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1、摘 要青年亞文化所代表的是處于邊緣地位的青少年群體的利益,它對成年人社會秩序往往采取一種顛覆的態(tài)度。所以,青年亞文化最突出的特點(diǎn)就是它的邊緣性、顛覆性和批判性。青年亞文化是對主流文化的反抗,置身其中的年輕人因這個(gè)文化圈所特有的性質(zhì)常常對自己的身份認(rèn)同很是困惑。小說猜火車較為深入地剖析青年亞文化圈,對他們的生活做了較為真實(shí)的描述,凸顯了青年在該亞文化圈中身份認(rèn)同的困惑,表現(xiàn)出他們焦慮的心態(tài)及個(gè)人認(rèn)同感的缺失,充分展現(xiàn)了底層蘇格蘭人物的復(fù)雜心情。關(guān)鍵詞:猜火車;青年亞文化;身份認(rèn)同困惑;社會認(rèn)同;毒品AbstractYouth subcultures that show a systematic

2、hostility to the dominant culture are sometimes described as countercultures. Youth subculture represents the interests of marginalized youth groups, which often adopt a subversive attitude towards the social order of adults, so the most prominent feature of youth subculture is its marginal, subvers

3、ive and critical nature. Youth subculture is a revolt against the mainstream culture, in which the young people are often confused about their identity because of the peculiar nature of the cultural circle. The novel Trainspotting deeply analyzes the youth subculture, and makes a realistic descripti

4、on of their life, and depicts the confusion of the young peoples identity in the subculture. Showing their anxious mentality and lack of personal identity, the novel fully demonstrated the complex mood of the bottom Scottish characters. Key Words: Trainspotting; Youth Subculture; Identity Dilemma; s

5、ocial identity; Scotland; DrugsContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Summary of the novel1.3 Main content and Objective1.4 Theoretical FoundationsChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Study on Identity Dilemma2.2 Study on Youth Subculture in Trainspotting2.3 Analysis of characters in nov

6、elChapter 3 Analysis and Discussion3.1 Performance of Youth Subculture in novel3.2 Causes of Youth Subculture3.2.1 Internal Causes3.2.2 External CausesChapter 4 Conclusion4.1 Main Finding4.2 LimitationReferencesChapter 1. IntroductionThis chapter is a brief summary of the author, novel, and the theo

7、ry used in this thesis.1.1 Research Background and Brief Introduction of Welsh Irvine Wales is a widely acclaimed Scottish novelist, who was born in 1958, and has been called the Poet Laureate of the Medicine Age by virtue of the book Trainspotting. The book is famous for its true portrayal of the l

8、ower-class people living in Scotland. Trainspotting is also the first and most famous one of his works. Scottish novelist, playwright and short story writer. He is recognized for this novel, which was later made into a film of the same name. His work is characterized by a raw Scots dialect and bruta

9、l depiction of Edinburgh life. He has also written plays and screenplays, and directed several short films.Trainspotting is well worth reading, not only because few writers have tried to dabble in the unique British youth culture, but, more importantly, few writers have been able to explore this are

10、a as deeply as this book. As well as recreational drug use, Welshs novel and non-novel is dominated by the question of working class and identity of people in Scotland in the period spanning the 1960s to now. Within this, he probes the rise and fall of the council housing scheme, denial of opportuni

11、ty, sectarianism, football, hooliganism, sex, suppressed homosexuality, dance clubs, low-paid work, freemasonry, Irish republicanism, sodomy, class divisions, emigration and, perhaps most of all, the humor, prejudices and axioms of the Scots. Welsh is famous for writing in his native Edinburgh Scots

12、 dialect. He almost ignores the traditional conventions of literary Scots, which used by other writers, for example, Allan Ramsay, Robert Fergusson, Robert Burns, Robert Louis Stevenson, and James Orr. On the contrary, he transcribes dialects phonetically. His other books include a collection of sho

13、rt stories Acid House, The Marabou Stork Nightmare, Ecstasy, and the most recent work If you liked School, youll Work.1.2 Summary of TrainspottingThe novel describes the life of a group of young drug addicts in Edinburgh, Scotland, and the film based on this book is considered one of the most energe

14、tic films of the 1996. Mark Reton is an addict, and the three people he lives with are also of the same kind, sickboy Simon, the retarded man potato Daniel, the young girl named Allison, her little daughter Donne was born from her and one of the three, but none of them could figure out who was the f

15、ather of the child. Friends play With them usual are Tommy and Bergbie. Mark and Daniel Cleverly let themselves out of the interview, thus eliminating the unemployment benefits. Afterwards they went to the pub to celebrate, Bergbie the random violence to injure the person, the bar fell into chaos. M

16、ark met a young, sexy woman named Diane at a disco, and she took Mark home for the night. But Diane was only 14 years old.Mark tried to detox, but in the end he couldnt resist the temptation. He and Daniel robbed tourists and bought drugs with that money. Tommy was devastated by his girlfriend Lizs

17、departure, and he was addicted to drugs. Allisons little daughter suddenly burst into bed. Mark and Daniel were caught when stealing things in the supermarket. In order to forget this series of troubles, Mark took an overdose of heroin and fell into unconscious. He was sent to hospital for rescue. H

18、isparents put Mark home to lock in the room, forced him to detox, then he realized that stability is the true meaning of life. After detoxification, Mark left Edinburgh and went to find a job in a real estate company in London. But Marks new life was interrupted at first. Bergbie and Simon ensued. M

19、ark had no patience with them. Then came with the sad news that Tommy died of AIDS, and they returned to Edinburg to attend the funeral. Bergbie got a 4000-pound heroin from a Russian, then went to London with Mark and others, including Daniel, who had been released from prison, to sell at 16000 pou

20、nds and make one bucks. That night, Mark took all the money when others were sleeping, and prepared to go abroad to start his new life, but he left Daniels part in his suitcase. Trainspotting is a game where idle people spend their time in the place where the train passes, improvising bets about the

21、 time and destination of the next train. These teenagers are conscientious, but they stoop. In the novel, taking drugs as an alternative choice becomes the life style of the characters, and drugs makes them addicted and painful. Scotland, Scotland, this is the ugliest place in the world, said Marks

22、companion. They can not find their position in the community. , the image of guessing train was not repeatedly emphasized in the novel until the penultimate fragment of the novel Returned to the village and was only mentioned by a drunkard, but its symbolic meaning ran through the book. Trainspottin

23、g is a personal activity that doesnt require group strength, here we can use the explanation of the meaning of the Chinese translation in the footnote: One is to pass the time of the game, in the station to see the fleeting train, note the number of carriages, who remember the more, the better. In a

24、ddition, because the long-term drug use blood vessels and mottled like a railroad, looking the blood vessels to find the place to inject, also known as the Trainspotting. The author takes Trainspotting as the name, and this game also shows their decadent and idleness. The protagonist of the story, R

25、eton, is such an addict, he and his buddies gathered to take drugs. But I saw that mark was different from these people when they saw that Tommy was sad because he broke up with his girlfriend, when they went to pursue nature, and even if he was stuck in drugs, he wanted to pursue a new life. Mark v

26、ented his discontent by indulging himself with the drugs, he constantly challenged and rammed the rules of society, but eventually Mark chose to reconcile and integrate with society. 1.3 Main content and ObjectiveThis paper mainly expounds the present research situation of youth subculture in Trains

27、potting at home and abroad. It shows identity dilemma in youth sub-culture. Youth subculture is a revolt against mainstream culture, which has features of marginality and subversion. Young people in this culture always possess an identity dilemma. Trainspotting gives a relatively-real portrait of yo

28、ung people living in youth sub-culture and provides an accurate account of identity dilemma existing among them. This paper aims to show the identity dilemma in the novel, and found why the dilemma exists. There are a lot of difficulties of media literacy education in the context of youth subculture

29、; the key spot is the transformation of cultural identity. Young people in this culture always possess an identity confusion. I summarized the characteristics and causes of youth subculture through analyzingthetextofthelanguagedescription,behavioraldescriptionoftheprotagonistidentity dilemma in nove

30、l. The reason I chose this topic is that the high speed of development of society makes more and more teenagers lost themselves. As a result, I want to find why people lost in subculture and where the subculture comes from.1.4 Theoretical FoundationsThere is no wonder that everyone in the society be

31、longs to many different groups, such as class, school, community, country and so on, which are different in size, structure and level. The essence of socialization is to achieve individuality and establish a sense of connection with others. People meet the needs of belonging by establishing a social

32、 self-based on classification. Therefore, in the process of socialization, in addition to seeking their own differences, the establishment of a unique feeling, people also want to establish a sense of belonging with others similar to themselves in need. Lack of contact with others leads to the exclu

33、sion of individuals, and the inability to integrate into the mainstream society and have to drift away from the edge of their own living system. When the inner group lacks the positive characteristic, the member can be driven or psychologically leave this group, aspire to become a member of a higher

34、 level group. That is why Renton made the final decision, and just like the last monologue of the protagonist-am I a betrayal? He asked himself. Of course not, they are not my friends, I grew up without them, we do not outgrow each other.The term identity is old and familiar to us, and it has differ

35、ent representations. In Chinese, there are also many meanings: one refers to the birth and social status, the second refers to the value, three refers to posture. To sum up, we regard identity as the identity and appellation of individuals position in society. As a concept of both social and persona

36、lity psychology, identity lends itself to many interpretations. The meaning of identity is complex, in different time, place the identity of different groups are not the same, so combing and distinguishing the meaning of identity and related concepts, is essential to our deeper understanding of iden

37、tity.Tajfel and Turners theory of social identity reveal the inner psychological mechanism of inter-group behavior. After the theory was put forward, it was widely concerned by psychologists,theconceptofsocialidentityhasbeenwidelyacceptedbysocialpsychology, and stimulated a lot of related research.

38、The social identity theory distinguishes interpersonal behavior and group behavior for the first time, and distinguishes identity between individual and group level as two self-awareness levels. In addition, the social identity theory compared interpersonal with group, individual self-esteem with co

39、llective self-esteem, which have a far-reaching impact on the study of social psychology. Social identity theory is to understand the social under the background of group relations, identity is generated in the group relationship, the individual to the groups identity is in the core position, so as

40、to reveal the essence of social psychology more profoundly.Subsequently, Tajfel and his student John Turner developed the theory of social identity.Tajfeldefinessocialidentityas:theindividualrealizesthathebelongstoaparticularsocialgroup, and also recognizes the emotional and value significance of be

41、ing a member of this group. They proposed that people have an inbuilt tendency to categorize themselves into one or more ingroups, building a part of their identity on the basis of membership of that group and enforcing boundaries with other groups. Social identity theory suggests that people identi

42、fy with groups in such a way as to maximize positive distinctiveness. Groups offer both identity (they tell us who we are) and self-esteem (they make us feel good about ourselves). The theory of social identity has had a very substantial impact on many areas of social psychology, including group dyn

43、amics, intergroup relations, prejudice and stereotyping, and organizational psychology. This is one of the important achievements in the localization of European psychology, which is very different from the social understanding from the individual level in American cognitive social psychology.Chapte

44、r 2. Literature Review2.1 Study on Identity DilemmaAccording to Tao Jiajuns paper, identity is an important subject in postcolonial context. One person, a particular group, even the whole society will inevitably establish a relationship with others and the world around them in a particular circumsta

45、nce. They are going to build relationships with everythingaroundthem.Roughlyspeaking,identityisdividedinto4categories,namely,individualidentity,collectiveidentity,self-identity,socialidentity,Taosaid.Identity mainly refers to collective identity choice made by a certain cultural subject between the

46、strong culture and weak culture, which results in a strong ideological shock and great spiritual suffering. Its salient features can be summed up as a mix of anxiety and hope, pain and pleasure.On the theory of identity, social identity should be the most important part. Its theory founder Tajfel sa

47、id that a persons social group membership and group category are important parts of ones self-concept. That advocates people striving to gain and maintain positive social identity, thus promoting their self-esteem. This positive identity is largely a result of comparisons between the inner group and

48、 the relevant outside group. The theory also points out that social identity consists of three processes, which include categorization, comparison and positive distinctiveness. Categorization means to classify objects (such as events and people) to find out the difference between inner groups and ou

49、ter groups;comparisonreferstothecomparisonofthesocialstatusofthegroupandothergroups.Positive distinctiveness is finding the advantage of ones own group on the basis of comparison, and then actively differentiating with other groups, thus raising self-esteem level.2.2 Study on Youth Subculture in Tra

50、inspottingThe subculture of young people is a culture without belonging. This will certainly cause the young people inside to feel solitary. The film based on this novel begins with an intricate choice of life, career, home, washing machine, car, CD player, dental insurance It is the life that ordin

51、ary people dream of, but Redden and his friends refused to choose such a mediocre life. They have their own set of anti-social manifesto. In their mind the current social system is only to console them. Actually, they do not have the right to choose, because they are living in the bottom of Scottish

52、 society, they are the marginal people. As a result, they have no ideals, no faith, no hope, no effort, they choose No choice, and these help the Scottish boys to the stoop- drugs, alcohol, violence, fraud, chaos sex filled with their entire living life. They knew very well that drugs were not good,

53、 and that the candle of life in the drug was almost extinguish. But whats not to be? Though there is a society, I am sure it has nothing to do with me. They are a group of marginalized youths in the subculture, and the anarchy that they show, as well as resistance to the mainstream society, brings a

54、 strong impact on people living in a normal society.Somebody pointed out the reason for subcultures appearance. Liu Fangfang pointed out that it is the post-industrial shock that cause this culture. When the Western society entered the post-industrial era, the high development of science and technol

55、ogy and the great enrichment of material did not enhance peoples happiness, but bred the disillusionment of the ancient civilization. Feasting night life, some people unbridled enjoy the pleasure of money, arbitrary, bohemian, but still feel that they have never had love. Under the gorgeous appearan

56、ce is a lonely and painful soul. People lack belief and social environment is in a state of mental paralysis.2.3 Analysis of characters in novelFreedom, anxiety and uncertainty are the key words of Bowman in the Postmodernity and Its Discontents. In his book, he discusses the uncertain characteristi

57、cs of postmodernism and its defects from the aspects of consumer desire, relationship between consumers and consumers, freedom and security, so that people can see the inevitability and influence of freedom anxiety in consumption society. According to his exposition, in the post-modern consumer soci

58、ety, freedom is the freedom of consumption, consumers face different resources for different choice, he found the insatiable desire of consumption and then found the insatiable desire of freedom. However, not everyone is a free consumer.The characters identity of the Trainspotting is uncertain. They

59、 wander between consumers and unsatisfied consumers (a person who does not have the means to satisfy ones desires), actually the likelihood of becoming the latter is much greater. They have a free identity, can act as consumers (lower-level consumers), but their insatiable desire for special consumption is drugs, consumption


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