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1、About in terpret readi ng comprehe nsionIn the read ing comprehe nsion questi ons read to thetheme of scie nee and tech no logy can be divided into comedy, reas oning comedy, n ews reports, biographies, short stories, history, geography, culture, humor, comedy, graphical form design of the exam obje

2、ctivequestionsand subjective questi ons two categories. These two types of problems can be divided in to: detailsquesti ons,stateme nts, title, subject, title,inferringtitle, icon andcalculati on problems. their basic questi ons are asked:Details of the problemcom monquestions areasked Which of the

3、followi ng stateme nt is true / false?Which of the following is mentioned / not mentioned? The writer states .The author men ti ons that .What time does the writer think is .?How many / how much / where / how / why .?2. Stateme nt questi onscom mon questi onsareasked The word “.” most likely means /

4、 would bestbe placed by ?What do you think the expression“ ” stand for?By saying“” we mean “”Is used in the passage, can best bedefi ned as .Commonly used in the subject title questions are asked The text is main ly writte n to explai n .?The passage is mainly about .The main purpose of writi ng thi

5、s text is .What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph? What is the subject discussed in the text? Title class questioningWhatwould be best title for the passage? The best title for this passage is .Which of the follow ing best gives the main ideaof & #8203;thisn ewspap

6、erarticle?5.Reas oning to determ ine com mon questi ons are askedquestio nsIt can be con eluded / in ferred from themessage that .We can from read ing the passage that .In this passage the writer suggests / implies that .What is the author s main purpose / attitudetoward .?The passage proves that .W

7、hich of the followingconclusiondoes thepassage support? This passage is most probably take nfrom6. Deep un dersta nding of questi ons are askedHow does the writer feel about .?The writer wrote the passage in order to .The tone of the passage can be best describedas .calculatio n problems com mon pro

8、blemsrequires a simplefigures for com monly used how7. Icon andThe author of the passage suggested that .questio ns are askedThe calculati on calculati on, the releva nt many, how blem-solv ingthinkingThe overall strategy toquesti ons:start with aRead ing comprehe nsion, and problem-solv ing

9、 skills an swer read ingcomprehe nsion sin gle sentence discourse breakthrough focus overall, in ductive inferen ce. Many people have suggested two methods:First: look at the title probably tak ing targeted with a problem, go read the article this approach is ben eficial to do the details of the pro

10、blem, is not con ducive to the overall grasp articleSecond: overall read the article, then a title, is con ducive to doing the subject title and the title topic, but will ignore the details of the content and details of the title is not con ducive to doing.All in all, the two methods have adva ntage

11、s and disadva ntages, and an alyze specific issues.Details subject, can didates can start from the questionkeywords, then take this as a clue, the use ofskimming and inspectiontechniques to quickly find thedetails in the text, the n put this part carefully read aga in, carefully compare to the elect

12、ionitem with the text indetail, an accurate understandingof the details of thepremise, to determine the bestoption.To quicklyiden tify and remember the facts or details, you n eed the proper use of the methods andtech niq uesofinvestigationread check reading is characterized with aproblem to find th

13、e an swers, but to pay atte ntio n to the correspondence,accuracy, distinctionand integrity.Forexample:The World Trade Cen ter was hit by two pla nes and it fell in a short time later on September 11th.Here is some hijack ing in formati on.America n and Un ited airli nes both said two of theirpla ne

14、s had bee n hijacked and crashed.America n said its pla nes were carry ing a total of 156 people. One was a Bost on-Los An geles flight. An FBI man said the former a Boe ing 767, hit one of the Trade Cen ter towers; the latter, a Boe ing 757, hit the Pen tag on.Two Un ited airli ners with a total of

15、 110 aboard also crashed-a Boe ing 757 outside Pittsburgh, the other, a Boe ing 767, i nto the Trade Cen ter.Analysis: Many students read paragraph 4 title in the Pen tag on (the Pen tag on sig ni fica nee is un clear (details corresp onding still fuzzy eon elude this paragraph a bridge the Boe in g

16、767, and one the Boe ing 757 aircraft hit the build ing to select item A, accord ing to the next paragraph in the other, a Boe ing 767, i nto the Trade Cen ter.“ is notdifficult to see that the an swer should be C.Details of the problem, on the other hand, is ofte n associated with the WH stateme nt

17、, the Who, Whe n, What, Where, Which, Why, and How. These problems are ofte nexam ined in chrono logical order, spatial order,causality, compare and contrast, as well as integrated writ ing practices.2. Statementquestions,guess the meaningthroughcon textGuess the meaningsynonym ousrelati on shipor a

18、n tise nse relati on shipusing con text toguess the meaning of a word, you can also take adva ntage of the kno wledge of grammar, word formati on and guess the meaning. Grammar, word formati onguess ingsema ntics of the words betwee n peer-to-peer orin verserelatio nship,but also guess the meaning b

19、ased oncom mon sense and life experie nee, for example as follows: If you agree, write“yes” ; if you dissent, writea ”noResoluti on: The preced ing sentence is “ yes ” certainly, after the sentence“ no ” to indicate negation,opposite each other, therefore,dissent is to agree theopposite of that is,

20、“ do not agree ” . The role and the rights of American womenis an importa nt concern in the US today.Resolution:“ The role ” and “ The rights ” is aparallel relati on ship, say ing that the“ role ” of wome n inthe Un ited States and the power is beco minganimportant part of society in the United Sta

21、tes, it is therole ” mean “ roleReaders must master and or parallel relatio nship of the word, but, however, on the other hand, though, said the turni ng point in the relati on ship betwee n the word. Do you own your house or you pay rent? People who refuse to comply with the law will be puni shed.P

22、arse: sentence ,accord ing to com mon sen se, itis gen erallyeither have a house, you want to rent anapartment;rather the verb pay the rent for object canguess the meaning of the rent“rent ” . sentence, weknow that puni shed people who do not abide by the law and thus infer comply mean“ obey obey.Ho

23、w to master the subject and the effect of readingmaterial To grasp the gist of the readingmaterial and the effect is the most basic requirementofour stude nts in read ing. Gen eral scope of our an alysis of such topics: basic argume nt, the title of the article, to theeffect, or a paragraph to the e

24、ffect. Look ing for the whole article The central idea of the method is built on looking for specific paragraphsCenter.Centralidea. Example is the article topic sentence of each paragraph as a whole are summarized as follows: Links to free papers Downl oad Cen ter Psychology is the study of the mind

25、 and mental activities, for example, psychologists are in terested in why some things make you sad, but others make you happy. They want to know why some people are shy, but others are quite talkative. They want to know why people do the things that they do. They also test in tellige nee.Psychologis

26、ts deal with the mind and behaviorof people. Your mind consists of your feelings, thoughts and ideas. It is the result one part of brain called the cerebrum. Your behavior is the way you act or con duct yourself. Examples of behavior include shouting, crying, laugh ing and sleep ing.Several people h

27、ave been instrumentalin thefield of psychology. Whihelm Wundt set up the firstpsychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. Ivan Pavlov, a Russia n, is no ted for his experime nts with dogs in which he studies their reflexes and reactions. Around1900, Sigmund Freud, stated his theory thatpe

28、opletry to repress (control,hide) any memories orthoughts that they believe were not good.Psychologists should not be con fused with psychiatrists who deal with men tal ill ness. They are medical doctors who treat people.Questi on:This passage is mainly aboutA:study ingthe mi ndB: memories and peopl

29、eC:famouspsychologistsD: the study of mentalillnessAn alysis:The articlealways around a specific topictoillustrate or clarify or n arrative one thing, a fact or truth, the face of the facts and details of the many support the topic sentence, however, many studentseasy with thethrust of the article c

30、on fused because can not correctly disti nguish betwee n gen eralizati on and specific, and lack of overallun dersta ndingof a comprehe nsiveun dersta nding of the inten tio n of writ ing ability to easilypost local in dividual or a sec on daryphe nomenoncon fused, lead ing to “ see the trees but no

31、t the forest ” error of this title stude nts most vuln erable to the electio n into C, and the an swer the the AC items wrong because it can only corresp ond to the third paragraph of the material of the article, the other paragraphs of content can not be summarized. C in writing is a small part of

32、the service directly to the thrust of the article, it is only a small point.supporting the theme these questions require a highly generalizedor summary based on the understandingofthe full text of the article.Topic sentence positi on is notfixed, it can appear at the beg inning, middle or end of the

33、 discourse.4.Reasoningdetermine the questionof theproblem-solvi ng method Sweep read the full text, un dersta ndthe essay thrust to the effect and thedistribution of the main details foundationof facts orevide nee an alysis and evaluati on on the basis of accurate and reas on able an alysis, evaluat

34、i on and reas oning of, be made in line with the text tables intended logic and of writing intent the inference or judgmentin this process, should not I saw local but not a whole, to the text materialin detail, to make full use of the mode of the structure ofthe article, the authors color words and

35、sentences, and sometimes simply has not bee n a new com mon sense andlife experie nee to achieve the ultimate goal key to an swersuch questions with the: reasoning to determine the facts as the basis Judgeme nt must be reason able, such as:In the Un ited States today, books with suggestio nson how t

36、o do things are very popular. Thereare varioussorts of “ How To. ” One book may tell you how to earn more mon ey, ano ther may tell you how to save or spe nd it, ano ther may expla in how to give your money away.Some “ How To ” books tell you how to choosea job and how to succeed in it. If you fail,

37、 however, you canget a book called How to TurnFailure into Success. If you n ever make any moneyat all, you may need a book called How to Live on Nothi ng.One of the most popular types of books is one that helps people with their pers onal problems. If you are un happy with your life, you can read H

38、ow to Love Every Minute of Yourself into Trouble. There is even a book about how to take your own life.Questions: We can get the general idea from the passage that.A: books published in America are received eagerlyB: not all these books are good for peopleC: none ofthese books does good to people D:

39、 these books are helpfulwhen people do as thebookstellParse: thequestionscenter thrust class title, but the center of thearticleto the effectthereis noclearsenten cescorresp onding, only an alytical articles last sentence“even ” and “take your life ” a negative evaluationofthe tone, and the n comb i

40、ned with in formati on earlier in, party can come up with an accurate cen ter (not all books are good for the people.“even ” tone of the key toan sweri ng this questi on, the correct an swer is B.How to break deep understandingof readingcomprehe nsionquesti onsThis type of exerciserequireme nts: bot

41、h un dersta nd the sig nifica nee, but also to un dersta nd the abstract sen se, both to un dersta nd the literal meaning, but also understandthe deep meaning,in cludi ng the author s attitude and inten ti on. Gen erallycorrect way to an swer such topics, i nclud ing the follow ing points: First fro

42、m ideologicallyaware of any articlesimpossible an absolutely objective of writ ing, the author is boundin some form to express their attitudes andopinions, or article of character and con duct to express their own views and attitudes. outside to the in side, DeepQuweic un zhe nto grasp the con text,

43、 and incomplianee with the author s expressionof willingnessand tendency of the material to manu facture cut in stead of the author s point of view in the article can not use their own subjective judgment. can not use the factthat in stead of reasoning. con crete in stead of the abstract can not be

44、used in stead of the substa nee of the phenomenon. pay special attention to the Ianguage todescribe the atmosphere as well as the outpouringoffeeli ngs, attitudes, viewpo ints and tenden tious with emotionalwords. to be able to combine the culturaltraditionsof the English Ianguage countries, customs, historical backgro und to the ide ntificati on and evaluatio n of read ing materials, such as:The speed which an animal lives is determined by measuri ng the rate at w


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