



1、變壓器在線故障監(jiān)測(cè)可行性分析摘 要 本文根據(jù)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)實(shí)際工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),針對(duì)干式變壓器的缺陷設(shè)計(jì),提出了干式變壓器的在線故障監(jiān)測(cè)解決方案的可行性分析,為干式變壓 器在實(shí)際生產(chǎn)中故障排除提供幫助,為干式變壓器設(shè)計(jì)和安全運(yùn)行提供新的思路。關(guān)鍵詞 干式變壓器;故障;在線監(jiān)測(cè);分析干式變壓器在煤礦井下的應(yīng)用非常普遍,可分為固定式和移動(dòng)式 兩種供電方式,其外形各有不同,結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)大同小異。本文以kbsgzy- - - 10/630- - - 1.14 移動(dòng)變壓器的結(jié)構(gòu)為例,針對(duì)干式變壓器保護(hù)在設(shè)計(jì)中的缺陷進(jìn)行創(chuàng)新的思路進(jìn)行分析,提出解決方案,可為 今后我國(guó)在干式變壓器的安全運(yùn)行應(yīng)和在線故障監(jiān)測(cè)提供幫助。1 現(xiàn)狀結(jié)構(gòu)

2、介紹1.1 干式變壓器結(jié)構(gòu)介紹國(guó)投煤炭鄭州能源有限公司教學(xué)三礦使用的移動(dòng)變壓器型號(hào)為: kbsgzy- 630/10- 1.14,生產(chǎn)廠家為中國(guó)電光防爆設(shè)備有限公司產(chǎn)品。 其變壓器結(jié)構(gòu)由高壓負(fù)荷開關(guān),干式變壓器和低壓保護(hù)箱、配電箱三部 分組成。箱體采用鋼板焊制而成,箱體兩側(cè)面采用瓦楞狀鋼板結(jié)構(gòu),箱 體和箱蓋,箱蓋與高低壓開關(guān)之間均有隔爆接合面。隔爆型高壓電纜接 線腔,設(shè)在隔爆箱體上部,左右各設(shè)有電纜引入裝置。一個(gè)供電纜進(jìn)線 用,另一個(gè)供出線并聯(lián)用。箱體為長(zhǎng)方形,中間隔板將整個(gè)箱體隔成三 個(gè)防爆腔室。上腔接線腔左右兩側(cè)有一只高壓電纜引入裝置,上腔隔離 開關(guān)腔內(nèi)裝有一只刀閘隔離開關(guān),下腔裝有信號(hào)取

3、樣單元和真空斷路 器,斷路器由左右兩根導(dǎo)條導(dǎo)入,并能夠在兩根導(dǎo)條內(nèi)部固定斷路器。 箱體右側(cè)板上設(shè)有隔離開關(guān)分合閘手柄,斷路器機(jī)械合閘手柄,機(jī)械閉 鎖裝置等。1.2 變壓器保護(hù)部分介紹由于變壓器的高低壓保護(hù)裝置的控制部分設(shè)計(jì)在高壓端和低壓保護(hù)箱內(nèi)安裝,檢測(cè)方式是通過采取電壓信號(hào)和流過電流互感器的電流信 號(hào)進(jìn)行判斷故障的現(xiàn)象。主控線路存在 2 個(gè)盲區(qū)。盲區(qū) 1:為高壓側(cè)接線端及其連線,范圍由變壓器高壓接線頭,高 壓接線絕緣座以及高壓端斷路器電流互感器上段;盲區(qū) 2:低壓側(cè)由變壓器末端出線、連線、接線絕緣座、電流互感 器連接導(dǎo)線以上部分。2 結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)缺陷分析 由于移動(dòng)變壓器設(shè)計(jì)都是由高壓負(fù)荷開關(guān),干

4、式變壓器和低壓保護(hù)箱、配電箱三部分組成,保護(hù)部分分別位于變壓器兩端頭,變壓器與 兩端頭的通電連接通過耐絕緣的接線端子和銅接線柱來完成,在銅接線 柱與高低壓連線用軟銅帶進(jìn)行連接,電流互感器位于軟銅帶之上。此種 設(shè)計(jì)方式,保護(hù)存在缺陷有兩種情況:1) 在變壓器的內(nèi)部接線端子與接線柱接觸不良起熱時(shí),造成的接 線端子絕緣損壞,不容易發(fā)現(xiàn),變壓器的溫度監(jiān)控變化不大,溫度保護(hù) 不會(huì)動(dòng)作,容易造成事故。2) 變壓器保護(hù)采用的信號(hào)采集只能對(duì)電流互感器以下供電情況經(jīng) 行監(jiān)控,對(duì)電流互感器以上部分的檢測(cè)失去作用。當(dāng)?shù)蛪航泳€柱或低壓 側(cè)電流互感器以上銅帶發(fā)生間歇式漏電和長(zhǎng)時(shí)間過負(fù)荷造成的絕緣損壞 故障失去作用。3

5、解決方案的可行性分析3.1 接線端子接觸不良起熱的解決方案分析由于變壓器的接線端位于變壓器的結(jié)合面之間,在干式變壓器的 兩端,結(jié)合面全部螺絲結(jié)構(gòu),經(jīng)常性打開檢修很困難。而移動(dòng)式變壓器在煤礦多大都是在生產(chǎn)采區(qū),生產(chǎn)任務(wù)比較重,安裝于采區(qū)的巷道中, 運(yùn)行時(shí)間長(zhǎng),檢修空間受到限制。本文根據(jù)公司現(xiàn)場(chǎng)變壓器的存在的問 題,提出解決方案如下:現(xiàn)有結(jié)構(gòu)不發(fā)生變化,在變壓器殼體上部設(shè)置一個(gè)通氣空,在通 氣孔上安裝瓦斯監(jiān)測(cè)裝置。瓦斯監(jiān)測(cè)裝置利用和煤礦的監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)連接, 實(shí)現(xiàn)變壓器運(yùn)行的在線監(jiān)控,為巡檢人員提供參考依據(jù)。由于變壓器運(yùn) 行是封閉狀態(tài),在正常狀態(tài)下,沒有瓦斯氣體的產(chǎn)生。一旦在變壓器內(nèi) 部或接線柱發(fā)生故障

6、發(fā)熱時(shí),就會(huì)伴隨瓦斯氣體的產(chǎn)生,安裝于變壓器 上部的瓦斯探頭開始報(bào)警,提示維護(hù)人員進(jìn)行檢修。在變壓器底部一端 頭設(shè)置放水孔,變壓器在安裝時(shí)有意使變壓器設(shè)置放水端的低于另一 端,變壓器一旦發(fā)生起熱現(xiàn)象,或多或少就會(huì)有氣化部分,產(chǎn)生的氣體 沉淀,通過放水孔判斷變壓器內(nèi)部是否有故障現(xiàn)象存在。3.2 變壓器接線柱或?qū)Ь€間歇放電故障的解決方案分析由于高壓間歇式放電故障雖小,但是很易使變壓器保護(hù)動(dòng)作。由 于移動(dòng)變壓器高壓側(cè)接線柱放電,由移動(dòng)變壓器自身的高壓保護(hù)和保護(hù) 移動(dòng)變壓器的上一級(jí)高爆開關(guān)來實(shí)現(xiàn)。低壓側(cè)接線柱間歇式輕微放電, 就不能起到保護(hù)作用。由于低壓側(cè)接線柱位于電流互感器之上,放電點(diǎn) 的電流很小,

7、經(jīng)過變壓器變壓后,作于與變壓器高壓側(cè)不能使高壓側(cè)的 保護(hù)動(dòng)作。所以本文提出解決方案如下:合理選擇變壓器的低壓側(cè)的饋出線開關(guān),在實(shí)現(xiàn)移動(dòng)變壓器保護(hù)與低壓饋電開關(guān)保護(hù)的有效配合,使饋電開關(guān)的保護(hù)實(shí)現(xiàn)電源側(cè)和負(fù)荷 側(cè)的漏電保護(hù),及時(shí)處理檢查,實(shí)現(xiàn)低壓側(cè)的安全運(yùn)行。國(guó)投能源開發(fā)有限公司教學(xué)三礦移動(dòng)變電站生產(chǎn)廠家為中國(guó)電光防爆有限公司,低壓饋電開關(guān)選擇為濟(jì)源華宇電器有限公司的防爆開關(guān),對(duì)華宇低壓的漏電檢測(cè)方式進(jìn)行改造,改變漏電開關(guān)的檢測(cè)電流方 向,使用效果良好。4 效果的可行性分析 此種思路屬于創(chuàng)新性的思考,對(duì)設(shè)備的結(jié)構(gòu)影響不大,能夠?yàn)楦墒阶儔浩骱鸵苿?dòng)變壓器的故障及時(shí)診斷,對(duì)設(shè)備的安全運(yùn)行增加一層保 障

8、,簡(jiǎn)單可行,具有較強(qiáng)的推廣價(jià)值。5 結(jié)語 本文干式變壓器在線故障監(jiān)測(cè)可行性分析,思路明確,簡(jiǎn)單實(shí)用,能夠?qū)ξ覈?guó)現(xiàn)有的干式變壓器和移動(dòng)變電站結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)受到啟發(fā),有一定 的科學(xué)依據(jù),具有較強(qiáng)的使用價(jià)值。參考文獻(xiàn)1 中國(guó)電光防爆有限公司說明書. 2 電器工程及其自動(dòng)化控制. analysis of transformer on-line fault monitoring feasibilityabstract:in this paper,according topractical experience,according to the defect of dry-type transformer de

9、sign,put forward the dry-type transformer fault monitoring solutions feasibility analysis,for the dry-type transformerinactual production trouble shooting help,for dry-type transformer design and safe operation and provide anewtrain of thought. keywords:dry-type;transformer;fault;on-linemonitoring;a

10、nalysisdry-type transformer is widespread application in the coal mine, can be divided into two kinds of fixed and mobile power supply, its shape is different, the same structure design. in this paperkbsgzy- 10/630- 1.14 mobile transformer structure as an example, the dry type transformerthe defect

11、in the design of the protection for innovative ideas for analysis, put forward the solution, for our country in the future in the safe operation of dry-type transformers and on-line fault monitoring to help.introduces 1 current structure1.1 dry transformer structuremobile transformer type sdic coal

12、zhengzhou energy limited teaching three mine use : kbsgzy- 630/10- 1.14, manufacturers as china dianguang explosion-proof equipment co., ltd. products. the transformer structure consists of a high-voltage load switch, dry-type transformer and low voltage protection box, distribution box three parts.

13、 box is made of welded steel plate and the two side, box is made of corrugated steel plate structure, a box body and a box cover, a box cover and are between high and low voltage switch flameproof joint. flame-proof type high voltage cable wiring cavity in the upper part of the box body, flameproof,

14、 each equipped with cable introducing device. for a cable into the line, another line parallel with. the box is a rectangular, the middle partition of the whole body is divided into three explosion-proof chamber. on the left and right cavity wiring cavity has a high voltage cable introducing device,

15、 cavity isolation switch chamber is equipped with a knife switch, isolating switch, inferior vena fitted with signal sampling unit and vacuum circuit breaker, the breaker is composed of two guide introduction, and can guide the internal fixation of circuit breaker in two. the right side of the box p

16、late is provided with a switching handle isolating switch, circuit breaker switch lever, mechanical locking device.the 1.2 part introduces the transformer protectionbecause of the high and low voltage protection of transformer control part of the design of device in the high-pressure and low-pressur

17、e.protecting box installation, detection is to judge the fault phenomenon through the voltage signal and current transformer current signal. the main control circuit 2 blind.blind spot 1: high-pressure side terminal and connection, ranging from transformer hv, high voltage wiring insulation base and

18、 high voltage circuit breaker current transformer upper;zone 2: low voltage side of transformer, wire, wire from terminal wiring insulation seat, current transformer connection wires above part.2 structural design defect analysis because mobile transformer design is by the high voltage load switch,

19、dry-type transformer and low voltage protectionprotecting box, distribution box is composed of three parts, the protection part respectively at the two ends are energized transformer, transformer and the two ends are connected through insulation resistance of the terminal and copper wiring column to

20、 complete, in the copper wiring column with high and low pressure lines with soft copper connections, current transformer in the soft copper strip. the design manner, protect the defects in two cases:1 ) in the transformer internal wiring terminal and terminal contact heat, insulation caused damage

21、to the wiring terminal, not easy to find little change, temperature monitoring of transformer, temperature protection not action, easy to cause an accident.2 ) transformer protection using the signal acquisition can only on the current transformer power supply by the following monitoring, lost the r

22、ole of detecting current transformer part above. when the low voltage terminals or low pressure side of the current mutual inductor above copper occurrence of intermittent leakage and long time overload caused by insulation damage fault out of action.feasibility analysis of 3 solutionsthe 3.1 wiring

23、 terminal contact on solution heat analysisthe combination between surface transformer terminal is located at both ends of the transformer, dry-type transformer, with all the screw structure, often open the maintenance very difficult. while mobile transformer in coal mine are mostly in the productio

24、n area, production tasks are relatively heavy, installed in the mining area of roadway maintenance, long operation time, space constraints. in this paper, according to the company on-site transformer problems, proposed solutions are as follows:the existing structure does not change, set up a vent in

25、 the upper part of the shell is installed transformer, gas monitoring device in the vent. connect the gas monitoring device and monitoring system used in coal mine, realizes the on-line monitoring of transformer operation, provides the reference for the inspection personnel. because the transformer

26、operation is closed, in the normal state, no gas. once in the transformer internal or terminal malfunction fever, will produce with gas, gas probe is arranged at the upper part of the transformer to alarm, prompt maintenance personnel for maintenance. set the drain hole in the bottom of the transfor

27、mer end, transformer installation intended to transformer below the set discharge end and the other end of the transformer, once the hot phenomenon, more or less will have gasification, gas produced by precipitation, drainage hole to judge whether the transformer internal fault phenomenon.analysis o

28、f solution 3.2 transformer terminal or lead intermittent discharge faultbecause the discharge fault high-pressure batch is small, but it is easy to make the transformer protection action. due to the high side of mobile transformer wiring column discharge, high pressure protection by mobile transform

29、er itself and the protection of mobile transformer on a high explosive switch to realize. low pressure side of the terminal intermittent slight discharge, can not play a protective role. because of low pressure side of the terminal is located above the current transformer, current discharge point is

30、 very small, the transformer, as to not with high voltage side of transformer protection action on high voltage side. so this paper proposes the following solutions:the reasonable selection of transformer low-voltage side of feeder switch, in the implementation of mobile transformer protectioneffective coordination with low-voltage feed switch protection, leakage protection switch to protect the supply side and load side, the timely processing of inspection, the safe operation of low voltage side.guotou energy


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