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1、M V BEAGLE ITHE HANSHIN DIESEL WORKS,LTD MAN B&W 7S35MC Mk7ENGINE No: 7S35MCFuel Pump Roller Guide Checkin g 高壓油泵滾輪導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)檢查Roller guide mounted in engine當(dāng)機(jī)構(gòu)裝在高壓油泵上時(shí)的檢查The fuel pump roller guide can be partially checked while mounted on the engine ,usingthe following procedure :當(dāng)機(jī)構(gòu)安裝在油泵上時(shí) ,按以下方法可以對(duì)其一部分

2、進(jìn)行檢查 .909-16 .to inspect thefuelspace betweenthe1. Lift the fuel pump roller guide .See Procedure 按 909-16 的步驟抬起導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)2. Remove the cover on the camshaft housing pump roller guide . 拿掉油泵上凸輪軸的蓋板對(duì)機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行檢查 .Turn the engine to provide the maximum roller guide and the cam disc . 進(jìn)行主機(jī)盤車到機(jī)構(gòu)與凸輪片間空隙最大時(shí)停止andTurn

3、the roller by hand to check that it can move freely without unnecessary resistance or “hand ”points . 用手轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)滾輪 ,檢查其是否轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)得平穩(wěn) ,無額外阻力 , 容易轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)Also inspect the surface of the roller for possible damage marks ,seizures or scratches .Makesure that there are no tracesof bearing metal left in the roller guide ho

4、using . 還要檢查滾輪表面是否損壞 , 咬住或刮擦的痕跡 ,及里面是否有軸承金屬的粉末等Check the clearance in the slide bearing by lifting the roller relativeto theroller guide andmeasuringthe difference indistancebetweenthecam disc andthe rollerin the upperandlower positions of the roller .將滾輪提起 ,檢查滑動(dòng)軸承的間隙及當(dāng)凸輪片在最高, 最低位置時(shí)同滾輪間的間隙差3. Lower

5、the roller guide onto the fuel cam again . See Procedure 909-16 .按 909-16 的步驟將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)放回凸輪上方Roller guide removed from engine當(dāng)將滾輪導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)卸下時(shí)的檢查方法and the bearing clearance dismounted : 更準(zhǔn)確 ,更可靠的檢查方法是將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)拆下后進(jìn)行檢查A more suitable and reliable methodisto check therollerguideafterthe rollerguide hasbeen4. Dismount

6、 the roller guide from the engine . See Procedure 909-15.2.按 909-15.2 的方法將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)拆下5. Check the surface of the roller and the sliding surfaces of the roller guide .and measure any ovalness . 檢查滾輪的表面及導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的滑動(dòng)表面,測(cè)量橢圓形的表面6. Turn the roller guide upside down and land it in a vertical position on a couple of

7、 planks ,with the roller hanging freely . 將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)直立的倒放在兩塊厚木板上,保持滾輪的自由轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng) ( 不要通過影響其轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的方法來放置機(jī)構(gòu) )Measure the clearancein the slide bearing by placinga dialgauge againstthe roller and lifting the roller as much as theclearance permits .在滾輪上方放一百分表 ,盡量提起滾輪 ,來測(cè)量滑動(dòng)軸承的間隙Fuel Pump Roller Guide Dismantling高壓油泵導(dǎo)向機(jī)

8、構(gòu)拆解Note ! 注意Before dismantling any part of fuel pump ,make sure that the pump has been relievedof pressureand that all oil has beendrained off .在拆解高壓油泵任何部件之前 ,都要先確定已經(jīng)釋放壓力且已將燃油泄放掉1. Dismantle the top cover with the barrel/plunger assembly . See Procedure 909-5.2.按步驟 909-5.2. 的方法首先拆掉高壓油泵的頂蓋及柱塞套筒偶件2. T

9、urn the engine until the roller guide rests on the lowermost part of the fuel cam .主機(jī)進(jìn)行盤車 ,直到滾輪處在凸輪的基圓上為此.Inspect the position of thefuel cam through the inspectioncover opening on the camshafthousing .通過拆掉的凸輪軸系外殼上檢查用蓋板來確定凸輪的位置3. Loosen and remove the nuts on the short studs . 先拆掉兩只短螺柱上的螺帽 ,Then loo

10、sen the nuts on the two long threaded studs successively until the roller guide spring is relieved . 再一次性的將兩只長(zhǎng)螺柱上的螺帽松開直到導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的彈簧全送開為此thelifttheMount the lifting tool on the fuel pump studs and hook engine room crane on to the lifting tool .裝上起吊工具 ,用機(jī)艙天吊掛住吊具Remove the nuts from the two long threaded s

11、tuds and away the fuel pump housing .拿掉兩只長(zhǎng)螺柱上的螺栓 , 將高壓油泵外殼吊起Note !When lifting the fuel pump housing ,take care not to damage threads on the studs .當(dāng)?shù)跗鹩捅猛鈿r(shí) ,注意不要損壞螺柱螺紋4. Lift the spring out of the roller guide . 拿掉導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上面的彈簧Loosen and remove the screws from the sealing cap on top of the roller guide

12、 inside the pump base . 將高壓油泵內(nèi)導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上方密封蓋的螺栓卸掉5. Remove the sealing cap from the roller guide . 從高壓油泵上拿掉密封蓋Unscrew the two nuts from the pump base ,and lift away the pump base .拆下油泵基座上的兩個(gè)螺栓將基座吊走 ,When lifting ,take care that the bushing of the pump base slides against the neck of the roller guide with

13、out scratching . 當(dāng)起吊的時(shí)候 ,小心基座軸襯不要同導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的軸頸產(chǎn)生刮擦6. Mount the roller guide lifting tool as follows : 按如下方式安裝導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)起吊工具 Lift the lock p late of the tool up on the shaft of the tool . 將起吊工具的鎖住用卡片軸向提起 Position the tool so that its foot rests on the thrust piece in the bayonet joint of the roller guide .將工具底部

14、放在導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的卡口接頭上Turn the tool 90 o so as to allow the foot to engage properlyin the bayonet joint .轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)工具90 0,使其底部同卡口正好接合Lower the lock plate ,thereby securing thefoot in the lockedposition .放下卡片 , 將工具鎖在現(xiàn)在的位置上Lift the roller guide out of the roller guidehousing ,using thecrane . 用天吊將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)吊出When lifting ,ta

15、ke carethatthe slidesurfacesdo not scrapeagainsttheroller guide bushing .起吊時(shí)小心滾輪導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)不要刮到軸襯上 ,of the roller guideLand the roller guide on wooden planks . 將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)放到厚木方上7. Check the roller guide . See Procedure 909-15.1.檢查導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)按 909-15.1 的步驟Fuel Pump R0ller Guide Overhaul1. Inspect and check the fuel pump

16、 roller guide . 按 909-15.1 的步驟檢查導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)2. It is recommendedthat the roller guide should ONLY bedismantled if當(dāng)下列情況出現(xiàn)時(shí) ,才有必要解體導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu) irregularities when turning the roller , 滾輪轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)異常不規(guī)則 damage to the roller , 滾輪有損壞 larger clearance than stated on the Data sheet , 部件間間隙過大 seizure marks on the slide surfaces ,

17、 滑動(dòng)面有咬合的痕跡Have been observed when checking the roller guide . 當(dāng)檢查時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)以上情況NoteFor disassembling of the roller guide ,contact a HANSHIN DIESEL repair shop .解體導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)時(shí)要同 HANSHIN DIESEL 柴油機(jī)修理商取得聯(lián)系3. If no irregularities are found ,just clean and lubricate the roller guide before remounting it in the roller

18、guide bushing . 如未發(fā)現(xiàn)異常 ,只需將其清潔潤(rùn)滑后裝復(fù).Fuel Pump Roller Guide Mounting1. Lubricate the roller guide with plenty of camshaft lubricating oil , And mount it in the roller guide bushing ,using the lifting tool .將滾輪導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)用凸輪軸滑油充分潤(rùn)滑之后,用起吊工具將其裝會(huì)到軸襯之中.During mounting ,take care not to scratch the sliding surfac

19、es of the roller guide.裝復(fù)時(shí)小心不要刮到它的滑動(dòng)面2. After mounting the roller guide ,check the clearance between the roller guide and the guide plate mounted in the roller guide bushing .將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)裝復(fù)后 ,測(cè)量它同導(dǎo)向板之間的間隙 ,Turn the camshaft so that the roller guide is lifted approx .20mm .轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)凸輪軸 ,將導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)向上提起約 20mmThe clearanc

20、e C between the roller guide and the guide plate0.1 mm .must be the same at both ends +/_兩端的間隙 C 之間的差距必須小于 0.1mm3. Before mounting the pump base on the roller bushing ,replaee the O-ring between the sealing bush and the bottom of the pump base .O-ring安裝高壓油泵基座之前 ,更換密封用的襯套同油泵基座底部之間的4. Mount the pump b

21、ase on the roller guide bushing ,and tightenthe nuts .將油泵基座裝復(fù) ,上緊螺帽 .5. Replace the scraper rings in the sealing cap as follows : 按以下方式更換密封蓋底部的刮油環(huán).先擰掉密封蓋底部螺栓 ,螺帽Loosen and remove the screws and nuts from the bottom ofthe cap ,remove the retaining flange and ring holder with scraper ring .拿掉護(hù)圈法蘭及刮油環(huán)

22、,刮油環(huán)支架6. Replace the axial scraper ring in the bottom of the cap .Check that the O-ring and scraper ring are mounted correctly .See the sketch .更換軸向的刮油環(huán) ,按簡(jiǎn)圖所示方式檢查其是否安裝正確7. Remove the seraper ring and O-ring from the ring holder . 從支架中取出刮油環(huán)及 O-ring,Plaee the new O-ring in the ring holder .放入新的密封圈Bef

23、ore moun ti ng ,the new sera per ring must be heated in 100 C hot water or oil for at least five minutes .新的刮油環(huán)在放入之前須先放入100 C的熱水或油中加熱至少5分鐘Note !When mounting the seraper ring in the groove ,fold the ring withoutmakingany sharpedges ,and be eareful notto euttheseraperring on the edgeof the ringgroove

24、when pressing itin .將刮油環(huán)放入環(huán)槽中時(shí) ,要將其部分折回 ( 不產(chǎn)生任何尖銳的棱角 ),將刮油環(huán)壓入環(huán)槽中 時(shí)不要被環(huán)槽邊緣割到Check that the O-ring and scraper ring are mounted correctly .See the sketch .按圖所示中檢查 O-ring 和刮油環(huán)是否正確安裝8. Assemble the sealing cap ,the ring holder and retaining flange . 裝復(fù)密封蓋 , 刮油環(huán)支架及護(hù)圈法蘭Tighten the nuts on the screws . 上緊螺

25、栓螺帽After tightening ,check that the holder can be remove . 上緊之后 , 檢查確定支架仍可移動(dòng)9. Mount a new 0-ring in the groove on top of the roller guide and on the pump base .在油泵底座及導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上部之間的環(huán)槽內(nèi)換上新的密封圈10. Mount the sealing cap over the rollerguide .在導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上部裝上密封蓋Tighten the sealing cap to the top of the roller guide

26、 . 上緊導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上的密封蓋螺母Tighten the nuts . 上緊螺母Lock the nuts with loctite . 用氣壓泵上緊鎖住螺母Land the spring on the roller guide inside the pump base . 在油泵底座內(nèi)的導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上部裝上彈簧 .11. Mount the fuel pump housing .See Procedure 909-4.4 . 按 909-4.4 步驟裝上油泵本體12. Mount the top cover and barrel/plunger assembly . See Procedure 9

27、09-5.4 .裝復(fù)柱塞套筒偶件及油泵頂蓋The roller guide can be partially checked while mounted on the engine .當(dāng)導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)裝Dismantling拆解1. Shut off the fuel oil inlet .關(guān)掉燃油進(jìn)口Loosen the union of the fuel oil return pipe to allow the oil pipes .to leave the pump and high-pressure 打開燃油回油管系 ,放掉油泵中的燃油 .Dismount the drain oil pip

28、e from the top cover and the air pipe connections to the puncture valve .Dismount the high-pressure pipes (top cover/fuel 卸下油泵頂部的燃油泄放管及泄放閥的空氣管拆下高壓油管valves) .,油泵頂蓋以及油頭guard ,release the link flange for the toothed out the toothed rack as far as possible .移開針型指示器和保護(hù)裝置 ,卸掉固定調(diào)整驅(qū)動(dòng)器的卡環(huán) ,拆掉齒條引入法蘭 ,并盡快的 拿出齒

29、條 .,Remove the index pointer and protective drive ,and dismount thefor the regulating rack lead-in .Pull2. Dismount the puncture valve from the top cover .Use the extractor tool and dismount the suction valve .拆下泄放閥 , 用拉伸器卸下進(jìn)口閥Remove the top cover fixing nuts ,as well as the two screws in the top co

30、ver .(At this stage ,it is practical to measure the lead of the pump) .拆下固定油泵頂蓋的固定螺栓以及頂蓋上的螺栓 , 這一步 ,部分是為了測(cè)量高壓油泵的噴油提前量fuel3. Screw the lifting toolfor fuel pump (withoutmeasuringpin)the top cover .Screwthe centre screw of the toolintointothepump plunger .The stop ring on the centre screw must be loos

31、e 在頂蓋上擰上起吊工具 (不帶測(cè)量桿 ) 將起吊工具中間的螺栓擰在油泵的柱塞上 栓上的此動(dòng)環(huán)一定要松開 .,中間螺Pull at the centre screw of the tool to lift the plunger clear of the bayonet joint in the roller guide and the milled recess of the regulating guide .拉起起吊工具的中間螺栓 , 清除導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)接合處的毛刺和粉碎物To do this it may become necessary to move the toothed rackan

32、d the centrescrewof the toolin relationto eachother .Whenthe footof theplungerhas beenliftedclearoftherollerguideand regulatingguide,move downthestopringofthetoolto abutagainstthecross-pieceofthetool,andsubsequentlylock thestopring bymeans ofthelock screw .移動(dòng)齒條和起吊工具中間螺桿的相互關(guān)聯(lián)是很必要的 , 當(dāng)提起柱塞底部清潔導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)和 調(diào)整

33、機(jī)構(gòu)時(shí) ,中間螺桿的此動(dòng)環(huán)要鎖緊并用鎖緊螺母鎖住.4. Lift the top cover and barrel with plunger out of the pump housing as an assembly .將油泵頂蓋以及柱塞套筒偶件一同從本體中提出Dismount the lifting tool from the complete pump barrel withtop cover . 卸下起吊工具 ,Be careful that the plunger does not slide out of the barrel . 注意不要使柱塞從套筒中滑出Clean the pu

34、mp housing . 清潔油泵本體For overhaul of top cover ,puncture valve and suction valve . 為了分解頂蓋 ,泄放閥及進(jìn)口閥5. Turn the engine so that the roller guide rests on the lower part of the fuel cam .進(jìn)行主機(jī)盤車 ,使導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)停在凸輪基圓上 ,Loosen and remove the nuts on the two short studs . 拆下兩個(gè)短螺栓上的螺帽 .Then loosen the nuts on the two

35、long threaded studs successively until the roller guide spring is relieved . 然后松開兩長(zhǎng)螺栓上的螺帽 , 直到導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)內(nèi)的彈簧彈力消除Remove the nuts and lift the fuel pump housing away . 卸掉螺帽并把油泵本體依開6. Lift the spring out of the roller guide . 從導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)中取出彈簧Remove the nuts from the sealing cap inside the pump base . 卸掉泵本體內(nèi)部密封帽的螺母

36、7. Remove the sealing cap from the roller guide . 從導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上卸下密封帽lift the pumpin the rollerUnscrew the two nuts from the pump base ,and base away .卸下泵殼上的兩螺帽 ,把泵殼抬走 .shaft of the8. The lifting tool for the roller guide is mounted guide as follows : 導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)起吊根據(jù)按如下步驟安裝在導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上Lift thelock plateof the tool up on

37、thethrust piece in the bayonet joint of the rollerguide .Turnthetool 90 o so as to allow the foot to engageproperly in thethe lock plate ,thereby securing the foot intool .Placethe tool in such a manner that its foot rests on thebayonet joint .Lower the locked position . 把起吊根據(jù)的鎖盤從起吊軸上方,正對(duì)槽放下 , 這樣放置鎖

38、盤的底部才能順利的進(jìn)入導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的接合處 ,然后把鎖盤旋轉(zhuǎn) 90 度 ,放下鎖盤護(hù)住固定鎖住位置Lift the roller guide out of the roller guide housing ,using thecrane .用克令吊把導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)從底座中提起9. Check the surface of the roller 滾筒表面的檢查The most expedient time of measuring the clearance in the slide bearingis when the rollerguide is placed in a verticalpositio

39、n on a couple of planks ,with the roller hanging freely . 測(cè)量滑動(dòng)軸承的最佳時(shí)間是當(dāng)導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)被豎直放置在支架上, 并且滾筒懸掛還能自由轉(zhuǎn) 動(dòng)Placeadialgaugeagainst the roller ,then lift theroller asmuchastheclearance permits .This makesit possibleto readthe clearance directly .依著滾筒安裝百分表, 當(dāng)在允許間隙的情況下, 盡可能的提起滾筒, 然后立即讀出減息 的大小10. It is recommend

40、ed only the checking ,irregularities roller ,or larger clearance been observed .to dismantle the roller guide if ,during when turning the roller ,damage on the than indicated on the data sheet ,have推薦通過檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)滾筒不規(guī)則運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn), 滾筒損壞或軸承間隙比數(shù)據(jù)表指示過大等情況后,拆卸導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)Before dismantling ,measure any oval ness of the roller g

41、uide .In such cases ,continuethe procedure as follows :在拆卸前,測(cè)量導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的圓度。在完成這步的情況再按以下步驟繼續(xù)操作。11. Dismount the lock screw from the shaft pin for the roller . Remove the shaft pin from the reversing link by means of the driving-out mandrel . 在滾筒的軸銷上卸掉鎖緊的螺桿,通過推出心軸的方式拿出回動(dòng)連接處的軸銷。12. Take out the roller with

42、bearing bush and spacer rings . 滾筒連同軸承襯套和隔音墊圈一起拔出。Inspect the surfacesof the roller facing the sides and thesliding surface of the shaft pin for marks and seizures . 檢查滾筒的接觸的表面和軸銷的滑動(dòng)表面并作標(biāo)記Replace the slide bearing bushing and any defective parts . 更換滑動(dòng)軸承襯套和任何有缺陷的部件13. Dismount the lock screw from th

43、e shaft pin for the reversing link .Remove the shaft pin from the reversing link ,using the driving-out mandrel . 卸掉回動(dòng)桿軸銷的鎖緊螺桿,從回動(dòng)桿上抽出軸銷并拔出新軸。14. Blow thelubricatingducts and boresofthe roller guide and thereversinglink cleanwithcompressedair .用壓縮空氣清潔導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)和回動(dòng)連桿的滑油管路和孔。Inspect the sliding surfaces of

44、the roller guide and guide faces of the reversing link for marks and seizures .如發(fā)現(xiàn)任何損壞的話則修Remedy any damage found . 檢查導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的滑行表面和回動(dòng)連桿的的導(dǎo)向面并作下標(biāo)記。 補(bǔ)15. Inspect the thrust piece of the roller guide for deformations (replace ,if necessary) .檢查導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)的推力塊有無變形(如果必要,更換) When Mounting the thrust piece in the ro

45、ller guide ,the thrust p iece has to be cooleddow nto - 140C .當(dāng)在導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上安裝推力塊時(shí),推力塊必須被冷卻-140 Cthepinthe16. Assemble the roller guide ,the reversing link and the shaft pin . 裝配導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)回動(dòng)桿和軸銷By means of the mandrel ,press the shaft pin in place in reversinglink,takingcare that thelockingholein theshaftcoincid

46、eswith thethreadedholefor the stop screw inreversing link .依靠心軸在回動(dòng)桿的地方按壓軸銷, 注意用制動(dòng)螺桿在軸銷上的制動(dòng)孔和回動(dòng)桿上的相 對(duì)穿過Thenmount thestopscrew (make surethat the stop screwentersthe lockingholein the shaftpin) .place in thein the shaft然后按上止動(dòng)螺桿 (確信制動(dòng)螺桿進(jìn)入軸銷上的鎖緊孔 )Lock the screwwithloctite .用工具鎖緊螺桿17. Place the rollergu

47、idewiththereversinglink ona coupleofplanks (with theboresfortheshaft pinvertically).Mounttheroller ,the bearingbushandthespacer ringsin therollerguide裝上滾筒軸承襯so that all the bores coincide . 用厚木板墊著, 使導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)和回動(dòng)桿連接在一起 (軸銷垂直處鉆一孔) 套隔音墊并使所有的孔眼都相對(duì)齊。By means of the mandrel ,press the shaft pin in reversing li

48、nk ,taking care that the machined groovescrew enters with Loctite .pin coincides with the guide pin in the reversing link ,and make sure that the marking scratches coincide . 對(duì)于心軸,把軸銷壓進(jìn)回動(dòng)桿鎖緊孔,注意軸銷上的機(jī)械凹槽要和回動(dòng)桿的導(dǎo)軸一致, 并確認(rèn)所有的標(biāo)記也相符合。link ,checktheplate mountedThen mount the stop screw (ascertain that the

49、stop the locking hole in the shaft pin) .Lock the screw 然后裝上制動(dòng)螺桿(確定制動(dòng)螺桿已進(jìn)軸銷的鎖孔內(nèi))用工具鎖緊螺桿 18. Whenmounting the roller guide with the reversingclearance between the roller guide and the guide in the liner for the roller guide .當(dāng)安上帶回動(dòng)桿的導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)時(shí),檢查導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)與安裝在導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)塞上導(dǎo)盤間的間隙 Turn the camshaft so that the roller gu

50、ide is lifted approx .20 mm .Theclearance C between the roller guide and the guideplate must be the same at both ends 0.1mm . 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)凸輪軸使導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)上升大約 20mm ,導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)與導(dǎo)盤的間隙 c 也應(yīng)該相同并且相 差不超過 0.1mm19. The clearancesA and B between the guideway and the pin ofthe reversinglink (arm) must be checked in the AHEAD andASTE

51、RN positions .導(dǎo)軌和回動(dòng)桿間的間隙 A 和 B 必須由正倒車出來檢查By means of working air connected to the air cylinder ,check that the reversing mechanismis working smoothly .通過工作空氣連到氣缸上來檢查回轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)構(gòu)工作是否平穩(wěn)。The clearancesA and B shall be approx .the same in bothpositions Neither A nor B must be less than 0.5 mm .間隙 A 和 B 應(yīng)當(dāng)在兩個(gè)位置大

52、約相同,無論 A 和 B 都應(yīng)小于 0.5mm 。20. If adjustmentis necessary,placethereversing armin ASTERNposition andremove thefourcapscrewswhichtighten theflange for the air cylinder to the roller guide bushing . 如果需要調(diào)節(jié),把回動(dòng)臂搖在倒車位,并卸掉把導(dǎo)向襯套鎖在氣缸蓋上的四個(gè)螺桿,Pullout theair cylinder with the flange release the lock nut on the s

53、haft .withas much aspossible ,and 盡可能的連同法蘭一起抽出氣缸并松掉軸上的鎖緊螺母。21. Turn the shaft to obtain the distance between the air cylinderflange and the surface of the roller guide See Data D-7 .bushing .轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)軸以獲得氣缸法蘭和導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)襯套之間的距離(看數(shù)據(jù)D-7 )22. Mounttheflangewiththeaircylinderbushingandtighten thefourcapscrews .Locklo

54、ctite .on the roller guide the screws with用法蘭把氣缸裝在導(dǎo)向襯套上,所緊四個(gè)螺桿,并用工具鎖緊螺桿。Repeat the clearance check once more from item 18 onwards . 從前面第 18 項(xiàng)開始再一次重復(fù)檢查間隙。23. By means of the telegraph ,move the roller guide to AHEAD position .Check that there is no clearance between the reversing link and the guide .

55、The same check has to be made inASTERN position . 通過車鐘移動(dòng)導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)至正車位置, 在倒車位進(jìn)行檢查檢查回動(dòng)桿和導(dǎo)向機(jī)構(gòu)間沒有間隙,用同樣的方法mounting the pump base on the roller bushing ,replace O-ring between the sealing bush and the bottom of the pump base .24. Beforethe在安裝泵體到導(dǎo)向襯套上之前,更換密封襯套和泵體底部之間的密封圈。25. Mount the pump base on the roller guide bushing ,and tightenthe nuts .把泵體裝回導(dǎo)向襯套上,并鎖緊螺母。26. Replacing the scraper rings in following way : 更換密封帽里的刮油環(huán)按如下方法進(jìn)行the sealing cap is done in t


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