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1、外研版外研版英語英語六年級下冊六年級下冊第一課時第二課時Module 10Unit 1 Were going to different schools.第一課時ay middle 中間的,中等的短語:in the middle of 在中間middle school 中學(xué)Are you going to Dog Middle School?Ha ha.Im going to Park Middle School.Im going to Lake Middle School.Look, listen and say.leave 離開短語:leave school 離開學(xué)校excited 興奮的,

2、激動的短語:be excited about 對感到興奮same 相同的短語:at the same time 同時spoke (speak 的過去式)說(某種語言)短語:speak Chinese 說漢語little 極少量的短語:a little 一點兒practise 練習(xí),訓(xùn)練用法:后接動詞時,要用動詞的ing形式。keep on保持,繼續(xù)用法:表示將一直在做的事情繼續(xù)做下去。keep on doing sth. 保持做某事。Listen and answer. 1. What is Lingling doing? Lingling is making a goodbye speech

3、.Listen and answer.2.How does Lingling feel? Lingling is _, and also _. excitedsadListen and answer.3. Why is Lingling excited? Because she is going to _ Chinese,English, Maths, _ , _ and _ lots of _ _in middle school.studyHistoryGeographylearnnew things4. Why is Lingling sad?They are going to diffe

4、rent schools.Sam and Amy are going back to the UK.Listen and answer.Dear classmates, were going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this September. Im excited, and also sad.Listen and read.A goodbye speech by LinglingIm excited because were going to study Chinese, English, Maths

5、, History, Geography, and learn lots of new things in middle school. Were also going to meet new friends there.Listen and read.At the same time, Im very sad to say goodbye to you. Were going to different schools. My best friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK. Theyre going to a new school ther

6、e. I am happy for them. Four years ago, they spoke only very little Chinese. Now they can speak a lot more. Keep on practising Chinese in the UK. And come back to China sometime!Listen and read.My dear friends, Ill miss you all. Lets write lots of emails to each other! Well always be friends. Thank

7、you. And goodbye!Lets retell.Lingling is making a goodbye speech. She is _ because theyre going to _ Chinese ,English, Maths, History, _ and learn lots of new things in middle school. Theyre also going to _new friends there.Shes _ to say goodbye to you. Theyre going to _. Her best friends Sam and Am

8、y are going back to the UK.excitedstudyGeographymeetsaddifferent schools將來時:將來時:be going to amisare我 用 am,你用 are,is 連著他,她,它,所有復(fù)數(shù)都用are。( )1. I going to run. A. am B. is C. are( ) 2. He going to swim. A. am B. is C. are( ) 3. You going to jump. A. am B. is C. are( ) 4. Daming going to play football. A

9、. am B. is C. are( ) 5. Daming and Amy going to watch TV. A. am B. is C. arePratise.ABCBC單項選擇。( ) The race is very _ . All the students are very _ . A. exciting; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; excitingA Pratise.( ) We practice _ English. A. speaks B. speak C. speakingC Pratise.listen and

10、say重點詞匯:spoke, little, middle, leave, same, practise重點短語:keep on, each other重點句式:Keep on practising Chinese in the UK.Homework1. 熟記本節(jié)課所學(xué)的句型、短語和單詞,必須會聽、說、讀、寫。2. 將Listen and read.朗讀流利。第二課時Listen and read.Were going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this September.Im very sad to

11、say goodbye to you. Were going to different schools.Practise.Where are you going this summer?Im going to.What are you going to do?Im going to.按要求完成句子。1. I will go to school by bus. (對畫線部分提問) _ _ _ go to school?2. Im excited because I will study French in middle school. (對畫線部分提問) _ _ _ excited?How wi

12、ll you Why are youPratise.用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Keep on _(read) English in the morning. Its good for your English study. 2. We like swimming very much. We will _(swim) in the sea tomorrow. readingswimPratise.Pratise.Amy _ going to _. Sam _ going to _. Amy and Lingling _ going to_ . isplay footballisswim/go swimmingarelisten to musicSam and Daming _ going to _. areplay basketball看圖補全句子。( ) 1. Daming is going to _ to middle school. A. go B. going C. went( )2. What are you going to _ ? A. studying B. studied C. study( )3. Were going to _ Chinese. A. speaking B. spoke C. speak( )4. Are you going


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