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1、part i: vocabulary and structuresection a: complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.manualexcitementadditionaloutlook diversionleisurepeculiarinteractioninherent excessive1.for me, television is just a(n)diversion,but some people consider it a full-time activity.your

2、answercorrect answerdiversiondiversion2.snorkeling and scuba diving are great pastimes, but they also haveinherentrisks thatmake them dangerous.your answercorrect answerinherentinherent3.when i move to a new house, i think ill need a(n)additionalroom for all of my hobbies.your answercorrect answerad

3、ditionaladditional4.john plays team sports in his free time because he appreciates theother people.your answercorrect answer5.szinteractioninteractionmanualmy current job involves a lot ofinteractionwithlabor, so id prefer that my next job be at a desk.your answermmanual6.any hobby can take over you

4、r life if you spend a(n)correct answermanualexcessiveamount of time doing it.7.your answercorrect answerexcessiveexcessiveleisurei have to write an essay about what i like to do in mytime.leisureyour answercorrect answer/leisure8.theoutlookfor the sports industry looks great; more and more people ar

5、e trying to stayhealthy through sports.your answercorrect answeroutlookoutlook9.most people dont see muchexcitementin stamp collecting, but i really enjoy it.your answercorrect answervexcitementexcitement10.my friends all think magic is a(n)happy.your answerpeculiarpeculiarhobby, but i find it inter

6、esting and it makes mecorrect answerpeculiarsection b: choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. my little sister has an spirit she likes to explore everyplace she goes.3 標(biāo) a. adventurousi y b. advantageous3 r c. adventurel3 d. advantage12. clive would often get into trouble because he expre

7、ssed his thoughts and opinions.a. swiftlyb. franticallyc. badlyd. perfectly13. for many people, learning to speak chinese is a effort because it is so difficult.3aa.futile3rb.rewarding3rc.peculiar3rd.worthwhile14. the of the large tree from our backyard freed up space where we could play football.a.

8、 removebbb. removaliccc. removingdcd. removesi_15. dont me! of course i know how to play chess!z(a. insult3b. rude3c. offensei3rd. abuse16. enjoyable activities such as painting, photography, and light exercise help older people maintain a on the real world.3 r a. gripsb. gripping3c. gripper3仟d. gri

9、p17. completing crossword puzzles usually me since many of the words are so uncommon.3a. aggravateb. aggravatesc. aggravatingd d d. aggravation18. some games, like chess, have an set of rules, while others are relatively simple.y a. excellent 3 r b. expensive3 r c. exactld (* d. extensivel19. many y

10、oung people practically live in the world of video games.z a a. genuineb b. virtuali y r c. true y d. false20. by definition, a hobby is something you do for fun and for which dont receive any3 a. excitement3 r b. leisurec. compensationd. gratificationsection c: complete each sentence with a suitabl

11、e word.21.please sitdownand watch this short film before the meeting.your answercorrect answer22. has taken an interestyour answerinwhen she got older, sally tookonce i catch holdupyour answerupofpoetry, so i bought him a book of famous poems.correct answerinphotograp

12、hy as a full-time hobby.correct answerupan idea, i have to follow through until its complete.your answercorrect answerofofofnot many paintings are worthyparis is full of paintings that are!your answerofforasbooks.the word masterpiece , but the louvre museum incorrect answerofthe younger generation,

13、i think theyre more interested in video games thanyour answercorrect answerforforata painter must have every color of painthand and available at all times.your answercorrect answeratat28.after reading that book, charlie found it difficult to move same subject.your answerszon29.when the weekend comes

14、 around, im usually so tiredwant to sleep.your answer/out30.she just got backonand read more about thecorrect answeronoutfrom the week that i justcorrect answeroutfromschool, so she hasnt had time to finish her homework yet.your answercorrect answer/fromfrompart ii: banked clozequestions 31 to 40 ar

15、e based on the following passage.doris spends almost all of her free time in her backyard garden. her hobby is(31) i because doris loves working with the earth and making things grow.many people think gardening is (32) 二j because it takes so much time and youcan easily buy fruits and vegetables at t

16、he store. i suppose this point of view is(33) understandable, but doris gets frustrated with such ideas. she (34) toilsin her garden because she appreciates the feeling of creating life, not because she cant afford tomatoes and peppers at the market.doris knows that most people dont have the patienc

17、e or(35)1 attention span: for gardening.she understands that it takes a lot of hard work to see results, so she doesnt hold a(36) 9 9二 against people who think gardening is a waste of time. to doris,gardening is like an (37) i1.just like painting a beautiful picture, growingdedicationvegetables well

18、 requires a lot of experience, skill, patience, and (38)1yesterday, doris spent a perfect afternoon outside, beneath the sun, and crouched in the dirt of hergarden. she wore her (39)specially-d designed t-shirt that says doris: mastergardener, and she harvested a basket full of beautiful fruits and

19、vegetables. why would anyonechoose a different(40)pastime二i to fill the days?your answercorrect answer(31)gardeninggardening (32)pointlesspointless (33)understandableunderstandable(34)toilstoils5(35)attention spanattention span(36)grudgegrudge3(37)art formart formu(38)dedicationdedication(39)special

20、lyspecially (40)pastimepastimepart iii: reading comprehensionquestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.music is almost a universal pastime. people around the world listen to it, play it, and appreciate it.however, world music is a subject that receives little attention in the west. unfor

21、tunately, its common for people in the united states and great britain to be completely unfamiliar with the many styles of music found in countries around the world. one of the most different, yet nonetheless beautiful, styles of music is found in mongolia.traditional mongolian music uses a range of

22、 instruments, many of which are unique variations of instruments familiar to other cultures, such as the horse head fiddle, lute, trumpet, flute, zither, and drums. the most unique and well-known components of traditional mongolian music, however, are the solo singing styles known as khuumii and urt

23、iin duu .khuumii , or throat singing, is performed without instrumental accompaniment, comes from deep in the throat, and produces the effect of two distinct notes at the same time.khuumii developed in westernmongolia and the present-day russian republic of tuva. the open expanse of the landscape in

24、 these regions was favorable for this type of singing, which allowed voices to travel long distances with minimal effort. today, throat singing has become internationally known. however, many of the acts recording music and traveling the world are from russia. though many mongolians still enjoy list

25、ening to and singing traditional music, young people (like those in many countries) tend to prefer modern pop music.urtiin duu dates back to the 13th century, when the style was practised as a professional art.urtiin duurelates intricate stories about the natural beauty of the land and the rituals o

26、f daily life. the vocal style is similar to khuumii in that it takes a talented, practised singer in order to perform well. the sounds are drawn-out and require extreme control of the singers breath. some examples of this style have been recorded to have as many as 20,000 verses, thus earning the na

27、me long songs.41. music is almost a universal pastime. which of the following statements has the same meaning as this?35 a. music is a leisure activity found around the world.b. music is a required activity found around the world.c. music is a leisure activity found in a few places around the world.d d d. music is a required activity found in a few places around the world.42. with which of the following statements would the author of this passage probably agree?ya.world music is an art form that rece


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