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1、 本試卷分第卷(選擇題)、第卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共130分,考試用時100分鐘。第卷 1 至 12 頁,第卷 13 至 16 頁??忌鷦毡貙⒋鸢竿繉懺诖痤}卡上,答在試卷上的答案無效??荚嚱Y束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。 祝各位考生考試順利! (2015年4月10日15: 0016: 40使用)第卷 注意事項:1. 答第卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、準考號填寫在答題卡上,并在規(guī)定位置粘貼考試用條形碼。2. 每小題選出答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案標號。 3本卷共 55 小題,共 95 分。第一部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分)

2、第一節(jié) 單項填空(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分) 從a、b、c、d四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。例: stand over there _ youll be able to see it better. a. or b. and c. but d. while 答案是b。1. if my train is on _ schedule, i will be home at _ midnight. a. the; the b. /; the c. a; / d. /; /2. some friends tried to settle the quarrel betwe

3、en mr. and mrs. brown without hurting the feeling of _, but failed. a. none b. either c. both d. neither3. everyone in the village is very friendly. it doesnt matter _ you have lived there for a short or a long time.a. why b. howc. whetherd. when4. it is important to have your eyes examined regularl

4、y to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any _.a. shadow b. similarity c. sample d. symptom5. mr. black must be worried about something. you can _ it from the look on his face. a. reason b. recognize c. read d. realize6. can i pay the bill by check? sorry, sir. but it is the manageme

5、nt rule of our hotel that payment _ be made in cash. a. shall b. need c. will d. can7. china has been pushing the reform of public hospitals _ all its citizens.a. in charge ofb. for the purpose of c. in honor of d. for the benefit of8. look, it _ again. yeah. this is the third snow we _ this spring.

6、a. will snow; are having b. has snowed; had hadc. is snowing; have had d. snows; have had9. _, the search engine just gave me some brief introductions rather than the whole content of the book to read.a. luckily b. mostlyc. funnily d. disappointingly10. its surprising that your brother _ russian so

7、quickly he hasnt lived there very long.a. picked up b. looked up c. put up d. made up 11. examination compositions, together with most business letters and government reports, are the main situations _ formal language is used.a. where b. why c. which d. what12. she felt sorry that she had disturbed

8、the _ calmness of a man she respected.a. regular b. curious c. usual d. various13. shanghai is the first city in the world _ a high-speed maglev train, from the city to pudong airport.a. to build b. to be built c. to have builtd. to have been built14. the modern art exhibition in the city museum has

9、 been cancelled. oh, no! _. a. it doesnt matter b. its a pity c. i knew it already d. its not interesting at all15. i _ you, but i didnt think you would listen to me.a. could have told b. must have toldc. should tell d. might tell第二節(jié) 完形填空 (共20小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從16 35 各題所給的a、b、c、d 四個選

10、項中,選出最佳選項,將短文內(nèi)容補充完整。it was a sunny day, and as a routine for years, i was shopping at my local supermarket. on that particular day, i had done about 2 weeks worth of shopping and 16 toward the register to pay for my groceries. after the cashier had scanned my items and i had bagged them up, she stat

11、ed that the 17 was $150.i 18 into my back right pocket to grab the money to pay and noticed that there was no money there. i started to get 19 . i knew my purse was in the car and i was sure i had put the 20 in my back right pocket. i looked at the cashier with wet eyes and a 21 look not knowing wha

12、t to do. there were people behind me on the line. she told me to speak with the courtesy counter (愛心柜臺). i 22 and said, “really? its 23 ,no one would hand that in!” but she 24 me to. “you never know” she said. i decided that there was no 25 in checking so i walked up to a woman behind the counter an

13、d said, “ i have to ask, did anyone 26 cash by any chance?” she asked, “how much?” my face then 27 . “ $200 in the form of one hundred dollar bills.” i replied. she said, “ 28 , yes, someone did!” i was so 29 ! “who? i want to thank her.” she pointed to a young girl about 10 years old and said, “she

14、 did.”i walked over to the mom and hugged her. she said, “it wasnt me, it was my 30 ”. i said, “i know, i wanted to thank you both, 31 she found it its because of you that i got this back.” i was so happy, i was almost in tears.the next day at work, a person in another department 32 me tickets to th

15、e circus. he handed me 5 tickets. almost 33 that young girls face popped in my head. after work i went back to the supermarket and stopped at the courtesy counter and asked if she had any idea who that woman was. she smiled and said, “yes, she is a friend of mine”. then i asked her to do me a favor

16、and pass along these 5 tickets to her. she told me that the family of the little girl who found my money were not rich so they would really 34 this. she also said that they had 3 children, so five was the 35 number of tickets! 16. a. headedb. retired c. hesitated d. showed17. a. percentage b. totalc

17、. product d. luggage18. a. lookedb. searchedc. checked d. reached19. a. particular b. curious c. nervous d. serious20. a. cardb. groceryc. purse d. money21. a. shockedb. confused c. inspired d. moved22. a. screamedb. laughedc. criedd. blamed23. a. reality b. evidencec. receiptd. cash 24. a. encourag

18、ed b. postponed c. discouragedd. promised25. a. doubtb. needc. harmd. expense26. a. turn in b. work out c. send ford. take away27. a. broke up b. burst out c. lit upd. sent off28. a. eventually b. finally c. actuallyd. unfortunately29. a. interested b. worriedc. absorbedd. surprised30. a. daughter b

19、. husband c. motherd. friend31. a. because b. howeverc. althoughd. besides32. a. offered b. borrowed c. producedd. lent33. a. simplyb. constantly c. previouslyd. instantly34. a. rejectb. appreciatec. ignored. purchase35. a. unique b. perfect c. official d. typical第二部分 閱讀理解 (共 20 小題;每小題 2. 5 分,滿分 50

20、分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的a、b、c、d 四個選項中,選出最佳選項。 adear sharon draper,a lot of books have flashes of insight, but only few of them can open the readers mind and make them realize something new. your book, out of my mind, filled me with those sparks. i enjoyed getting to know melody. despite the fact that she ha

21、d cerebral palsy(腦癱),melody had an amazing character that shone brightly. out of my mind helped me learn a life-long lesson.your book has changed my point of view. i never teased those who had special needs, but i never really felt comfortable around them either. when i started reading your novel, i

22、 saw how melody was a smart and talented girl. at the beginning of the book, i asked myself, “would i be melodys friend?” the voice in my stomach told me the sad truth: no. i carried on with your book from start to finish, and when i closed it, i asked myself the same question, “would i be melodys f

23、riend?” i realized, with a smile, that the answer was right in front of me. throughout out of my mind, i had become melodys friend.last year, there was a boy in my class who had aspergers syndrome(阿斯伯格綜合癥). i didnt really know him; he just seemed different to me. this was around the time that i read

24、 your novel. melody showed me how she was just as good as anyone else in her classroom and how the same goes for anyone else with disabilities. the boy in my class amazed me by what he was capable of doing. as the days went by, i started helping him instead of avoiding him.melody opened my eyes and

25、cleared the world around me. she showed me how a girl with cerebral palsy was the same as a girl like me. now it is time for me to thank you for writing this amazing novel. i will never forget your fantastic book. sincerely, margaret lim36. before margaret lim read out of my mind, she _.a. often lau

26、ghed at those who are disabled b. liked to help those who had special needsc. wouldnt make friends with the disabledd. looked down upon those who are different 37. according to the passage, the author mainly thinks out of my mind is _.a. beautiful in words b. influential to readersc. skilful at writ

27、ing d. successful in sales38. what does the second paragraph mainly talk about?a. the characters of a disabled girl.b. the change of margarets attitude toward the disabled.c. the friendship between margaret and melody.d. the main content of out of my mind .39. what can we learn from the third paragr

28、aph?a. melody became margaret lims classmate and they became good friends.b. the boy who had aspergers syndrome was different from his classmates.c. the disabled can deal with many things as well as the healthy people.d. margaret lim often helped the disabled boy since they became classmates.40. sha

29、ron draper is probably a(n) _.a. editor b. doctor c. teacher d. writerbleonardo da vinci, one of the greatest thinkers in the world, began his career as an artist. very little is known about leonardos early life. he was born in 1452 in the town of vinci. as a boy, leonardo showed a great interest in

30、 drawing, sculpting and observing nature. however, because leonardo was born to parents who were not married to each other, he was barred from some studies and professions. he trained as an artist after moving to florence with his father in the 1460s. it was an exciting time to be in florence, one o

31、f the cultural capitals of europe. leonardo trained with one of the citys very successful artists, andrea del verrocchio. he was a painter, sculptor and gold worker. verrocchio told his students that they needed to understand the bodys bones and muscles when drawing people. leonardo took the teacher

32、s advice very seriously. he spent several periods of his life studying the human body by taking apart and examining dead bodies. while training as an artist, leonardo also learned about and improved on relatively new painting methods at the time. one was the use of perspective (透視) to show depth. a

33、method called “sfumato” helped to create a cloudy effect to suggest distance. “chiaroscuro” is a method using light and shade as a painterly effect. leonardos first known portrait now hangs in the national gallery in washington, d.c. he made this painting of a young woman named ginevra de benci arou

34、nd 1474. the woman has a pale face with dark hair. in the distance, leonardo painted the italian countryside. he soon received attention for his extraordinary artistic skills. around 1475 he was asked to draw an angel in verrocchios painting “baptism of christ.” one story says that when verrocchio s

35、aw leonardos addition to the painting, he was so amazed by his students skill that he said he would never paint again.41. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. we can find leonardos work in the national gallery.b. leonardo thought his teacher s advice was unreasonable.c. “sfumat

36、o” is a method to show depth by using light and shade.d. “baptism of christ” made leonardo known across the world.42. the underlined word “barred” in the second paragraph probably means _.a. prevented b. protectedc. suffered d. chosen43. which of the following words can be used to describe leonardo

37、according to the third paragraph?a. stubborn. b. creative.c. ambitious. d. determined.44. which is the correct order of the things that happened to leonardo?a. he finished the painting of ginevra debenci.b. he moved to florence.c. he finished drawing an angel in his teachers painting.d. he began to

38、learn art from andrea del verrocchio.e. he began to study the dead body.a. b, c, e, d, a b. d, b, c, d, ec. b, d, e, a, c d. b, e, d, a, c45. what can we learn from the last paragraph?a. verrocchio didnt like leonardos work.b. verrocchio thought leonardos work terrible.c. verrocchio thought highly o

39、f leonardos work.d. verrocchio didnt believe leonardo could paint well. cnot all vegetables need lots of sunshine. mark hoffman and his wife, guia, own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse in rural kempton, illinois. they often serve their guests produce fresh from the garden. the hoffmans have been growi

40、ng food and flowers for twenty-five years. for almost ten of those years, mr. hoffman has been experimenting and working with shade plantings. he says visitors to his website often ask how to plant in shade spaces. he said, “the bottom line here is that most plants will produce more in full sun. but

41、 if you do not have full sun, there are other options.” for example, he grows tomatoes near oak trees. oak trees can produce a lot of shade. but mr. hoffman says his tomato plants grow as long as they get five hours a day of direct sunshine, especially morning sun. not only does this go against the

42、traditional advice that tomatoes need six, eight, even twelve hours a day of full sun, it also shows how plants and trees roots can share nutrients and water. mr. hoffman also planted asparagus(蘆筍) around a tree at its drip line, the area below the outer limit of the branches. so when it rains, all

43、the rain drips down right on the asparagus. the hoffmans website includes a list of vegetables, flowers and herbs that have produced acceptably for them in partial shade. mr. hoffman says plants with wider leaves seem to do better in shady environments. he also found that his potatoes did better in

44、partial shade than in full sun. moving them out of the sun helped control an insect problem with leaf hoppers. mr. hoffman does not use pesticides (農(nóng)藥). instead, he planted the potatoes at the drip line, especially on the east side of the tree. the potatoes get morning sun, but they are shaded durin

45、g the hottest part of the day. leaf hoppers dislike shade, and the hottest part of the day is when they do the worst of their damage. time of day, brightness of the sun, shadows from trees, walls and buildings, these all influence how much sunlight falls or does not fall on plants. and extension age

46、nt curtis swift at colorado state university says people interested in shade planting should also remember something else. the term “shade” can describe different amounts of darkness. he says it can even mean different things in different parts of the world.46. whats the authors purpose of writing t

47、he passage?a. to present a kind of eco-friendly lifestyle.b. to recommend an approach to managing a website.c. to show vegetables can be planted in the shade.d. to introduce mark hoffman and his family.47. what can we infer from the second paragraph?a. food and flowers produce more in the shade.b. f

48、ood growing in the shade contains more nutrients.c. sun can affect the production of some plants.d. food growing in the shade is the best choice for most plants. 48. by using asparagus as an example, the author wants to explain that _.a. asparagus prefers to grow in the shadeb. how plants and tree r

49、oots share waterc. vegetables grow better in partial shaded. how leaves gain sunshine under the tree49. the underlined words “l(fā)eaf hoppers” in para.5 may be a kind of _.a. plants b. pesticides c. insects d. potatoes50. according to the passage, curtis swift may think that _.a. people should consider

50、 specific situation while planting vegetables in shadeb. some special rules related to shade plantings should be rememberedc. different parts of the world should plant different kinds of vegetables in shaded. shade planting is influenced by different kinds of soil condition d children with autism (自

51、閉癥) have difficulty with social skills and communication. they often behave in limited and repeated ways and have what seem like unusual strong interests.autism is more common in boys than girls. what causes it is not clear. scientists are studying genes and possible environmental influences.doctors

52、 usually cannot confirm a diagnosis of autism until a child is about three years old. rebecca landa is a researcher at the kennedy krieger institute and johns hopkins university school of medicine in maryland. professor landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier.

53、she led a new study that observed 235 babies between six and 36 months of age.“at six months of age, the signs of some risk for developing communication and social delays, including autism, include motor delays, like when you lay your baby on their back and you pull them by the arms gently into a se

54、ated position, the babys head may nod back behind the shoulders, like poor head control. so that does not mean that the baby is going to have autism, but it does mean the baby needs to have some exercises to strengthen their body. and when they strengthen their body, they are better able to play with toys and engage with people, which then goes on to help them have better outcomes.” by the time a baby is one year old, signs of possible autism include difficulty in us


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