1、實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第1頁共10頁前人總結(jié)出的托福成績復(fù)議四條潛規(guī)則一、什么時候有托福成績復(fù)議的必要 ?其實簡單來說,應(yīng)該是在自己的分數(shù)跟需要的分數(shù)很接近的時候,比如你現(xiàn)在98分,然后你需要100分的時候;或者是你現(xiàn)在77分,然 后你需要80分的時候,你進行復(fù)議。亦或者是這所學(xué)校對于口語或 者作文的單項有最低成績要求,而你的分數(shù)恰好又相差不多(1-5分的時候)你才有復(fù)議的必要。二、什么情況值得托福成績復(fù)議?這個分口語和寫作兩部分,說說大家對自己分數(shù)產(chǎn)生的幻覺。口語部分,很多同學(xué)看別人3個f是22分,自己3個f也應(yīng)該是22 分,如果沒達到就要復(fù)議。其實別人的經(jīng)驗對沒有任何
2、參考,況且每 一場考試分數(shù)都會根據(jù)考試難度有浮動,光比較成績是沒用的。寫作部分就更主觀了,有時候自己認為寫的很不錯的文章, 專業(yè)老師 看還是能挑出不少毛病。建議大家在平常練習(xí)時就參照 0G上的評分 標準檢查,如果平常的文章就有一些語法錯誤和拼寫錯誤的話,真正 考試的時候只會多不會少,提分的可能性就不大。必須強調(diào)的是:復(fù)議不是提分手段,只是給你一個重新公正評審的機 會。對照0G上的口語和寫作的標準仔細回憶考場上的情況,如果覺得和自己的預(yù)估的成績差很多,那才去復(fù)議。三、托福成績復(fù)議一定漲分?多少人漲分,多少人降分?之前在談雅思復(fù)議時和大家分享過, 雅思復(fù)議一定不會降分,只可能 實用文檔系列文檔編號
3、:YL-SY-33366第2頁共10頁持平或者提分,但是托福不一樣。如果你要求 ETS重新對于你的托 ??谡Z或者作文進行評分,那么這個分數(shù)有可能上漲,也有可能下降! 且用且謹慎!據(jù)GTER統(tǒng)計,單項:有262人降分,452人漲分。降3分以上的 為116人,降1-3分的為146人漲3分以上的143人,漲1-3分 的309人。兩項合計的話:降分54人,漲分135人。降5分以上的21人,降1-5分的33人,漲5分以上的67人,漲1-5分的68人。這個數(shù)據(jù)清晰的為我們表明:單項漲分的人占63%,相應(yīng)的降分的占37%。兩項合起來漲分的人占71%,降分的占29%。這其中,口語漲分的情況比較多,相對的作文復(fù)
4、議之后結(jié)果變化不大。從這些數(shù)據(jù)之中我們可以看出,大多數(shù)人復(fù)議之后,分數(shù)是上漲的, 單項漲分的占63%,兩項漲分的占71%;但是,也有一小部分人分數(shù) 是有所下降的,單項降分的占37%,兩項減分的占29%。因此從這個角度來看,如果你的分數(shù)已經(jīng)夠用了,那么考慮到有可能 降分,因此建議不要再花錢復(fù)議了。但是如果是向前面所說的,恰好 某個單項分數(shù)不夠,或者總分跟要求的分數(shù)差一點,可以復(fù)議,否則 最好不要復(fù)議了。復(fù)議的風險除了復(fù)議可能會降低分數(shù)之外,這里還有一點潛規(guī)則,也就是其實復(fù) 議的時間長短在這里沒有明確表明,從經(jīng)驗來看,復(fù)議結(jié)果,快的話1-2周,慢的話2個月都是有可能的。時間上極為沒準,因此,如果實
5、用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第3頁共10頁著急要分,不如馬上拿錢再考一次!四、什么情況下進行復(fù)議成功率高?什么時候復(fù)議成功率最高,尤其還是主觀性較強的口語和寫作部分, 還真不好說,能給大家最中肯的建議就是對照托福 0G上口語和寫作 部分的評分標準,仔細回憶考試當天的情況,如果和判斷的結(jié)果相差 很大的話,再復(fù)議成功率較高。再給大家一些具體的數(shù)據(jù)做參考,拿口語舉例:1、 其他單項分數(shù)高,托福口語單項分數(shù)低:比如復(fù)議前是28+26+18+25 ,這種情況復(fù)議漲分的可能比較大;2、 Good、Limited、Fair這些等級是可以改變的:不要太在意復(fù)議前l(fā)imited、fair這些等級。
6、復(fù)議時候這個fair、limited等級是會重 新評定的,所以還是要根據(jù)自己的考場發(fā)揮來判斷漲分空間。 比如曾 經(jīng)有一位考生,復(fù)議前是 2個limited1個fair,復(fù)議后就變成3個 fair 了。3、 復(fù)議加分的可能性:據(jù)統(tǒng)計,100個考生申請復(fù)議,分數(shù)變化的 是10%左右。其中加分的是7個,減分的是3個。按以往復(fù)議數(shù)據(jù) 來看,寫作分數(shù)漲分的可能性比口語更小。因此,考慮是否復(fù)議要考 慮到減分的風險。最好的選擇當然是再刷一次托福。托福閱讀背景知識:雨林中動物傳遞信息的方式托福閱讀真題再現(xiàn):講的是動物、昆蟲的發(fā)聲的問題最開始怎么說的記不清楚了,第一層應(yīng)該就是rain forest里面的小實用文
7、檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第4頁共10頁東東怎么讓聲音傳播。熱帶雨林里面這么吵,要讓同類聽到自己還是 很不容易的,尤其對于那些小昆蟲什么的,而且很多小東西通過發(fā)聲 來求偶交配嘛,你們都懂的!!Rain forest這里舉了一個樹蛙的例子, 就是這小青蛙用的一種招數(shù),它一般會進到有水的樹洞,身體一部分沒入水中,然后開始發(fā)聲,找到與大樹能共鳴的頻率,這不就能傳 的更高更遠嘛。(有排除題)下面一層應(yīng)該是講birds,同時提到了它們叫的時間一般是在早上和 黃昏,那個時候聲音能傳得更遠,但是有些時候也會讓天敵們發(fā)現(xiàn)之類的(沒記錯的話,最少有倆道題)最后一層應(yīng)該是提到了不同物種的發(fā)聲頻率不同,
8、這能讓它們被分辨 出來。還有一個教授,把聲音錄下來回去分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)每個雨林的聲音 還不太一樣,也是unique的,甚至可以像人類的指紋一樣去分辨樹 林的獨特聲音什么的(有題)老師解析:本篇文章講解了雨林中不同動物不同的傳遞信息的方式。屬于生物學(xué)中典型的話題,請大家理解文章時重點關(guān)注生物傳遞信息的方式與雨 林環(huán)境的適應(yīng)性的體現(xiàn)。相應(yīng)背景請參考下文:The daytime quality of light in forests varies with the density ofthe vegetati on, the an gle of the Sun, and the amount of clo
9、udin the sky. Both ani mals and pla nts have differe nt appeara ncesin these various lighting conditions. A color or pattern that is實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第5頁共10頁relativelyin disti netin one ki ndof light may be quitecon spicuous in ano ther.In the varied and constantly changing light environment of
10、theforest, an animal must be able to send visual signals to members of its own species and at the same time avoid being detected by predators. An ani mal can hide from predators by choosing the light environmentin which its pattern is leastvisible. This may require moving to different parts of the f
11、orest at different times of the day or underdifferentweatherconditions, or it may be achieved by changing color according to the cha nging light con diti ons. Many species of amphibia ns (frogs and toads) and reptiles (lizards and sn akes) are able to cha nge their color patter ns to camouflage them
12、selves. Some also signal by changing color. The chameleon lizard has the most striking ability to do this. Some chameleon species can cha nge from a rather dull appeara nee to a full riot of car ni val colors in sec on ds. By this means, they sig nal their level of aggressi on or read in ess to mate
13、.Other species take into account the changing conditionsoflight by perform ing their visual displays on ly whe n the light is favorable. A male bird of paradise may put himself in the limelight by displayinghis spectacular plumage in the beststage sett ing to attract a female. Certa in butterflies m
14、ove into spots of 實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第6頁共10頁sun light that have pen etrated to the forest floor and display by opening and closing their beautifullypatternedwings in the bright spotlights. They also compete with each other for the best spot of sun light.Very little light filters through the canop
15、y of leaves and bran ches in a rain forest to reach ground level or close to the ground and at those levels the yellow-to-gree n wavele ngth predo min ate.A sig nal might be most easily see n if it ismaximally bright. In the green-to-yellow lighting conditions of the lowest levels of the forest, yel
16、low and green would be the brightest colors, but when an animal is signaling, these colors would not be very visible if the animal was sitting in an area with a yellowish or greenish background. The best signal depends not only on its brightness but also on how well it con trasts with the backgro un
17、d aga inst which it must be see n.In this part of the rain forest, therefore, red and orange are thebest colors for signaling, and they are the colors used in signals by the ground-walking Australian brush turkey. This species, which lives in the rain forests and scrublands of the east coast of Aust
18、ralia, has a brown-to-black plumage with bare, bright-red skin on the head and a neck collar oforange-yellowloosely hanging skin. During courtship andaggressive displays, the turkey enl arges its colored n eck collar by in 實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第7頁共10頁flat ingsacs in the n eck regi on and the n fli
19、ngs about apendulous part of the colored signaling apparatus as it utters calls designed to attract or repel. This impressive display is clearly visible in the light spectrum illu min at ing the forest floor.Less colorful birds and ani mals that in habit the rai n forest tend to rely on forms of sig
20、naling other than the visual, particularly over long dista nces.The pierci ng cries of the rhino ceroshorn bill characterize the Southeast Asia n rai n forest, as do the unm istakablecalls of the gibb ons. In den selywoodeden vir onmen ts, sound is the best means of com muni cati onover distance bec
21、ause in comparison with light, it travels with little impediment from trees and other vegetation. In forests, visual sig nals can be see n on ly at short dista nces, where they are not obstructed by trees. The male riflebird exploits both of these modes of signalingsimultaneously in his courtshipdis
22、play. The sounds made as each wingis opened carryextremely well over dista nce and advertise his prese nce widely.The ritualizedvisual display com muni catesin close quarterswhe n a female has approached.托福閱讀背景知識:如何處理害蟲托福閱讀真題再現(xiàn):講得是pest的問題,如何處理害蟲。實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第8頁共10頁先講了一個例子好像是美國西南部, 具體記不清了,其
23、實是為了引出chemical方法,就是殺蟲劑pesticide,而且還講了殺蟲劑的負作 用,會對native的一些物種造成預(yù)想不到的損傷。同時pest產(chǎn)生耐藥性的時間大約5年,遠短于研制出新的pesticide所需要的時間。(就是說這方法有明顯缺陷,好引出下面的方法,你們懂得!!肯定有題的嘛)然后就講了 biological方法,引進pest的天敵,因為多數(shù)頑固的pest 其實是外來物種,之所以成為 pest就是沒有天敵。這里舉了中國古 代的一個例子,知道例子的功能就好。(有題)然后這提到了一些不足,細節(jié)記不太清楚了。最后來到了終極大招,一個叫IPM的方法讓害蟲們明白!其實就是 一種integ
24、rated 的什么方法,綜合考慮各種因素,什么經(jīng)濟啊,生 物學(xué)啊,如果不得不用殺蟲劑要控制劑量啊等等(有排除題)。其實我 覺得不算新方法,但是就是綜合考慮,然后就有了IPM這樣一個酷炫的名字。老師解析:本篇文章講解了處理害蟲的不同方法。 理解文章時按照不同的處理方 法梳理文章的結(jié)構(gòu),不同的方法要把握住作者關(guān)于其優(yōu)點和缺點的介 實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-33366第9頁共10頁紹,不同的方法的不同特點為文章出題的題點。In sects become resista nt to chemical in secticides very rapidlyit can happe n in as
25、few as five gen eratio ns. This is n atural selecti on at work.The problem is that an insecticide never kills all of its intended victims. If eve n a few in sects survive, they will reproduce. These surv iving in sects will produce two types of young those that are resista nt to the spray, and those
26、that are not.The non-resista nt in sects will be killed in the next spray ing, but those that are left reproduce. At each generation, the number of n aturally resista nt in sects in the populatio n in creases.An in dividualin sect does not become resista nt duri ngitslifetime. It is bor n either res
27、ista nt or non-resista nt, and it is the populati on as a whole that gradually becomes resista nt to the pesticide over time. The Bt tox ins become in effective, and the ben efits of using them (less toxicity to non-targetspecies)disappear.As this occurs, a new pesticide must be developed. Over time, populati ons of in sects can become resista nt to more and more pesticides. As a result,humansneed to make differentpestic
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