



1、灰姑娘的童話故事篇一:灰姑娘童話劇本(中英對照)灰姑娘童話劇本(中英文對照)從前有一位可愛善良的姑娘,她叫辛黛瑞娜(灰姑娘),她的母親去世了,父親很愛她。但是一天她的父親娶了新的妻子,而且她父親不幸去世了???,他的繼母和繼母帶來的兩個姐姐過來了。stepmother: helen, jenny, look, how beautiful the house is!后媽;helen,jenny, 快看,好漂亮的房子?。ㄋ闹芸戳丝矗_始亂翻東西,拿起些東西來看)sister(1): yes, and so many fruits. apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee

2、s. wow, i like them.后媽女兒(1): 是的,還有好多水果,(一個個用手指點(diǎn)),蘋果,香蕉,芒果,荔枝,哇,我都喜歡(吃水果)sister(2): mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. i like this dress.后媽女兒(2): (打開衣柜,翻翻看看)媽媽,看,好多漂亮的衣服啊,我喜歡這些裙子 (往身上穿)cinderella:oh, no, please, thats my dress. this new dress is bought by my father 灰姑娘:啊,那是我的裙子,這條新裙子是爸爸賣給我的 (跑過去,想

3、把那條裙子拿過來).后媽:她是你的妹妹,但是別管她?;夜媚铮F(xiàn)在馬上去給我把房間打掃干凈,然后做飯。cinderella: why? im not your servant.灰姑娘:(插著腰,皺著眉很生氣的樣子)為什么?我又不是你們的傭人 stepmother: yeah.(點(diǎn)頭). but from now on you are our servant.后媽:但是從現(xiàn)在開始你就是我們的傭人?。ê軆吹臉幼樱﹕ister(1): mum, i like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服)sister(2):i like her necklace. (搶走她的項(xiàng)鏈戴在脖子上)cindere

4、lla:oh, no, please! (哭喊)旁白:after that, cinderella had to been their servant. she worked and worked from morning to night. she had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa; she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. she was more and more dirty.從那以后,灰姑娘就成了他們的傭人,她從早到晚不停的忙碌著。她沒有房間住只能睡沙發(fā),

5、也沒有好的食物吃,沒有漂亮的衣服穿,然后就變得越來越臟了。cruel as her stepmother was to her, cinderella still lived an optimistic life. she had a lot of animal friends. one day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. every maid in the town was invited to the party.雖然繼母這樣對她,可灰姑娘還是樂觀地活著,另外她還有許多小動物做她的朋友

6、。一天,國王要讓王子自己選擇心愛的人,為王子舉辦了一個宮廷舞會,邀請城里所有的姑娘參加。第二場布景:灰姑娘家 (士兵在門外敲門)stepmother: who is it?soldier: im the soldier of the palace. (后媽打開門)good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. good-bye, madam!士兵:我是宮廷的侍衛(wèi)。早上好,夫人,這是來自宮廷的信,是邀請這個屋子里所有的女孩參加舞會的。再見!stepmother:

7、 what is it? helen, jenny, good news! there will be a big dancing party in the palace. prince edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom.后媽:是什么東西?。?打開信看歡呼,向后媽女兒(1)(2)招手) helen,jenny,好消息,宮廷里將會有一場大型舞會,edward王子將會在眾多女孩子中挑選他的王后。sister(1): hooray! ill be the queen!后媽女兒:萬歲! 我將會是那個王后si

8、ster(2): hey, i will be the queen, not you!后媽女兒(2),嘿,我才是王后,不是你!stepmother: okay, girls. you must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately!后媽:好了,女兒們,你們一定馬上穿上自己最漂亮的裙子,好好化妝。 cinderella: mum, i want to go to the party, too.灰姑娘:(小心地走出來問道)媽媽,我也想去舞會sister(1)(2): you? look at yourself, so di

9、rty and so ugly. (大笑起來)后媽女兒(1)(2): 你? 看看你自己把,又臟又丑。cinderella:mum,please, can i灰姑娘: 媽媽,求求你了,我能不能.stepmother: girls, are you ready? lets go. cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly that you havent any excuse to go. and you must do your housework first! good night! 繼母:女兒們,準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?我們走吧。灰姑娘,你又臟又丑的,沒有理由去啊。而且你

10、必須要先做家務(wù)啊。晚安!(后媽和她的女兒很驕傲地走出門外,灰姑娘很傷心地坐到地上哭了。這時,貓、鴿子和狗來了)cinderella: oh, my friends. i really want to go. what shall i do?灰姑娘:(猛然發(fā)現(xiàn))噢,我的朋友們,我真的很想去,我該怎么辦?cat, dog, dove: dont be so sad, cinderella. at least, we are with you. if we canhelp you, we will do our best!貓,狗,鴿子: 不要傷心,灰姑娘,至少,我們都陪著你呢。如果有什么我們能幫忙,

11、就一定會盡力的。cinderella:oh,my friend,thank you very much. but i havent any beautiful dresses now! what can i do? who can help me?灰姑娘:噢,我的朋友們,真的很謝謝你們,但是我現(xiàn)在沒有漂亮的裙子了,我該怎么辦?誰能幫幫我?仙女:可憐的姑娘,讓我來幫助你吧。 你需要一輛馬車,一個車夫,幾匹馬,一位侍者,還要一身漂亮的裙子。(現(xiàn)在,念魔咒,bibbidi-boddidi-boo, 揮動魔杖,用南瓜變成馬車,用老馬變成馬車夫,用老鼠變成馬,用狗變成侍者,把灰姑娘變得很漂亮,接著又給她

12、一雙美麗的玻璃鞋)cat, dog and the bellboy: wow, how beautiful!貓,狗,侍者:(睜大眼睛,看著灰姑娘)哇,好漂亮?。at: youre the most beautiful girl ive ever seen.dog: yes! you will be the most beautiful girl in the party!dove: yes! you will be the most beautiful lady in this party! and prince edward will love you at once! (歡快地飛來飛去)

13、鴿子:是的,你將是舞會上最漂亮的女孩,edward王子馬上就會愛上你的。仙女:灰姑娘,現(xiàn)在你就可以去舞會和王子跳舞了。但是,記住你必須在12點(diǎn)之前回來。一定要謹(jǐn)記,12點(diǎn)整!當(dāng)時鐘敲響12點(diǎn),這所有的一切都會變回原樣。cinderella: thank you, kind fairy. (沖出門外)灰姑娘: 謝謝你,善良的仙女。fairy: (對灰姑娘喊)be careful! dont forget the time!仙女:當(dāng)心??!不要忘記時間了!cinderella: i wont forget. (跳上馬車)good bye, kind fairy and my dear friends

14、! 灰姑娘: 我不會忘記的。再見,好心的仙女和我親愛的朋友們第三場布景:皇宮中大臣:晚上好,先生們女士們,歡迎來到王子舞會,今天晚上,我們尊敬的edward王子將會挑選最美麗最善良的女孩做他的王后?,F(xiàn)在,女孩們,請到前面來吧。 solider(2): highness,how are they? which one do you like?王子:(皺起眉頭) 嗯.我覺得他們都不.(這時,灰姑娘突然走進(jìn)來了) soliders: wow! how beautiful that girl is!大臣們:(驚嘆) 哇,那個女孩真漂亮!(眾來賓驚恐地回過頭)旁白:shes like a fairy.

15、shes like an angel. shes so lovely. shes like a princess. how pretty cinderella is! 他想個仙女,像天使,如此的可愛。像一位公主一樣,多么美麗的灰姑娘??!prince: pretty lady, may i be honored to dance with you?王子:(走上前,鞠躬) 美麗的女士,我能請你跳支舞嗎?cinderella: id love to.(握住王子的手,開始跳舞) (music and dance)旁白:beautiful cinderella and handsome prince e

16、dward are dancing. they fall in love. (12點(diǎn)的鐘聲猛然敲響了,敲了6下)cinderella: oh, its time to go back. i must go now. i am sorry that i cannot dance with you any more, sir!灰姑娘: 噢,我該回去了。我現(xiàn)在必須走。對不起不不能再和你跳舞了,王子。 prince: wait, miss, please wait! (追上去)王子: 等等,小姐。請你等一下cinderella:(she run in a hurry, and lost one of

17、her shoes)good bye, sir!灰姑娘:(她急忙跑出去,丟下了一只鞋子) 再見,先生prince: (拿起鞋)pretty lady! why are you leaving? i must find you! soldiers!! 王子: 多么美麗的女士! 你為什么要走呢?我一定要找到你!來人啦! soliders: yes!prince: take this shoe to every house and let all the young girls have a try tomorrow morning. you must find the girl for me. f

18、ast!王子:明天早上拿著這只鞋去給每家每戶的年輕女孩子試一下,你們必須快速給我找到那個女孩!soliders: yes, highness!第四場布景:灰姑娘家的花園中cinderella:(失去了魔法的幫助,變回了原樣)ohhe was gentle, he was handsome, oh! i cannot forget him i love him! but i hadnt found prince edward and danced with him yet灰姑娘:噢,他既溫柔又帥。啊,我忘不了他,我喜歡他。但是我都還沒找到edward王子呢,還沒跟他跳舞呢dove: cinder

19、ella, dont you know? the man who danced with you was prince edward!鴿子: 灰姑娘,你還不知道嗎? 和你跳舞的那個人就是edward王子?。ㄘ埡妥兓卦瓨拥墓伏c(diǎn)頭附和)cinderella:really? my goodness! oops, i am sorryi havent done thehousework! mum, helen and jenny will back soon! they will be angry! see you soon, buddies!灰姑娘: 真的嗎? 我的天?。。ㄎ孀∽彀?,不敢相信的樣子)

20、 啊,不好意思,我還沒做家務(wù)呢。helen和jenny馬上就回來了,他們會生氣的,待會見(哼著小曲跳走了)第五場布景:灰姑娘家solider:good morning, madam.stepmother: good morning. whats the matter, sir?后媽:早上好,有什么事嗎?soliders: are there any young girls in this house, madam? the pretty lady lost her shoe in the palace. the prince wanted to find her and marry her.士

21、兵:這家有年輕的女孩嗎?有以為美麗的女孩把她的鞋子丟在宮廷了。王子想找到這位女孩并且和他結(jié)婚stepmother:(笑著說)of course, sir, wait a minute!后媽:當(dāng)然有啊,你等一下(往身后招招手,讓女兒(1)過來)sister(1): let me try. the shoe is mine.后媽女兒:(急急忙忙跑上前)讓我試試,這鞋子是我的(說著把腳伸進(jìn)鞋子) solider: no, its not yours. its too small for you.(把鞋子拿開)士兵:不,不是你的,這鞋子對于你來說太小了。sister(2): (跳著大喊)its mine. i am the queen. let me try it.篇二:大批灰姑娘童話故事大批灰姑娘童話故事灰姑娘這個故事


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