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1、“ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature. - nikola tesla zero point energy zpowerzpowerzpower 502550255025 n n n centralce

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3、copyright and disclaimer the purpose of this document is to outline the vision of zpower corporation for the global commercialization of advanced energy technologies. copyright all text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof (unless otherwise noted) are copyright 1999-2003, zpower corporat

4、ion (zpower), 5025 n central #414, phoenix az 85012 usa. all rights reserved. disclaimer zpower is providing this document on an as is basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to its contents. any use or misuse of this information is solely the responsibility of the

5、reader. zpower does not represent or warrant that the information in this report is accurate, complete or current. this information was gathered from sources believed to be reliable, but cannot be guaranteed insofar as they apply to any particular entity. accordingly, intending parties should seek a

6、dvice from appropriately qualified advisers as to suitability of a possible relationship with zpower. neither zpower nor any of its directors, employees, other representatives or advertisers will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this report. this is a comprehensi

7、ve limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. this material does not constitute an offer to sell or

8、 a solicitation to buy any security. zpower strategy documents corporate profile overview global marketing strategy invention program technology energy revolution energy industry zero point energy last revision: 01-1月-01 table of contents introduction. 5 energy: something from nothing - a zero point

9、 primer . 8 experiment confirms zero point energy .10 new energy age . 13 space drive: a fantasy that could become reality . 21 volatile vacuums.23 tom bearden fights for revolutionary science.29 the leftovers of nothing .35 the energetic vacuum: implications for energy research . 38 quantum fluctua

10、tions create silent uproar in space. 48 where does the zero-point energy come from? .53 inertia: does empty space .56 put up the resistance?.56 filling the void. 60 exploiting zero-point energy.62 the wave. 68 quantum fluctuations of empty space: a new rosetta stone of physics? .73 can the vacuum be

11、 engineered for spaceflight applications?. 81 the new tesla electromagnetics and the secrets of free electrical energy.91 the final secret of free energy.106 what is energy in an electric circuit?.127 space propulsion .144 the subtle pull of emptiness.151 ether: what is it?.154 everything for nothin

12、g.158 ether and the theory of relativity.165 aether, relativity and superfluidity.173 the electromagnetic field we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians. throughout space there is energy. is this energy static or kinetic? if static our hopes are in vain; if kin

13、etic - and this we know it is, for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature. nikola tesla, addressing the american institute of electrical engineers, 1891 so astounding are the facts in this connection, that it wo

14、uld seem as thought the creator, himself had electrically designed this planet. nikola tesla, electrical world and engineer, january 7, 1905 utterly ludicrous to speak of an energy shortage as is so often done in todays political and economic spheres. the paradigm of the zero point energy potential

15、of the vacuum of space literally disallows scarcity from being considered to be real, that is, if we can find a way to tap into this sea of energy potential and extract some of it to do work. this is the big issue at hand and the outcome of this issue has enormous ramifications for the future existe

16、nce of the human species and for that of all life on earth. it is safe to say that the understanding of zero point vacuum fluctuation physics is one of the more important steps that has ever occurred in the history of science. it has the potential to utterly change our view of the nature of things a

17、nd may have technological ramifications that can allow us to really clean up the planet and stop destroying the biosphere in the greedy, shortsighted way that is currently going on at an ever accelerating rate. and accomplishing this miracle will set us on the road to an even greater miracle - a fun

18、damental shift in consciousness that can liberate humanitys imagination to the same unimaginable degree that zero point physics can liberate the energy in so-called empty space. zero point physics is also in profound accord with the sacred world views of nearly all spiritual traditions. it shows tha

19、t everything is inseparably one, that all that manifests is arising within the same unified ocean of being. there are no separations. all of humanity and in fact the entire universe is one coherent body arising mysteriously out of the infinite source that some call god or the great spirit. it demons

20、trates and scientifically validates the spiritual verity that we have boundless resourcefulness within ourselves, within the spirit that lives in us and all things, and we can learn to draw upon that infinite reservoir of strength, resourcefulness, and yes, love. the zero point paradigm provides a s

21、cientifically sup-ported model of human potential as being literally infinite and totally open ended, something that great awakened beings have been telling us throughout the ages. this new paradigm helps us get a glimpse through the thoroughly scientific and rational approach to the staggering boun

22、dless creative potential and open-ended dynamics of the universal mind, of which we are all living creative expressions and with which we are all one. thus he then classified living creatures into genera and species, and divided them in every way until he came to their elements, which he called the

23、five shapes and bodies - aether, fire, water, earth and air. xenocrates, on the life of plato experiment confirms zero point energy patent issued to air force scientist by eugene mallove not that it was a big surprise to those in the new energy field, but it is wonderful that the existence of zero p

24、oint energy - the potential source of limitless energy for civilization - has now been confirmed in a seminal experiment - one that has already been acclaimed by the scientific mainstream. of course, the “mainstream” talks of its implications for cosmology and for its “proof” of the theory of quantu

25、m electrodynamics (qed) - not for technological applications. physicist steven k. lamoreaux, now of los alamos national laboratory, performed an exacting, elegant experiment (while at the university of washington in seattle), which confirms within 5% the theoretical formula for the casimir force, wh

26、ich was proposed in 1948. this is the force that is said to be due to “virtual photons” popping in and out of existence in the vacuum of space. specifically, it is the force that appears prominently when physical objects are in very close proximity. then, the tiny region between two objects-such as

27、two closely spaced flat plates-excludes the longer wavelength spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that pervades space. so there is an inward pressure that creates the casimir force. (see r.l. forwards tutorial article on zpe in ie #9 pp.53-64) the lamoreaux paper, “demonstration of the casimir for

28、ce in the 0.6 to 6 pm range,” appeared in physical review letters, 6 january 1997, vol.78, no.1, pp. 5-8. the abstract is succinct: “the vacuum stress between closely spaced conducting surfaces, due to the modification of the zero-point fluctuations of the electro-magnetic field, has been conclusive

29、ly demonstrated. the measurement employed an electromechanical system based on a torsion pendulum. agreement with theory at the level of 5% is obtained.” the actual experiment employed a spherical-shaped gold-coated plate in near-contact with a flat plate-facilitating precise electromechanical adjus

30、tments to measure the forces, which would have been more difficult with two flat plates. the casimir force formula was verified down to a separation distance of 0.6 um. the response to this experiment has been noteworthy. writing in nature, science writer charles seife began: “there is no such thing

31、 as a free lunch- except in quantum mechanics. classical physics - and common sense - dictates that the vacuum is devoid not only of matter but of energy. but quantum mechanics often seems to depart from common sense.” it would have been nice had this comment led in the article into the potential te

32、chnological implications of the experiment. but alas, no! seife quoted university of sussex physicist, malcolm boshier: “this is one of those experiments that is going to wind up in all of the textbooks.” malcolm w. browns story in the new york times (january 21. 1997, c.l, c.6), was titled. “physic

33、ists confirm the power of nothing, measuring force of quantum foam” however. mr. brown, as usual, ignored the technological implications in favor of outlandish concepts having to do with theoretical cosmology. first off his pen was, .something might cause the present day universal vacuum to collapse

34、 into a different vacuum of lower energy. the effect, propagating at the speed of light, would be the annihilation of all matter in the universe. there would be no warning for humankind: the earth and all its inhabitants would simply cease to exist at the instant the collapsing vacuum reached the pl

35、anet.” brown quoted cosmologist dr. michael turner of fermilab: the energy of the vacuum remains one of the deep mysteries of science. we know from quantum mechanics that it is not empty. we have much to learn.” indeed! strangely, these cosmology-obsessed people (i confess, i used to be one of them!

36、) do not even think of the implications for over-unity devices. fortunately, others have been thinking of such devices. air force scientist franklin b. meade, jr. and his colleague jack nachamkin have just been awarded a u.s. patent (#5,590,031) for a device to capture zero-point radiation. it emplo

37、ys the novel approach of capturing the beat-frequency radiation of zero point radiation frequencies. the patent is a highly significant one. note the key connection to the lamoreaux experiment in these words from the patent abstract: “a system is disclosed for converting high frequency zero point el

38、ectro-magnetic radiation energy to electrical energy. the system includes a pair of dielectric structures which are positioned proximal to each other and which receive incident zero point electromagnetic radiation. the volumetric sizes of the structures are selected so that they resonate at a freque

39、ncy of the incident radiation. the volumetric sizes of the structures are also slightly different so that the secondary radiation emitted therefrom at resonance interfere with each other producing a beat frequency radiation which is at a much lower frequency than that of the incident radiation and w

40、hich is amenable to conversion to electrical energy.” note well the comment in the patent: “the size of the structures are preferably miniaturized in order to produce greater amounts of energy from a system located within a space or area of a given size. in this regard, the smaller the size of the r

41、eceiving structures, the greater the amount of energy that can be produced by the system of the present invention.” questions immediately arise. could this be pointing the way to the use of nanostructures to extract zpe? is it possible that if this patent is sound, it points toward an explanation fo

42、r the cause of cold fusion excess energy and a method for facilitating nuclear reactions? there are many things to ponder! new energy age is free unlimited energy really a possibility? find out from two physicists who have explored this intriguing topic: hal puthoff and steven weinberg. c_cox and ot

43、her viewers ask: i didnt quite understand the principle of zero-point energy on the show. can you please give me a simple explanation of the basic theory or point me the direction where i could read about it on the web or a recent publication? hal puthoff answers: a very readable summary can be foun

44、d in scientific american itself, in an article by prof. timothy boyer in the august 1985 issue, entitled the classical vacuum. as to the origin of the term zero-point energy, it simply means that for any vibration (acoustic, electromagnetic, etc.) there remains, even at a temperature of absolute zer

45、o, a small residual energy that has its roots in the quantum uncertainty principle, a nonvanishing quantum jiggle, as it were. in the context of the program, the possibility of an enormous reservoir of zero-point energy in space (the vacuum) associated with electromagnetic fields derives from the fa

46、ct that although the residual energy at any given frequency is quite small (at the level of the uncertainty principle), there are contributions to the overall energy density from waves of all frequencies, propagating in all directions, and the sum of all these contributions is calculated to be quite

47、 large. steven weinberg answers: electric and magnetic fields and other fields are subject to a version of the heisenberg uncertainty principle: it is not possible to have a state in which a field, and the rate at which it is changing, both vanish. consequently empty space, even far from any matter,

48、 is permeated with continually fluctuating fields. the effects of these fields are very weak under ordinary circumstances, but they can be measured - for instance, by observing a force between parallel metal plates due to the change produced by these plates in the fluctuating electric and magnetic f

49、ields in the space between the plates. this is known as the casimir effect, and has been studied experimentally and theoretically for many years. cosmicaug asks: this is a naive laypersons question which, as a genuinely naive layperson (at least when it comes to qm), i feel fully qualified to pose.

50、the question is simply where does the energy in these quantum vacuum fluctuations come from? that is, if i installed one of these zero point energy devices in my basement to power my electric toaster in my kitchen, would i get free air conditioning in my basement every time i made toast or would the

51、 energy come from somewhere unknown (perhaps even somebody elses basement) or would it come from nowhere at all (free lunch scenario)? i am of course bypassing the issues of exactly how much of this energy is available and whether it is harnessable in some practical way and simply assuming that at s

52、ome point i can buy these devices at my local hardware store and that they work as advertised. hal puthoff answers: naive laypersons questions are the best! if access to the zero-point-energy (zpe) reservoir is successful, one neednt worry about either depletion of this resource or creating an imbal

53、ance in the local environment. it is the electromagnetic equivalent of scooping cupfuls of water out of the ocean, with replacement occurring at the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves, the velocity of light. as to the ultimate origin of the zpe, two views are discussed in the physics l

54、iterature: one, that it is simply part and parcel of the energetic legacy that emerged with the big bang, and another that it is an energetic substratum the preceded even the big bang, with our universe emerging as the result of a giant vacuum fluctuation. in any case an argument can be made that it

55、 is sustained by a cosmological feedback cycle in which charged particles radiate due to their quantum jiggle, and the particles jiggle due to being caught up in the collective radiation of all the other particles, an electromagnetic equivalent of placing a microphone near a speaker and generating a

56、 squeal (see h. e. puthoff, on the source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy, phys. rev. a, vol. 40, p. 4857,1989; phys. rev. a vol. 44, p. 3382,1991). gdecker asks: for hal puthoff: you say you think the next century could be the era of zero-point energy. do you think were close to finding

57、 the making the breakthrough discovery that would make this scenario a reality? hal puthoff answers: to my knowledge there are at present five techniques proposed to extract zpe for use, the more promising of which are under investigation in several laboratories, and some of which have shown some sm

58、all positive results. as with solar power, hot fusion, and antimatter containment, the road between emerging laboratory proof-of-principle and scaled-up, economically-competitive energy resource is a long one. in our laboratory we are sufficiently optimistic that we are devoting a large part of our

59、resources to this pursuit, with the expectation that within a decade we will either be confident that it is only a matter of time and engineering, or it will reveal itself to be only a laboratory phenomenon without the possibility of constituting a major energy resource. it falls into the category t

60、hat we refer to jokingly as high risk, infinite payoff, and so think it is worth pursuing until its potential is resolved one way or the other. bioteach asks: could you please evaluate the “bubble theory” that puthoff is investigating on the show. does it sound promising to you? hal puthoff answers:


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