鐵路機車常用英文詞匯永恒★的夢 nbsp201_第1頁
鐵路機車常用英文詞匯永恒★的夢 nbsp201_第2頁
鐵路機車常用英文詞匯永恒★的夢 nbsp201_第3頁
鐵路機車常用英文詞匯永恒★的夢 nbsp201_第4頁
鐵路機車常用英文詞匯永恒★的夢 nbsp201_第5頁
已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、鐵路機車常用英文詞匯永恒的夢 nbsp 201鐵路機車常用英文詞匯 2011年02月24日機車 locomotive 機車種類 types of locomotive 蒸汽機車 steam locomotive 內(nèi)燃機車;曾用名柴油機車 diesel locomotive 電力機車 electric locomotive 燃氣輪機車 gasturbine locomotive 動車組 motor train unit;motor train set 動車 motot car 拖車 trailer 鐵路干線機車 railway trunk line locomotive 工礦機車 industr

2、ial and mining locomotive 客運機車 passenger locomotive 貨運機車 freight locomotive; goods locomotive 調(diào)車機車 shunting locomotive; switcher 小運轉(zhuǎn)機車 locomotive for district transfer; transfer locomotive train 路用機車 locomotive of service train; service locomotives 配屬機車 allocated locomotive 非配屬機車 un-allocated locomo

3、tive 支配機車 disposal locomotive 非支配機車 un-disposal locomotive 運用機車 locomotive in operation 檢修機車 locomotive under repairing 備用機車 locomotive in reserve 封存機車 locomotive stored up 待修機車 locomotive waiting for repair 機車出租 leased locomotive 機車報廢 locomotive retirement 機車儲備 locomotive reservation; locomotive st

4、orage 機車整備 locomotive servicing; locomotive running preparation 機車整備能力 locomotive service capacity 機車技術規(guī)范 locomotive technical specification 轉(zhuǎn)向架中心 bogie pivot center 轉(zhuǎn)向架中心距離 distance between bogie pivot centers; bogie pivot pitch 機車全軸距 locomotive total wheel base 機車轉(zhuǎn)向架軸距 locomotive wheel base of bog

5、ie 機車固定軸距 locomotive rigid wheel base 機車長度 locomotive overall length 機車寬度 locomotive width 機車高度 locomotive height 機車計算重量 calcuated weight of locomotive 機車整備重量 locomotive service weight 機車重量 locomotive weight 機車粘著重量 locomotive adhesive weight 軸重轉(zhuǎn)移;軸荷載轉(zhuǎn)移 axle load transfer 粘著重量利用系數(shù) adhesive weight uti

6、lity factor 機車重量分配 weight distribution of locomotive 輪對橫動量 lateral play of wheel set 機車噪聲 locomotive noise 熱值;發(fā)熱量 heat value 機車萬噸公里能耗 energy consumption per 10;000 t-km of locomotive 機車用煤 coal for locomotive 機車用柴油 diesel oil for locomotive 機車用電 electricity for locomotive 機車用換算煤 converted coal for lo

7、comotive 標準煤 standard coal 機車用潤滑劑 lubricant for locomotive 給水 water supply 水鶴 water crane 給水處理 water supply treatment 爐內(nèi)軟水 water softened in boiler 爐外軟水 water softened out of boiler 軟水 water softened 凈水 water purified 機務段 locomotive depot 機車運用段 locomotive running depot 機車檢修段 locomotive repair depot

8、機車折返段 locomotive turnaround depot 列車無線電調(diào)度系統(tǒng) train radio dispatching system 機車監(jiān)控記錄裝置 locomotive supervise and record apparatus 機車故障 locomotive failure 機車牽引特性 locomotive tractive characteristic 機車效率 total locomotive efficiency 機車輪周效率 efficiency of locomotive at wheel rim 機車傳動功率 transmission efficiency

9、 of locomotive 機車牽引特性曲線 locomotive tractive characteristic curve 機車輪周功率曲線 locomotive power curve at wheel rim 機車牽引力曲線 locomotive tractive effort curve 機車預期牽引特性曲線 predetermined tractive characteristic curve of locomotive 機車功率 locomotive power 輪周功率 output power at wheel rim 比功率 power/weight ratio 比重量

10、weight/power ratio 單位體積功率 specific volume power 機車牽引力 locomotive teractive effort 輪周牽引力 tractive effort at wheel rim 車鉤牽引力 tractive effort at coupler; drawbar pull 起動牽引力 stsrting tractive effort 粘著牽引力 adhesive tractive effort 持續(xù)牽引力 continuous tractive effort 基本阻力 basic resistance 運行阻力 running resist

11、ance 惰行阻力 idle runing resistance; coasting resistance 起動阻力 starting resistance 附加阻力 additional resistance 坡道阻力 gradient resistance 曲線阻力 curve resistance 空氣阻力 air resistance 單位阻力 unit resistance; specific resistance 換算阻力;加算阻力 converted resistance 速度控制系統(tǒng) speed control system 加速 acceleration 減速 deceler

12、ation 恒速 constant speed 加速力 acceleration force 減速力 deceleration force 列車制動 train braking 制動方式 brake mode 空氣制動 air brake 真空制動 vacuum brake 動力制動 dynamic brake 液力制動 hydraulic brake 電阻制動 rheostatic brake 再生制動 regenerative brake 電空制動 electropneumatic brake 蓄能制動 energy-storing brake 渦流制動 eddy current brak

13、e 磁軌制動 electromagnetic rail brake 踏面制動 tread brake 盤型制動 disc brake 機車制動周期 locomotive braking period 機車制動距離 locomotive braking distance 機車每軸閘瓦作用力 brake shoe force per axle of locomotive 制動 braking 常用制動 service braking; service application 最大常用制動;常用全制動 full servive braking; full service application 階段

14、制動 graduated application 自然制動 unintended braking; undesired braking 緊急制動 emergency braking; emergency application 意外緊急制動 undesirable emergency braking;ude 緩解 release 直接緩解;一次緩解 direct release 階段緩解 graduated release 自然緩解 unintended release; undesired release 漏泄 leakage 充風;充氣 charging 階段提升 graduated in

15、creasing 保持位 suppression; maintaining position; holding position 制動管減壓量 brake pipe pressure reduction 過量減壓 over reduction 局部減壓 local reduction 分段減壓 split reduction 最大常用減壓 full servive reduction 常用局減 quick service 緊急局減 quick action 前后風壓差 false gradient 列車管壓差 train pipe pressure gradient 保壓停車 stopping

16、 at maintaining position 緩解停車 stopping at release 緩解波速 release propagation rate 制動波速 braking propagation rate 機車制動機 locomotive brake gear 空氣壓縮機 air compressor 調(diào)壓器 pressure regulator 給風閥 feed valve 減壓閥 reducing valve 機車分配閥 locomotive distributing valve 切換閥 transfer valve 自動制動閥 automatic brake valve 單

17、獨制動閥 independent brake valve 濾塵止回閥 strainer check valve 機車緊急放風閥 locomotive emergency vent valve 高壓保安閥 high pressure safety valve 低壓保安閥 low pressure safety valve 無載起動電空閥 no-load starting electropneumatic valve 油水分離器 oil-water separator 總風缸 main air reservoir 空氣干燥器 air dryer 撒砂裝置 sanding device 砂箱 san

18、d box 撒砂閥 sanding valve 撒砂器 sandingsprayer 緊急撒砂 emergency sanding 自動撒砂 automatic sanding 間隙效應 slack action l/v比值 l/v ratio 弓網(wǎng)關系 pantograph-contact line relation 機車牽引區(qū)段 locomotive tractive district 機車交路 locomotive routing 單肩回交路 single-arm routing 雙肩回交路 double-arm routing 半循環(huán)交路 semi-loop routing 循環(huán)交路

19、loop routing 環(huán)形交路 circular routing 短交路 short routing 長交路 long routing 直通交路 through routing 機車乘務制度 locomotive crew working system 機車包乘制 system of assigning crew to designated locomotive 機車輪乘制 locomotive crew pooling system 機車隨乘制 locomotive caboose crew system 機車乘務組 locomotive crew 司機 driver 副司機 assis

20、ant driver 指導司機 driver instructor 司爐 fireman 機車運用指標 index of locomotive operation 機車出入段作業(yè) preparation of locomotive for leaving and arriving at depot 機車全周轉(zhuǎn) complete turnround of locomotive 機車在段停留時間 detention time of locomotive at depot 機車全周轉(zhuǎn)距離 diatance of one complete turnround of locomotive 機車全周轉(zhuǎn)時間

21、 period of one complete turnround of locomotive 機車走行公里 locomotive running kilometers 換算走行公里 converted running kilometers 沿線走行公里 running kilometers on the road 輔助走行公里 auxiliary running kilometers 本務走行公里 leading locomotive running kilometers 單機走行公里 light locomotive running kilometers 重聯(lián)機車走行公里 multi-lo

22、comotive running kilometers 機車日車公里 average daily locomotive running kilometers 機車平均牽引總重 average gross weight hauled by locomotive 機車日產(chǎn)量 average daily output of locomotive 運用機車臺數(shù) number of locomotive in service 機車需要系數(shù) coefficient of locomotives requirment 單機運行 light locomotive running 雙機牽引;雙機重聯(lián)牽引 dou

23、ble locomotive traction 多機牽引 multi-locomotive traction 主機;本務機車 leading locomotive 機車超重牽引 traction for train exceed mass norm 機車調(diào)度命令 locomotive diapatching order 機務段運行揭示 running service-bulletin of depot 司機運轉(zhuǎn)保單 drivers service-report; drivers log 司機室 drivers cab 司機操縱臺 drivers desk 司機模擬操縱裝置 simulator

24、for driver train-handling 優(yōu)化操縱 optimum handling; optimum optimum operation 機車自動操縱 automatic locomotive operation 機車保養(yǎng) locomotive maintenance 機車檢修 locomotive inspection and repair 機車檢修修程 classification of locomotive repair 機車大修 locomotive overhaul repair; locomotive general overhaul 架修 intermediate r

25、epair 定修 periodical repair; light repair 蒸汽機車洗修 steam locomotive boiler washout repair 機車廠修 locomotive repair in works 機車段修 locomotive repair in depot 日常檢查 routine inspection 機車臨修 locomotive temporary repair 定期檢修 repair based on time or running kilometers 狀態(tài)檢修 repair based on condition of component

26、換件大修 component exchange repair 配件互換修 repair with interchangeable component 預防維修制 preventive maintenance system 檢修周期 period of inspection and repair 月檢 monthly inspection 定檢公里 running kilometers between predetermined repairs 定檢時間 time between predetermined repairs 檢修范圍 scope of repairing course; scop

27、e of repair 超范圍修理 repair beyond the scope of repairing course 檢修停時 standing time under repair 集中化修理;集中修 centralization of repair 檢修基本技術條件 fundamental technical requirements for repair and inspection 檢修工藝規(guī)程 technological regulations for repair and inspection 檢修作業(yè)程序 repair procedure; shop program 磨耗限度

28、 limit of wear 檢修限度 locomotive repair limit 第一限度 1st limit 第二限度 2nd limit 使用限度 operation limit 中間工藝檢驗 intermediate inspection at the technological process 轉(zhuǎn)向設備 turning facilities 轉(zhuǎn)盤 turntable 機務設備通過能力 carrying capacity of locomotive facilities 機車專用設備 special equipment for locomotive operation 機車驗收 acceptance of locomotive 機車試運轉(zhuǎn) locomotive trial run 形式試驗 type test 性能試驗 performance test 鑒定試驗 homologat


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