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1、英文詩歌短篇篇一: 青春挽歌Anthem for Doomed YouthWhat passing-bells for these who die as cattle?Only the monstrous anger of the guns.Only the stuttering rifles rapid rattleCan patter out their hasty orisons.什麼樣的喪鐘,為那番慘死的人們響起 ?只有毛骨悚然的短槍怒吼之聲只有喋喋不休的長(zhǎng)槍結(jié)巴之聲可以倉促叨念出他們的死前祈禱No mockeries for them;no prayers nor bells,Nor

2、 any voice of mourning save the choirs, The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;And bugles calling for them from sad shires.沒有虛偽的頌經(jīng),也沒有祈禱和教堂鐘聲沒有哀悼的歌聲,也省卻喪禮的合唱詩班嚎啕痛哭的炮彈,尖銳瘋狂地齊聲共鳴悲哀的碉堡中,傳出號(hào)令他們沖鋒與撤退的軍號(hào)What candles may be held to speed them all?Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyesShall shin

3、e the holy glimmers of goodbyes.什麼樣的燭光,可能拿來催促他們啟程出征呢 ?并不在男孩的手里,而在他們的眼睛里閃耀著神圣光輝的道別The pallor of girls brows shall be their pall;Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.女孩面容的蒼白,將是他們潔白的棺布家人溫柔的忍耐,將是他們優(yōu)美的喪花(前線上日日送死,前仆后繼 )大后方日日垂暮,下簾吊喪篇二:濟(jì)慈每當(dāng)我害怕When I have

4、fears每當(dāng)我害怕When I have fears that I may cease to be每當(dāng)我害怕,生命也許等不及Before my pen has gleand my teeming brain,我的筆搜集完我蓬勃的思潮,Before high-piled books, in charactery,等不及高高一堆書,在文字里,Hold like rich garners the full ripend grain;象豐富的谷倉,把熟谷子收好 ;When I behold, upon the nights starrd face,每當(dāng)我在繁星的夜幕上看見Huge cloudy sy

5、mbols of a high romance,傳奇故事的巨大的云霧征象,And think that I may never live to trace而且想,我或許活不到那一天,Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;以偶然的神筆描出它的幻相 ;And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,每當(dāng)我感覺,呵,瞬息的美人 !That I shall never look upon thee more,我也許永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)再看到你,Never have relish in the faery power不會(huì)再陶醉

6、于無憂的愛情Of unreflecting love;-then on the shore和它的魅力 ! 于是,在這廣大的Of the wide world I stand alone, and think世界的岸沿,我獨(dú)自站定、沉思,Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.直到愛情、聲名,都沒入虛無里。篇三:莎士比亞十四行詩第 18 首Shall I compare thee to a summers day?能不能讓我來把你比擬做夏日 ?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.你可是更加溫和 ,更加可愛 :

7、Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,狂風(fēng)會(huì)吹落五月里開的好花兒 ,And summers lease hath all too short a date:夏季的生命又未免結(jié)束得太快 :Sometimes too hot the eys of heaven shines,有時(shí)候蒼天的巨眼照得太灼熱 ,And often is his gold complexion dimmed;他那金彩的臉色也會(huì)被遮暗 ;And every fair from fair somethme declines,每一樣美呀 ,總會(huì)離開美而凋落 ,By chance

8、, or natures changing course, untrimmed:被時(shí)機(jī)或者自然的代謝所摧殘 ;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,但是你永久的夏天決不會(huì)凋枯 ,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;你永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)失去你美的儀態(tài) ;Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade死神夸不著你在他的影子里躑躅 ,When in eternal lines to time thou growest.你將在不朽的詩中與時(shí)間同在 ;So long as m

9、en can breathe or eyes can see,只要人類在呼吸 ,眼睛看得見 ,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.我這詩就活著 ,使你的生命綿延篇四:磧中作 岑參走馬西來欲到天,辭家見月兩回圓。今夜未知何處宿,平沙莽莽絕人煙。composed in the desertcen shenjourneying west on horseback and almost reaching the sky,since leaving home, twice have i seem the full moon.dusk falli

10、ng, still no idea where to put up for the night,level sands boundless with neer a sign of smoke or man.篇五:逢入京使 岑參故園東望路漫漫,雙袖龍鐘淚不干。馬上相逢無紙筆,憑君傳語報(bào)平安。encounter with envoy gone back to the capitalcen shengazing east at home, endless the road stretches far away.my sleeves wet with tears that never seemed t

11、o dry.encounter on horsebacks, no paper or brushes around,so i rely on you to pass the word that im safe and sound.篇六:西江月 遣興 辛棄疾醉里且貪歡笑,要愁那得工夫。近來始覺古人書,信著全無是處。昨夜松邊醉倒,問松“我醉何如 ”?只疑松動(dòng)要來扶,以手推松曰: “去”!my fancy to the tune of xijiangyuexin qijiin my drunkenness, isnt it timefor merry-making.anyway, im too bu

12、sy, for the moment,to worry about career, orcountry!only recently have i come to realizethose books by those ancient masterscan lead one, to nowhere!last night, after so many cupsi collapsed by a pine tree.how do you like it this way?i asked the tree.alas, he seemed to stoop to help me.noi gave him

13、a shove go away!篇七: 泊船瓜洲 王安石京口瓜洲一水間,鐘山只隔數(shù)重山。春風(fēng)又綠江南岸,明月何時(shí)照我還 ?anchoring at guazhouwang anshibeyond the river lies jingkou, from which zhongshanis but a span of several mountains away.now that the spring breezes have reverdurd the south bank,when will the bright moon see me on my homebound way?篇八: 讀蜀志

14、 王安石千載紛爭(zhēng)共一毛,可憐身世兩徒勞。無人語與劉玄德,問舍求田計(jì)最高。reading the chronicle of shufor a thousand years the world has foughtover things as trivial as a feather what a pity! squandering lives for nothing.why has nobody told that liu the truth:his bet is to purchase some land,and to farman easy living in the country?篇九:

15、讓我們心懷信仰Let Us Have FaithSecurity is mostly a superstition.安全大抵虛幻,It does not exist in nature,世間無處尋覓。nor do the children of men蕓蕓眾生,as a whole experience it.無人有此經(jīng)歷。Avoiding danger is no safer避險(xiǎn)難計(jì)久長(zhǎng),in the long run than outright exposure.不如現(xiàn)身搏擊。Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.抑或險(xiǎn)中求勝,抑或碌碌

16、無為,人生非此即彼。To keep our faces toward change and讓我們直面改變,behave like free spirits行如自由之靈,in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.翱翔命運(yùn)天際,是為不敗之力。篇十:致少女之珍惜青春To the Virgins, To Make Much of TimeGather ye rosebuds while you may,快采下玫瑰花蕾,Old time still a-flying;往昔如風(fēng)恐難追 ;And this same flower that smiles today,近日融融花語笑,To-morrow will be dying.明日寂寂殘紅墜。The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,燦燦朝霞比天燈,The higher hes a-getting;載光載熱朝天騰 ;The sooner will his race be run,疾疾而行途乃近,And nearer hes to setting.昏昏暮靄落九層。That age is best which is the first,年當(dāng)豆蔻風(fēng)華優(yōu),When youth a


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