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1、By 趙澤敏趙澤敏 陳弼麗陳弼麗 All through June, the school walls rose steadily, but with half the construction crew missing on any given day as they left to tend their crops and animals, it progressed too slowly for Mortensons liking. 整個(gè)六月,學(xué)校的墻在穩(wěn)步升高,由于村民們要侍候他們的莊家和牲畜,每天在工地上干活的人有一半不到工,因此工程進(jìn)展特別緩慢,Mortenson感到不快。 “I

2、tried to be tough難辦的,費(fèi)力的,棘手的難辦的,費(fèi)力的,棘手的(工作工作等等) but fair taskmaster (工頭;監(jiān)工;虐待者,嚴(yán)厲工頭;監(jiān)工;虐待者,嚴(yán)厲的主人的主人),” Mortenson says. “I spent all day at the construction site, from sun rise to sun set, using my level to make sure the walls were even and my plumb line to check that they were standing straight. “我力

3、爭做個(gè)嚴(yán)格但又公平的監(jiān)工” Mortenson說,“從早到晚,我整天泡在工地,用水準(zhǔn)儀和鉛垂線檢查墻是否砌的平直。手里總是拿著個(gè)小本,眼睛盯著每個(gè)干活的人,想讓每個(gè)盧比都花地物有所值。我不想讓瓊霍尼失望,因此我把他們逼得很緊?!便U垂線水準(zhǔn)儀 I always had my notebook in my hand, and kept my eyes on everyone, anxious to account for every rupee(印度等國的貨幣單位印度等國的貨幣單位)盧比盧比. I didnt want to disappoint Jean Hoerni, so I drove p

4、eople hard.” 手里總是拿著個(gè)小本,眼睛盯著每個(gè)干活的人,想讓每個(gè)盧比都花地物有所值。我不想讓瓊,霍 尼 失 望 , 因 此 我 把 他 們 逼 得 很 緊 。 ” One clear afternoon at the beginning of August, Haji. Ali tapped輕打輕打(拍,敲拍,敲)Mortenson on the shoulder at the construction site and asked him to take a walk. 八月初一個(gè)晴朗的下午,在工地上,Haji . Ali拍了拍 Mortenson的肩膀,邀他一起散散步。 老人帶

5、著這位昔日的登山者爬了一小時(shí)的山,他的腿還是那么結(jié)實(shí)有力,是這位比他年紀(jì)小很多的男人自愧不如。 The old man led the former climber uphill for an hour, on legs still strong enough to humble壓下壓下(某人某人的銳氣等的銳氣等),使喪失,使喪失(威信等威信等);貶低;貶低the much younger man. Mortenson felt precious time slipping way, and by the time Haji Ali halted on a narrow ledge(巖礁巖礁)

6、 high above the village, Mortenson was panting(喘喘氣氣), as much from the thought of all the tasks he was failing to supervise(監(jiān)督;管理監(jiān)督;管理)as from his exertion(努力,盡力努力,盡力). Mortenson感到,寶貴的時(shí)間正在悄悄地溜走。但是在Haji Ali 停在村子上頭很高的一道狹窄的巖脊石, Mortenson由于心里想著他那監(jiān)督不力的建校工程和爬山的勞累,早已及喘吁吁。 Haji Ali waited until Mortenson ca

7、ught his breath, then instructed him to look at the view. The air had the fresh-scrubbed(使使)(氣體氣體)凈化凈化clarity(清清澈;明了;明確澈;明了;明確)that only comes with altitude. Haji Ali等到Mortenson喘過氣來,然后叫他欣賞美景。天空晴朗如洗,這是高海拔地區(qū)特有的現(xiàn)象。 Beyond Korphe K2, the ice peaks of the inner Karakoram knifed relentlessly(狠心地,冷酷地,殘狠心地,

8、冷酷地,殘忍的,酷虐地,毫不留情地忍的,酷虐地,毫不留情地)into a defenseless blue sky. 在科爾飛橋戈里峰的遠(yuǎn)處,內(nèi)喀喇昆侖山的冰峰像尖刀一樣無情地刺入無助的藍(lán)天。 喬戈里峰,國際登山界公認(rèn)的攀登難度較大的山峰之一。喬戈里峰峰巔呈金字塔形,冰崖壁立,山勢險(xiǎn)峻,在陡峭的坡壁上布滿了雪崩的溜槽痕跡。北側(cè)如同刀削斧劈,平均坡度達(dá)45度以上。從北側(cè)大本營到頂峰,垂直高差竟達(dá)4700米,是世界上8000米以上高峰垂直高差最大的山峰。 喀喇昆侖是突厥語“黑石”或“黑山”一詞的音譯,喀喇昆侖山是世界上山岳冰川最發(fā)達(dá)的高大山脈,海拔平均超過5500米,寬度約為240公里,長800公

9、里,擁有8000米以上的冰峰座。 喀喇昆侖山區(qū)自然條件嚴(yán)酷,交通閉塞,人口稀少,面積約為20萬平方公里人數(shù)僅數(shù)萬。喀喇昆侖地震活動(dòng)頻繁,甚至有9級(jí)以上的地震。被人們稱為“ 生 命 禁 區(qū) ” 。 A thousand feet below, Korphe, green with ripening barley fields, looked small and vulnerable易受傷的,易受傷的,脆弱的;易受責(zé)難脆弱的;易受責(zé)難攻擊、損壞攻擊、損壞的的, a life raft adrift(比喻比喻)飄泊飄泊(無定無定);on a sea of stone. 在他們腳下一千英尺之處,即將成

10、熟的大麥田將科爾飛染成一片翠綠色,它看上去如此渺小和脆弱,就像在一片石頭海洋中漂泊的一葉小小的救生筏。 Haji Ali reached up and laid his hand on Mortensons shoulder. “These mountains have been here a long time,” he said. “And so have we.” He reached for his rich brown lambswool topi, the only symbolPAGE170 of authority Korphes nurmadhar ever wore, an

11、d centered it on his silver hair. Haji Ali舉起手把它放在Mortenson的肩上?!斑@些山在這里存在很久了?!彼f,“我們也是?!彼焓秩ツ盟琼斏詈稚难蚪q草帽,把它端端正正地戴在他銀白色的頭上。這種帽子由科爾飛的頭人戴,是權(quán)威的唯一象征。 “You cant tell the mountains what to do,” he said, with an air of gravity(引力引力)that transfixed戳穿,戳穿,刺穿;釘住;刺穿;釘?。?比喻比喻)(恐怖等恐怖等)把把(人人)嚇得不能動(dòng)彈;嚇得不能動(dòng)彈;使大吃一驚使大吃一驚

12、Mortenson as much as the view. “你不能指揮這些大山做這做那?!彼f,嚴(yán)肅的神態(tài)如眼前的美景使Mortenson目瞪口呆。 “You must learn to listen to them. So now I am asking you to listen to me. By the mercy of Almighty you must do one more thing for me.” “你必須學(xué)會(huì)傾聽他們。所以現(xiàn)在,我也請(qǐng)你聽聽我的聲音。萬能的真主保佑,你幾經(jīng)為我的人民做了許多事情,我們感激不盡。但現(xiàn)在你必須再為我做一件事?!本渥痈膶懀?The old man led the former climber uphill for an hour, on legs still strong enough to humble the much younger man. (Para.45) Although Haji.Ali was old, his legs were still strong enough to leave the younger man far behind and thus feel ashamed.句子改寫: The a


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