his eyes. hes ok.a. anything wrong b. wrong something c. nothing wrong d. wrong nothing iii、對話演練。a:grace , _ did you go _ vacation?b:i _ to new york city.a: did you _with _?b: i went _my mother. 米脂縣第三中學 八年級下英語學案unit 1 . where did you

10、 go on vacation? 第3課時 (3a-1e) 備課人:張宏苗(主)李曉玲 任小玲 折海燕 李靜 馬靜玲* 教師寄語:one hour today is worth two tomorrow.爭分奪秒效率高?!緦W習目標】:1. 進一步學習不定代詞用法; 2.通過習題及聽力練習總結歸納本單元一些重點語法及句型。 - how did you like it? - it was, - did you go anywhere interesting ? - yes, i did / no, i didnt- how was the food? -everything tasted real

11、ly good.【預習交流】1. 根據對話和表格等提示,預測新課內容;2. 根據前面所學知識自主完成課本中的3a.3b及3c內容; 3. 小組討論總結該單元重點語法(不定代詞用法)及過去時的各種句型(見1e)。4. 觀察1a圖片,自主完成1a及1b內容。 【知識導學】:歸納總結:指認的不定代詞:_指物的不定代詞:_注:不定代做主語,謂語動詞要用_數。詞語辨析:1)everyone譯為_用于_句 someone譯為_用于 _句 anyone 譯為_用于 _句2)everything譯為_用于_句 something譯為_用于 _句 anything 譯為_用于 _句 【自主檢測】:、翻譯官1.當

12、然_ 2. 記日記_3. 我自己_ 4. 昂貴的_ 5. 喂雞_ 6. 美味的_7.好像;似乎_ 8. 老人_ii、用所給單詞適當形式填空。1. tom and mary _(come) to china last month.2. my mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.3. _ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?4. how many people _ (be)there in your class last term?5. when _ you _ (come) to china?_last yeariii、

13、對話演練a:hi, wang lin!1. _?b:my weekend was great . i felt very happya: 2._?b: i went to a small village. a: 3._?b: i did many thingsa:4. _?b:yes, i visited my grandpa with my parents .a: 5. _?b: it was sunny, and i had fun there.米脂縣第三中學 八年級下英語學案unit 1 . where did you go on vacation? 第4課時 (2a-2e) 備課人:張

14、宏苗(主)李曉玲 任小玲 折海燕 李靜 馬靜玲* 教師寄語:no man is born wise or learned .沒有生而知之者?!緦W習目標】:1. 學習一些重要詞匯及句型; 2. 學會做任務型閱讀【預習交流】1. 小組合作討論回答2a中的兩個問題;2. 根據以下提示完成2b的閱讀 讀前.:根據題目、問題及圖片所給信息猜測閱讀大概內容。 讀中:a. 泛讀,迅速閱讀并找出文中關鍵詞回答題目所給出的問題。 b. 精讀,標出不認識的單詞、短語及句子并完成2c任務。 讀后:自主完成2d和2e后小組合作核查答案【知識導學】:詞匯講解: 1. decide v 決定;選定decide to do

15、 決定干例如:she decides to help the poor boy. 他決定幫助那個可憐的男孩。they decided to take the bus to school. 他們決定乘公交去學校。2. feel like 給的感覺;感受到;想要 feel like +名詞 i feel like i was a bird.我感覺自己像只小鳥。feel like +動名詞 he felt like flying in the sky.他感覺/想要在天空中飛翔。3. enjoy v .喜歡;享受;欣賞enjoy +名詞 “喜歡/享受”they enjoyed their summer

16、 vacation.enjoy+動名詞 “喜歡干” bob enjoys reading in the morning.4. enough adj/adv 足夠的;充足的; 足夠地 修飾名詞置名詞前,修飾形容詞置形容詞后。足夠的時間 enough time足夠大 big enough 句型講解:1. what a difference a day makes !感嘆句,見課本82頁2. and because of the bad weather, because of用法見課本83頁【自主檢測】:、翻譯官1.決定_ 2. 感受到_3.中國商人_ 4. 想知道_ 5. 差別_ 6. 等待某人干

17、某事_7.因為_ 8. 足夠的錢_9.超過一小時_ 10.過去_ii、譯展身手1.我們決定去我們賓館附近的海灘_?2.我感覺自己像一只小鳥_?3.我想知道這里過去的生活是什么樣的?_?4.我們看到了一百年前中國商人所住的房子。_5.我真的喜歡在這個城鎮(zhèn)漫步_?6.一天產生的差異多大啊!_?7.因為人太多了,我們等了一個多小時的車。_8.當我們到達頂部時雨下大了很大。_9.并且因為糟糕的天氣,底下的東西我們什么也看不到_10.從山頂上往下看這個城市很美 _。米脂縣第三中學 八年級下英語學案unit 1 . where did you go on vacation? 第5課時 (3a-) 備課人:

18、張宏苗(主)李曉玲 任小玲 折海燕 李靜 馬靜玲* 教師寄語:no sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜?!緦W習目標】:1. 學會如何寫日記 ; 2. 復習本單元所學重點詞匯、句型及過去時等。【預習交流】 1. 朗讀4對話,并進行模仿及編新對話2. 通過觀察圖片及表格所給信息,小組合作完成3a;3. 寫作:總結歸納日記的寫作格式、方法及需要注意的問題。格式;:通過閱讀2b及3a的,對比發(fā)現中英文日記格式有何異同?_ 方法:按要求完成3b、3c的內容,發(fā)現3b問題對3c有何幫助?_ 需要注意的問題:完成3c,找出寫作時容易出現的錯誤。(例如整體時態(tài)、某些詞匯或者句型的應用需要注意的

19、地方)_ 4自主完成self-check所有內容,小組核查答案。【知識導學】范文: thursday,august1stmy vacation was great .i went to beijing for vacation with my parents .the weather was sunny .in the morning, i went to the great wall. i think. it was great and exciting. we ate beijing duck for lunch. it was delicious. in the afternoon i

20、went to the palace museum. it was cool! i learned more about china. then i visited tiananmen square. it was beautiful. in the evening, i went to beijing hutong. it was quiet and clean .i talked to the people there .they were friendly. beijing is a beautiful city. i love beijing and i hope to visit i

21、t again.【溫故知新】:一般過去時、概念_ii、常見時間狀語_iii、動詞過去式的變換規(guī)則1一般情況_2.以e結尾的動詞_3以重讀閉音節(jié)結尾的動詞,末尾只有一個輔音字母_4.以復印字母家y結尾的動詞_寫出不少于5個不規(guī)則動詞的過去式_iiii、句型結構肯定句型:_否定句型; _疑問句型:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_米脂縣第三中學 八年級下英語學案unit 1 . where did you go on vacation? 第6課時 (總結) 備課人:張宏苗(主)李曉玲 任小玲 折海燕 李靜 馬靜玲* 教師寄語:nothing is difficult to the man who will

22、 try.世上無難事,只要人肯試。一短語:1. go on vacation 2. stay at home 3.go to the mountains 4.go to the beach 5.visit museums 6. go to summer camp7quite a few 8.study for 9.go out 10.most of the time11. taste good 12.have a good time 13.of course 14.feel like 15.go shopping 16.in the past 17. walk around 18.too ma

23、ny 19.because of 20.one bowl of 13.find out 14.go on 15.take photos 16.something important 17.up and down e up 二語法:1. where did you go on vacation? i went to new york city.2. did you go out with anyone? no, no one was here. everyone was on vacation.3. did you buy anything special? yes, i bought some

24、thing for my father. 4. how was the food? everything tasted really good. 5. did everyone have a good time? oh,yes. everything was excellent.三慣用法:1. buy sth for sb./ buy sb. sth 為某人買某物 2. taste + adj. 嘗起來3. nothing .but + v.(原形) 除了之外什么都沒有 4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起來 5. arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到達某地 6. decide to do sth. 決定做某事 7. try doing sth. 嘗試做某事 / try to do sth. 盡力做某事8. enjoy doing sth. 喜歡做某事9. want to


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