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1、About on li ne educati on in dustry in theapplicati on of vocati onal educati onAbstract: This paper discusses the construction of vocati onal educatio n and in formatio n n etwork educati on.With the wide spread of Internettech no logyandapplicati ons, com muni cati ons and electro nic in formati o

2、n in dustry developedrapidly in the worldof n etworkeducation, vocationaleducationand trainingto becomean important strategic task in the school s information,the network construction is the most cutting-edge,themost basic part of on li ne educati on as part of in formati on tech no logy has brought

3、 cha nges to traditi onal educati on in vocati onal educati on in how to build on li ne educati on platform, while , combined with the use of existing n etwork resources for teach ing.Keywords: campus n etwork structures, n etwork educati on, vocati onal educati on, in formati on tech no logy, on li

4、 ne educatio n follow-up thi nkingAn on li ne educati onAs computer tech no logycon ti nues to mature and the deepe ning of reform and ope ning up, the applicatio nof computers in all walks of life and depth gradually cha nged dramatically, improve theefficie ncyofen terprises en gaged in in formati

5、 ontech no logyis themost fun dame ntal purpose.En terprisein formatio ntech no logyhas become a measure of corporatemanagementlevel, to enhance the competitiveness ofenterprises is an importantindicator. Similarly, in ourcoun try, educati on, in dustry, i nformati on tech no logy work has bee n con

6、 ductedfor several years. teach ing is noIon ger the simple blackboard chalk a traditi onalmodewidely used computer tech no logyto educati onin dustrybrought a new teaching model. vocationaleducationinthe teaching industry occupies a rather special position. Previously, the discussi on of educatio n

7、al in formati on objects are concen trated in the field of higher educati on and primary and sec on dary educati on in rece nt years, China has in creasedthe developme nt of vocati onaleducatio n efforts. Accord ing to the survey, i n 2007, with the shift in emphasis and changes in policy, education

8、, in formati ontech no logymarket, the migrati onof hotspots is also dramatic.Slowdow nin market dema nd,higher educati on, gen eral educati onmarket growth flat,the rise of vocati onal educati on market around the corner, so, vocati onal educati on, in formati on tech no logy in dustry is particula

9、rly importa nt, while on li ne educati on because of its own characteristics, as vocationaleducation,a hottopic in in formati on tech no logy.The author s school in GuangdongProvince,one of the few people in schoolthan the mechanicsin stituti on, was foun ded in 1974.Over the past 30 years,most of t

10、he time using traditionalteaching methods,blackboard, lecter n, chalk and practice facility un til the late 1990s un til the in troducti onof computertech no logyinteach ing. As men ti oned earlier, i nformati on is the bus in ess important means to improve competitiveness. And we also know thatin f

11、ormati ontech no logyis acomprehensivereform of educationin the face, quicklyadva ncingeducati on reform, especiallyn etworktech no logyinto the field of educatio n, educati onalresources is no Ion gerconfined to a relativelyn arrowrange closed,creat inga fully ope neducati onalen vir onment.popular

12、ityof theIntern et,dista neeeducatio n n etwork, ope ning, and the establishme nt of the campus n etwork, for lear ners full, convenient access, the use of on li ne educati onal resources to create the con diti ons so full atte nti on in the n atio nal developme nt of vocati onal educatio n today, e

13、ducati onal in formati on only in full swing of the full use of computertech no logyinorder to keep pace with the progress of the times.2 the characteristics of on li needucatio nNetwork used in teach in g, its salie nt features are: anyone, at any time, any place, any chapter from the beg inning, t

14、o learn any course. On li ne educati on convenient and flexible“ any five ” in the learning mode to learn the most directly reflects the and the characteristics of active learning, and fully reflects the development of modern educatio n and life long lear ning of the basic requireme nts.A two-way in

15、 teractive, real-time full in teracti on2 the performaneeof content-rich and vivid multimedia3 in dividualized teach ing4 automated remotemanagement3 Network structure of the educationsystem The past two years, since the country tovigorously develop vocationaleducation.The author toexpand the school

16、 s enrollment in addition to shoulder as tens of thousa nds from across the prov in ce, and eve n parts of southernChina s educationstudents. Alsoassumed Guangdong retired professi onal soldiers and migra nt workers skills trai ning for work, which was scattered in a large number of students in each

17、 school district of Guan gzhou city. some few kilometers away, and some doze ns of kilometers away. betwee n campuses and the man ageme ntof an in depe ndent,un ifiedin thisenvironment,in order to able to create a good learningenvironment,I think online teaching is a very necessaryteach ing aids by

18、provid ing a platform for on li ne educati on, teaching resources to achieve centralizedmanagement,the use of campus n etwork, i nter net, no matter whe n and where studentsare able to learn, fully embodies theadva ntages of on li ne educati on.The actual situati on with my school, a complete n etwo

19、rk teach ing platform should be formed by the three systems:lear ningman ageme ntsystem, academicman ageme nt, teach ing resources man ageme nt system, itsarchitecture is show n in Figure 1.4 E-lear ningfun cti onOnline educati onfunctionsof each module are as follows:A networkteachingmanagementsyst

20、em: the main achievementofteacherman ageme nt,stude nt man ageme nt, coursemanagement, access certification and other educational man ageme nt fun cti ons,2) teaching the networksubsystem: support for arange of onlineteaching tools, such as multimediateach ing, on li ne Q & amp; A, on li ne exam in

21、ati ons, on li ne operati ons, com muni cati on tools, etc.;3 teach ing resources man ageme nt: the discipli ne asa unit,centralizedmanagementof various forms ofcurriculum resources, i nclud ing media material (text, video,audio, graphics,ani matio n,etc., good works, testquestio ns, a typical case,

22、 literature and so on.5 onlineeducationproblems and follow-upthi nki ng This secti on describes the first few adva ntages of online education,online educationstructure, but wealso know that, despite broad market prospects, thecomb in ati onof in formati onand educati on is not easy,on li ne educatio

23、 n is not teach ing to move to n etwork onthe simple, from the late 1990s the n etwork of educatio n,both higher dista neeeducati on,dista neeeducatio nschools, or remote training andeducati on,haveexperie need vary ing degrees of capital,tech no logy,resources and profit models are a problem. with

24、referenceto corporate course oftech no logy,in formati ontech no logyappears islands thehistoricaldevelopme ntof enterpriseinformationis anin evitablestage of thebus in ess asspecial educati onthe development of information sector, also in evitably face this problem.5.1 In formati ontech no logyin v

25、estme ntandreturn In formati on to carry out the educati on sector for manyyears, with the same en terprise in formatio n,educatio n,in formati ontech no logydegree in manypeople s eyes to measure the school became an important indicator of whether the target hardware. In formatio ntech no logyis “r

26、eal money ” into the hard,and producti on it is difficult to figure out the calculati on of the“soft return. ” If only the hardware of information tech no logy in terms of in puts to con sider, it seems that aslong as the money on it. However, the reas on able use of resources, to achieve the comb i

27、n ati onof in formatio ntech no logy and teach ing, access to“soft retur n ” , is thefocus of our discussi on.In this, the educationalinformationof thehardware not to discuss in detail, i n simple terms, master pay-as-the prin ciple of what one can.What is a“soft return ” ? Teaching in the form ofdi

28、versificati on, improveme nt of teach ing quality, enhance the quality of teachers, stude ntsin terestedin theimprovementof satisfaction of parents, the school simage, competitive ness, or direct it comes to en rollme nt.All these software can be used as a measure of retur n. Thekey is how the ratio

29、 nal use of on li ne teach ing system, to obtainsatisfactionof all parties“soft return. ” littlecomputer com mon sense should know that without the right software, are expe nsive The hardware is just a bunch of decorationsin the online teaching system, it is clear,teach ing resources is our software

30、.5.2 The educati onal resources on li ne educati on in construction Traditionaleducationis a face to faceeducation, teachers in the teachingprocess plays alead ing role, the stude nts whatever the circumsta nces, not choice but to follow this course and the course teachers, completi on of this cours

31、e. Is a relatively passive of lear ning.In the author s experienee in teaching, the general basis of theoretical courses, most students can not insist on listening to 90-minute program. Doze, read novels, play phone is widespread. There are many reasons for this phenomenon of. First, as stated above

32、, teachers in the teaching process to take the initiative, students can not choose, eve n if it is not in terested in sitti ng in a classroom course must also be in the material and spiritual wealth are great today, the traditionalsingle teachingmethodsobviously can not attract the atte ntio n of st

33、ude nts, while on li ne educatio n for stude nts from the con stra ints of time to build a flexible,ope n,rich,frie ndly“ resourcesupermarket. ” Accord ing to stude nts with differe nt prefere nces and in terests, the ability to accept the speed of the in dividualbusy time for the completi onof thei

34、rstudies can choose. simply mea ns that as a supermarket of education resources, goods, in line with the premise of teach ing requireme nts for stude nts to choose.For online education resources, what does? Since it is information-orientededucation, obviously thefirst thought is hypermediamaterial,i

35、n cludi ng text,images, sound, video, ani matio n, etc. I am afraid that the early educati on in formatio n is from the beg inning of the multimedia classroom. teachers to use computer courseware, playi ng in the multimedia classroom. the use of multimedia courseware sound, ani mati on,in stead ofth

36、e orig inal blackboard chalk, has the purpose to attract the atte ntio n of stude nts, teachers still occupy a dominant positi on. courseware selecti on, by the rhythm of classroom lectures teachers to master, while the use of n etwork platform, we can put the releva nt material, cen tralized man ag

37、eme nt, led to the selecti on of stude nts for independentstudy. will help to stimulatestudentinterestin learning,students imagination,to developstudents creativity.Second, should also in clude the various discipli nes oftest database, the database, it can provide stude nts with daily or periodic te

38、sts to en able stude nts to un dersta nd,test their own learningeffect onthe kno wledgeandmastery.Inadditi on,forlear ningsome of the keyanddifficult, andthe teachingprocessneeded to clarifythephe nomenon,andtheoreticalandexperime ntalproducti onof small courseware.They arebothself-c ontain ed, and

39、can be used in depe nden tly, stude nts and teachers can pick and choose according to need courseware for class use.In summary, an importantpart of educationalresources is the hypermedia material, exam, con sist ing of on li ne course courseware library and it allows in formatio n tech no logyinto t

40、he classroom, and teach ing orga niccomb in ati on.For teachers, the in dividual s kno wledgehere will be greatly activated for students,free fromgeographical con stra ints of time and space to ope n on li ne course library,accordingto their professionalelectivecourses of in terest to lear n.5.3 Web

41、-basedEducati onMan ageme ntandmaintenanceof libraryresourcesIn formati onhasbecomea real resourcein formati onman ageme ntis an ecessarycon diti on,ifa truly effective educationalresourcefor the teachingservice,the key lies intheman ageme ntof educati onalresources to build aneducatio nal resource

42、man ageme nt platform on educati on resources, orga ni zatio n, con trol, process ing and pla nning, effective use of educationalresources is a prerequisite.and oh ah susta in able developme nt and resource library of educational resources continueto rely on rich, whenupdated, but also depe nds on t

43、he credibility and authority to provide informationin the informationexplosion andlimited funding Today, how to do storageeducationalresources match the speed of the speed of information occurs, how to ensure the quality of storage resources, educatio nal resources for each builders must con sider t

44、he issue, which also in cludes hardware issues. of educatio nal resources susta in able developme nt, depe nds on whether the good co-builders of various in stituti ons and pers onn el, can work in a rational and efficient organizationof thereleva ntin stituti onsand pers onn el,the con structi onof

45、educatio nal resources that require multiple un its in a wide range of collaboratio n. Therefore, the educati on resource librarycon structi on and man ageme ntofn etworkteach ing platformappears on ly withthereleva ntdepartmentsof the charge, but actually representsawhole school of management,the s

46、uccess of onlineeducati on is a key part.I engaged in computereducationfor nearlynine years in the past few years, with rapid changes in computer tech no logy to describe that eno ugh. Also, I use teachingresources although not to mentionthe rapidcha nges but also cha nges very quickly.The same cour

47、sematerials are cha nging almost every semester. We discussed above, the repository can not be far better tha n this obviously, in this era of the times to promote everything, does not mean progress backward, so the teachingresources update managementis the focus ofteaching.Just think, no matter wha

48、t discipline,if notkeep up with the pace of the times, where I am afraid can not attract the atte nti on of stude nts.5.4 How to improvestudents self-learningabilityBy the author s ownteaching experienee isnota summary ofIon g-term,regardless of theschoolman ageme nt, teachers or stude nts, to full

49、aeeepta nee of onlineeducationis probablynot an easy thing,somypointis that atthis stage ofvocational education ,thetraditi onal teach ingmodel-based, on li needucatio nsuppleme nt. how to improve stude nt lear ning in itiative is a topicof enduringfrom the analysis of vocationaleducationstudents,st

50、udents self-learningability isrelatively high, as I said before, school sleep , reading no vels, play ing quite com mon in the phone the one hand, the teach ing methods that we do not attract stude nts on the other hand also shows that in the curre nt material and spiritual lives are greatly en rich

51、ed en viro nment, stude nts learn self-controlis not high, so Whether the traditionalteach ing modeor n etwork mode of teach ing, theen thusiasm of the stude nts are quite a lot of problems.From the theoretical point of view of modern educatio naltech no logy,it is advocatedun dertheguidanee of teac

52、hers, student-centeredlearning,that is,not only to the stude nts un dersta ndthe mai n role,withoutlosingsight of the guiding role of teachers,teachers help students learn , facilitator,rather than justimpart ing kno wledge and in stilli ng those, as I have ofte n said in class, hope he can, serve,

53、can guide the stude nts to ope n the door to the treasures of kno wledge. vocati onal educatio n is rooted in improve the abilities of stude nts, is to guide stude nts to lear n skills. Our goal is to train highly skilled pers onnel and therefore,aga instsuperstitiousbooks, con fide nt authority. to

54、 give stude ntstheir ownspace to thi nk, can take the in itiative to learn, to do some creative effort. and hope In this way lear ning can stimulate their initiativeand sense of accomplishment.excellentonline teaching system in multimedia courseware can in teract withstude nts,giv ing stude nts an i

55、n tuitiveimpressi on, multi-se nsory stimulatio n by the stude nts to con trol computer output operati on visible results so that stude ntsarelear ninga sense of accomplishme nt.multimedia sound and light use of computer ani mati on to improvestudents learningmotivation,for example, Itaught one cour

56、se, the mai n contents of the con figurati onof switchesand routers.Con figure the en viro nment forthe wholeEn glish, andinvolvesa lotof theoreticalkno wledgethat the process of teachingstude ntsaregen erallymore resista ntto the theory, butvery likethecon figurati onprocess.Why I like it,becausethecon figu


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