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1、MOOSUN Oral SolutionCATALOGUE1.Albendazole Suspens ion %.22.MS-CSD Solution.33 DoxycycIine HycI ate 10% Ora I Solution.54 Enrofloxacin ora I solution 10%.65.Fenben dazo I e Suspens ion.86.FI orfe ni co I ora I solution 10% forpoultry use .107.Ivermectin drench %.118.I vermec tin 1% Pour on So I u ti

2、on.129.Levami so I e Hydroch I or i de3% &0 xyclozanide Oral Suspens i on6%.1410. Neomyc i n SuI fate Ora I Solution 20%.1511. Ti I mi cos in ora I solution 25%.1712. ToltrazuiI Solution %. 1813. Tr iclabendazole 5% Ora I Suspens ion for veter i nary . . 2011 AlbendazoleAlbendazole SuspensionSuspens

3、ion % %Keep out of reach of ChiIdrenGener ic name: AI bendazole Suspens ion %MainMain composition: Each 1ml contains: Albendazole 250mgIndication:Anthelmintic. For prevent ion and treatment of worm infections in cattle, caIves, sheep and goats. Such as Gastrointestinal worms, Li ver fIuke i nfestat

4、ions, Lungworms, Tapeworms, Strongly oides and Tr ichostrongyI us sppDosage and Administration:For ora I admi ni strationGoats and sheep: 1 ml per 5 kg body weight.CaIves and cattle: 1 ml per 3 kg body weight.Liver-fluke: 1 ml per kg body weight.Repeat in case of heavy infestation or re-infection af

5、ter 3 一4 weeks.Medicated water shouId be used within 24 hours.Shake we I I before use.Precautions:1)Do not use i n the fi rst 45 days of gestat ion2)For safe use, sea I the bottles after use, do not d i scard the packaging anywhere and appropr iate disposaI of the packaging material.Withdrawal perio

6、d:Meat: 12 daysMilk: 4 daysStorage: St ore be I ow 25 C in a cool, dry p I ace and avoid I i gh tPackage: 100m I/bottIe, 500m I/bottIeExp:Mfd:Batch No.:2.2. CompoundCompound SulfaquinoxalineSulfaquinoxaline OralOral SoSo IutIut i i ononFor veterinary use onlyKeep out of reach of chiIdrenGener ic Nam

7、e: Compound SuIfaqu i noxaIi ne Ora I So IutionComposition: Contains per ml:SuIfaqu i noxaI i ne 200mgTr imethopr im40mgCarr ier ad1mlI nd i cations1. For the prevention and treatment of intestinal coccidiosi s and ceca I coccid iosis of poultry.2. Effective on undigested feed in stool caused by ent

8、erotoxin syndromeDosage and AdministrationFor ora I admi ni strationPrevent: 100ml per 200L of dr i nking water, for 3-5 days.Treatment:100ml per 100L of dr i nking water, for 3-5 daysAdv i ce: Ca I cu I a te the who I e day dose of med i c ine, t hen mix with proper amount dr inking water, make ani

9、mals dr i nk out a I I the solution within 5_6 hours, for 3-5 daysPrecautions:Don t mix this product with Iactams2. Don t mix with acidic drugs (pH I ess thanWithdrawal Period: 10 daysPackage : 500mI / bottIeSt orage: St ore in a dry place, keep sea led, pro tect from I i gh tExpiry date: 2 years3.D

10、oxycycIi ne HycI ate 10% Oral So Iut i onGener ic name: DoxycycIine HycI ate 10% Ora I SolutionComposition:Contains per ml:DoxycycIine hycI ate100 mg.So Ivents ad1 ml.Indications:Chickens (broi Iers):Prevention and treatment of chronicrespi ratory disease(CRD) and mycopIasmos i s caused bymicroorgan

11、isms sensitive to doxycycIine.Pigs: Prevent ion ofclinical respi ratory disease due toPasteureI I a mu I toe i da and MycopIasma hyopneumoniae sensitiveto doxycycIi ne.The presenee of the disease in the herd shouId be estabI ished before treatmentDosage and administrat ion:For ora I admi ni stration

12、.Chi ekens (broiIers):- 23 mg doxycycIi ne hycI ate per kg bodywe i gh t / day, corresp on ding to ml doxycyc I ine ora I suspens ion per kg body weight, for 3-5 consecutive daysPigs:mg doxycyc I i ne hyc I a te/ kg body weigh t / day,correspondingto ml of doxycycI ine ora I suspension per kg body w

13、e i ght, for 5 consecutive daysWithdrawal period一 For meat & offal:Chi ekens (broilers): 7 daysPigs: 7 days.一Eggs: Not permitted for use in laying bi rds producing eggs for human consumption.Warnings:Keep out of reach of Chi IdrenProtect from Ii ght4.Enrofloxacin oral solution 10%Gener ic name :Enro

14、floxacin ora I solution 10%Compos it ion:Contains per ml :EnrofIoxac i n .100 mgSo Ivents ad . 1mlIndications:Gastro i ntest i naI i nfect i ons, resp i ratory i nfect i ons and ur i nar yt rac t infec tions in calves, goa ts, poult ry, sheep and swinecaused by micro-organisms sensitive to enrofloxa

15、cin, I i ke Campy Iobacter, E. co Ii, Haemoph i I us, MycopIasma, Pasteurella and Sa Imonel la sppDosage and administrat ion:For ora I administration:CaIves, goats and sheep: Twice daily 10 ml per 75 一 150 kg.body we i ght for 3 - 5 days.Pou I try: 1 I i tre per 1500 一 2000 L dr i nk i ng water for

16、3 - 5 days.Swine: 1 lit re per 1000 一 3000 L dr i nk i ng water for 3 - 5 days.Note: for pre-ruminant ca I ves, Iambs and kids only.Withdrawal period一 For meat : 12 daysWarnings: Keep out of reach of chiIdren5.5. FenbendazoIeFenbendazoIe SuspensionSuspension 10%10%Gener ic name: FenbendazoIe Suspens

17、 ion 10%Compos itionContains per ml:FenbendazoIe100 mgSo Ivents ad.1 mlIndicationsProphyI ax i s and treatment of gastrointestinal and resp i ratory worm infections and cestodes in caIves, cattle, goats, sheep and swine such as: Gastrointestinal roundworms: Bunostomum, Cooper i a,Haemonchus, Nematod

18、 i rus,Oesophagostomum,Ostertag i a, StrongyIo ides, Tr i chur i s and Tr i chostrongyI us spp.Lung worms : Dietyocaulus viviparusTapeworms : Monieza sppDosage and administration:For ora I administration:Goats, swine and sheep :ml per 20 kg body weight.CaIves and cattle :ml per 100 kg body weight.Sh

19、ake we I I before use.Withdrawal periodchi Idren.For meat: 14 daysFor milk: 4 daysWarningsKeep out of reach ofPackage6. Florfenicol oral solution 10% for poultry useGener ic name :Florfenicol ora I so Iution 10%CompositionContains per ml.:FenbendazoIe100 mgSo Ivents ad.1 mlI ndicationIIsu i ts mu 11

20、 i p I i cate an i ma I s and i s effect i ve to 丨 i vestock and pou I try.Swine: Swine asthma, atrophi c rhinitis, actinomyces pIeuropneumon ia, swine pI ague, streptococcicosi s, typh ia, paratyphoi d and colibaciI I os is etc.2.Cattle and sheep: Pasterella, resp i ratory tract infection due to he

21、moph iI us, mycopIasma i nfect i on, i nfect i ous pIeuropneumon i a, streptococc i cos i s i nfect i on, i nfect i ous keratit is and a I I kinds of mastit is etc.3.Poultry: Diarrhea and respi ratory tract infection etc due to sensitive bacteria.Administration and dosageFor int ramuscu I ar adm ini

22、stration: Cattle, sheep and sw inewith every 1 kg weight: ml; Poultry (including aquatic poultry), sma I I anima I (cat, rabb i t and dog) : ml, once every 48 hours.Continuous use for 2 timesWarning: For egg ch i cken, laying per i od i s forb i dden to use.Withdrawal period:Swine: 14 days;Ch i eken

23、: 28 daysNet Weight: 100ml: FIorfen i co I 30g.StorageStore i n coo I and dry pI ace7.7.IvermectinIvermectin drenchdrench % %Generic name :Ivermectin drench %Compos it ion:Contains per ml:Ivermectin . mgSo I vents ad . 1 mlIndicationsTreatment of gastrointest inal, Ii ce, Iung worm infections, oestr

24、i as is and scabies.Tr ichostrongyI us, Cooper i a, Ostertag i a, Haemonchus,Nematod i rus, Chabert i a,Bunostomum and Dietyocaulus spp. for caIves, sheep and goats.Admini stration and dosageThe veter inary medicinal product shouId be given oral Iy. The recommended dose rate is mg ivermectin per kg

25、body weight (corresponding to ml per 10 kg body weight) Over 60 kg give ml per 10 kg body weightContraindicationAdm ini strat ion to lactating anima IsSide effectsMuscuIoskeIetai pains, oedema of the face or extremities, itching and papular rashWithdrawal period:一 For meat : 14 daysWarningsKeep out

26、of reach of chiIdren.8.8.IvermectinIvermectin 1%1% PourPour onon SoSo IutIut i i ononGeneric name: Ivermectin 1% Pour on SolutionCompos it ionEach 1ml contains:Ivermectin 5 mgIndicationsIndicated for the effective treatment and controI of these paras i tes:1.In cattle: gastrointestinal roundworms, l

27、ung worms, cattle grubs, screw-worm fIy Iarvae, sucking I ice, mange mites.2.In sheep a nd goa t: gas trointest ina I roundworms, I ung worms, nasaI bots, manage mites.3 In came Is: gastrointestinal roundworms, manage mites4.In Pou Itry: Biting Ii ce and mites.Dosage and AdministrationSpray or i nun

28、ction: per kg body we i ght, spray or i nunctionfrom shouIders to backwardPrecautions1. Do not smoke or eat while hand I i ng the product and wash hands after use2 Container DisposaI:ExtremeIy dangerous to fish and other aquatic life: Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with the product or

29、used containers Drug containers or any residua I Iiquid should be disposed of safety such as burying in waste ground and keep away from water source.Storage:St ore below 30 C, i n a cool and dry p I ace, avoid I i gh t.30 mg9.9.LevamisoleLevamisole HydrochIHydrochI oror ide3%ide3% & & OxycIozanideOx

30、ycIozanide OraOra I ISuspensiSuspensi or)6%or)6%Gener ic name :Levami sole HydrochI or i de3% & Oxyclozanide Ora ISuspens i on6%Composition:Contains per ml:Levami sole hydrochI or i de .OxycIozanide . 60 mgSo I ventsad .1 mlIndications:ProphyI ax i s andtreatmentofgastrointestinalandIungwormi nfect

31、i onsin cattle, caIves, sheep and goats like:Tr ichostrongyI us,Cooper i a,Ostertag i a,Haemonchus,Nematod i rus, Chabert i a,Bunostomum, Dietyocaulus and Fasciola (I iverfluke) spp.Dosage and Administration:For ora I administration.Cattle, caIves : ml per 10 kg body weightSheep and goats: 1 ml per

32、4 kg body weightShake we I I before use.ContraindicationsAdm ini strat ion to anima Is with an impaired I iver function.Concurrent administration with pyrantel, morantel or organo-phosphates.Side effects:Overdosages can cause exci tat ion, Iachrymation, sweating, excessive salivation, coughing, hype

33、rpnoea, vomiting, colic and spasmsWithdrawal period:一 for meat: 28 days一 for milk: 4 days.Suspens ion for ora I admin i stration.Warning:Keep out of reach of chiIdren.Composi t i on:Contains per gram:Neomyc i n200mgSo Ivents ad1 gram10.10.NeomyciNeomyci n n SuISuI fatefate OralOral SoSo IutIut ionio

34、n 20%20%For veterinary use onlyKeep out of reach of chiIdrenGener ic Name: Neomyci n SuI fate Ora I So Iut ion 20%I ndicat i on:For treatment of the gastrointestinal tract infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, such as , saImoneI I a.,etc.Dosage and Administration:For ora I administration:Poul

35、t ry: Ca I cu I a ted as Neomyc in, 50 75mg per 1 Liter of dr inking water (Equivalent to per 100 Liter of dr inking water ), for 35 days.Advice: Calculate the whole day dosage, di ssoIve in proper amount of dr inking water, dr ink within 3-4 hoursPrecautions:1.Neomyci n has typica I tox ic effects

36、i f parentera I admini stered, but near Iy no tox i c effects i f admin i steredaccord ing to the prescr i bed dosage 2.It may affec t the absorp tion of VA, VB12 and d i g it a I i s, e tc.Withdrawal Period:Poult ry: 5 days. Do not use dur i ng I ay ing per i od Package : 250ml /bottIeSt orage: St

37、ore i n a dry and coo I p I ace, keep sea I ed , pro tectfrom Ii ghtShelf Iife: 2 years11.11.T T iImiIm i i coscos i i n n OralOral SoSo IutIut i i onon 25%25%Gener ic name: TiI mi cos in Ora I Solution 25%Compos it ion:TiI mi cos in 25%Indicaitions:For treatment ofAi r sacculitis and septicemi a ca

38、used by .2.Respi ratory system disease caused by Mycoplasma gaI Ii septicum.3.Secondary i nfection casued by v i rus or fungusAdministration and dosage:50ml of this product and 10g multivitamin, mix with water 200kg together, for poultry to dr i nk free Iy for 3-5 days.Withdrawal period: poultry: 10

39、 daysPackage:100m I/bottIe, 250ml/bottle, 500ml/bottIe,1000m I/bottIeStorage:St ore bet wee n 8 C and 15 C in a dry, dark p I ace.12. ToltrazuiI So Iut i on %For veterinary use onlyKeep out of reach of chiIdrenGeneric Name: ToltrazuiI Solution %Composition: Each 1ml containsTo Itrazu i I25mgSo I ven

40、ts ad1mlIndicationsToltrazur iI i s an anticoccidial with activity aga inst Eimer i a spp i n pouI tryCocc id iosis of al I st ages I i ke sch i zog ony and game togony st ages of Eimer ia spp in chi ekens and turkeys.Chi eken: Eimer ia acervulina, brunetti, maxima, mitis, necatrix and teneI I a.Turkey: Eimer i a adenoides, gaIloparonis and me Ieagr im


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