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1、P242 2 1.1. 生物性有害因素生物性有害因素(職業(yè)性)(職業(yè)性) o 定義:定義:生產原料和生產環(huán)境中存在的對職業(yè)人生產原料和生產環(huán)境中存在的對職業(yè)人 群健康有害的致病微生物、寄生蟲、昆蟲和其群健康有害的致病微生物、寄生蟲、昆蟲和其 他動植物及其所產生的生物活性物質統(tǒng)稱。他動植物及其所產生的生物活性物質統(tǒng)稱。 o 如炭疽芽孢桿菌、布氏桿菌、蜱媒森林腦炎病如炭疽芽孢桿菌、布氏桿菌、蜱媒森林腦炎病 毒、鉤端螺旋體毒、鉤端螺旋體等等。 一、概述一、概述 Registered o 炭疽Anthrax o 布魯氏菌病Forest Encephalitis o 森林腦炎Brucellosis 炭疽

2、Anthrax o接觸機會:人群普遍易感,多見于農牧民、屠宰、人群普遍易感,多見于農牧民、屠宰、 皮毛加工,獸醫(yī)及實驗室人員。皮毛加工,獸醫(yī)及實驗室人員。 o主要臨床表現(xiàn): 布魯氏菌病Brucellosis 由布魯氏菌屬細菌引起的人、畜共患的急性 乙類傳染性疾病。 o接觸機會:從事畜牧業(yè),皮毛加工業(yè),生產布魯皮毛加工業(yè),生產布魯 氏菌苗、凍干菌種過程中氏菌苗、凍干菌種過程中 o主要臨床表現(xiàn):主要臨床表現(xiàn):長期發(fā)熱、多汗、關節(jié)痛及肝、 脾腫大等。 牛布魯氏菌(抗酸染色) 森林腦炎Forest Encephalitis 勞動者在森林地區(qū)從事職業(yè)活動過程中,因被蜱 叮咬而感染到森林腦炎病毒導致的一類

3、傳染病 o接觸機會:人類普遍易感,在疫區(qū)從事林業(yè)、勘探、 捕獵、采藥等職業(yè)人群,以及進駐林區(qū)的部隊人員、 旅游者 o主要臨床表現(xiàn):主要臨床表現(xiàn):發(fā)熱、意識障礙、頸及肢體癱瘓和 腦膜刺激征 什么是禽流感 avian influenza? 禽流感是禽流行性感冒的簡稱,它是由甲型流感病毒的禽流感是禽流行性感冒的簡稱,它是由甲型流感病毒的 一種亞型(也稱禽流感病毒)一種亞型(也稱禽流感病毒) 引起的傳染性疾病,被國際引起的傳染性疾病,被國際 獸疫局定為獸疫局定為甲類傳染病甲類傳染病。 Bird Flu 病毒結構模式圖病毒結構模式圖 什么是禽流感 avian influenza? o 高致病性禽流感高致

4、病性禽流感H5N1:最嚴重,發(fā)病率高,死亡率高最嚴重,發(fā)病率高,死亡率高. o 低致病性禽流感低致病性禽流感H9N2/H7N7 :呼吸道癥狀輕,食量減:呼吸道癥狀輕,食量減 少,產蛋量下降少,產蛋量下降,零星死亡零星死亡. o 非致病性禽流感非致病性禽流感 :無癥狀,:無癥狀, 僅使染病的禽鳥體內產僅使染病的禽鳥體內產 生病毒抗體。生病毒抗體。 o禽流感病毒對乙醚、氯仿、丙酮等有機溶劑均敏感。禽流感病毒對乙醚、氯仿、丙酮等有機溶劑均敏感。常用消毒常用消毒 劑劑容易將其滅活容易將其滅活 , 如氧化劑、稀酸、鹵素化合物如氧化劑、稀酸、鹵素化合物 ( 漂白粉和碘漂白粉和碘 劑劑 ) 等都能迅速破壞其

5、活性。等都能迅速破壞其活性。 o禽流感病毒對禽流感病毒對熱熱比較敏感比較敏感 , 但對低溫抵抗力較強但對低溫抵抗力較強 , 65 加熱加熱30 分鐘或煮沸分鐘或煮沸 ( 100 )2 分鐘以上可滅活。病毒在較低溫度糞便分鐘以上可滅活。病毒在較低溫度糞便 中可存活中可存活 1 周周 , 在在 4 水中可存活水中可存活 1 個月個月 , 對酸性環(huán)境有一定對酸性環(huán)境有一定 抵抗力抵抗力 , 在在 pH 4.0 的條件下也具有一定的存活能力。在有甘油的條件下也具有一定的存活能力。在有甘油 存在的情況下可保持活力存在的情況下可保持活力 1 年以上。年以上。 o裸露的病毒在直射陽光下裸露的病毒在直射陽光下

6、 40-48 小時即可滅活小時即可滅活 , 如果用如果用紫外線紫外線 直接照射直接照射 , 可迅速破壞其活性。可迅速破壞其活性。 How to exposure?暴露途徑暴露途徑 o 流行病學資料顯示人禽流感的感染率具有高 度職業(yè)相關性 o 高危人群高危人群 n 從事家禽養(yǎng)殖業(yè)者及其同地居住的家屬; n 在發(fā)病前1周內到過家禽飼養(yǎng)、銷售及宰殺等場 所的人員; n 接觸禽流感病毒感染材料的實驗室工作人員; n 與禽流感患者有密切接觸的人員 家禽業(yè)從業(yè)人員 參與政府工作人員 收治人員 收治其他人員 病人家屬 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H5N1抗體 陽 性 率 (%)

7、 How to prevent?預防措施 o隔離捕殺 o消毒 o給雞鴨注射有效疫苗 o為易感人群進行預防接種 o加強對候鳥的監(jiān)控 羅馬尼亞一名獸醫(yī)正在處理患有禽流感的火雞 上一步 羅馬尼亞一名工作人員給火車噴灑消毒劑 內蒙古嚴防扎蘭屯市禽流感疫情擴散內蒙古嚴防扎蘭屯市禽流感疫情擴散 寧夏嚴防禽流感立體傳播寧夏嚴防禽流感立體傳播 寧夏嚴防禽流感立體傳播寧夏嚴防禽流感立體傳播 寧夏嚴防禽流感立體傳播寧夏嚴防禽流感立體傳播 上一步 回 七類人群禁止接種流感疫苗七類人群禁止接種流感疫苗 回 回 俄羅斯新西伯利亞禽市場顧客寥寥 濟南郊區(qū)一村民給自己散養(yǎng)的雞注射疫苗濟南郊區(qū)一村民給自己散養(yǎng)的雞注射疫苗 天

8、津為水禽注射禽流感疫苗天津為水禽注射禽流感疫苗 南寧動物園全力預防禽流感南寧動物園全力預防禽流感 寧夏工作人員在為家禽注射疫苗 回 生物因素所致傳染性職業(yè)病的管理 o 采取甲類傳染病的預防、控制措施的乙類傳 染?。?n 傳染性非典型肺炎 n 肺炭疽 n 人感染高致病性禽流感 職業(yè)致癌因素與職業(yè)腫瘤 Occupational Carcinogen o Searches for responsible agents; o Demonstrations that the agent can cause cancer in laboratory animals; o Implementation of

9、 preventive programs. 物理性致癌物物理性致癌物 Physical carcinogens o 電離輻射電離輻射 (Ionising radiation) :包括包括X-rays, alpha, beta 和和 gamma 輻射。輻射。 o 紫外輻射紫外輻射 (Ultraviolet radiation) :如:如UV-B 和和UV-C 能引起皮膚癌。能引起皮膚癌。 生物性致癌因素生物性致癌因素 Biological carcinogens Some viruses have been implicated in causing cancer, either by dama

10、ging cells directly, for example, the Hepatitis B virus, or by decreasing the ability of the body to control abnormal cells, for example, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). 國際腫瘤研究中心(國際腫瘤研究中心(International Agency for Research on Cancer) The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is t

11、he most widely accepted international authority on causes of cancer. IARC的任務:腫瘤研究和控制的任務:腫瘤研究和控制 IARC coordinates and conducts both epidemiological and laboratory research into the causes of cancer. The Agencys work has four main objectives. Monitoring global cancer occurence Identifying the causes o

12、f cancer Elucidation of mechanisms of carcinogenesis Developing scientific strategies for cancer control IARC 根據(jù)致癌因素對人類和實驗動物的致癌強度對職業(yè)致 癌因素進行分類 o Group 1: agents carcinogenic to humans o Group 2A: agents probably carcinogenic to humans o Group 2B: agents possibly carcinogenic to humans o Group 3: agen

13、ts not classifiable as carcinogenic to humans o Group 4: agents probably not carcinogenic to humans Group 1 When there is enough evidence from epidemiologic studies to support a causal association with cancer, the chemical, chemical group, process, or exposure is assigned to Group 1 (e.g., asbestos石

14、棉, benzene苯, chromium鉻, vinyl chloride氯乙烯, coke焦炭production, furniture manufacturing, and nickel refining鎳精煉). 即確認致癌物確認致癌物or生產過程生產過程 Group 2 Chemicals that are carcinogenic in laboratory animals, but for which human data may be limited or lacking, are typically placed in Group 2. Those considered to

15、 be probably carcinogenic to humans appear in Group 2A (e.g., acrylonitrile, cadmium鎘, and silica硅). And those considered to be possibly carcinogenic to humans are placed in Group 2B (including butadiene丁二烯, carbon tetrachloride, chlorophenoxy herbicides, DDT, styrene苯乙烯, and tetrachloroethylene). 即

16、可疑致癌物可疑致癌物 Group 3、 Group 4 The other categories are considered not classifiable as to carcinogenicity (Group 3), or not carcinogenic to humans (Group 4). 相當于相當于潛在致癌物潛在致癌物(Group 3)或者非致癌物或者非致癌物(Group 4). 8種職業(yè)腫瘤種職業(yè)腫瘤 石棉所致肺癌、間皮瘤; 聯(lián)苯胺所致膀胱癌 ; 苯所致白血病 ; 氯甲醚所致肺癌; 砷所致肺癌、皮膚癌 ; 氯乙烯所致肝血管肉瘤; 焦爐逸散物所致肺癌; 鉻酸鹽制造業(yè)所致肺

17、癌 。 職業(yè)性腫瘤的特征職業(yè)性腫瘤的特征 o潛伏期潛伏期 latent period o閾值閾值 threshold o 劑量劑量-反應關系反應關系 dose-response relationship o好發(fā)部位好發(fā)部位 the frequent site of cancer o病理類型病理類型 pathological type o 病因病因 pathogenesis o 年齡年齡 age 潛伏期(潛伏期(latent period) 潛伏期:首次接觸致癌物到腫瘤發(fā)生有一個明顯的間隔潛伏期:首次接觸致癌物到腫瘤發(fā)生有一個明顯的間隔 期期 The period between exposur

18、e to an environmental carcinogen, usually measured from the date of initial exposure, and the onset of cancer is known as the latency period of the agent. 致癌因素致癌因素 啟動啟動促進促進進展進展 DNA損傷,損傷, 遺傳毒遺傳毒 影響因素:抑癌物質、代謝、免影響因素:抑癌物質、代謝、免 疫等疫等 間接與間接與DNA作用,細胞生長、增殖、作用,細胞生長、增殖、 分化過程中信息傳遞失控,導致細胞分化過程中信息傳遞失控,導致細胞 生長失控、分化

19、抑制。生長失控、分化抑制。 增殖迅速、細增殖迅速、細 胞由良性發(fā)展胞由良性發(fā)展 為惡性為惡性 腫瘤發(fā)生的多階段過程腫瘤發(fā)生的多階段過程(multi-step process of cancer development): 這決定了腫瘤發(fā)生一般都有相當長的潛伏期這決定了腫瘤發(fā)生一般都有相當長的潛伏期 因此,多數(shù)職業(yè)性腫瘤的潛伏期超過10年。 不同的致癌因素有不同的潛伏期。一般為12- 25年。但也有例外,如苯(benzene)和放 射線(radiation) 所致白血病為4-6年。石 棉所致間皮瘤為40年以上。 閾值(閾值(Threshold) Is there a safe level for

20、 exposure to carcinogens? 不同的致癌學說或者理論對是否存在閾值存在爭論:不同的致癌學說或者理論對是否存在閾值存在爭論: 主張無閾值的:主張無閾值的:如一次擊中學說(如一次擊中學說(one hit theory)認為只要一)認為只要一 次小劑量接觸致癌物,甚至一個致癌物分子就可能導致次小劑量接觸致癌物,甚至一個致癌物分子就可能導致 DNA改變,啟動腫瘤發(fā)生改變,啟動腫瘤發(fā)生. 主張有閾值的:主張有閾值的:致癌物分子致癌物分子到達靶器官到達靶器官的可能性在小劑量接觸的可能性在小劑量接觸 時很?。恢掳┪镞€可能時很小;致癌物還可能與細胞的其他親核物質如蛋白或者與細胞的其他親核

21、物質如蛋白或者 DNA的非關鍵部位作用而代謝的非關鍵部位作用而代謝;機體修復機體修復DNA損傷、清除損傷、清除 癌細胞功能癌細胞功能;腫瘤發(fā)生過程的;腫瘤發(fā)生過程的早期變化(增生、硬化等)早期變化(增生、硬化等)。 職業(yè)性致癌因素的安全接觸(暴露)劑量職業(yè)性致癌因素的安全接觸(暴露)劑量 safe levels of exposure to carcinogens Uncertainty about safe levels of exposure to carcinogens has resulted in the principle of keeping exposure as low as

22、 reasonably achievable (the ALARA principle, 合理接觸盡可能 低). 劑量劑量-反應關系反應關系 dose-response relationship 91 好發(fā)部位好發(fā)部位 Common carcinogenic exposures and their target cancer sites 呼吸系統(tǒng)呼吸系統(tǒng)和和皮膚皮膚為為 職業(yè)性腫瘤的多發(fā)職業(yè)性腫瘤的多發(fā) 部位。部位。 多部位發(fā)生 病理類型病理類型 pathological type o 不同致癌物所致腫瘤具有一定的病理類型。不同致癌物所致腫瘤具有一定的病理類型。 如鈾礦工肺癌大多數(shù)為未分化小細

23、胞癌;鉻多致如鈾礦工肺癌大多數(shù)為未分化小細胞癌;鉻多致 鱗癌;家具工所致鼻竇癌多為腺癌。鱗癌;家具工所致鼻竇癌多為腺癌。 一般認為,接觸強致癌物以及高濃度接觸所致一般認為,接觸強致癌物以及高濃度接觸所致 肺癌多為肺癌多為未分化小細胞癌未分化小細胞癌;反之則多為;反之則多為腺癌腺癌。 病因病因 pathogenesis o 職業(yè)性腫瘤都有明確的致癌因素和接觸史。職業(yè)性腫瘤都有明確的致癌因素和接觸史。 若除去病因,相應腫瘤的發(fā)病率就會明顯下降或不發(fā)生。若除去病因,相應腫瘤的發(fā)病率就會明顯下降或不發(fā)生。 o 職業(yè)性腫瘤要在一定條件下才能發(fā)病。職業(yè)性腫瘤要在一定條件下才能發(fā)病。 如金屬鎳微粒有致癌性,

24、而塊狀金屬鎳就沒有;如金屬鎳微粒有致癌性,而塊狀金屬鎳就沒有; 不溶性的鉻鹽及鎳鹽,只有經肺吸入方能引起癌不溶性的鉻鹽及鎳鹽,只有經肺吸入方能引起癌,而將它們而將它們 涂抹在皮膚或從口進入都無致癌作用;涂抹在皮膚或從口進入都無致癌作用; 還與個人習慣有關,如石棉吸煙者,肺癌發(fā)病率可以增加還與個人習慣有關,如石棉吸煙者,肺癌發(fā)病率可以增加 4090多倍。多倍。 94 年齡年齡 age o 職業(yè)性腫瘤的發(fā)病年齡通常在職業(yè)性腫瘤的發(fā)病年齡通常在40歲以下,與潛伏期長歲以下,與潛伏期長 短有關。短有關。 o 由于工業(yè)化的發(fā)展,職業(yè)性致癌因素的種類和數(shù)量增由于工業(yè)化的發(fā)展,職業(yè)性致癌因素的種類和數(shù)量增

25、加,預防措施的加強,職業(yè)性癌的發(fā)病年齡有明顯提加,預防措施的加強,職業(yè)性癌的發(fā)病年齡有明顯提 高的趨勢。高的趨勢。 o 總的來看,職業(yè)性腫瘤發(fā)病年齡比非職業(yè)性發(fā)病年齡總的來看,職業(yè)性腫瘤發(fā)病年齡比非職業(yè)性發(fā)病年齡 要早。要早。 如芳香胺引起的泌尿系統(tǒng)癌變,發(fā)病年齡以如芳香胺引起的泌尿系統(tǒng)癌變,發(fā)病年齡以4050 歲多見,比非職業(yè)性的泌尿系統(tǒng)癌癥早歲多見,比非職業(yè)性的泌尿系統(tǒng)癌癥早1015年。年。 95 職業(yè)致癌因素的識別與判定職業(yè)致癌因素的識別與判定 Identification and assessment of occupational carcinogen o臨床觀察臨床觀察clinic

26、al observation o實驗研究實驗研究experimental research o流行病學調查流行病學調查epidemiological investigation 臨床觀察臨床觀察 (clinical observation) o 1775, Percivall Pott, a London surgeon, described a high frequency of cancer of the scrotum(陰囊) among chimney sweeps. o Hadfield 發(fā)現(xiàn)老年家具制作工中多發(fā)鼻竇癌。 o 接觸煤焦油(coal tar),易患皮膚癌 o . 臨床觀

27、察和分析是識別職業(yè)腫瘤的第一線索。臨床觀察和分析是識別職業(yè)腫瘤的第一線索。 實驗研究實驗研究(experimental research) o 動物試驗動物試驗 (Studies of cancer in experimental animals) o 體外試驗體外試驗 (In Vitro experiments) 1.要用兩種動物(一般為小鼠和大鼠),每組要用兩種動物(一般為小鼠和大鼠),每組雌雄各半雌雄各半。 2.每個實驗組和相應對照組要求有足夠動物數(shù),每種性別至少每個實驗組和相應對照組要求有足夠動物數(shù),每種性別至少 50只只。 3.投藥和觀察時間必須能夠超過改種動物期望壽命的大部分(大投

28、藥和觀察時間必須能夠超過改種動物期望壽命的大部分(大 鼠和小鼠一般為鼠和小鼠一般為2年年)。)。 4.在實驗組中,施加的劑量至少有在實驗組中,施加的劑量至少有兩個兩個,高劑量組和低劑量組,高劑量組和低劑量組, 高劑量組應接近最大耐受劑量(高劑量組應接近最大耐受劑量(MTD);如條件允許最好設);如條件允許最好設 三個劑量組。三個劑量組。 5.結果的確定要有足夠量的動物結果的確定要有足夠量的動物病理學檢查病理學檢查。 6.用合適的方法對資料進行用合適的方法對資料進行統(tǒng)計學分析統(tǒng)計學分析。 (a) Qualitative aspects (定性)(定性) oAn assessment of car

29、cinogenicity involves several considerations of qualitative importance, including (i) the experimental conditions under which the test was performed, including route and schedule of exposure, species, strain, sex, age, duration of follow-up; (ii) the consistency of the results, for example, across s

30、pecies and target organ(s); (iii) the spectrum of neoplastic response, from preneoplastic lesions and benign tumours to malignant neoplasms; and (iv) the possible role of modifying factors. 動物實驗資料外推到人時應考慮的問題:動物實驗資料外推到人時應考慮的問題: (b) Quantitative aspects(定量)(定量) o The probability that tumours will occu

31、r may depend on the species, sex, strain and age of the animal, the dose of the carcinogen and the route and length of exposure. Evidence of an strengthens the inference of a causal association between the exposure and the development of neoplasms.【dose-response relationship】 體外試驗(體外試驗(In Vitro Expe

32、riments) oDNA損傷修復試驗損傷修復試驗(DNA damage and repair ) o基因突變基因突變(Gene mutations(Ames test) ) o染色體畸變(染色體畸變(Chromosomal changes in mammalian systems) o細胞惡性轉化細胞惡性轉化(Cell transformation) 優(yōu)點:優(yōu)點:快速、花費少。快速、花費少。 判別依據(jù):判別依據(jù):腫瘤的發(fā)生是由于腫瘤的發(fā)生是由于DNA的突變引起,短期試的突變引起,短期試 驗檢測該化學物質是否具有致突變性,以推測其致癌性。驗檢測該化學物質是否具有致突變性,以推測其致癌性。 o目

33、前主張用目前主張用一組短期試驗一組短期試驗而不是單獨一種短期試驗來測試化學物的而不是單獨一種短期試驗來測試化學物的 致突變性,致突變性, 原則原則是應是應包括低等動物、高等動物、體內、體外試驗,體細胞、生包括低等動物、高等動物、體內、體外試驗,體細胞、生 殖細胞殖細胞均有,這樣才較全面。均有,這樣才較全面。 最常用最常用的是的是Ames試驗,體外微核染色體畸變試驗與生殖細胞染色試驗,體外微核染色體畸變試驗與生殖細胞染色 體畸變試驗體畸變試驗等。等。 o體外短期試驗的體外短期試驗的局限性局限性:用短期試驗結果預測化學物質對人的致癌:用短期試驗結果預測化學物質對人的致癌 性的價值目前尚不明了,和人

34、及動物實驗之間的相關性也不完善。性的價值目前尚不明了,和人及動物實驗之間的相關性也不完善。 如假陽性等。如假陽性等。 體外試驗(體外試驗(In Vitro Experiments) 如短期試驗陽性,就應在動物試驗和接觸人群中進一步詳細研究如短期試驗陽性,就應在動物試驗和接觸人群中進一步詳細研究 流行病學調查流行病學調查 (epidemiological investigation) o 類型(類型(types of studies considered ) 隊列研究 cohort studies, 病例對照case-control studies, 描述性研究correlation (or e

35、cological) studies 因果關系判斷標準因果關系判斷標準 Criteria for causality o 因果關系強度(strong association ) o 因果關系的一致性( replication ) o 接觸水平反應關系(dose-response) o 生物學合理性(biological rationality ):所研 究物質的危害作用機制已知 o 時間依存性(time dependence ):先因后果, 暴露時間與潛伏期的符合與否 因果關系判斷標準因果關系判斷標準 Criteria for causality o 因果關系的強度:因果關系的強度:A str

36、ong association (i.e. a large relative risk相對危險度) is more likely to indicate causality than a weak association. o 因果關系的一致性:因果關系的一致性:Associations that are replicated in several studies of the same design or using different epidemiological approaches or under different circumstances of exposure are mo

37、re likely to represent a causal relationship than isolated observations from single studies. 因果關系判斷標準因果關系判斷標準 Criteria for causality o 接觸水平接觸水平-反應關系反應關系 dose-response: If the risk of the disease in question increases with the amount of exposure, this is considered to be a strong indication of causal

38、ity, although absence of a graded response is not necessarily evidence against a causal relationship. o 生物學合理性:Demonstration of a decline in risk after cessation of or reduction in exposure in individuals or in whole populations also supports a causal interpretation of the findings. 常見職業(yè)性腫瘤常見職業(yè)性腫瘤 o

39、 職業(yè)性呼吸道腫瘤 Occupational Respiratory Cancer o 職業(yè)性皮膚癌 Occupational Skin Cancer o 職業(yè)性膀胱癌 Occupational Bladder Cancer o 其他職業(yè)腫瘤 Others 肺癌肺癌 Lung cancer 砷砷 Arsenic, 石棉石棉 asbestos,雙氯甲醚雙氯甲醚 bis(chloromethyl)ether,鉻鉻 化物化物 chromium compounds 鼻腔鼻竇鼻腔鼻竇 Cancer of Nasal cavity and sinuses 甲醛 Formaldehyde,異丙醇 isopr

40、opyl alcohol, 鎳精煉 nickel refining,皮革灰塵 leather dust,木屑 wood dust 喉癌喉癌 Larynx Cancer: 石棉 Asbestos, 異丙醇 isopropyl alcohol, 芥子氣 mustard gas 咽癌咽癌 Pharynx Cancer: 甲醛 Formaldehyde,芥子氣 mustard gas CHROMIUM(鉻鉻) AND CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS(鉻鉻 化合物)化合物) ChromiumVI (Group 1) Metallic chromium and chromiumIII compoun

41、ds (Group 3) o Exposure data highest exposures to chromiumVI may occur during chromate production(鉻酸鹽生產)(鉻酸鹽生產), welding (焊接)(焊接), chrome pigment manufacture(鉻顏料制造)(鉻顏料制造), chrome plating(鉻電鍍)(鉻電鍍)and spray painting(噴涂)(噴涂); highest exposures to other forms of chromium occur during mining(采礦)(采礦), f

42、errochromium(鉻鐵)(鉻鐵) and steel production(煉鋼)(煉鋼), welding焊接焊接and cutting and grinding(研磨)(研磨)of chromium alloys. Occupational exposure(職業(yè)接觸)(職業(yè)接觸) has been shown to give rise to elevated levels of chromium in blood, urine and some body tissues, inhalation(吸入)(吸入) being the main route. Non-occupatio

43、nal sources of exposure(非職業(yè)接觸)(非職業(yè)接觸) to chromium include food, air and water, but the levels are usually several orders of magnitude lower(低于幾個數(shù)量 級) than those typically encountered in occupational situations. 實驗致癌性數(shù)據(jù)實驗致癌性數(shù)據(jù) Experimental carcinogenicity data o Chromium VI Calcium chromate 鉻酸鈣鉻酸鈣 by

44、 inhalation 吸入吸入 by intratracheal 氣管內氣管內 by intrabronchial 支氣管內支氣管內 by intrapleural 胸膜胸膜 by subcutaneous 皮下皮下 lung adenomas 腺瘤腺瘤 lung tumours 肺腫瘤肺腫瘤 Local tumours 局部腫瘤局部腫瘤 實驗致癌性數(shù)據(jù)實驗致癌性數(shù)據(jù) Experimental carcinogenicity data oChromium trioxide三氧化鉻三氧化鉻(chromic acid鉻酸鉻酸) Chromium trioxide 三氧化鉻三氧化鉻 by inha

45、lation by intrabronchial lung adenomas lung tumours Nasal 鼻的鼻的 Papillomas 乳頭狀瘤乳頭狀瘤 Higher dose Lower dose oEpidemiological studies carried out in the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the USA of workers in the chromate production industry(鉻酸鹽制造業(yè) ) have consistently shown excess r

46、isks for lung cancer. The workers in this industry may be exposed to a variety of forms of chromium, including chromium(鉻)(鉻) and compounds. 實驗致癌性數(shù)據(jù)實驗致癌性數(shù)據(jù) Experimental carcinogenicity data oSimilarly, studies carried out in the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK an

47、d the USA of workers in the production of chromate pigments(鉻酸鹽顏料) have also consistently shown excess risks for lung cancer. Workers in this industry are exposed to chromates, not only in the pigments themselves but also from soluble chromium compounds in the raw materials used in their production.

48、 Overall evaluation oChromium VI is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). oMetallic chromium and chromium compounds III are not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3). ARSENIC AND ARSENIC COMPOUNDS(砷及砷砷及砷 化合物化合物) o Evidence for carcinogenicity to humans (sufficient) o Evidence for

49、carcinogenicity to animals (limited) o Other relevant data o Overall evaluation o Many cases of skin cancer have been reported among people exposed to arsenic through medical treatment with inorganic trivalent arsenic compounds(無機三價 砷化合物), particularly Fowlers solution(福樂氏溶 液), and further reports h

50、ave confirmed these findings. o Occupational exposure (職業(yè)接觸)(職業(yè)接觸)to inorganic arsenic(無機砷)(無機砷), especially in mining(采礦) and copper smelting(煉銅), has quite consistently been associated with an increased risk of cancer. An almost ten- fold increase in the incidence of lung cancer was found in worke

51、rs most heavily exposed to arsenic, and relatively clear dose-response relationships have been obtained with regard to cumulative exposure(累計暴露). o With regard to histological type of lung cancer, a significant, relative excess of adenocarcinomas(腺癌)and a slight excess of oat-cell(燕麥細胞)cancers were

52、seen among smelter workers(熔煉工). o A multiplicative effect(相乘效應)(相乘效應) of arsenic exposure and smoking was observed among Swedish smelter workers. arsenic compounds 砷化合物砷化合物 by intratracheal instillation氣管滴注氣管滴注 by implantation into the stomach灌胃灌胃 Carcinomas 癌癌 Adenomas 腺瘤腺瘤 Papillomas 乳頭瘤 Overall

53、evaluation Arsenic and arsenic compounds are carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). ASBESTOS(石棉石棉) (Actinolite陽起石, amosite鐵石棉,anthophyllite直閃石, chrysotile溫石棉,crocidolite青石棉,tremolite透閃石) (Group 1) Is asbestos carcinogenic to humans? o A. Evidence for carcinogenicity to humans (sufficient) o B. Evidence f

54、or carcinogenicity to animals (sufficient) o C. Other relevant data Which cancers are associated with asbestos exposure? o 肺癌和間皮瘤 Lung cancer and Mesothelioma o 結腸癌 Colonic cancer o 喉癌 Laryngeal cancer What is the route of exposure? o 吸入 inhalation o 胃腸道 ingestion Assessment of probability of causat

55、ion: lung cancer o The evaluation is dependent on whether the subject has asbestosis(石棉肺). o If asbestosis is present o If asbestosis is not present If asbestosis is present o the assessment of probability of causation can be relatively simple, since the association between asbestosis and lung cance

56、r is strong and unequivocal. If a diagnosis of asbestosis is established, no quantitative estimate of exposure is required: oepidemiological evidence shows that if asbestosis is present the relative risk (RR) of lung cancer from asbestos exposure is well above 2, so that the probability of causation

57、 (PC) can be confidently assessed as above 50% whenever asbestosis is present. Furthermore this judgement can be made irrespective of smoking history. If asbestosis is not present o In the absence of asbestosis, and if asbestosis is held not to be a precondition for asbestos related lung cancer (eit

58、her by statute or on the basis of evidence presented), the probability of causation is contingent on the following: o Asbestos exposure history o Lung fibre count: a level of 5 million fibres/g of dry lung o Time since exposure: It is widely assumed that excess risk of lung cancer will not occur wit

59、hin 10 years of initial exposure to asbestos. o Smoking history: multiplicative relationship oUnlike lung cancer, however, there is no need to consider whether asbestosis is present, since mesothelioma has been reported at exposures well below levels likely to cause asbestosis, and in most cases asbestosis is not present. oThe latency period from first exposure is long up to 40 years


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