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1、精品文檔你我共享AAAAAA(以下簡稱“客戶”)羅維鄧白氏服務協(xié)議書RoadWay D&B Services Agreeme nt簽約雙方(Both Parties ):甲方:沈陽龍璽房地產開發(fā)有限公司Party(Hereinafter“ Custome)”乙方:上海羅維鄧白氏營銷服務有限公司北京分公司(以下簡稱“羅維鄧白氏”)PartyB : RoadWay D&B Marketing Services Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter RoadWay D&B )鑒于(Agree :)以下簽名之客戶,特此委托羅維鄧白氏,自2011_年_6_月_1_日(“起始日”)起至 _2011_

2、年_7_月12_日(“到期日”)止,提供下述服務和/或產品,并同意羅維鄧白氏提供上述服務和 /或產品的行為是基于其已收到客戶依照本羅維鄧白氏服務協(xié)議書(以下簡稱“協(xié)議”)所應支付之相應款項。The undersigned (“Customer” ) hereby retains RoadWay D&B, to provide service/ product designated below, for the periodbeginning _ 2011_/_6_/_1_/ (“Start Date ” ) and ending _ 2011_/_ 7_/_ 12_/(Expiry Date)

3、, and agrees that RoadWay D&Bon RoadWayD&B s receipt of the relative payment that is requireds p rovision of such service/ p roducts is contingentto make under this RoadWay D&B Services Agreement (Hereinafter Agreement) in advance.電話營銷服務仃el Marketing Service)1 )產品(product ): _TM (電話營銷)_單價(Unit Price

4、 ):人民幣 RMB _300 元_/坐席/ 天(Record )數(shù)量(Records ) :10 個坐席,30天協(xié)議總金額(Total):人民幣RMB 90000元_ (大寫:人民幣玖萬元整)2)執(zhí)行流程:1.在外呼項目執(zhí)行前三天由客戶提供項目信息和外呼腳本,羅維鄧白氏根據(jù)項目信息和外乎腳本對外呼人員進行培訓;2.項目執(zhí)行前一天進行外呼人員測試;3.項目執(zhí)行期間,羅維鄧白氏在每天外呼結束后提供當天的項目運作結果報告給客戶,在全部外呼執(zhí)行結束后七天內提供完整項目監(jiān)控報告給客戶。3)支付方式:在外呼項目執(zhí)行完成并由羅維鄧白氏提供項目監(jiān)控報告及相應等額合法發(fā)票給客戶后30日內支付協(xié)議總金額的100

5、%。公司名稱:上海羅維鄧白氏營銷服務有限公司北京分公司開戶行:建行北京華貿支行賬號:11001133400059610556精品文檔你我共享AAAAAA精品文檔你我共享AAAAAAincluding地址電話職務(Title ) : _策劃主管日期(Date):客戶編號(Subkey):銷售(Sales ):魏維客服(Customer Service ):注:羅維鄧白氏及客戶,一經簽署本協(xié)議,即受本協(xié)議條款(包括背面之條款)之約束。背面之條款為本協(xié)議不可分割的一部分。RoadWay D&B and Customer by signing this Agreement agree to and i

6、ntend to be bound by the terms hereof the Terms of Agreement on the reverse side, which are made a part of this Agreement.客戶檔案(CUSTOMER DETAILS )客戶名稱(Name of Customer ) : _沈陽龍璽房地產開發(fā)有限公司(Address ) : _沈陽市渾南新區(qū)科幻路9號百科大廈三層(Tel) :8014. 傳真(Fax ) :客戶聯(lián)系人(Contact Person ) : _佟媛媛Acc

7、e pted By :RoadWay D&B Marketing Services Co., Ltd.上海羅維鄧白氏營銷服務有限公司北京分公司Acce pted by Customer :(Authorized Signature & Co. Chop )授權人簽名(及公司章)日期(Date ):以下內容為羅維鄧白氏填寫 (For Office Use Only ):合同號(Contract Key ):郵編(Post Code ) : _110168.電郵(Email ) : _.精品文檔你我共享AAAAAA包括但不限于信息和其他協(xié)議條款一、銷售及市場拓展解決方案本協(xié)議所指的銷售及市場拓展解

8、決方案系指根據(jù)客戶業(yè)務需要并由客戶提供相關商業(yè)資料及信息,羅維鄧白氏以合法擁 有、掌握的數(shù)據(jù)信息以包括但不限于電子郵件、傳真、電話、直郵、短消息等方式(由客戶根據(jù)實際需求在訂單中選擇) 進行相關的市場營銷工作,藉此幫助客戶獲得商業(yè)機會的信息及相關服務。二、商業(yè)信息或資料為確保營銷服務的順利開展,客戶應向羅維鄧白氏提供相關商業(yè)信息或資料(以下簡稱“客戶資料”),包含但不僅限 于公司圖標,圖像,設計,音像,文字及其它資料等??蛻魬_保所提供的客戶資料的內容不違反任何中國的法律、法 規(guī)、公共道德準則或者損害到任何第三方的權益。為此,客戶應當履行必要的審批、登記及其他法律程序??蛻裘鞔_理解羅維鄧白氏并

9、不是客戶資料的所有者或提供方,也不是客戶資料所承載的商品或服務的提供方。羅維鄧白 氏的義務限于將收到的客戶資料以合法的方式傳遞送達給第三方。羅維鄧白氏在任何時候以及任何情況下不因為與客戶 之間的營銷服務而對任何客戶資料的真實性、準確性及合法性承擔任何法律責任。如羅維鄧白氏因此而承擔任何法律責 任,客戶應當給予羅維鄧白氏完全的補償。三、知識產權和保密1、 羅維鄧白氏對其合法擁有的數(shù)據(jù)信息(以下簡稱“羅維鄧白氏數(shù)據(jù)”)保留全部所有權及知識產權權益,不論其以何種形態(tài)存在。其中包括:A原著,包括羅維鄧白氏篩選、整理、以及協(xié)調的經編輯的信息和該信息的表達,或羅維鄧白氏制作、收集或匯編的業(yè)已存在的材料;B

10、商業(yè)信息和其他信息,包括可以從其獲取價值或潛在價值的并不已知或現(xiàn)實可用的信息;及 C由羅維鄧白氏花費資源創(chuàng)作、開發(fā)和維護的其他任何信息。2、 在本協(xié)議履行過程中,客戶可能會接觸到羅維鄧白氏數(shù)據(jù)。客戶理解并同意,除信息數(shù)據(jù)購買服務外,客戶對羅維鄧 白氏數(shù)據(jù)的權利僅只限于因核實信息的真實性而對特定的被允許查詢的羅維鄧白氏數(shù)據(jù)進行有限的利用(在信息數(shù)據(jù)購 買服務下,客戶可以獲得羅維鄧白氏授予客戶的非獨占的、不得再轉讓的許可,并且該等許可只限客戶內部使用)???戶不得對未被授權使用的信息進行任何形式的利用,也不得將授權使用的信息用于任何核實信息真實性以外的目的???戶在使用過程中將實施并保持對羅維鄧白

11、氏的信息的安全措施,以有效的控制有知悉需要的授權使用者對信息的接觸, 并保護信息不被非授權使用、更改、接觸、公開和傳播。任何情況下,安全措施不得低于客戶對自身最保密的信息所采 取的保護。任何為商業(yè)獲利之目地濫用或未經授權地使用羅維鄧白氏數(shù)據(jù),將對羅維鄧白氏造成不公平及無法彌補的嚴 重傷害??蛻舨荒苓M行或不可進行這種會對羅維鄧白氏許可的信息的所有權和知識產權等合法權益造成損害的作為或不 作為。3、 未經羅維鄧白氏事先書面許可,客戶不得使用羅維鄧白氏、羅維鄧白氏的關聯(lián)公司的任何商號、注冊商標或服務標記 外,亦不得公開任何涉及本協(xié)議或隨附于本協(xié)議的訂單的訊息。4、 羅維鄧白氏將按照羅維鄧白氏處理自己

12、的保密信息的方式處理所有客戶書面指明為保密信息的信息。除了履行本協(xié)議 項下約定的義務或作其內部分析之用之外,羅維鄧白氏同意不使用該等客戶指明的保密信息。但前述保密信息不包括:4.1非因羅維鄧白氏作為或不作為的方式而已經或正在進入社會公開信息領域范疇的信息;4.2在客戶透露該信息給羅維鄧白氏之前,已經被羅維鄧白氏合法掌握的信息;4.3第三方合法地透露給羅維鄧白氏,且該項透露沒有受到限制的信息;4.4由羅維鄧白氏獨立研發(fā),并沒有使用或參考該信息的信息。四、不擔保和免責1、 羅維鄧白氏不會也不可能因履行本協(xié)議收取費用而保證或擔保羅維鄧白氏數(shù)據(jù)的完全正確、完整和即時。2、 客戶明確理解并承認銷售及市場

13、拓展解決方案的實施效果取決于多方客觀因素。羅維鄧白氏不對除羅維鄧白氏數(shù)據(jù)質 量及項目執(zhí)行過程監(jiān)控之外的任何問題對客戶作岀任何承諾或承擔任何后果,包括但不限于銷售及市場拓展解決方案的實施效果等。五、協(xié)議的履行1、客戶應按照本協(xié)議所規(guī)定的價格及付款條件向羅維鄧白氏付款。如有延遲付款的情形,羅維鄧白氏將自應付款期限起 按照萬分之五的日息對未付款項收取違約金費用直至付款完畢。2、 本協(xié)議適用于由羅維鄧白氏提供給客戶并在本協(xié)議內或在任何訂單中說明的任何種類服務, 產品和服務。精品文檔你我共享AAAAAA3、 除非客戶以書面形式另行特別說明,客戶的全體雇員均應視為客戶的代理人并已獲得授權可代表客戶要求和接

14、受羅維 鄧白氏的產品及服務,并且其行為根據(jù)本協(xié)議可對客戶可產生約束力,并且應受本協(xié)議的約束。4、 羅維鄧白氏在按照合同的約定履行服務后的相應工作日內,將向客戶發(fā)送服務報告,服務報告包括但不限于關于羅維 鄧白氏所提供的服務的時間、服務內容、數(shù)量、質量標準、價格及總價、客戶付款時間等??蛻魬斣谑盏搅_維鄧白氏 服務報告的五個工作日內對報告的內容進行確認。如客戶未在上述時間內對服務報告進行確認,也未提岀任何異議,視 為客戶認可并確認羅維鄧白氏服務報告的全部內容。六、生效和終止1、 本協(xié)議自雙方簽字并蓋章之日起生效。2、 在本協(xié)議一方根本違約的情況下,未違約方可以在沒有提前通知的前提下即單方面中止在本

15、協(xié)議下或特別的訂單下的服務。未違約方可發(fā)岀要求補救其違約行為的書面通知,另一方在收到通知之日起五(5)天內不予補救該違約的,則未違約方有權在任何時候單方面解除本協(xié)議;如果根據(jù)本協(xié)議為客戶提供服務的成本因為政府采取的措施或其他原因增加, 雙方應當依據(jù)成本增加的幅度相應地對剩余有效期內的協(xié)議價格重新進行協(xié)商并進行修改。3、 本協(xié)議期滿或以任何情形終止不應影響本協(xié)議期滿或終止后,本協(xié)議第二、三、四條繼續(xù)有效。4、 因國家法律、政策原因、技術故障或不可抗力等原因致使任何一方無法繼續(xù)履行本協(xié)議的,則無法履行合同的一方可 提岀終止本協(xié)議,雙方互不承擔責任。七、協(xié)議的完整性本協(xié)議,包括任何明確指岀并蓋章確認

16、其構成本協(xié)議一部分的本協(xié)議附件,構成客戶與羅維鄧白氏之間有關本協(xié)議標的 的完整的和僅有的協(xié)議。沒有包含在本協(xié)議里的任何陳述、保證、承諾和條件對雙方均沒有法律約束力。八、法律適用及管轄1、 本協(xié)議受公開頒布的中華人民共和國法律的約束。2、 客戶同意遵照任何適用的中華人民共和國法律規(guī)定的名譽權、隱私權、數(shù)據(jù)保護、或其他要求行事,如果不能遵照行 事,則將被視為拒絕使用此等中國法律相應約束的信息、信息服務以及其他服務或產品。3、 爭議的管轄權:凡因本協(xié)議引起的或與本協(xié)議有關的任何爭議,均應提交甲方所在地法院通過訴訟方式解決。九、版本及效力本協(xié)議以中文和英文書就,協(xié)議原件一式五(5 )份,客戶持四(4)

17、份英文文本和四(4)份中文文本,羅維鄧白氏持有一( 1)份英文文本和一(1)份中文文本。中英文如有不同,以中文為準。十、標題 本協(xié)議中的標題僅供協(xié)議雙方參考,不應影響本協(xié)議的解釋。ContractContract TermsTermsArticleArticle 1 1 SalesSales & & MarketingMarketing SolutionsSolutionsThe sales & marketi ng soluti ons as men ti oned in the Agreeme nt is in formatio n service that RoadWay D&B car

18、ries out releva ntmarketi ng op erati on by the followi ng means in cludi ng but not limited to E-mail, fax, tele phone, direct mail and SMS (asdeterm ined by the subscriber from the order as per actual dema nd) with related bus in ess data and in formati on pr ovided by the精品文檔你我共享AAAAAAArticleArti

19、cle 3 3 IntellectualIntellectual rightright propertyproperty andand confidentialityconfidentiality1.2.3.4.subscriber in line with its bus in ess dema nd and legally owned and acquired by RoadWay D&B to help the subscriber to acquire bus in ess opportun ities.ArticleArticle n BusinessBusiness informa

20、tioninformation oror datadataTo secure smooth devel opment of market ing services, the Subscriber shall pr ovide RoadWay D&B with related bus in ess information or data (hereinafte r referred to as“ Subscriber Data ” ), including but nottlwotedtcconpany logo, image,desig n, audio data, literal data

21、and other data etc. The Subscriber shall en sure data contents p rovided by the Subscriber shall not violate any Chin ese laws and regulati ons, p ublic morals or imp air the rights and in terests of any third p arty. For this reas on, the Subscriber shall p erform n ecessary exam in ati on and appr

22、 oval, registrati on and other legal pr ocedures.The Subscriber clearly understands RoadWay D&Bis neither the owner or provider of subscriber s data or the provider ofor services un dertake n by subscriber s data. RoadWay D&B s obligati on is only limited to tra nsmit and deliver strioscriberreceive

23、d to the third party by legal means. RoadWay D&B shall not be legally liable for authe nticity, accuracy and legality of any subscriber s data relating to the marketing services between RoadWay D&B and its subscriber at any time and under any circumsta nee. Should RoadWay D&B un dertake any legal re

24、spon sibility aris ing out of it, the Subscriber shall give full compen sati on for the losses in curred thereof by RoadWay D&B.RoadWay D&B reserves the right of all own ersh ip and in tellectual prop erty rights of data in formatio n existi ng in any form legally owned by RoadWay D&B (here in after

25、 referred to as“ RoadWay D&B data ” ,in cludi ng: A origi nal works, in cluedited in formatio n and its p rese ntati on scree ned, sorted or coord in ated by RoadWay D&B, or existi ng materials made, collected or comp iled by RoadWay D&B; B Busin ess in formatio n and other in formati on, in clud in

26、g in formatio n n ot known or used curre ntly, from which value or p ote ntial value can be acquired, and C any other in formati on created, devel oped and mai ntai ned by RoadWay D&B with its resources.The Subscriber may get access to RoadWay D&B data in p erforma nee of the Agreeme nt. The Subscri

27、ber un dersta nds and agrees that its right to RoadWay D&B data is only limited to restricted app licati on of sp ecific RoadWay D&B data which is permitted to be inquired for the purpose of verification of information authenticity (the Subscriber may acquire non-exclusive, non-transferrable license

28、 granted by RoadWay D&B and such license is only for internal use by the Subscriber). The Subscriber shall n either use un authorized in formati on in any form nor use authorized in formati on in any purpose other than for verification of authenticity of such information. The Subscriber shall take a

29、nd maintain security measures to RoadWay D&B information during its application in order to effectively control information access by authorized users with n eed-to-k now and p rotect in formati on from un authorized app licati on, ame ndme nt, access, disclosure and dissemination. Security measures

30、 taken shall not be lower than those taken by the Subscriber to protect its own in formati on of the highest con fide ntial level un der any circumsta nee. Abus ing or un authorized app licati on of RoadWay D&B data for commercial purp oses will result in un fair grave damage to RoadWay D&B which is

31、 not able to make up. The Subscriber shall not con duct such act or omissi on result ing in damage to the own ershi p and in tellectual property rights and other legal rights and in terests of authorized RoadWay D&B in formati on.The Subscriber shall neither use any trade name, registered brand name

32、 or service marks of RoadWay D&B and its associated companies nor disclose any in formatio n related to the Agreeme nt or contained in the order attached hereto. RoadWay D&B will han dle in formati on of all subscribers as in dicated in writi ng as con fide ntial in formati on in accorda nee with th

33、e means by which RoadWay D&B han dles its own con fide ntial in formati on. RoadWay D&B agrees not to use con fide ntial in formati on as in dicated by such subscribers in any purpo ses rather tha n the app licati on in p erforma nee of the sp ecified obligati ons un der the Agreeme nt or for in ter

34、 nal an alysis. However the forego ing con fide ntial in formati on does not in elude:4.11 nformati on which has bee n got into or is gett ing into social p ublic in formati on doma in not due to RoadWay D&Bomissi on;4.2In formati on which has bee n legally acquired by RoadWay D&B before it is discl

35、osed to RoadWay D&B by the Subscriber.4.3In formati on which is legally disclosed to RoadWay D&B by a third party and such in formatio n which does not con ta in any restricted in formati on;4.4In formati on which is devel oped by RoadWay D&B independen tly without app licati on of or refere nee to

36、such in formatio n精品文檔你我共享AAAAAAArticleArticle 4 4 WaiverWaiver ofof liabilityliability andand declaimerdeclaimer1.RoadWay D&B will n ot and is unl ikely to guara ntee or warra nt absolutely correct ness, compl ete ness and timeli ness of its data for charges collected in p erforma nee of the Agreem

37、e nt depends on various objective factors.2.The Subscriber un dersta nds and ack no wledges the effect of the sales & market ing soluti ons. RoadWay D&B will not make any commitme nt or un dertake any con seque nee to the Subscriber for any p roblems exce pt for RoadWay D&B data quality and pr oject

38、 impl eme ntati on pr ocess mon itori ng, in clud ing but not limited to the effect of sales & marketi ng soluti ons .ArticleArticle 5 5 PerformancePerformance ofof AgreementAgreement1. Subscriber shall make the p ayme nt to RoadWay D&B in accorda nee with the p rice and p ayme nt t

39、erms as sp ecified in the Agreeme nt. In case of delay in p ayme nt, RoadWay D&B will collect overdue fine for the p ayme nt overdue from the date of p ayme nt at the daily in terest of 0.05% un til all p ayme nt is made.The Agreement shall be applicable to any kinds of services as described in the

40、Agreement or any order provided to the Subscriber by RoadWay D&B, in clud ing but not limited to in formati on, other p roducts and services.Unl ess otherwise sp ecially illustrated in writ ing by the Subscriber, all emplo yees of the Subscriber shall be deemed as its agents and has been authorized

41、to request and accept RoadWay D&B s products and services on behalf of the Subscriand their con ducts shall have binding force upon the Subscriber accord ing to the Agreeme nt and be subject to the Agreeme nt.RoadWay D&B will send the required service report to the Subscriber within related working

42、days upon performanee of services as sp ecified in the Con tract, in cludi ng but not limited to time, service conten ts, qua ntity, quality sta ndards, p rice and total price as well as time of payment by the Subscriber etc relating to the services provided by RoadWay D&B. The Subscriber shall veri

43、fy the report contents within five (5) worki ng days upon rece ipt of service report from RoadWay D&B.In the eve nt that the Subscriber fails to verify the service report within the above-me nti oned time and also fails to lodge any objecti on aga inst the report thereof, it shall be deemed that the

44、 Subscriber has app roved and verified all contents contained in the service rep ort pr ovided by RoadWay D&B.ArticleArticle 6 6 EffectivenessEffectiveness andand terminationterminationThe Agreeme nt shall take effect after sig ned and sealed by both p arties hereto.In case of material breach by one

45、 party hereto, the observa nt party may sus pend the services un der the Agreeme nt or sp ecial order without any prior notice to the defaulting party. The observant party may give out a written notice to request the default ing p arty to make remedy aga inst its breach, the observa nt p arty shall

46、have the right to can cel the Agreeme nt un laterally at any time accord ing to law should the default ing party fails to take remedial measures aga inst its breach within five (5) days upon rece ipt of the no tice from the observa nt p arty; in the eve nt that the costs for p rovid ing the Subscrib

47、er with services un der the Agreeme nt in creases due to measures take n by the gover nment or other reas ons, both p arties may con sult with each other on the p rice for the rema ining term and make ame ndme nt to the origi nal p rice accord in gly in line with cost in crease ran ge.Article 2, 3 a

48、nd 4 of the Agreeme nt shall survive upon expi rati on of the Agreeme nt or ter min ati on un der any circumsta nces.In case either p arty hereto fails to con ti nue to p erformthe Agreeme nt due to reas ons of state laws and p olicies, tech nicalfaults or force majeure, such p arty may prop ose to

49、termi nate the Agreeme nt, and both p arties hereto shall not be liable for each other.ArticleArticle 7 7 EntiretyEntiretyThe Agreeme nt, in clud ing attachme nts hereto con stituti ng an in tegral part of the Agreeme nt as clearly in dicated shall con stitute an en tire and sole agreeme nt relat ing to the subject of the Agreeme nt betwee n the Subscriber and RoadWay D&B.


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