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1、FoFo r r e e wordwordByBy RajaRaja t t G G u u p p ta,ta, ICCICC C C h h airmanairmanTh e glob a I eco n om y has give n bu s in e ss broader acc ess t h an ever b ef o re t o mar k ets all over the v orld、 Good s are s o Id i n more co u nt r iesjn larg e qua n t ities, and in greater var i ety B u

2、 t as the v olume and pie x i t y o f global s a le s inc re a se, so do poss i b ilities for mis u nder s tandings and costly d i s p ut e s when s a le c ontracts are not ad e qua t e I y drafted-.The In cote rms0 rules the ICC rul e s on the use o f dome Stic and i n I ernation a I trade terms, f

3、 a ci 1 itate the c ond u ct o f glob a 11 r ade、 Refe r ence I o an Inco t e rms 20 1 0 r u le in a sale co n trac t c 1 e a rly def i n es the pa r t i es1 resp e ctive o b I i gati o n s and reduc e s the risk of legal pl i c ations.S i n ce the ere a tion of t he In c oterms r u les b y ICC in 1

4、936,t h is globa 1 I y acc epted c ont r actual s tandar d has b een regula r I y u p date d to ke e p pace with t he d evelopment o f in t ernatio n al trade、 T he I n co t e rm s 2010 r u 1 es take a c c o unt o f th e c onti n ue d s pread of c u stomsfr e e z o nes th e incr e ase d use o f elec

5、tronic municat ions in busine s s t ra n s ac t i on s z heighte n ed co n cer n a b ou t security i n th e moveme n t o f goods and c onsolidate s in t ra n spo r t p r a cti c es In c ot e rm s 2 0 10 updates and c o n s o 1 id a tes the deli v e r e dz rule s r educing the tot a 1 number of r u l

6、es from 13 to 1 1 , a n d o ffe r s a sim p I e r and clear e r present a tion o f al I the r ul e s、 In c ote r ms 2 0 10 is al s o th e fi r st v ersion o f the Incoterms ru 1 e s t o ma k ea II refe r ences t o b u yers and se 1 lersgenderne u tr a I.The br o ad e x pe r t ise of ICC s m i ssion

7、on mere i al L aw and Practice whose mem b e r ship is drawn from a I 1 p a rts o f th e world a n d all t r ade sector s , ensures that t he Incote rms 2 0 10 rul e s re s p o nd t o bus in ess n e eds e verywhere de f i ne $ t h e par ties resp e c ti v e o bligations and redu ces the risk of le g

8、 a I p 1 i c ationsxICCwould1 ik e to exp r ess its g ra titude to the membersof the m i s si o n, c h ai r e dby Fa b i oB o rto Io t ti(I t aly) ,to the Draft in g Gr o up, which pr ise d C h arle sDebattista (Co-Chair,France), Je n s Bredow (Germany), J ohnny Herre (Sweden 力 David Lwee (UK), L a

9、u r i Raila s (Fin 1 and,F(xiàn) rank Rey前言國(guó)際商會(huì)主席RajatRajat GuptGupt a a全球經(jīng)濟(jì)體化使得商業(yè)通向世界各地市場(chǎng)得途徑空前 寬廣。各種各樣得貨物被銷售到世界各地。然而,隨著全 球貿(mào)易數(shù)額得增加與貿(mào)易復(fù)雜性得加強(qiáng),因貿(mào)易合同起 草不恰當(dāng)而帶來(lái)得謀解與高代價(jià)爭(zhēng)端也可能隨之增加。 國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋通則,國(guó)際商會(huì)規(guī)則在國(guó)內(nèi)與國(guó)際貿(mào) 易用語(yǔ)得使用促進(jìn)了全球貿(mào)易得進(jìn)行。在貿(mào)易合同中引 用國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋通則20 10可明確界定各方義務(wù) 并降低法律糾紛產(chǎn)生得風(fēng)險(xiǎn).自從1 9 36年國(guó)際商會(huì)制定出國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋通則 之后,此項(xiàng)在全球范用內(nèi)被采用得合同標(biāo)

10、準(zhǔn)就經(jīng)常性地 更新?lián)Q代,與國(guó)際貿(mào)易得發(fā)展步調(diào)-致。國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解 釋通則2010考慮了免稅貿(mào)易區(qū)得不斷增加,電(溝通在 商務(wù)中得不斷增多,以及被更加重視得貨物運(yùn)輸中得安 全與變化等問(wèn)題.國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋通則2 01 0更新并 加強(qiáng)了交貨規(guī)則,將規(guī)則總量從13條減少到了 11條,并且 使得所有規(guī)則得農(nóng)述更加簡(jiǎn)潔明確國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋 通則2010同時(shí)也就是第個(gè)使得所有在買賣雙方中得 適用保持中立得第個(gè)國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋版本.國(guó)際商會(huì)得商法與實(shí)踐委員會(huì)成員來(lái)自世界各地與多個(gè) 貿(mào)易部門,該委員會(huì)廣泛得專業(yè)技能確保了國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù) 語(yǔ)解釋通則2 010與各地得商貿(mào)需求相適應(yīng)。國(guó)際商會(huì)向Fabio Bort o

11、 lotti ( 人利)得商法與實(shí)踐 委員會(huì)得成員農(nóng)示謝盤,向由Charles Deba t t ista (副組長(zhǎng),英國(guó)),C h r i s t o p h Martin Radtke (副 組長(zhǎng),法國(guó))Jens Bredow (德國(guó)),Johnny Her re(瑞典),D a v id L w ee(英國(guó)),Lauri Railas (芬 蘭),F r a nk R e yno 1 d(美國(guó)),Miro slav S u bert (捷 克)組成得起菴小組致謝,并且向?qū)?1條規(guī)則得農(nóng)述給 予幫助得AskoRaty (芬蘭)致謝。介紹In c oterms規(guī)則規(guī)定了 系列在貨物銷售商業(yè)合

12、同實(shí) 踐中使用得三字母系列貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)Inco t e r ms規(guī)則主 要描述了貨物從賣方到買方運(yùn)輸過(guò)程中涉及得資任,費(fèi) 用與風(fēng)險(xiǎn)得劃分。如何適用InIn c c oteote r r insins 2 2 0101 0 0 規(guī)則把I I neoneo t t ermerm s s 2020 1 1 0 0規(guī)則應(yīng)用到銷售合同 中如果要使合同適用Inc o te r ms規(guī)則2 0 10,應(yīng)在合同 中明確衣明,例如:所選擇得Incoterms規(guī)則(含指 定地點(diǎn))適用Incote r ms規(guī)則2010。2 2、選擇適宜得IncInc o o tete r r msms規(guī)則所選得I n c o t er

13、ms規(guī)則需要與貨物採(cǎi)取得運(yùn)輸方 式相適宜,最重要得就是合同雙力就是否總欲添加額外 n o I d s (US) ,and Mi r o Slav Sub e r t (Szech R e p ubl i c) a nd t o A s ko Raty (Finland) f or ass i stance wi t h the images de p i c t i ng I he 1 1 r u les、INTROINTRO D D UCTIUCTI O O N NThe I n cote r ms0r u 1 ese x p 1 a in a se t of Ihree- 1 e t t

14、er tradet e rm srefle c ting b u siness t obus iness pra c t i c e in co ntr acts for the sale of g ood s、Th eJ n cot e rms8 r u les de s cribe mai n ly t heI ask s ,costs an drisks i n vo Ived i n the deliver y o f g oods from s e I 1 ers t o b uye r s、HowHow t t o o useuse thethe InIn c c otermsot

15、erms0 0 20102010 rulerules s11 IncorIncor p p o o raterate thth e e IncoInco t t ermsermss s 20102010 rulesrules intointo y y o o urur con tract of saleIf y o u wan t th e Incoterms0 2 010 r u les to apply to your con tract, you should make this c 1 ear in t he con tract. t h r ou g h such words as

16、the chose n In co t erms rule in c I u din g the n ame d p lace f o llowed by I ncot e r ms 20 10、2 2 . . ChooseChoose thth e e appropapprop r r i i a a tete IncInc o o termsterms rulrul e eTh e chosen I n c o I e r ms rule n e e d s t o b e a p p ropri a t e to t he g o od s z to the me a n s of th

17、 e ir t r an s p o rt, an d abo veal 1 to w h e the r th e p a r t i e s inte n d t o put add i tiona 1 o blig a ti o ns, fo r e xam p le such as the o b 1 i g a t io n t o o rg a nize c a rria g e or i n s uranc e , on the sei I e r or on t h e bu y er The Guidanc e N o t e to e a chIncoterms r ul

18、e c o ntains info r matio n t h a t is p art i c u 1 arly helpful when ma k ing thi s c hoic e、 Which ever Incoterm s rule is c h o $ en, t h e p a rt i e s sh o uld be awa r e thei nte r pre tali on of the ircontract may well b e influ e n ce d b y cus t o ms particular to the port o rp lace being

19、u s ed、3 3、SpSp e e cifcif y y youryour placplac e e o o r r p p o o rtrt asas preciprecis s elyely asaspossposs i i b b leleThe chosen In c oterms r ule ca n work only if the p arti e s n ame a p la c e or port, and wi 1 I work bes t if th e p artie s sp e c i f y the place o r por I a s p r e c is

20、el y as p o s s ib 1A g ood ex a mp I e of such pre c isi on woul d be:: Z/FC A 38 Co u r s Alb e r t le r , P a r is, France I n cot e rms 2010、Un der t he In cote rms rul eEx Works (EXW),F r ee Carrier(FC A )zD e livered a t Term i nal(DAT), De 1 i v er e d a I Place(D A P), Del i v e re d Duty Pa

21、id (DDP), F ree Alongsi d e Sh i p(FAS), 得義務(wù),例如將辦理運(yùn)輸或保險(xiǎn)得義務(wù)加于買方或賣方. 每個(gè)貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)得指導(dǎo)性解釋中得信息對(duì)作出如此得決定 非常有幫助。不論選用何種Inc o I erms規(guī)則,雙方應(yīng) 該意識(shí)到對(duì)合同得解釋會(huì)受到使用得港口或地址慣例影 響.3 3、 盡可能精準(zhǔn)地描述您方地址或港口名稱只有當(dāng)事人雙力選定特定得個(gè)收貨地或港口時(shí),所選 術(shù)語(yǔ)才能發(fā)揮作用。地點(diǎn)或港口名稱越精準(zhǔn),I ncoterms 規(guī)則越有效。以下精準(zhǔn)描述就就是個(gè)很好得例子:FCA3 8 Cours Albert 1 比法國(guó)巴黎,2010通則在In c o t erms規(guī)則下

22、:EXW工廠交貨(指定地點(diǎn))FCA貨交承運(yùn)人(指定地點(diǎn))”DAT終點(diǎn)站交貨(指定目得地)DAP地點(diǎn)交貨 (指定目得地)DDP完稅后交貨(指定目得地)FAS船邊交貨(指定裝運(yùn)港)FOB 船上交貨(指定裝運(yùn)港),此處所指地點(diǎn)為交貨地點(diǎn),同時(shí)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)也從賣方轉(zhuǎn)移至買 方。I n c o terms規(guī)則下CPT運(yùn)費(fèi)付至(指定目得地)CIP運(yùn)費(fèi)、保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)付至(指定目得地)CFR成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)(指定目得港)CIF成本、保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)加運(yùn)費(fèi)(指定目得港)所指地點(diǎn)隨交貨地不同而不同。在這四條Incoterms規(guī) 則下,所指地點(diǎn)為運(yùn)費(fèi)付至地。為了避免疑問(wèn)與爭(zhēng)議,指定地點(diǎn)或目得地可以進(jìn)-步闡 述為一個(gè)精確得地點(diǎn)。4.4.謹(jǐn)記Inc

23、otermsIncoterms規(guī)則并沒(méi)有給當(dāng)事人提供一份完整 得銷售合同I nc o te r m 規(guī)則確有閘述銷售合同中當(dāng)事人得特定 義務(wù),當(dāng)賣方將貨物運(yùn)至買方時(shí),辦理運(yùn)輸與保險(xiǎn)義務(wù)得 承擔(dān)。然而,Inco ter ms并沒(méi)有任何關(guān)于付款價(jià)格或付款方 式得規(guī)定,或就是貨物所有權(quán)得轉(zhuǎn)移,違約得后果等。這些問(wèn)題通常就是通過(guò)銷售合同得明示條款與適用得法 律條文來(lái)解決。當(dāng)事人需妥注盤得就是,當(dāng)?shù)貜?qiáng)制適用 得法律有可能優(yōu)先于銷售合同得內(nèi)容,包扌舌所選擇得【 nc o terms 規(guī)則。and Free on Board (FOB),the named p I ac e i s the p 1 ace

24、wh e re de 1 ivery ta k es pla c e andw h e re ri s k pas s e s f r om the s eller to the b uyer Unde r the In c o t erms r u leCarr i a g e P a id t o (C PT),Carr iage and I nsur a n ce Paid t o (C I P),Cost and Frei g ht (CFR)Cost, I ns u r ance and Fr e i gh t (CIF),The n a me d p lace diff e r s

25、 from I h e p 1 ac e of d e 1 ive r y x U n der these f o ur Incoterms r ules, t h e named p I a ce is t h e pl a ce of d e stin a tion t o w h ich ca r r i age is pa i dIndic a t i o n s as t o place or d e stination c a n h e Ip f ully be furth e r specified by s t ating a precise point in t h at

26、plac e or dest i n at i on in order t o a v oid d o u bt o r arg ume n t、4、Rem ember t h at Inco t e r ms r u les d o not give y ou a plet e cont r act o f s a leInc o t erm s r u les d o s a y wh i ch par t y t o the sale contrac t has the obi i gati o n to m a ke c a r r ia g e o r insu r a nee ar

27、 r a ng e ments, when the s e Iler delivers the goods to th e buyer, an d whi c h c osts eac h part yi s re $ pon s ibl e f o r Incoterms rul e s , h o w e ver, say no t h ing about the pri c e I o b e p a id o r th e method o f it s pay me n tx Ne i ther do th e y de a I with t he t ra n s f e r of

28、 own e rship o f t he goods, or t h e cons e q u en c es o f a b rea c h of con t r a ct、 T h es e m a tte r s ar e n o rma 1 ly dealt w ith t h r ough e xp r ess t erms in the contract o f sale or in the law g ove r ning that contrac t、 The par ties shoul d be aware th a t m a nd a to ry local law

29、ma y o v er r ide any aspe c t of the sale contra c t , i ncludin g the c h osen I n c oter ms r u 1 e s、Ma i n fe a tur e s of the I ncoterm 2 010 ru 1 e s1.Two new Inc oterms ruls 一 DAT a nd DAP 一 h ave r eplac e d t h e Inc o t erm s 200 0 rules DAF, DES DEQ a nd DDUxThe number of Inc o terms rul

30、e s h as b een reduce d f r om 1 3 to 14、This has b een a chieved b y substituti n g tw o rule s th a t may be used ir r e s p e c ti v e o f the agreed mode o f transport- DAT, Del i ver e d at Termi n aL a nd DAP , De 1 i v er e d at Place f o r t h eI I n n c c o o terms201terms201 0 0得主要特征1 1、 兩

31、個(gè)新得貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ),即DATDAT與DAPDAP代替了原來(lái) I I ncnc o o terms20terms20(X X)得 DAF,DES,DEQDAF,DES,DEQ 與 DDUDDU 術(shù) 語(yǔ)。貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)得數(shù)嵐從原來(lái)得1313個(gè)減少到1 1 1 1個(gè)。Inco t e r m s 20 1 0用兩個(gè)可以不顧及已議定得運(yùn)輸 模式得新術(shù)語(yǔ)一DAT.目得地交貨與DAP,指定地 交貨代替了 I neo I erms 2 000中得 DAF, D E S, SEQ與 DDU術(shù)語(yǔ)。DAT與 DAP術(shù)語(yǔ)都規(guī)定需在指定地點(diǎn)交貨:在D AT情況下,從運(yùn)輸工具上卸下貨物交由買方處置(這與 先前得DEQ 術(shù)語(yǔ)樣);

32、在DAP情況下同樣交 由買方處置,但需做好卸貨得準(zhǔn)備(這與先前得DAF. DES與DDU術(shù)語(yǔ)-樣)。新貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)得使用,使Incoter ms 2 0 00中得DES與 DEQ成為多余。DAT得目得地可以就是港口嗣此DAT 可以用于在Inc o term s 2 0 0 0下DEQ適用得情況。 同樣得,DAP中運(yùn)達(dá)貨物得交通工具可以就是輪船,而 !1得地也可以就是港口,因此DAP可以用于I ncot e r m s 200 0下DES適用得情況。這兩個(gè)新得術(shù)語(yǔ),與先前得 幾個(gè)術(shù)語(yǔ)樣,就是由賣方承擔(dān)所有費(fèi)用(除了與進(jìn)口淸 算有關(guān)得費(fèi)用)與貨物到達(dá)目得地前得風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。2 2、IncInc o o tet

33、e r r ms2ms2 0 0 1010中1111種貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)得分類In coterms 2 010 1 1種貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)目前彼分為兩類: 適用于任何運(yùn)輸方式得術(shù)語(yǔ):EXW工廠交貨FCA貨交承運(yùn)人CPT 運(yùn)費(fèi)付至CIP運(yùn)費(fèi)及保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)付至DAT 目得地交貨DAP所在地交貨DDP。完稅后交貨適用于海上與內(nèi)陸水上運(yùn)輸?shù)眯g(shù)語(yǔ):FAS。船邊交貨FOB。船上交貨 C FR。成本加運(yùn)費(fèi) CIF成本、保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)加運(yùn)費(fèi)第種分類中得七種貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)不用考慮所選用運(yùn)輸方式 得種類。EXW.FCACPT,CIP, DAT, DAP 與 DD P都屬于第種分類。它們甚至可以運(yùn)用于沒(méi)有海上運(yùn) 輸?shù)们闆r下謹(jǐn)記只要運(yùn)輸中-個(gè)部分運(yùn)用過(guò)船只

34、便可以 適用此類術(shù)語(yǔ)。在第二類術(shù)語(yǔ)中,交貨點(diǎn)與把貨物送達(dá)買方得地點(diǎn)都就是 港口,所以只適用于海上或內(nèi)陸水上運(yùn)輸-FAS, F OB,Incoterms 20 0 0 r ules D A F, DES, D EQ a n d D D U、Un d er both new r ules d el i v e ry occurs a t a named d e sti n a tion: i n DAT, at the bu y ers d is p os a I unlo a d ed f r om the arri v i ng veh i cle ( a s u nde r the f o

35、rm e r DEQrule) : in D AP 1 ik e wise at t h e b u ye r zs d i sp o sal, but read y fo r u n I o ad i n g (as u nder th e f o rmer DAF, DE S and DDU r ules) Th e new ru I es ma k e the Incote r ms 20 0 0 r ul e s DE S and D E Q super f 1 uous、 The nam e d termi n al i n DAT ma y we 1 1 be in a p o r

36、t, a n d DAT can the re foresa f elybeused in case s where t he Inc o terms 200 0 rul e D E Q o n ce was、 Lik e wi s e, the arri v ing v e hid e H u n der DAP may w e II be a s hi p an d th e named p 1 ace of d e stinati o n m a y w e II b e a port: c o n s e quen t I y , D A P can sa f ely be u s e

37、d in c a ses wher e th e Incoterms 2000 rule D Es once was Th e se n ew r u les, I i ke t heir predecess o r s , are deli v eredz with t h e s e 1 ler b e arin g a II t h e cos t s (other t han those r el a t ed to im po r t cle a r ance, where a p plica b le) and r i sks i n v olved i n bri n g in

38、g the goo d s t o I he n am e d pl a ce of dest i nat i on、2.Clas s ific a tion ofth e 11 In c oterms 201 0 rul e s T he 1 1 I n coterm s 0 201 0 rules are prese n t ed in two distinct classe s :RULES FOR ANY MO DE OR MODES OFTRANSPOTREXWEX WORKSFCAFREE CA R Rl E RCPT D CARRIAGE PA I D TOClP CARR I


40、2 010 r u les that c an be u s e d i r respec t i v e of the m o de of tr a nspor t s e 1 e cted and irre s p ective of w h e the r one or more t han on e m o de of t r CFR與CI F都屬于這類。最后得三個(gè)術(shù)語(yǔ),刪除 了以越過(guò)船舷為交貨標(biāo)準(zhǔn)而代之以將貨物裝運(yùn)上船。這 更準(zhǔn)確得反應(yīng)了現(xiàn)代商業(yè)現(xiàn)實(shí),避了以往風(fēng)險(xiǎn)圍繞船舷 這條虔擬垂線來(lái)回?fù)u擺.3 3、 國(guó)內(nèi)貿(mào)易與國(guó)際貿(mào)易得規(guī)定傳統(tǒng)得I ncoterms規(guī)則只在國(guó)際銷售合同中運(yùn)用,此

41、種 交易貨物運(yùn)輸都需跨越國(guó)界在世界許多地區(qū),商業(yè)集團(tuán) 如歐盟使得不同國(guó)家間得過(guò)關(guān)手續(xù)不再重要.所以,IncotIncot e e rnis2010rnis2010正式認(rèn)可所有得貿(mào)易規(guī)則既可以適用于國(guó) 內(nèi)交易也可以適用于國(guó)際交易所以,Incoterms20 1 0 在-些地方明確規(guī)定,只有在適當(dāng)?shù)脮r(shí)候,才有義務(wù)遵從 進(jìn)口或者出口得手續(xù)。兩個(gè)新發(fā)展使得ICCICC相信向這個(gè)方向得改革就是適 宜得.首先,商人們普遍在國(guó)內(nèi)貿(mào)易合同使用InIn c c oterms2oterms2 0 0 1 1 0 0規(guī)則其次,比起先前提到得統(tǒng)一得商業(yè)規(guī)則中得 運(yùn)輸與交付術(shù)語(yǔ),在國(guó)內(nèi)貿(mào)易中更多美國(guó)人愿意使用I I n

42、 n c c o o t t erms2erms2 0 0 1010 中得術(shù)語(yǔ)。4 4、 引言在Incoterms 2 0 10得每條規(guī)則前面,都有條引 言。引言解釋每條貿(mào)易規(guī)則得基本內(nèi)容,比如說(shuō)什么時(shí) 候被運(yùn)用到,什么時(shí)候風(fēng)險(xiǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移,還有費(fèi)用在賣方與買方 間就是怎樣分配得等等。引言并不就是IncotermsIncoterms 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0得內(nèi)容,但就是它們能幫助使用者更準(zhǔn)確更有效率得 針對(duì)特定得貿(mào)易運(yùn)用合適得貿(mào)易條款。5 5、 電子通信上版本得I ncoterm s規(guī)則已經(jīng)確定了可以彼電子 數(shù)據(jù)交換信息替代得文件。然而Inc o terms規(guī)則20 1 0 中得A1/B1賦予

43、電(通信方式與紙質(zhì)通訊相同得效 果,只要締約雙方同意或存在國(guó)際慣例。這規(guī)定有利 于促進(jìn)Incoterm $ 規(guī)則2 0 10中新得電子程序得 演進(jìn)。6 6、 保險(xiǎn)范圍Inco t erm s 規(guī)則2 0 10就是協(xié)會(huì)貨物條款修訂以來(lái) 得最新版國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)規(guī)則,并就對(duì)那些條款得變更做了 考慮。Incoterms 規(guī)則20 1 0把關(guān)系到保險(xiǎn)得 信息義務(wù)規(guī)定在A3/B3,這涉及到運(yùn)輸與保險(xiǎn)合同。 這些條款已經(jīng)從更為普通得國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)2 0 0 0中 A10/B10得文章中刪除。為了明確締約雙方得義務(wù),條 款A(yù)2/B3中涉及保險(xiǎn)得行文也做了變化。7 7、 與安全有關(guān)得清關(guān)需要得信息現(xiàn)在人們高度關(guān)注貨

44、物運(yùn)輸中得安全問(wèn)題,需要確認(rèn)貨 物不會(huì)對(duì)生命與財(cái)產(chǎn)有威脅除了其自身固有得屬性。因此,In cole r m $ 規(guī)則2 0 10已經(jīng)在買家與賣家間 分配了義務(wù).在與安全有關(guān)得淸關(guān)獲得或者捉供幫助,例purelypurely d d o o meme s s tictic s s a a lele contractscontracts n n isis thethe gregre a a t t e e r r willingnewillingne StatesStates t t o o useuse IncoInco t t ermerm rulerule sThesecondTheseco

45、nd rearea s s o os s s s inin thethe U U n n i i t t esesindoindo mesmes t t icic tradetrade r ro o rmrm meme r r cialcial CoCo d d e e s san $ por t is e mp 1 oyed、EXW, FCACPT, CIP, DA T, DAP and D DP belong to this c lass They can be us e d even wh e n I here i s no mar i time transport at all I t

46、 is important to rem e mbe r , how ever, that th e se rules c an be u s ed in case s w here a s h i p i s used fo r p art of the carriage、 In I h e second class of Inc o t erm s 20 1 0rule s , the p oint o f delivery and the place t o which t he g o ods are car ried t o t he buy e r are b o t h p o

47、rtSt h e nc e t he label sea and inland wa t erwa y rules、FA S , FOB, CFR and CIF belong t 0 th i s c lass、 UnderUnder thethe lastlast threethree InIn c c otermsoterms r r ules,ules, a a IIII mentiomentio n n o o f f t t hehes s hihi p p s s rara i i I Iasas thethepoipoi n n t t ofofdede 1 1 iviv e

48、e ryryh h asasbeenbeen o o m m i i t ttete d d ininpreferencepreference f f ortheorthe g g oodsoods b b e e inging deliveredelivere d d whenwhen theythey a a rere ao n n b b o o ardard t t hehe v v e e ssss e e k k ThisThis moremore cloclo s s elyely reflecreflec t t s s m m o o d d e e rnrn mermer

49、c c iaia 1 1 realreal i i t t y y andand a a voidsvoids thethe ratherathe r r datdate e d dimaima g g e eofof thethe riskrisk swsw i ingingi ngng toto andandfrofro a a crcr o o ssssanan i i mama g g inaryinary p pe e r r pendicupendicu 1 1 ararlineline、33 RulesRules forfor d d o o mesticmestic andan

50、d inin t t e e rnatirnati o o n n a a I I tratra d d e e Incot e r ms r ule s h ave traditiona 1 ly been u s e d i n internat i onal sale co n tracts w h e r egoods pa s sacross n a t i o nal b o arders、 In v ari o us a r ea s of the world, h o wever, trade b 1 o cs, I i ke t h e European U n ion, h

51、av e made bord erf orm a 1 i t i es betwee 如在多種多樣得國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)中A2 /B2與A 10/B10得監(jiān)管鏈相關(guān)信息。8 8、 終點(diǎn)站操作費(fèi)在國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)CPT, CIP, CIF.DAT.DAP與 D DP項(xiàng)下,賣家必須做好安排使貨物到達(dá)指定目得地。雖 然運(yùn)費(fèi)就是由賣方支付得,但因?yàn)檫\(yùn)費(fèi)般彼賣方包含在 銷售價(jià)格中所以實(shí)際上運(yùn)費(fèi)就是由買方支付得貨運(yùn)費(fèi)有 時(shí)包括港口或集裝箱碼頭內(nèi)得理貨與運(yùn)輸費(fèi)用,承運(yùn)人與 終點(diǎn)站運(yùn)營(yíng)方也可能向收到貨物得買家收取這筆費(fèi)用。 在這種情況下,買家會(huì)想要避免對(duì)同服務(wù)重復(fù)付費(fèi): 次付給賣家作為銷售價(jià)格中得部分,次單獨(dú)地付給 承運(yùn)

52、人或者終點(diǎn)站運(yùn)營(yíng)方。I ncote r ms規(guī)則2010在 相關(guān)國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)解釋規(guī)則得 A6/B6條款明確得分配 此項(xiàng)費(fèi)用,力求避免重復(fù)付費(fèi)。9 9、連環(huán)合同與工業(yè)制成品得銷售不同,在農(nóng)礦產(chǎn)品得銷售中,貨物經(jīng) 常在沿銷售鏈運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)程中被頻繁銷售多次。這種情況下, 在運(yùn)輸中得賣家不用再運(yùn)輸貨物偽為貨物已彼第個(gè)賣 家裝船運(yùn)輸了。中途得賣方通過(guò)接收貨物而非運(yùn)輸貨物 向買方履行義務(wù)為明確起見(jiàn),Inco terms規(guī)則20 10在相關(guān)規(guī)定中把提取已經(jīng)運(yùn)輸?shù)蒙唐返昧x務(wù)作為運(yùn) 輸商品義務(wù)得替換.n diff e rent cou n tri e s I ess s i gnif i cant、 C C o ns

53、 e e q q uentuent 1 1 y, thethe susu b b titletitle ofof thethe I In nc co o t t ermserms2 2 0101 0 0rulesrules formaforma 1 1 1 1 y y rere c c ognizeognize thathat t t t heyheyareare a av v a a ilil a a bleble forfor appliappli c c atiati o o n n toto bobo t t h h intint e e rnrn a a tionaltional a

54、 a n n d d domedome SticStic s s aleale coco n n tracts.tracts. Asa result, thethe In cot e r ms 2010 rules clear 1 y state i nanumb e r of plac e s that th e o bligat i o n to plywith ex po rt/imp or t formaliti e s e x i st s only where applicab 1TwoTwo d d e e v v elel o o pmpm e e ntsnts havehav

55、e pepe r r s s uaua d d eded ICIC C C t t h ha a t t a a m m o o vementvement i i n n thth i i s s dirdir e e cticti o o n n i i s s timelytimely F F i i r r s s tlytlyz z tratra d d e e rsrs monlymonly usus e e I I n n coco t t ermserms ruru 1 1 eses forfora a thethe r r thanthan thethe fofo r r me

56、me r r UniUni f f h h ipmipm entent a a n n d d deldel i i v v e e ryry tete r r 4 G G u u idanidan c c e e NotesNotesB e for e ea c h Inco terms 2 010 rul e yo u will f i nd a Gu i dan c e N o te、 T h e Gu i d ance Not e s e x p 1 a in t h e f u n d a mentals o f ea c h I ncoterms r u le, s

57、 uch as w h e n it sho u Id b e u se d , whe n r is k p a s sest and how costs a re al 1 oc a I ed between seller andbuyerandbuyer、ThTh e e GuidaGuida n n cece NotesNotes a a rere nono t t parpar t t o o f f thethe actuactu a a I I I I ncotermncoterm s s 2 2 010010 ruru 1 1 e e s sz z b b u u t t a

58、a rere i i ntente n n d d eded toto helphelp thethe useruser accuraccur a a teltel y y andand efficieffici e e ntlyntly s s t t eereer towardstowards t t hehe a a ppropriateppropriate I I n n c c otermsoterms ruru 1 1 efef oror a a p p a a r r t t i i c c u u larlar transactransac t t ioio n n、5.5.E

59、leEle c c t t ronicronic mumu n n i i caca t t ionionP r e v i ous versi o ns o f In coterms rules have spec i tied th o se doc u me n t s th a t c ould be r epla c ed b y EDI m e s sage s、 Ar I i c I e s A 1 / B1 of the In c o t e r ms 2010 r u les, h o wev e r, n o w g ive el e c t r onic means o

60、f m u n icat i on the s a me effect as paper mun icati o n, as Ion gas the p arties so ag r e e or where c u s t o mary T h i s fo r mulat i on f a cili I a t es the ev o lution o f ne w electr onic p roc e du r esI hrougho u t the lifet i me o f the Incote r ms0 2010 r ules6 6、InsurInsur a a n n c


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