



1、教材知識解讀必修三Unit 5 CanadaThe True North”三言1. I sincerely hope your dream will come true and ifs my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when you come.2. I do hope that you could join us because Green Hill is such a fun place to relax and surely we will have a great time.3. Covering a total area of 7,

2、 000 square kilometers, this city has a population of about ten million.兩語Seeing from1.從埃菲爾鐵塔上看,你可以看到巴黎全景。the Eiffel Tower, you can have a full view of Paris.2.我的家鄉(xiāng)位于廣東省,毗鄰香港,是一個魅力四射的城鎮(zhèn)。Located inGuangdong Province, my hometown, neighboring on HongKong, is a charming town.單詞拼寫應(yīng)用1.chat加.&訓(xùn)吠;閑聊2.see n

3、eryn.景色;風(fēng)景:;;核3.measure加&就測量;衡量;判定;;!1單1 n.計(jì)量制;計(jì)量單位;措施114.aboardpz印.在(船、飛機(jī)、火車或公共汽車)上;上(船、飛機(jī)、火車等);5.within卩切在之內(nèi)語境運(yùn)用用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空measures1. At present the local government is taking(measure) toreduce the pollution.2. He likes 也恥“ (出址)about the things with his friends on theInternet.topics3. What I want

4、to say is about these two(topic): theprotection of the environment and the importance of action.4. (2017-浙江卷)Students, parents and teachers are 卩“血 (please) with the results.5. It has been confirmed (confjrm)that the 2024 Olympic Games will take place in Paris.1surround九包圍;圍繞一山。血物.周圍的一surroundi ngsn

5、.(復(fù)數(shù))周圍的事物;環(huán)境拓展 單 詞slightly2. slight adj.輕微的;微小的一3. traditions傳統(tǒng);風(fēng)俗訥。閔ado.稍稍;輕微地 皿/.傳統(tǒng)的-traditionallyado.傳統(tǒng)地4. impress滋使印象深刻;使銘記- 印象的;感人的-咖a.給人深刻n.印象5. terrify使恐怖;恐嚇一時配處恐懼的;受驚嚇的拓 展 單 詞terrifyingM/.令人恐懼的6. wealth n.財(cái)富_ wealthya”.富有的7混合;調(diào)配f mixture乩混合(物);混合狀態(tài)& distant adj.遠(yuǎn)的;遠(yuǎn)方的-恥曲 幾距離;遠(yuǎn)方語境運(yùn)用用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式

6、填空terrifyingterrified1. When they saw thescene, everyone on the spot feltand couldnt say a word.(terrify)2. So charming are the sights of Jiuzhaigou that they leave a deep am deeplyimpression _visitors from home and abroad.To tell you the truth, IEg by its beautiful scenery.(impress)3.Surro un dedby

7、 the forest, the village has beautiful surroundingssurroundi ngwhich attract many visitors fromdistanee i 厶npi i r i . ibetween Tom and his family, theyareas.(surround)4. Though there is a longdistantdont feel (distance)5. The little boy not so bad. (mix)mixed .mixturevinegar with sugar, and thetast

8、ed1. continent n.洲;大陸閱 讀 單 詞2. baggage n.3. harbourn.4.urban adj.行李海港城市的;市鎮(zhèn)的市區(qū)的5. downtown adj.在市區(qū);往市區(qū) adv.6.aDMOximafelv ado.接近;大約7. dawn n.霜;霜凍黎明;拂曉;破曉8. frost n.薄霧9. mist n.10. misty adj.有薄霧的;模糊的11. multicultural adj多種文化的12. polar adj.極地的;近極地的13. bush n.灌木(叢);矮樹(叢)14. border n.邊界;國界;邊沿接壤;接近15. qu

9、iz n.測驗(yàn);問答比賽宮考熱點(diǎn)氮詞生義一你知道T面旬子中黑體字的漢語意思宅1. (浙江卷)No matter how unpredictable the future, theres almost always some measure of joy to be got from the moment(一定的)量;程度2. A notice on the wall reads, Please settle your bill before leaving the hotel 結(jié)賬;付清短語多維應(yīng)用1. a gift forat dawn與其;不愿天賦在黎明;在拂曉be

10、 impressed with/by.留下深刻印象dream about/of夢想6.in the distance 在遠(yuǎn)處語境運(yùn)用(填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)脑~)Wang Lin had a gift (Dfor music and dreamed about/of becoming a musician.He practised playing the piano day and night.Fortunately, he was offered a chance to go to America to put on a performance.He decided to take a plane r

11、ather 豐a ship.He arrived in New York 上 dawn and was impressed wlth the high buildings and broad streets.-aC3 冋 頻 短 語7.9. :10.11.12了settle down、口十卄十亠亠、十定居;平靜下來;專心于be surrounded by/with 抽i 用被包圍manage tod。設(shè)法做:;遠(yuǎn)到;直到;至于Iin charge of -亠負(fù)責(zé)catch sight of看見;瞥見語境運(yùn)用(填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)脑~);I would travel to Australia, whic

12、h is not only a travelling paradise for tourists but also a perfect place to settle down . Last summer, my parents and I managed 憶 travel around Australia, where we caught sight f the road surrounded 上竺I green trees all the way.I think we should also take effective measures to make our country more

13、beautiful.句式結(jié)構(gòu)仿寫教材原句背誦句式仿寫應(yīng)用1. rather than 與其;不愿”, 連接并列成分;Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.正是那些甘愿奉獻(xiàn)而不索取的人It is those who are willing t。gwrather than receive that deserve tobe respected.2.比較級表示最高級:比較級+

14、than any other+單數(shù)名詞Because of the Great Lakes, they眾所周知,在亞洲中國比其他任何一個國家都大。learned, Canada has more fresh As is known to all, China is rger. than any other country .water than any other country inin Asia.the world.3.not .until才”1 .(”直到直到我被選為班長我才意識到團(tuán) 隊(duì)合作的重要性。;They were not leaving for Montreal I didnt

15、realize the importanceof teamwork untiluntil later, so they went on a tour ofI was chosenthe city.monitor.蘆淬嚴(yán)i1. surround vt.包圍;圍繞(1) surround sb./sth.wifh/by.使某人 / 某物被包圍(2) surrounding a.周圍的surroundingsn.環(huán)境(通常用復(fù)數(shù)形式)廠詞塊積累 be surrounded by family and friends有家人和朋友陪伴在身邊the surrounding scenery 四周的風(fēng)景丿基礎(chǔ)

16、練習(xí)單句語法填空a.(2019-江蘇卷)Steve arrived and sat in the front row,surrounded. ,(surround)by his family.b. (2018天津卷)Now we live in a worldby the “cant do ” attitudes.(福建卷)surrounded(surround)(surround) yourself with peopleSurro undingwholl provide you with respect support can be very beneficial.a.Entering t

17、he room, I found Jacksurro unding(surround)himself with piles of books, surroundedb. Entering the room, I found Jack(surround) withpiles of books.(2018-天津卷)Why do the hikers take no notice of the sugundings (surroimd) during thejourney?(普通表達(dá))The tall building in the distance is home to my fatherscom

18、pany.The tall building is surrounded by a great many big trees.(高級表達(dá))The tall buildingsurrounded by a great many bigtrees in the distanceis home to my fathers company.(分詞作定語)(高級表達(dá))The tall buildingwhich is surrounded by a great manybig trees in the distanceis home to my fathers company.(定語從句)2. meas

19、ure vi.&W測量;衡量;判定n.計(jì)量制;計(jì)量單位;措施;(l)measure.by.用 來衡量be measured by/in.ffl來計(jì)算/衡量丨1曲 take measures (to do sth.)采取措施(做某事);make.to ones measure按某人的尺寸訂做詞塊積累take effective measures 采取有效措施measuring instruments 測量儀器鏈接寫作完成句子/句式升級measuring(measure)The new bridge under construction,twice as long as the old one,

20、is due to be completed in 2022.We must take preventive measures (measure) to reduce crimein the area.should take/took measures to(普通表達(dá))If s high time that weprevent air from being polluted(采取措施防止空氣污染).(高級表達(dá))Its high time thatmeasures should be taken/were taken(被動語態(tài))to prevent air from being polluted

21、;名師點(diǎn)津measure作名詞表示“措施”時,常用其復(fù)數(shù)形式。 作動詞表示“有長/寬/高”時,為不及物動詞,不用于被動語態(tài) 和進(jìn)行時,若此意義的短語作后置定語,要用現(xiàn)在分詞形式。13. distancen.距離;遠(yuǎn)方(1) in the distance在遠(yuǎn)方,在遠(yuǎn)處at a distance稍遠(yuǎn)處;離一段距離丨at a distance of在距 的地方(2) distantadj.遙遠(yuǎn)的;(指人)遠(yuǎn)親的,冷淡的詞塊積累the distance of the earth from the sun 太陽到地球的距離within walking distance在步行可達(dá)的距離內(nèi)take a d

22、istant attitude towards me 對我很疏遠(yuǎn)基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空 (2017浙江卷)Soon, it ran away off the road and disappeared,n the distance. It is difficult to get to know her because she always keepsateveryonea distance. (2019驚卷)Regardless of the weather or the dlstance (distant),Paul Wilson will make sure low-income studen

23、ts in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time.鏈接寫作一完成句子這個瀑布不僅在遠(yuǎn)處就可以看到,而且它的聲音可以在兩英里外聽到 (not only 倒裝句)Not only can the waterfall be seen 山 the distance ,血 also itsat a distanee of two milessound may be heard4. impress vt.使E|J象深刻;使銘記(1) imprcss sb.(with sth.)(某事)給某人留下印象impress (sth.)

24、on/upon sb.使某人銘記某事be impressed by/wifh.為所感動;對有印象(2) impression n.印象make/leave a(n).impression on sb.給某人留下的印象impressive皿/.讓人印象深刻的;感人的基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空(2019-江蘇卷)After hearing Steves playing, Naomi was deeply impressed 匕丫伽也 血 music.Impressed z.、 iP.a.(impress) with my performance, the interviewersgave me the

25、highest mark in the job interview.b. Impresslng (impress)the students deeply, Mr.Lis lectures attracts more and more students.c. Tolmpress (impress)the students with the importance of environmental protection, Mr.Li is trying to make detailed preparations for his lecture.(湖北卷)What was so 咖代比(jmpress

26、)about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.鏈接寫作句式升級(普通表達(dá))Those beautiful paper-cutting works will surely impressyou.(2017-全國卷 II).(impression)(高級表達(dá))Those beautiful paper-cutting works will surely make/leave an impression on youare those beautifulWhat will su

27、rely impress you (咼級表達(dá))paper-cutting works.(what 主語從句)5. settle down定居;平靜下來;專心于(1) settle down to (doing) sth.安心于(做)某事;專心于(做)某事 settle in/into sth.適應(yīng)(新環(huán)境、新工作、新生活等)*(2) settlement n.安頓;定居;解決;協(xié)議 ; settlern.移民;殖民者基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空 a.(2018全國卷III) Cities usually have a good reason for beingIwhere they are, like

28、 a nearby port or river.People settle _ these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade.b. (2017天津卷)Mr.and Mrs.Brown would like to see their daughter settle down get married, and have kids. After reaching a settlement 點(diǎn)班 with the school, she soonj ntoset

29、tledher new school life.readi ng With so much noise outside, I cant settle down to(read) a book.鏈接寫作完成句子佝式升級(普通表達(dá))There area lot of difficult problems to settle(很多難題要解決),so the newly- elected president is having a hard time.(高級表達(dá))With a lot of difficult problems to settlenewly- elected president is

30、having a hard time.(with 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu))6. catch sight of 看見;瞥見(l)come into sight進(jìn)入視線,映入眼簾 lose sight of看不見;忽略;忘記(2) out of sight 看不見 in/within sight看得見;在眼前:(3) at first sight 乍一看;初看時基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空/單句改錯a.(2018江蘇卷)Failing to find any other way out, they decided to make a walking journey, as they caught sight f an

31、old hikers guide.b.(上海卷)佩 first sight, there is nothing special about thewatch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.c.(福建卷)His grandfather, a banker, lost all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight what he valued most.(天津卷)At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train w

32、as out of the sight.去掉盹“刖的the鏈接寫作完成句子!飛機(jī)穿過云層下降時,綠色的田野和白色的房屋映入了眼簾。As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and whitecame into sighthouses.一看見這幅畫我就想起了我的快樂童年。;At the sight of the picture j thought of my happy childhood.7.教材佳甸Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly

33、 to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.她們不想一路乘飛機(jī),而決定先飛到溫哥華,再從西海 岸乘火車橫穿加拿大到達(dá)東海岸。;句法句式句中蹴her than “與其;不愿;而不是”,連接兩個 并列成分,可連接名詞、代詞、介詞(短語)、動詞的-ing形式及不定 式。!寧愿而不愿would rather do sth.than do sth.(1) would do sth.rather than do sth. prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.,or rathe

34、r更確切地說other than 除之外more than很,非常,超過,不僅僅金句推送(2018全國卷III)Many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese traditions. 許多中國人現(xiàn)在正在學(xué)習(xí)西方的建筑風(fēng)格和理論,而不是關(guān)注中國的 傳統(tǒng)。 1!1111基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)單句語法填空running(run) (浙江卷)Facing 叩 to your problems rather thanaway from them is the best approa

35、ch to working things out. Rather than dlscuss (discuss) all of these questions at length, we prefer 帕 說山 (focus)on the impact of the heavy snow.i s Mary,rather than you, _(be) to blame for not finishing the workon time.我在星期五晚上很晚見到了他,更確切地說是在星期六早晨早I met him very late on Friday night,,early Saturdaymor

36、ning.除你本人之外還有別人知道這事嗎?名師點(diǎn)津rather than連接兩個名詞或代詞作主語及其附屬成 分時,謂語動詞應(yīng)與rather than前面的名詞或代詞在人稱和數(shù)上保持 一致。 11ill枚i心素養(yǎng)達(dá)標(biāo)多維訓(xùn)練夯實(shí)基礎(chǔ)維度1用所給詞的正確形式填空1. I preferto borrow 伽血)money from my friends ratherthan refuse to help you.2. Now that there is a little time left, we should settle down to dealingwith something urgent.

37、3. After the typhoon, people found some tall trees, 口沁盹 (measure) more than 10 meters, lying here and there on the ground4.1 live nearby.My house is within walking 恥呎。 (distant) of the university.5. surrounded (surrounc)by the sea on three sides, modern Qingdao is considered one of the most livable

38、cities in China.維度2在空白處填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)脑~6. The moment he caught sight the police, the thief ran away asfast as he could.for7. His younger daughter has a gift _ music and I think she isvery likely to make a great singer.8. Dave dreamtof/aboutbecoming a great writer when he wasyoung, but now he is an engineer.

39、withinthe reach of little9. Dont leave the medicine on the tablechildren.10. Your art skills are excellent and admirable, which leaves medeep impression.維度3查缺補(bǔ)漏to catch11. Though we left home very late, we managed(catch)the last bus.12. He didnt realize the love we have for our families is important

40、 e he went through real hardship.13. When she saw the accident, she felt 劇攸(grrify) and couldnt say a word.14. I came home from the meeting late into the night with mlxed (mix) feelings.15. The guide 曲城 血 way, we had no trouble getting out from the forest.語篇練習(xí)提升能力提能一單元話題語篇練根據(jù)珀利氐教材課文內(nèi)容,在空白處填入1個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或

41、 括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式;My cousin and I travelled across Canada by train.We saw the beautiful 1. 觀“” scene)wild animals from the train on the way through the Rocky Mountains.The city of Thunder Bay is a port in the centre of Canada.In Toronto, we went 叩 the CN Tower and saw the mist2.from Niagara Falls.When we

42、3. arnved (arrive) in Montreal, we saw many signs and ads in French.Then we went to Old Montreal, 4.(sit) in a typical cafe beside the St Lawrence River.Montreal is a city5. Eh wonderful restaurants and clubs.We spent the afternoon 6. dQlng (do) some shopping and visiting the artists in their workpl

43、aces.PeopleFrenchthere speak English but the city has 7.(France) culture andtraditions.was speedingThat night as the train 8. (speed) along the Std jstantLawrence River toward the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the 9.(distance) east coast, we dreamed 10, Qf/about French restaurants and red maple leaves提能二單元話題寫作練1. 補(bǔ)全要點(diǎn)句(加黑體部分請利用本單元所學(xué)詞匯)i 我寧愿去加拿大也不愿去日本旅游。;I would travel to Canadaan


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