廣東省南海桂城中學2016屆高三英語二輪復習 第四篇 閱讀理解 lesson 10課件_第1頁
廣東省南海桂城中學2016屆高三英語二輪復習 第四篇 閱讀理解 lesson 10課件_第2頁
廣東省南海桂城中學2016屆高三英語二輪復習 第四篇 閱讀理解 lesson 10課件_第3頁
廣東省南海桂城中學2016屆高三英語二輪復習 第四篇 閱讀理解 lesson 10課件_第4頁
廣東省南海桂城中學2016屆高三英語二輪復習 第四篇 閱讀理解 lesson 10課件_第5頁
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1、1. What is the theme of Ridleys most recent book?A. Weakness of human nature.B. Concern about climate change.C. Importance of practical thinking.D. Optimism about human progress.2. How does Ridley look at shopping? A. It encourages the creation of things. B. It results in shortage of goods. C. It de

2、mands more fossil fuels. D. It causes a poverty problem.3. The candle and lamp example is used to show that _.A. oil lamps give off more light than candlesB. shortening working time brings about a happier lifeC. advanced technology helps to produce better candlesD. increased production rate leads to

3、 lower cost of goods4. What does the last sentence of the passage imply? A. Cutting carbon is necessary in spite of the huge cost. B. Overreaction to climate change may be dangerous. C. Peoples health is closely related to climate change. D. Careless medical treatment may cause great pain.【第第4 4題解析題

4、解析】最后一段的小標題“Lets not kill ourselves for climate change ( 讓 我 們 不 要 因 為 氣 候 變 化 而 把 自 己 弄 死 ) ” 和 第 一 句“Mitigating(減輕) climate change could prove just as damaging to human welfare as climate change itself(嘗試去減輕氣候變化需要做的事情證明可能會與氣候變化本身帶來的危害一樣大)”點明了該段的主題。最后一句的條件狀語從句“If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain(如果氣候變化的影響被證明是輕微的,但是減少碳排放卻引致真正的傷痛)”與后半句的比喻所指的是同一個道理“we have stopped a nose bleed by putting a tourni


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