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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!關(guān)于應(yīng)征信的起首用語 關(guān)于應(yīng)征信的用法,大家知道嗎?接下來,我給大家預(yù)備了關(guān)于應(yīng)征信的起首用語,歡送大家參考與借鑒。 關(guān)于應(yīng)征信的起首用語 key sentences(重點(diǎn)句子) .in reply to your advertisement in todays(newspaper) for an accountant, i tender my services. 拜讀今日?qǐng)?bào)上貴公司聘請(qǐng)會(huì)計(jì)廣告,本人特此應(yīng)征。 i would like to apply for the post of assistant accountant as advertise

2、d in todays(newspaper)。 拜讀今日?qǐng)?bào),本人欲應(yīng)聘助理睬計(jì)一職。 in reply to your advertisement in china daily of may 18 for a clerk, i offer myself for the post. 欣讀5月18日中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)上貴公司聘請(qǐng)職員廣告,敝人愿應(yīng)征此職。 .with reference to your advertisement in todays jiefang daily for an accountant, i tender my services. 從今日解放日?qǐng)?bào)廣告欄得知貴公司聘請(qǐng)會(huì)計(jì),本人特致函

3、應(yīng)聘。 on looking over yesterdays inmin evening paper,my attention was attracted by your advertisement for two department managers, i should like to apply for the position. 拜讀貴公司在昨天的新民晚報(bào)上所登載的聘請(qǐng)廣告,得悉貴公司在聘請(qǐng)兩位部門經(jīng)理,特此備函應(yīng)征。 please consider me an applicant1 for the position which you advertised in peoples da

4、ily of august 8. 8月8日貴公司在人民日?qǐng)?bào)上登載廣告,聘請(qǐng)人才,我欲應(yīng)聘,請(qǐng)予考慮。 .having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings (newspaper),i wish to apply for the position advertised. 謹(jǐn)隨函附上貴公司在今日的報(bào)登載的聘請(qǐng)廣告,本人愿申請(qǐng)這一職位。 i have learned that your company is looking for a computer operator and would like to apply for the

5、post.enclosed is a resume which sets out full details of my qualifications, interests and work eperience. 據(jù)悉貴公司正在聘請(qǐng)電腦操作員,本人欲申請(qǐng)?jiān)撀毼?,?jǐn)隨函附上詳述本人學(xué)歷、愛好及閱歷的履歷表一份。 i am writing in reply to you request through the university appointment service for a trainee2 engineer,and would like to apply for the position.

6、 本人于大學(xué)就業(yè)輔導(dǎo)處得悉貴公司欲聘請(qǐng)見習(xí)工程師,故特此備函應(yīng)征。 your advertisement in this weeks(magazine) for a sales representative caught my attention. my working eperience matches your requirements closely. 本人對(duì)貴公司于本期周刊內(nèi)登載之聘請(qǐng)廣告甚感愛好,自信能符合所述條件,故特備函應(yīng)征。 i wish to apply for the post of clerk in your company which is advertised in

7、todays(newspaper)。 欣讀今日?qǐng)?bào),得悉貴公司聘請(qǐng)職員,本人特此應(yīng)征此職。 .your advertisement for a telephone operator in the(news-paper) of march 8 has interested me.i feel i can fill that position. 貴公司3月8日在報(bào)上登載廣告,聘請(qǐng)一名接線員,本人閱后極感愛好。我信任能勝任此職。 .having heard that the situation of a cashier in your office is vacant.i wish to offer

8、my service for it. 據(jù)聞貴公司出納員一職空缺,特備函應(yīng)征。 .i have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable eperience working with companies such as yours. 據(jù)悉貴公司有意聘請(qǐng)一名有豐富相關(guān)閱歷的會(huì)計(jì)。 i would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in last weeks new

9、spaper. 貴公司上周在報(bào)登載廣告,聘請(qǐng)推銷員一職,我擬應(yīng)聘,敬請(qǐng)賜予考慮。 .i believe my eperience and qualifications suit the position you advertised in last months(newspaper)and hope that you will.consider my application. 本人學(xué)歷與工作閱歷與貴公司上月于報(bào)上登載之職位空缺相符,故特備函應(yīng)征。 having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings (newspaper),i w

10、ish to apply for the position referred to.i feel that my business eperience has been sufficiently3 broad to adapt me to any work requiring managerial ability. 看到今日早上報(bào)登載的聘請(qǐng)廣告(隨信附寄),我極愿申請(qǐng)這一職位。我覺得個(gè)人工作閱歷豐富,足以勝任經(jīng)理的工作。 your advertisement for a senior production planner in the march 13 beijing youth daily

11、interested me because your requirements closely parallel my working eperience. 3月13日北京青年報(bào)上登載貴公司聘請(qǐng)高級(jí)消費(fèi)設(shè)計(jì)員一職的廣告,本人極感愛好,因所列條件為本人工作閱歷相符合。 notes 說明 1.應(yīng)征函起首語主要表述申請(qǐng)人寫信的緣由,作為一封求職信的開始白,是必不行少的,包括兩點(diǎn)內(nèi)容:一、說明從何處得知聘請(qǐng)信息;二、明確向聘請(qǐng)方說明對(duì)申請(qǐng)職位極感愛好,或滿足所列條件,或說明自己能勝任此職。 2.in reply to 為了答復(fù) 3.tender v.提出,供應(yīng) tender one s service

12、s 提出愿為效勞 4.with reference to 關(guān)于,依據(jù) reference n.查詢,參考 5.enclose 把封入 the enclosed 函內(nèi)附件 6.caught my attention 引起我的愛好 7.with considerable eperience 具有相當(dāng)?shù)拈啔v 8.parallel v.與相應(yīng) 擴(kuò)展:大學(xué)系別英漢名稱對(duì)比 會(huì)計(jì)系 dept. of accounting1 農(nóng)業(yè)系 dept.of agriculture 農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)系 dept.of agricultural economics 農(nóng)業(yè)化學(xué)系 dept.of agricultural chem

13、istry 農(nóng)業(yè)工程系 dept.of agricultural engineering 畜牧系 dept.of animal husbandry 人類學(xué)系 dept.of anthropology2 應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)系 dept.of applied3 mathematics 建筑系 dept. of architecture 考古學(xué)系 dept.of archaeology4 天文系 dept.of astronomy 原子能系 dept.of atomic energy 解剖系 dept. of anatomy5 金融系 dept.of banking6 工商管理系 dept. of busin

14、ess administration 生物學(xué)系 dept.of biology 生物化學(xué)系 dept.of biochemistry 植物學(xué)系 dept.of botany 細(xì)菌學(xué)系 dept.of bacteriology 中文系 dept.of chinese 化學(xué)系 dept.of chemistry 化學(xué)工程系 dept.of chemical engineering 掌握工程系 dept. of control engineering 電信工程系 dept. of communication engineering 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)系 dept.of computer science 電腦

15、資訊系 dept.of computer information 土木工程系 dept.of civil engineering 舞蹈系 dept. of dance 牙科學(xué)系 dept.of dentistry 養(yǎng)分學(xué)系 dept.of dietetics7 外交學(xué)系 dept.of diplomacy8 經(jīng)濟(jì)系 dept.of economics 訓(xùn)練系 dept.of education 工程系 dept.of engineering 環(huán)境工程系 dept.of environmental engineering 英語系 dept. of english 昆蟲系 dept.of ento

16、mology 電子物理系 dept.of electrophysics 電子工程系 dept.of electronic engineering 電機(jī)工程系 dept.of electrical engineering 眼耳鼻喉系 dept. of eye, ear, nose and throat 漁業(yè)學(xué)系 dept.of fishery 水產(chǎn)學(xué)系 dept.of fishery technology 食品科學(xué)系 dept.of food science 外語系 dept. of foreign languages 森林系 dept.of forestry9 遺傳系 dept.of gene

17、tics 地理系 dept.of geography 地質(zhì)系 dept. of geology 地球物理系 dept.of geophysics 歷史系 dept.of history 園藝系 dept.of horticulture 國(guó)際關(guān)系學(xué)系 dept.of international relations 國(guó)際貿(mào)易系 dept. of international trade 工業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)系 dept. of industrial design 工業(yè)管理系 dept.of industrial management 新聞學(xué)系 dept. of journalism10 法律系 dept.of

18、law 圖書管理系 dept.of library management 文學(xué)系 dept.of literature 機(jī)械工程系 dept.of mechanical engineering 治金系 dept.of metallurgy 管理科學(xué)系 dept.of management science 群眾傳播系 dept.of mass communication 醫(yī)學(xué)系 dept.of medical science 海洋運(yùn)輸學(xué)系 dept.of marine11 transportation 航海技術(shù)系 dept.of maritime12 technology 數(shù)學(xué)系 dept.of

19、 mathematics 氣象系 dept.of meteorology 礦業(yè)系 dept.of mining 核子工程系 dept.of nuclear enginerring 護(hù)理系 dept.of nursing 航海學(xué)系 dept.of navigation 海洋科學(xué)系 dept.of nautical13 science 造船學(xué)系 dept.of naval14 architecture 東方語言系 dept.of oriental languages 海洋學(xué)系 dept.of oceanography 海洋氣象學(xué)系 dept. of ocean meteorology 石油系 dept.of oil 藥學(xué)系 dept.of pharmacology 病理學(xué)系 dept.of pathology 政治系 dept.of political science 物理系 dep


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