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1、Institute of Agro-Bioengineering, Guizhou UniversityXiaopeng WTel:hapter 2: Title and Abstract科技論文的結構科技論文的結構 一般來說,科技論文應具備3個特點:準確、客觀、邏輯性強。 論述時應做到概念準確、結論明確、推理合乎邏輯,同時應保證科學的嚴密性。1. Title 標題不宜太長,應點名主題、提綱潔領、簡明扼要、嚴謹規(guī)范,使人一目了然。 論文的標題多為名詞短語,或為一句話,要盡量避免使用從句、不定式短語、介詞短語。 盡量不要用“Study”。1.

2、 Title Regulation of glutamine synthetase isoforms in two differentially drought-tolerant rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars under water deficit conditions Transformation of miniature potted rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Linda) with PSAG12-ipt gene delays leaf senescence and enhances resistance to exogenous

3、ethylene Heme oxygenase is involved in H2O2-induced lateral root formation in apocynin-treated rice1. Title Identification of differentially expressed genes preferably related to drought response in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) inoculated by arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) Identification of differe

4、ntially-expressed genes potentially related to stress tolerance in a transgenic line of European pear over-expressing an apple spermidine synthase gene (MdSPDS1) 1. Title Antisense inhibition of a spermidine synthase gene highlights the role of polyamines for stress alleviation in pear shoots subjec

5、ted to salinity and cadmium. The enhancement of drought tolerance for pigeon pea inoculated by arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi. High spermidine levels are implicated in enhanced heavy metal tolerance in a spermidine synthase-overexpressing transgenic European pear by exerting antioxidant activities. Al

6、uminum tolerance in a spermidine synthase-overexpressing transgenic European pear is correlated with the enhanced level of spermidine via alleviating oxidative status. 1. Title1. Title Overexpression of the apple spermidine synthase gene in pear confers multiple abiotic stress tolerance by altering

7、polyamine titers. Genomic organization, rapid evolution and meiotic instability of NBS-encoding genes in a new fruit crop “chestnut rose” . 1. Title Molecular cloning and expression analysis of an arginine decarboxylase gene from peach (Prunus persica) . Cloning of two classes of PR genes and the de

8、velopment of SNAP markers for powdery mildew resistance loci in chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) 1. Title Phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of NBS-encoding genes in Rosaceae fruit crops. Chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt): a promising genetic resource for fruit and ornament exploitation

9、 in China. 1. Title Genetic diversity of Poncirus accessions as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) . Polyamine biosynthesis of apple callus under salt stress: importance of arginine decarboxylase pathway in stress response. 1. Title Efficient plant regeneration and genetic fid

10、elity assessement of in vitro-derived plants of Dendrobium nobile an endangered medicinal and ornamental herb. Promising genetic resources for resistance to powdery mildew in chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) and its relatives in China. 1. Title Micropropagation of chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii

11、 Tratt) and genetic stability assessment of the in vitro plants using RAPD and AFLP markers. Plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryos of chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) through organogenesis. 1. Title Isolation of TIR and nonTIR NBS-LRR resistance gene analogues and identification of m

12、olecular markers linked to a powdery mildew resistance locus in chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt). Characterization of genetic relationships of Rosa roxburghii Tratt and its relatives using morphological traits, RAPD and AFLP markers 2. Abstract 一般只有一段,要求簡明扼要;要兼顧完整性、連貫性和邏輯性,同時還應突出重點。應包括以下內容: 1)立

13、題的依據; 2)主要工作; 3)主要結果及意義。摘摘 要:本文以要:本文以64份貴州地方櫻桃種質及紅燈和份貴州地方櫻桃種質及紅燈和黑珍珠兩個栽培品種為試材,采用黑珍珠兩個栽培品種為試材,采用ISSR標記進行標記進行遺傳多樣性分析,為貴州櫻桃資源的開發(fā)和利用遺傳多樣性分析,為貴州櫻桃資源的開發(fā)和利用提供參考。結果表明,從提供參考。結果表明,從90條條ISSR引物中篩選出引物中篩選出21條穩(wěn)定性強、譜帶清晰及多態(tài)性豐富的引物進條穩(wěn)定性強、譜帶清晰及多態(tài)性豐富的引物進行行PCR擴增,共獲得擴增,共獲得228個標記,其中多態(tài)性標個標記,其中多態(tài)性標記為記為199個,多態(tài)性比例為個,多態(tài)性比例為87.2

14、8%;1.貴州櫻桃種質資源遺傳多樣性的貴州櫻桃種質資源遺傳多樣性的ISSR分析分析采用采用NTSYS2.01軟件計算,相似系數為軟件計算,相似系數為0.49 0.90,表明貴州地方櫻桃資源的遺傳多樣,表明貴州地方櫻桃資源的遺傳多樣性豐富;性豐富;UPGMA聚類分析顯示,畢節(jié)、遵聚類分析顯示,畢節(jié)、遵義及黔南等地資源具有最豐富的遺傳多樣性義及黔南等地資源具有最豐富的遺傳多樣性,尤其畢節(jié)地區(qū)擁有大量品質優(yōu)良的資源,尤其畢節(jié)地區(qū)擁有大量品質優(yōu)良的資源,可作為品質育種的親本??勺鳛槠焚|育種的親本。1.貴州櫻桃種質資源遺傳多樣性的貴州櫻桃種質資源遺傳多樣性的ISSR分析分析貴州櫻桃種質資源遺傳多樣性的貴

15、州櫻桃種質資源遺傳多樣性的ISSR分析分析 Genetic Diversity of Cherry Germplasms from Guizhou Province as Revealed by ISSR Makers In the current work, genetic diversity of 64 cherry (Prunus pseudocerasu) accessions from Guizhou Province, as well as cultivars Hongdeng and Black Pearl, was investigated/revealed/unraveled

16、/elucidated using ISSR markers. To satisfy the demand of further exploitation and utility, genetic diversity of 64 cherry (Prunus pseudocerasu) accessions from Guizhou Province, as well as cultivars Hongdeng and Black Pearl, was investigated using ISSR markers in the current work. 本文以64份貴州地方櫻桃種質資源及紅

17、燈和黑珍珠兩個栽培品種為試材,采用ISSR標記技術對其進行遺傳多樣性分析,為貴州櫻桃資源的開發(fā)和利用提供參考。 nA total of 228 markers were scored/obtained/gained from the 21 primers, which were screened out from 90 primers and demonstrated highly reproducible, clear and polymorphic bands. Among the obtained markers, 199 were polymorphic, accounting for

18、 87.28% of the total. 結果表明,從90條ISSR引物中篩選出21條穩(wěn)定性強、條帶清晰及多態(tài)性豐富的引物進行PCR擴增,共獲得228個標記,其中多態(tài)性標記為199個,多態(tài)性比例為87.28%; nAs analyzed/computed by NTSYS2.01, the genetic similarity among the accessions ranged from 0.49 to 0.90, reflecting/indicating/mirroring/suggesting the high genetic diversity of cherry germpla

19、sms in Guizhou Province. 采用NTSYS2.01軟件計算,相似系數為0.49 0.90,表明貴州地方櫻桃資源的遺傳多樣性豐富; nThe UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated/indicated that the accessions from Bijie, Zunyi and Qiannan areas were more genetically diversified. In particular the accessions from Bijie exhibited the highest degree of diversity in fru

20、it quality, which may be used as elite materials for further genetic improvement in this species. UPGMA聚類分析顯示,畢節(jié)、遵義及黔南等地資源具有最豐富的遺傳多樣性,尤其畢節(jié)地區(qū)擁有大量品質優(yōu)良的資源,可作為品質育種的親本。2.半夏的緩慢生長法保存及體細胞遺傳變半夏的緩慢生長法保存及體細胞遺傳變異的異的ISSR檢測檢測 本文以半夏試管苗為材料,探討了不同濃度的甘露醇、PP333和ABA對半夏延緩生長的保存效應,并采用ISSR標記對保存材料再生植株的體細胞遺傳變異進行了檢測。結果表明,三種物質均

21、能有效抑制半夏試管苗的生長,保存10M而不繼代,存活率高;與正常繼代試管苗相比,再生植株的形態(tài)、增殖倍數和生根能力沒有顯著差異,最佳濃度分別為甘露醇2%-4%,PP333 2.0 mgL-1,ABA 2.0 - 4.0mgL-1。 在添加了2%-4%甘露醇或2.0 mgL-1PP333的培養(yǎng)基上,保存植株經ISSR分子檢測,未檢測到變異;而保存在添加了2.0 - 4.0mgL-1ABA培養(yǎng)基上的植株,出現了1條新增標記,1條缺失標記,位點變異率為1.6%,個體變異率為30%。因此,ABA不宜用于半夏試管苗的緩慢生長法保存,但有助于新突變體的產生,在半夏種質創(chuàng)新上具有特殊意義。2.半夏的緩慢生長

22、法保存及體細胞遺傳變半夏的緩慢生長法保存及體細胞遺傳變異的異的ISSR檢測檢測 半夏的緩慢生長法保存及體細胞遺傳半夏的緩慢生長法保存及體細胞遺傳變異的變異的ISSR檢測檢測 Slow Growth Conservation of Pinellia ternate and its Somaclonal Variation as Detected by ISSR MarkersnEffects of the various/diverse/different concentrations of either mannitol, PP333, or ABA on slow growth of in

23、vitro Pinellia ternate were investigated, and the somaclonal variation was further assessed/detected using ISSR marker in the current work. 本文以半夏試管苗為材料,探討了不同濃度的甘露醇、PP333和ABA對半夏延緩生長的保存效應,并采用ISSR標記對保存材料后代再生植株的體細胞遺傳變異進行了檢測。 結果表明,三種物質均能有效抑制半夏試管苗的生長,保存10M而不繼代,存活率高; The results showed that the tested chem

24、icals could effectively inhibit the growth of in vitro Pinellia ternate, and the cultures might be conserved for 10 months without transfer with a high survival rate. nCompared with the normal subculturing plantlet/control, the morphological traits, as well as proliferation and rooting ability of re

25、generation plant were not significantly different. The optimal concentration of mannitol, PP333 and ABA were 2%-4%, 2.0 mg.L-1 and 2.0 - 4.0 mg.L-1, respectively, for long-time preservation of Pinellia ternate. 與正常繼代試管苗相比,再生植株的形態(tài)、增殖倍數和生根能力沒有顯著差異,最佳濃度分別為甘露醇2%-4%, 2.0 mgL-1 PP333 , 2.0 - 4.0mgL-1 ABA

26、。 nAs detected by ISSR molecular, no polymorphic/aberrant marker was scored/ observed/investigated/ obtained from the regenerated plantlets conserved on medium with the addition of 2% mannitol and 2.0 mg.L-1 PP333. 在添加了2%-4%甘露醇或2.0 mgL-1PP333的培養(yǎng)基上,保存植株經ISSR分子檢測,未檢測到變異; nHowever/Conversely, a new mar

27、ker and a absent mark were observed from that conserved on medium supplemented with 2.0 mg.L-1 ABA, and the locus or individual variation rate was 1.6% or 30%, respectively. 而保存在添加了2.0 - 4.0mgL-1ABA培養(yǎng)基上的植株,共出現了1條新增標記,1條缺失標記,位點變異率為1.6%,個體變異率為30%。 n Therefore, ABA was not suitable for in vitro conserv

28、ation of Pinellia germplasm. Rather, it might be used to generate new mutant, which demonstrated highly a promising role in the creation of new Pinellia ternate germplasm.因此,ABA不宜用于半夏試管苗的緩慢生長法保存,但有助于新突變體的產生,在半夏種質創(chuàng)新上具有特殊意義。 The enhancement of drought tolerance for pigeon pea inoculated by arbuscular

29、mycorrhizae fungi Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) has been rapidly grown in the drought-striken karstic regions of southwest China. Present work aimed to investigate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) on the drought tolerance of pigeon pea, as well as to elucidate the physiological responses of A

30、M-colonized seedlings to the water deficit. Abstract As subjected to drought stress, AM symbiosis (AMD) highly led to the positive effects on root system, plant height and stem diameter. AMD demonstrated a remarkably higher chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance. The solub

31、le sugar in AMD was significantly higher than that of the non-AM seedlings (NAMD), indicating the enhanced tolerance at least partially correlated with osmotic solute. Conversely, the proline (Pro) of AMD was lower, revealing the excessive Pro was not imperative for drought tolerance. After 30 days

32、drought stress, AMD gave around a third less lipid peroxides than that of NAMD. Rather, the root activities of AMD were significantly higher than that of the latter after 10 days drought stress. Abstract Thereby, AM fungi might substantially elevate the tolerance to drought of pigeon pea, and the cu

33、mulative effects contributed to the enhanced tolerance. To date, this has been the first report concerning the enhancement of drought tolerance via AM colonization in this legume species.AbstractTitle:Aluminum tolerance in a spermidine synthase-overexpressing transgenic European pear is correlated w

34、ith the enhanced level of spermidine via alleviating oxidative statusAbstract: Aluminum (Al) stress is a major cause of poor crop yields, particularly in those countries where acid soil predominate. To verify whether polyamine can confer Al tolerance, in vitro shoots of a transgenic European pear (P

35、yrus communis L. Ballad) line #32 overexpressing apple spermidine synthase (MdSPDS1) and the wild type (WT) were subjected to long-term stress for 30 M AlCl3. Based on net increment of shoot height (SHI) or fresh weight (FWI) and morphological changes upon the stress, we found that the performance o

36、f line #32 was much better than that of WT. Although SPDS expression levels and spermidine (Spd) titers in line #32 were higher than those in WT, firmly due to the transgene (MdSPDS1) expression, no further induction of SPDS expression was observed from the long-term Al stress trial in both lines. A

37、bstract While, Spd titers were considerably increased in both lines after the stress. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) or glutathione reductase (GR) and the accumulation of proline or malondialdehyde (MDA) altered upon this stress toward a more favorable status for survival in the transg

38、enic line #32 than in WT. These antioxidant parameters were closely related to Spd titer. Abstract Concentrations of calcium (Ca) and some co-factor metals of SOD in line #32 were diversely higher than that in WT after the stress. These evidences indicate that Spd is implicated in elevating of Al st

39、ress tolerance of the transgenic line #32 chiefly via ameliorating oxidative status as well as by affecting mineral element balance. AbstractTitle: Spermidine levels are implicated in heavy metal tolerance in a spermidine synthase overexpressing transgenic European pear by exerting antioxidant activitiesAbstract To verify whether spermidine synthase (SPDS) can confer long-term multi-heavy metal tolerance, in vitro shoots of a transgenic European pear (Pyrus communis L. Ballad) line #32 overexpressing apple SPDS (MdSPDS1), as well as a wild type (WT) line, were subjected to stress using eithe


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