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1、留學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)的寫(xiě)法Study Plan (學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃)中英文模板/樣本在申請(qǐng)留學(xué)及簽證的過(guò)程中,經(jīng)常會(huì)被要求寫(xiě)學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)(study plan),許多留學(xué)的朋友往往搞不清楚學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)和個(gè)人陳述(personal statement)區(qū)別和寫(xiě)法,因此結(jié)合自己的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),介紹一下學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)的寫(xiě)作。一般來(lái)說(shuō)學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)可以按照提交目的分成兩類(lèi),既給大使館申請(qǐng)簽證用的,或是給學(xué)校申請(qǐng)錄取用的。用來(lái)申請(qǐng)學(xué)校的學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃從本質(zhì)上講和個(gè)人陳述是同一類(lèi)型的文書(shū),關(guān)于學(xué)校申請(qǐng)類(lèi)的學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)可以參考個(gè)人陳述方面的文章,本文主要介紹提交大使館簽證用的學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)。歐美國(guó)家,特別是移民國(guó)家,如澳大利亞、新西蘭、加拿大等國(guó)針

2、對(duì)留學(xué)生簽證的 時(shí)候往往要求提供學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū),通過(guò)學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)使簽證官了解您的背景,選擇留學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)的動(dòng)機(jī)條件,選擇該國(guó)留學(xué)的理由,和清晰的未來(lái) 留學(xué)時(shí)間安排,職業(yè)目標(biāo)和回國(guó)理由,配合審核您的其它材料決定是否給您發(fā)放留學(xué)簽證, 因此學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)是一份很關(guān)鍵的文件??偟膩?lái)說(shuō),學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)需要包括以下幾方面內(nèi)容:1、簡(jiǎn)單說(shuō)明自己的學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)歷,專(zhuān)業(yè)背景及工作經(jīng)歷;2、說(shuō)明自己進(jìn)一步求學(xué)的動(dòng)機(jī)及為什么選擇該國(guó),該大學(xué)與該專(zhuān)業(yè);3、詳細(xì)的留學(xué)時(shí)間安排;4、介紹留學(xué)所需資金及來(lái)源;5、對(duì)未來(lái)職業(yè)目標(biāo)的闡述,留學(xué)后回國(guó)的理由。學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)的行文風(fēng)格和文章結(jié)構(gòu)與個(gè)人陳述有很大不同,不需要太多個(gè)性化和感性的描 述,而應(yīng)該是結(jié)構(gòu)

3、清晰簡(jiǎn)單,邏輯嚴(yán)密,闡述的事實(shí)明確,相關(guān)論據(jù)有力可信,學(xué)成回國(guó)的 理由要非常充分,并且絕對(duì)不能和申請(qǐng)人的其他材料發(fā)生矛盾。關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)等留學(xué)文件的寫(xiě)作,可以上 www.wi nn , 等網(wǎng)站獲得幫助。由于使館的工作人員每天要處理大量的文件,因此學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃書(shū)切不可寫(xiě)的太長(zhǎng),一般不應(yīng)超過(guò)800字,并且說(shuō)明一個(gè)問(wèn)題最好只用一個(gè)段落,段落前加上標(biāo)題,如My Choice ofUni versity of Toro nto in Canada ,My career objective等,以便使館的工作人員對(duì)您一段內(nèi)容的中心思想一目了然。您的闡述應(yīng)該非常清晰易讀,不能希望讓使館的工作人員從您的文 字中”挖


5、中關(guān)于回國(guó)理由等涉及事實(shí)論據(jù)的地方,不能任意編造,在工作中,本文作者就遇到過(guò)客戶(hù)因編造事實(shí)而被大使館核查出來(lái)并拒簽的情況。Study pla n 模板 1STUDY PLAN本人是土木類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè),并修讀管理類(lèi)雙學(xué)位,去 UA 讀相近專(zhuān)業(yè) Master,結(jié)合 PS進(jìn)行的完善。Dear Sir/ Madam,I am looking forward to study in University of Alberta in Canada this fall. As an essential part of visa applicati on process, I un dersta nd that a

6、true studypla n is importa nt for myfurther success.Backgro undMy n ame is*, Male, born on * i n*, Chi na. I accepted the offer of admissi on into the graduate program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Alberta. My undergraduateeducation has laid the groundworktowards the path I

7、 now intend toembark on. Pursuing dual degrees from seem in gly vastly differe nt fields at * Uni versity endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the importanee of man ageme nt with in the con

8、 structi on in dustry.My choice of study ing in Can adaOver the past decades, China has enjoyed rapid developme nt in all aspects of its economy. Opening its doors to the world has facilitated its expa nsion; this developme nt n ecessitated building the proper infrastructuresthat will sustain the tr

9、emendous development thecountry economy is undergoing. In line with this, the rapid rate of economic growth fostered an accompa nying rapid rate of con struct ions. Curren tly, build ings and skyscrapers are being built in the differentcities of China. Apart from infrastructures, thesedevelopme nts

10、require the applicati on of adva need tech no logies and the impleme ntati on of kno wledge support, especially in fosteri ng an effective, efficie nt, and thrivi ng con struct ion engin eeri ng and man ageme nt system. However, as an un dergraduate stude nt I know myknowledge and skills are somehow

11、 limited, necessitating advaneed study in this field.Doing so en tails I look outside of China and lear n from the experie nces of other developed countries, especially those with far advaneed systems in place. Learning from their example will provide me with the exposure n ecessary for achievi ng m

12、y goals.After a careful and thorough search, I have decided to seek admission to the University ofAlberta in Canada. The graduate program in * is exactly the correct integration of in terests I am search ing for . One of the mai n attracti ons of the uni versity program is notonly its solid reputati

13、on in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well.The prospect of studying *in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challe nges for me to conq uerCompared with somebody holdi ng a Master degree from a Chin ese uni versity, a graduate

14、holding one from North America which is not only exam-oriented is much more competitive in China labour market. In addition, studying abroad may save time for me to gain the Master degree. Moreover, compared with US and Britain, Canada is able to offer intern ati onal stude nt the first-class educat

15、i on resources with lower expe nse and Can ada is a peaceful, civilized and safe coun try. It is a good cha nee to receive high quality educati on and to experie nee diverse cultures.My overall educati onal goalI have achieved excellent academic performanee in both senior high school and * Uni versi

16、ty and I got band *overall in IELTS. All of these make the basic foun dati ons for my future study in Uni versity of Alberta. Any way, first step of my pla n is to overcome the Ian guage barrier and adjust myself into the new en vir onmen t, i ncludi ng new teach ing methods, cultural differe nces a

17、nd enhancing mutual un dersta nding betwee n the Chin ese and other peoples. In additi on, the most importa nt thing is to lear n the courses of * to improve my academic ability. I hope I can use limited time to acquire more adva need skills, methodologies and the professi onal kno wledge related to

18、 my major.Finan cial SupportMy pare nts have sufficie nt funds to supply me to study in Can ada. They are defi nitely willi ng and able to afford my educati on and it will not in flue nee the future life of our family since they both have eno ugh sav ing, dece nt jobs and stable in comes.Retur n to

19、China and Career ObjectiveAfter graduati on, I intend to retur n to China and begi n my work towards con tributi ng to the development of the field of * in my country. Although there are numerous efforts towards addressing this issue, the number of specialists in this field of expertise is still spa

20、rse in China. This raises the necessity for a new breed of successful and skilled professi on als to lead in the creatio n of this system. As a passi on ate and creative in dividual,I believe I am well-suited to con tribute to overall efforts meant to fill this void in the job market. I aim to becom

21、e a professi onal who can fulfill the positi on such a relati on ship n ecessitates in my homela nd and make good use of adva need tech no logies I lear ned.One more importa nt, because I am the only child, going back to China and tak ing good care of my parents after finishing my study is my respon

22、sibility. In addition, China gover nmen tal policy is more attractive for stude nts graduate from uni versities out of China and favorable con diti ons will be supplied for our pers onal and professi onal developme nt.A successful overseas returned Chin ese stude nt is always my aim and motivati on.

23、Thank you for your time.Yours Sincerely,Date: April 6, 2010. Sign ature of Applica ntStudy plan模板 2Study Pla n(Applicati on of Stude nt Visa to study in Can ada)I believe that this study pla n, also submitted as an applicati on for a stude nt visa to study in Canada Mount Saint Vincent University, c

24、an provide you with an outline of my plan for one year of un dergraduate study in Can ada and my subseque nt career developme nt in China. I look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience.Pers onal statusI am the applica nt XXX, female, born in XXX, Jia ngsu

25、Province. To realizemy dream ofbeco ming an in terpreter , I chose En glish as my major in XXX Un iversity. As a sophomore student, I worked very hard. After I learned some information about the exchange program betwee n XXX Uni versity and XXX, I decided to take the cha nee for mybetterdevelopme nt

26、. So I am appl ying to study at XXX Un iversity in Can ada for one year, fromSeptember 2007 to August 2008.During the past four semesters, I took several courses related to English, such as compressive English, English listening, and introductionto western countries. Thekno wledge I have lear nt in

27、these courses equips me with con fide nee and com muni cat ing skills to live and study abroad.The reas ons I wish to study at XXXXXX is a world-famous uni versity with in tellige nt stude nt and professi onal staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teach ing and man ageme nt. Excelle nee

28、,inno vati on anddiscovery are the characteristics that attract stude nts all over the world to study there. I am so glad to take part in the excha nge program betwee n my college and XXX. For me, to study at such a well-k now uni versity will provide me a big step toward my dream.As an En glish maj

29、or stude nt, to study abroad can offer me with the perfect en viro nment to improve my Ian guage skills and add my kno wledge about the wester n coun tries. Also I believe one year study in Canada will broaden my view and improve my self-relianee.If I am give n the cha nee to study abroad, the kno w

30、ledge about the foreig n com muni cati on will help me a lot to provide foreigners with better service by my professional in terpretati on.These are all my reas ons why I want to be an excha nge stude nt in XXX.My goals duri ng the one year in Can adaI hope I can acquire advaneed skills and methodol

31、ogies in communication, and the professional knowledge on Ianguage and the western customs, through my personal experie nee. Also I want to develop the in depe ndent pers on ality which will allow me to live and study in a completely new environment and en ter the society after my graduate in XXX Un

32、i versity. If I am give n the Visa to study in Can ada, I am sure I can achieve my goal and retur n to China after one year to finish my un dergraduate study.My reas ons to retur n to China after one yearAs a matter of fact, I am still a stude nt in XXX Uni versity for I am an excha nge stude nt. I

33、will go back to China to finish my un dergraduate courses.More importa ntly, I love my family. My pare nts and relatives are all liv ing in Chi na. I am the only child in my family and they have spe nt all of their savings on my educati on. I have theduty to pay back with my achieveme nt and my care

34、 for them in their late years. I donwant to separate with my pare nts. And I believe to share my success with them is one of my greatest happ in ess in my life.There are sufficie nt job opport un ities after my returni ng to Chi na. My experie nee abroad will offer me more choices in the tale nt mar

35、ket.Thank you for your time.Yours Sincerely,DateSig nature ofApplica ntStudy plan 模板 3Study Pla n(Applicati on of Stude nt Visa to study in *I believe that this study pla n, submitted as an applicati on for a stude nt visa to study in Canada University of *, can provide you with an outline of my pla

36、n for two years of graduate study in Canadaand my subsequent career developmentin China. I lookforward to my applicati on being assessed and approved at your earliest convenien ce.Pers onal status:I am *, male, born on the * of *,*. To realize my dream ofbeco ming an excelle nt engin eer, I chose to

37、 pursue professi onal kno wledge in Electr onicsand In formation Engineering in * xia n, Shanxi Provi nee, Chi na, i nSeptember *. After four years of undergraduate study specializing in Electronic In formatio n Engin eeri ng in the College of *, i received a BachelorDegree in Engin eeri ng in *. I

38、did very well in my un dergraduate study at *, andwas ran ked no. 1 in my major . As a result, I was accepted into * as a Ph.D. stude nt in September *, without being required to take an entrance exam in ati on. I worked very hard as a graduate stude nt in the * Lab of the *, a very famous lab in my

39、 field in Chi na. While at * I published * papersand proposed *pate nts which are un der review.During my four years of undergraduate study, I took several core courses related to Electro nic In formatio n Engin eeri ng, and after * years of graduate study at *,I acquired releva nt research experie

40、nee and developed a strong research in terest in com muni cati ons.I am con fide nt that all of these releva nt experie nces will con tributepositively to my graduate study at *.The reas ons I wish to study at *, as a master stude nt in the Faculty of AppliedScien ces School of Engin eeri ng:* is a

41、world-famousuniversity with intelligent students and professional staff andfaculty, who are devoted to high-quality teach ing and research. Over its 100-year history, it has grow n into one of Can adas fin est uni versities and now ranks among the worlds top 40. Accord in gly, it plays a vital role

42、in the cultural, social, and econo mic developme nt of the regi on and eve n the coun try. * has also stre ngthe ned and in creased its intern ati onal links with nu merous foreig n in stituti ons, and every year it attracts hun dreds of stude nts from all over the world. * ope ned its * campus in S

43、eptember 2005. This small, disti nctive uni versity campus is a place where stude nts can in teract with one ano ther and their professors on a daily basis. Accord ing to the strategic pla n of *, this n ewly ope ned campus will quickly become an important, respected center of learning and research,

44、 enhancing kno wledge, creati on, and inno vati on in the * area. I believe that study ing at such a well-k nown uni versity is the best way to realize my dream of beco ming an outstanding engineer . After receiving unconditional admission to Graduate Studies at * * (*) for the sessi on comme ncing

45、September 2007, I decided to study as a master student in the Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering. The Faculty of Applied Science at * is considered one of the best in Canada and offers exciting opportunitiesfor graduate studies. My future supervisor, *, an outstandingscie ntist whose m

46、issi onis to establish a com muni cati ons andsig nal process inglab at*, will provide me with full finan cial support and close supervisi on duri ng my study and research there.My overall educatio nal goal:I hope I can become a dist in guished engin eer and researcher after successfully finishing m

47、y two-year master program at * un der the supervisi on of *. i n additi on to acquiri ng adva need research skills and methodologiesin com muni cati on, followi ng thelatest developme nts in the intern ati onal academic com muni ty, and develop ing the ability for in depe ndent research, I also want

48、 to develop a character which will allow me to en ter society with full con fide nee upon my graduati on. If I am give n the opport uni ty, I am sureI will achieve my goal by the time I complete my program and return to China.My reas ons for purs uing a program outside of China:I am a Ph.D. stude nt

49、 in * Uni versity, and this is my * year. The laboratory Iwork in is represe ntative of most Chin ese labs. During my years in this lab, I have gotte n to know the true state of academia in Chi na. The gover nment has in vested more and more state research funds in recent years, and the facilities i

50、n most laboratories have greatly improved. However , the level of research as a whole rema ins relat ively low, and excha nges with in the intern atio nal academic com mun ity are deficie nt. As a result, graduate stude nts in China cannot keep up with the leadi ng fields of scie nee. Ano ther impor

51、ta nt problem is that, i n China, one supervisor usually superv ises about a doze n graduate stude nts, which limits the amount of in teract ion betwee n the supervisor and each stude nt. All of these adverse factors are obstacles which can preve nt a stude nt from fully develop ing his/herpotential

52、.Therefore, I hope to change my research environment. With full financialsupport from *, I feel that study ing at * is the best choice for me.My reas ons to return to China followi ng my course of studies:There are several ties which will lead me to return to China followi ng my course of studies.Th

53、e most importa nt one is my family. I love my pare nts. I am their on ly child, and they have spe nt all of their sav ings on my educatio n.I pla n to repay my pare nts with myoutsta nding achieveme nts and my excelle nt care of them in their late years. I thi nk that sharing every step of my succes

54、s with my dear parents is an achievementin itself.Additi on ally, China gover nmen tal policy is attractive to me. The gover nment has in vested a lot of money in state research recen tly, and the in put is in creas ing every year. Commun icati on and in formati on research has become an emphasis, a

55、nd Chin ese scie ntists have begun to make a number of highly respected research achievements.China isattracti ng many intern ati onal research in stitutes and mult in ati onal corporati ons which are en gaged in com muni cati on and in formatio n tech no logy research and developme nt. Accord in gl

56、y, there are sufficie nt job opport un ities for retur nees from the West, and they are able to receive suitable con diti ons for their pers onal and professi onal developme nt. I am convinced that China research en vir onment is cha nging for the better and will be greatly improved in the future.Th

57、is Can adia n degree can in crease my cha nces in the Chin ese labour market:As I mentioned before, there are many job opportunities available in the field of com muni catio n andin formati on tech no logy research and developme nt. However, theseopportunities call for well-trained, talented scientists with the ability to become top researchers. Obta ining a master degree from a un iversity that is ran ked among the worlds top 40 will easily prove that I am a qualified researcher . Through * master program, I am con fide nt that I will become an excelle nt researcher with adva


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