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1、版本AA brand is a n ame, term , sig n, symbol, desig n, or acomb in ati on of these, inten dedtoiden tify the goods or services of a company or a group of compani es.品牌是一個名字、專有名詞、記號、象徵、設(shè)計、或是綜合以上的集合體,其目的是爲(wèi)了讓人了解公司的服務(wù)或公司團體所擁有的優(yōu)點。Ano ther purp ose of a brand is todiffere ntiateone company from ano ther.其餘

2、的功用則是爲(wèi)了與其他不同的公司區(qū)分出來。The most important skill of pro fessi onal marketer is the ability to create, maintain, p rotect, and enhance the brands of their p roduct and services.保護及增加品對於一個專業(yè)的市場商人而言,最重要的技巧是如何去發(fā)揮創(chuàng)意或是去維持、牌的產(chǎn)品與服務(wù)的利益。Branding has become so imp orta nt that today hardly any company or p roduct

3、is without one.品牌創(chuàng)造變的如此重要,以至於各個公司難以沒有它。Therefore, brand management is an increasingly important element in marketing.因此品牌的管理在商業(yè)中變成十分重要的元素。Term n. (1)期限(2)學(xué)期(3)專門名詞 (4)術(shù)語;(一般的)詞 ,名稱 differe ntiatevt.使有差異(2)構(gòu)成間的差別(+from)(3)區(qū)別,區(qū)分;鑑別(+from) eleme nt n. (1)元素 (2)要素 (3)成分Ide ntify vt. (1)確認(rèn);識別 視.(與.)爲(wèi)同一事物

4、(+with)Never identify wealth with happinessMai ntain vt. (1)維持(2)保持 (3)使繼續(xù)en ha neevt. 提高,增加Brand po wer refers to the relative stre ngth of a company s brand in the mi nds of con sumers, and can in flue nee con sumer choice of p roducts.提及品牌力量在消費者的心中,一個公司品牌的相關(guān)力量是能影響消費者對產(chǎn)品的選擇。Brands are po werful to

5、 the exte nt that theyconfer high brand loyalty and strong brandassociati ons, n ame recog niti on , p erceived quality, and other assets such as p ate nts and trademarks to a company.品牌對於高品牌忠誠度,堅固的品牌聯(lián)盟,品名識別,品質(zhì),以及其他資產(chǎn)像是專利或是公司商標(biāo)的影響是強而有力的A strong brand can be one of a company s most important asset.強的

6、商標(biāo)可能是公司最重要的資產(chǎn)之一。Measuri ng the real value of a brand n ame is difficult, but accord ing to one estimate, brand value of the follow ing companies in US dollars is: $68 billi on for Coca-Cola, $65 billi on for Microsoft, $53 billion for IBM, $42 billion for GE, and $35 billion for Nokia.測量品牌的真正價值很困難,但

7、是依照一個估計,在美國元的下列公司的商標(biāo)價值是:六百IBM,四百二十億元八十億元對於可口可樂,六百五十億元對於微軟,五百三十億元對於對於GE,和對於諾基亞的爲(wèi)三百五十億元。refers to ph. (1)提到,談?wù)摚?)與關(guān)連(3)參考滲照Dont refer to this matter aga in, pl ease.請別再提這件事。relativerelative .a. (1)相對的,比較的Noth in gs fixed in this world; everyth ing is在這個世界上沒有什麼東西是固定不變的;一切都是相對的。與有關(guān)係的,相關(guān)的什to)He asked me

8、some questi ons relativeto the subject.他問了我一些有關(guān)這個題目的問題。成比例的,相應(yīng)的K+to)Supply is relative to dema nd.供應(yīng)是按需求而定的。exte ntn. (1)廣度,寬度;長度Standing on the top of the mountain,you can see the full extent of the forest.站在山頂上,你可以看到森林的全貌。程度;限度;範(fàn)圍To a certain extent , I am responsible for the delay.在一定程度上,我對拖延負(fù)有責(zé)任

9、。Confervt. -give;grant(1)授予(學(xué)位等)(+on/upon) (2)給予,賦予 vi. (1)商談,協(xié)商(+with/on)They con ferred on the best way to expand bus in ess.他們商議擴展業(yè)務(wù)的最好方法。loyalty n.(名詞 noun)忠誠;忠心(+to)The generals loyalty to the king never wavered. 將軍對國王的忠心從未動搖過。12 - associationn.(名詞)協(xié)會,公會,社團,聯(lián)盟聯(lián)合結(jié)合;交往(+with) 聯(lián)想,聯(lián)想物Have you joine

10、d the teachers association ?你加入教師協(xié)會了嗎 ?I benefited much from my association with him.我從跟他的交往中獲益匪淺。What association do you have with thecolor green?綠色會使你產(chǎn)生什麼聯(lián)想?recog niti onn. (1)認(rèn)出,識別 認(rèn)識 (2)承認(rèn);確認(rèn);認(rèn)可(3)賞識;表彰;報償My recognition of the face was immediate.我一下子就認(rèn)出那張面孔了。recognition of a new state承認(rèn)一個新國家The

11、chemist has won worldwiderecognition .那位化學(xué)家贏得舉世公認(rèn)。P erceivedvt. (1)察覺;感知+that (2)意識到;理解I Perceived a man enter the house.我看到一個人走進這間房子。He gradually perceived that his parents had been right.他漸漸地了解到他的父母是對的。assetsn. (1)財產(chǎn),資產(chǎn)The bank has assets of over five million pounds.這家銀行有五百萬英鎊以上的資產(chǎn)。(2)寶貴的人材;有益的品質(zhì),

12、才能;有利條件pate nt n. (1)專利;專利權(quán)Did you take out ap ate nt on your desig n?你是否取得一項設(shè)計的專利(2)專利證書;專利品(3)特徵a p ate nt of in tellectuality知識分子的特徵trademark n. (1)商標(biāo)Products bearing famoustrademarks sell well.標(biāo)有名牌商標(biāo)的產(chǎn)品暢銷。(2)(人或物的)標(biāo)記,特徵Beautiful homes and garde ns aretrademarks of the south.美麗的房屋和花園是南方的特徵。vt.(1)

13、用商標(biāo)標(biāo)明(2)給的商標(biāo)註冊 澄記.作爲(wèi)商標(biāo)estimatevt. (1)估計,估量 評價;判斷專家估計這幅畫值一百萬n. (1)估計估價;估計數(shù)The experts estimate is that the painting is worth one million.丿元。我對形勢的估計不那麼樂觀。評價;判斷;看法My estimate of the situation is not so optimistic.High brand po wer p rovides a company with many comp etitive adva ntages .好品牌賦予一個公司很多競爭上的優(yōu)

14、勢,awareness and loyalty .A po werful brand enjoys a high level of con sumer brand一個有影響力的品牌可以得到顧客高程度的認(rèn)同以及忠誠感。Because con sumers expect stores to carry the brand, the company has more barga ining po wer whe n n egotiati ngwith retailers.因爲(wèi)顧客都會期待店面是帶有品牌的,所以當(dāng)與零售商議價的時候公司有更多協(xié)議價錢的能力,And because the brand n

15、 ame brings high credibility, a company with a strong brand can more easily launch new p roducts with the same brand n ame.而且因爲(wèi)品牌名具有高度的可信性,所以一個強大的品牌可以更容易地推出相同品牌名的新產(chǎn)品。For exa mple, Coca-Cola used its well-k nown brand n ame to in troduce Diet Coke, and theJoh nson & Joh nson brand, origi nally known

16、for its Joh nson & Joh nson Baby Shampoo,was later used to in troduce p roducts such as Joh nson Baby Oil, Cott on Swabs , and Den tal Floss .Johnson & Johnson 這個品例如:可口可樂利用他家喻戶曉的品牌名來引進健怡可樂還有牌,一開始以嬌生嬰兒洗髮精聞名,之後開始引進其他產(chǎn)品像是嬌生嬰兒油、棉花棒還有牙線。Aware ness n. (1)察覺 (2)覺悟 (3)體認(rèn)US1(+of)+(that)There is a gen eral aw

17、are ness that smok ing is harmful.LoyaltyThe gen erals loyalty to the king n ever wavered.將軍對國王的忠心從未動搖過。The loyalties dem on strated their love for the country.這些忠誠的行爲(wèi)顯示了他們對祖國的愛。Barga inn. (1)協(xié)議(+with)+that 買賣,交易(3)特價商品,便宜貨(修飾另一名詞)廉價Cleme nt made a satisfactory barga in with him.vi. (1)討價還價(+with/ov

18、er/about)(2)達(dá)成協(xié)議They barga ined on a two-year term.他們講定以兩年爲(wèi)期。(常與否定詞連用)預(yù)料,指望(+for/on)vt.(1)討價還價後賣掉經(jīng)談判後使得0They fin ally barga ined out the obstacles to an agreeme nt.他們通過談判終於排除了達(dá)成協(xié)議的障礙。提出條件+thatThe trade union barga ined that its members should have ano ther weeks holiday.工會提出其會員增加一週假日的要求。保證+thatI bar

19、ga in that the job will be done in three days.Negotiate vi.談判協(xié)商治談(+with/for)The gover nment will not n egotiate with the terrorists.vt.通過談判達(dá)成,談成(+with)They fin ally n egotiated a p eace treaty.【口】順利通過,成功地越過【經(jīng)】議價出賣;轉(zhuǎn)讓;議付;洽兌Credibilityn. (1)可信性;確實性(2)(核子武器威懾力量的)確實有效性Launch教練教我們投標(biāo)槍。vt.(1)使(船)下水(2)發(fā)射;投擲

20、;使升空The coach taught us how to launch a javeli n.礦工發(fā)動了一場罷工。發(fā)動(戰(zhàn)爭等);開展(鬥爭等);發(fā)出(命令等);提出(抗議等)The miners laun ched a strike.(4)開辦;發(fā)起;使開始從事We laun ched a new p roject.我們開始從事一個新項目。(5)出版;將投放市場vi. (1)開始(2)積極投入(3)猛力展開(+into)Father and his partner laun ched into a new bus in ess.父親與他的合夥人開辦了一家新商號。(6)(船)下水;出海;起

21、飛Our shi p laun ched for Bost on.我們的船啟航駛往波士頓。n. (1)(船的)下水;發(fā)射(2)發(fā)行;投放市場Cott on Swabsn.棉花棒De ntal Flossn.牙線Brand images refers to the ways in which con sumers p erceive the company and the brand.品牌形象是由消費者的感知來決定。Because every customer has a differe nt percep ti on about bran ds, desig ning a new brand

22、is not simply about desig ning a logo or a n ame.因爲(wèi)所有的消費者對品牌都有不同的看法,以至於設(shè)計一個新的品牌並不像設(shè)計一個圖像或名字那麼簡單。Rather, the image should send the consumer the correct massage visually , verbally, concep tually .因此當(dāng)形象要傳達(dá)給消費者時正確的訊息時,應(yīng)該是可見性、動作性及概念上易於了解。visuallyad.視覺上 (2)外表上 concep tually ad. 概念上Therefore, marketers mu

23、st pay atte nti on to every detail of their brand, even color.因此,市場商人(銷售者)一定要注意他們品牌的每個細(xì)節(jié),甚至是色彩。associated withDiffere nt colors have differe nt meanings and those meanings are ofte n whatever bears the color.不同顏色有不同的意義,這些意義經(jīng)常跟顏色的屬性、性質(zhì)有關(guān)。and blue as their representativecolorssop histicated, wise, ser

24、ious and rich.色彩在品牌logo的使用上代表了這個品牌的形象,例如 Well Fargo 和 Goldman Sachs 這些銀行精確的使用黑色和藍(lán)色做爲(wèi)最具爲(wèi)代表性的顏色,因爲(wèi)這些顏色清晰明確的表達(dá)出讓人感覺是富有經(jīng)驗的、聰明的、嚴(yán)肅的、和富裕的。Likewise, most hospitals logos include the color green, because it is perceived as refresh ing, restful, p eaceful, and hop eful.同樣地,大部分的醫(yī)院的商標(biāo)logo包含了綠色,因爲(wèi)它給人感覺是生氣蓬勃的、寧靜

25、的、和平的、有希望的。Moreover, accord ing to statistics, people tend to p refer roun ded brand logos as oppo sed to triangular ones.logos.Therefore, many brands such as Coca-Cola and Tide use rounded再者,根據(jù)統(tǒng)計資料,人們比較傾向於圓的logo勝過三角形。因此許多的品牌例如 Coca-Cola和Tide就使用圓的logo。The colors used in a brand logo say a lot about

26、the image of the brand. Ban ks, such as Well Fargo and Goldman Sachs, use black p recisely because these colors are p erceived asAssociateda. (1)聯(lián)合的,組合的,關(guān)聯(lián)的Bearsvt. (1)支持,承受;承擔(dān)(2)運送;攜帶;帶走(3)忍受;經(jīng)得起I dont feel very well. I cant bear this weather. 我感覺不是很好,我不能忍受這種天氣.n. C(1)熊(2)魯莽的人;笨拙的人司等字=attribute v.歸

27、因於;把.歸咎於(+to) n.屬性;特性,特質(zhì)He attributed his good health to exercise他認(rèn)爲(wèi)自己之所以身體好是因爲(wèi)運動。Kindn ess is one of her attributes.仁慈是她的特性之一。P reciselyad. (1)清晰地,明確地ril tell you precisely how to do it我將確切地告訴你如何辦理此事。(2)用於肯定的答覆)對,確實如此Precisely , was Johns opinion 約翰認(rèn)爲(wèi):確實如此?!盨op histicateda. (1)老於世故的(2)富有經(jīng)驗的;精通的 複雜的

28、,精密的,高度發(fā)展的She is a sophisticatedwoman她是一個老於世故的女人。P erceivedvt. (1)察覺;感知 意識到;理解備註:pay atte nti on to集中注意associated with 跟.有關(guān)聯(lián)use as 當(dāng)作,perceived as 女0同;像易於,有,的傾向 =prone to=inclined to=to寧可,更喜歡tend topreferMa ny strategically to expand their bus in panies use the advantage of a strong brand i

29、mage and brand power許多公司使用強而有力的商標(biāo)圖像和品牌力量策略性地擴展他們的企業(yè)。same brand name, it is called a lineWhe n a company in troduces an additi onal item with a new flavor, form, color, or p ackage size in a given product category and under the exte nsion.當(dāng)公司介紹一個另外的項目以新味道、形式、顏色,或包裹大小在一個指定的產(chǎn)品類別和以同樣名牌,這稱線性延伸。Companies

30、utilize this low-cost, low- risk strategy satisfy con sumer desire for variety.to introduce new products which will公司運用這個低價格,低風(fēng)險策略介紹將滿足消費者求新多變化的慾望。Ano ther strategy is called brand exte nsion.其它戰(zhàn)略叫做品牌延伸。This in volves the use of a successful brand n ame to launch new or new category, thereby employi

31、ng brand recognition in order p roducts.tomodified p roducts in a in crease sales of new這包含一個成功的名牌的使用發(fā)射新或修改過的產(chǎn)品在一個新類別,因此使用品牌識別爲(wèi)了增加新產(chǎn)品銷售。For exa mple, Honda uses its company n ame for differe nt p roducts, in cludi ng automobiles, motorcycles, sno wmobiles, and marine engin es. This allows Honda to a

32、dvertise that their customers can fit“ six Hon das in a twoar garage ”.例如,本田將他們的公司名稱使用在不同的產(chǎn)品上,包括汽車,摩托車、雪車,和船隻引擎。這讓本田做廣告,他們的顧客能適合六Hon das在二汽車車庫”。Expandvt. (1)展開,張開(帆,翅等)(2)使膨脹;使擴張 擴大;擴充;發(fā)展vi. (1)展開,張開(2)擴張;發(fā)展;增長 膨脹He is thinking of expanding his bus in ess.他正考慮擴展他的生意。In ten years the citys popu lati

33、on expan ded by 12%. 十年之中,該城人口增加了百分之十二。Categoryn. C(1)種類部屬 瀬目(2)範(fàn)疇,類型The stri ngs are a category of musical in strume nts.弦樂器是樂器的一種。Utilize vt.利用Risk n.危險,風(fēng)險CU(+of)(保險業(yè)承擔(dān)的)險;危險率;保險金額;保險對象Cvt.(1)使遭受危險,(2)以作爲(wèi)賭注冒的風(fēng)險+v-ing 冒險於+v-ingHe saved my life at the risk of los ing his own.他冒著生命危險救了我的性命。Modifiedvt

34、. (1)更改,修改(2)緩和,減輕 【文】修飾We have to modify our plan a little bit.我們得對我們的計劃稍加修改。Employ vt. (1)雇用(+as)使用,利用(常與on eself連用或用被動式)使忙於,使從事於(+i n) n.雇用;使用UHow do you employ your spare time? 你是怎樣利用你的空餘時間的?Under a third strategy , multibranding, companies introduce additional brand names forp roducts in the sa

35、me category.在第三個策略下,多種品牌化,許多公司在相同類型的產(chǎn)品採用額外的品牌名稱。This strategy is used to create sep arate brand images for in dividual p roducts which may differ in some way from their other p roducts.此策略是被用在個別的產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)造出獨立的品牌形象,而它能夠不同於其他產(chǎn)品。For example, Japan s Matsushita used separate names for its different products f

36、amilies:Panasonic, Nati on al, and Tech nics.例如:日本的Matsushita(松下)先生利用不同的名子在不同的產(chǎn)品家族裡:Panasonic , National,及 Technics。Companies will also con sider this strategy whe n brand po wer is weak and a new brand n ame is n eeded.許多公司也認(rèn)爲(wèi)當(dāng)品牌力量微弱及新的品牌產(chǎn)生時,此策略是配需要的。Strategyn. (1)戰(zhàn)略;戰(zhàn)略學(xué)U(2)策略,計謀;對策C(+fo呱+to-vBy ca

37、reful strategy he man aged to push the prop osal through.通過審慎的謀劃,他成功地使該建議獲得通過。multibra ndingn.多種品牌化Brand recog niti ons is certai niy imp orta nt.企業(yè)識別識非常重要的。Because con sumers often hold Ion g-sta ndingpercep ti ons about bran ds, high brandpo wer en sures a company continued sales of its p roducts.

38、因爲(wèi)消費者通常抱持著長遠(yuǎn)的想法看待品牌,高品牌力量促使公司繼續(xù)銷售他們的產(chǎn)品。Percep ti onn. (1)感知,感覺;察覺U(2)認(rèn)識,觀念;看法C(+of)(3)感知能力;洞察力U版本B12-2 Brand Po wer/Bra nd Image term KK:帖 ni 1n.(名詞 noun)1. 期,期限,學(xué)期,任期2. 關(guān)係,友誼;地位P(+with)3. 專門名詞,術(shù)語;(一般的)詞,名稱,措辭I am not familiar with chemical terms.我不熟悉化學(xué)術(shù)語。differentiate KK:刀 if 9EH Jlet 3vt.(及物動詞 tra

39、n sitive verb)1.使有差異 構(gòu)成.間的差別K+from)Colori ng differe ntiates the sexes in many birds.鳥的雌雄通??删推漕伾枰詤^(qū)分。2. 區(qū)別,區(qū)分;鑑別K+from)A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.植物學(xué)家能鑑別各種各樣的植物。eleme ntKK: e 怡mant 8n.(名詞nOUn)要素,成分CHon esty, in dustry and kindn ess are eleme nts of a good life.誠實,勤奮和善良是良善的生活要素。

40、relative KK: ElmtW 9a.(形容詞adjective)相對的,比較的Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated. 與它的面積相比,這座城市人口極爲(wèi)稀少。confer KK: kmrTf 言11vt.(及物動詞 transitive verb)授予,給予,賦予DipIo mas were con ferred on the stude nts who had compi eted all courses of study.修完全部課程的學(xué)生被授予畢業(yè)證書。recognitionKK:Ekmg ni歸D代n.(名詞nO

41、Un)認(rèn)出,識別;認(rèn)識UMy recognition of the face was immediate.我一下子就認(rèn)出那張面孔了。trademark KK:飛6比1101 13n.(名詞noun)商標(biāo),標(biāo)記,特徵P roducts beari ng famous trademarks sell well.標(biāo)有名牌商標(biāo)的產(chǎn)品暢銷。Beautiful homes and garde ns are trademarks of the south.美麗的房屋和花園是南方的特徵。competitive KK: ksmpEtsti V 21a.(形容詞 adjective)1. 競爭的;經(jīng)由競爭的,競爭

42、性的The comp etitive n ature of our society(我們社會的競爭性 )2. 好競爭的A comp etitive person loves to win and hates to lose.(競爭心強的人喜歡贏討厭輸。)adva ntageKK: 3d、在nt id g 22n.(名詞 noun)1. 有利條件 優(yōu)點,優(yōu)勢CU(+over)He had the advantage of a good education.(他具備受過良好教育的優(yōu)勢。)2. 利益,好處CUWhat is the advantage of using nuclear power?(

43、使用核能有何好處 ?)3. (網(wǎng)球賽中的)優(yōu)勢分Uvt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)1. 有利於;使處於優(yōu)勢2. It would adva ntage him to go abroad.(出國會對他有好處。)競爭優(yōu)勢而大力提昇自己或組織定位的結(jié)果;這是哈佛商學(xué)院教授兼商業(yè)書Competitive Strategy ) 一書的作者,波特( Michael Porter )所提倡 指的是組織用以讓本身有別於競爭對手,進而創(chuàng)造價值的一組活動、Comp etitive adva ntage 爲(wèi)了在競爭中取得上風(fēng), 籍經(jīng)典競爭策略( 的用詞;所謂競爭優(yōu)勢, 資產(chǎn)、關(guān)係、歷史,以及市場

44、條件等的特殊組合。consumer KK:肋口生j um可 23n.(名詞noun).消費者;消耗者A po werful brand enjoys a high level of con sumer brand aware ness and loyalty.( 一個強而有力的 品牌會浸淫於其消費者對牌子的高度認(rèn)同以及高度的忠誠。awareness KK: B WErnSi 24人們普遍認(rèn)識到吸煙有害健康。)n.(名詞 noun)察覺;覺悟;體認(rèn)US1(+of)+(that) There is a gen eral aware ness that smok ing is harmful.( l

45、oyalty KK:舊巾25n.(名詞 noun)1. 忠誠;忠心U(+to)The generals loyalty to the king never wavered.(將軍對國王的忠心從未動搖過。)2.忠誠的行爲(wèi)PThe loyalties demo nstrated their love for the cou ntry.(這些忠誠的行爲(wèi)顯示了他們對祖國的愛。)bargain KK:bagTn 24n.(名詞 noun)C1. 協(xié)議(+with)+that克雷孟特和他作了一次滿意的交易。)2. 買賣,交易Cleme nt made a satisfactory barga in wit

46、h him.(這些玩具的價格這麼便宜,真劃得來。)3. 特價商品,便宜貨These toys are a real barga in at such low p nces.( 4.(常與否定詞連用)預(yù)料,指望(+for/on)vi.(不及物動詞 intran sitive verb)1. 討價還價(+with/over/about)她與魚販講價錢。)She barga ined with the fishm on ger over the p rice.(2. 達(dá)成協(xié)議They barga ined on a two-year term.(他們講定以兩年爲(wèi)期。3. (常與否定詞連用)預(yù)料,指望

47、(+for/on)vt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)1. 討價還價後賣掉2. 經(jīng)談判後使得0他們通過談判終於排除了達(dá)成They fin ally barga ined out the obstacles to an agreeme nt.(協(xié)議的障礙。)3. 提出條件+that工會提The trade union barga ined that its members should have ano ther weeks holiday.( 出其會員增加一週假日的要求。)4. 保證+thatI bargain that the job will be done in thre

48、e days.(我保證這一工作在三天內(nèi)完成。barga ining po werph.(片語phrase)議價(或談判、交涉等的)實力(或權(quán)限)negotiate KK: mgojiet 26vi.(不及物動詞 intran sitive verb)1.談判 協(xié)商,洽談(+with/for)The gover nment will not n egotiate with the terrorists.(政府絕不與恐怖分子談判。vt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)1.通過談判達(dá)成,談成(+with)They fin ally negotiated a p eace treaty.

49、(他們最終談判達(dá)成了一個和平條約。)2. 【口】順利通過,成功地越過negotiate a dee p river( 成功地渡過了一條深河 )3. 【經(jīng)】議價出賣;轉(zhuǎn)讓;議付;洽兌retailer KK:itel可 26n.(名詞 noun)C零售商花許多錢登廣告。)1. 零售商;零售店2.詳述者;復(fù)述者;傳播者credibility KK: /kEd9bl Ist I 27n.(名詞 noun)1. 可信性;確實性2. (核子武器威懾力量的)確實有效性launch KK: bntj 28vt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)1. 出版;將投放市場A company with a

50、 strong brand can more easily launch new products with the same brandname.( 一個有打出知名品牌的公司可以更容易的將新產(chǎn)品帶入市場。)2. 發(fā)射;投擲;使升空The coach taught us how to lau nch a javeli n.(教練教我們投標(biāo)槍。)3. 發(fā)動(戰(zhàn)爭等);開展(鬥爭等);發(fā)出(命令等);提出(抗議等)A lot of money are spent by retailers on advertis in g.(The miners laun ched a strike.(礦工發(fā)動了一

51、場罷工。4. 開辦;發(fā)起;使開始從事We lau nched a new p roject.(我們開始從事一個新項目。5. 使(船)下水新船今天下水了。The new ship was laun ched today.( vi.(不及物動詞 intran sitive verb)1. 開始;積極投入;猛力展開(+into)父親與他的合夥人開辦了一家新商Father and his partner laun ched into a new bus in ess.( 號。)2. (船)下水;出海;起飛Our ship lau nched for Bosto n.(我們的船啟航駛往波士頓。n.(名詞

52、 noun)theS1. (船的)下水潑射the launch of a rocket( 火箭的發(fā)射)2. 發(fā)行;投放市場3. (附屬戰(zhàn)艦的)大汽艇,工作艇4. 汽艇;遊艇originally KK:巾帀口! I 30ad.(副詞 adverb)1. 起初,原來It was origi nally a toy factory.(那原來是一家玩具工廠。2. 獨創(chuàng)地,新穎地swab KK: $WQb 32n.(名詞 noun)1.棉花棒Cott on Swabs2. 拭樣(爲(wèi)檢查細(xì)菌而用棉花棒收集的分泌物)3. 拖把4. 無賴vt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)1. 打掃;擦拭sw

53、abs (down) the decks(用拖把擦洗甲板)swabs up water(用拖把擦掉水)2. 塗抹(藥)於floss KK: floS 32n.(名詞 noun)U1. (潔齒用的)牙線Dental Floss2. 繡花(絲)絨3. (蠶繭外層的)粗絲vt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)1. 用牙線潔牙vi.(不及物動詞intran sitive verb)1.用牙線清潔 den tai KK:立毗! 32a.(形容詞 adjective)1. 牙齒的;牙科的I had undergone a major den tai op erati on.(我接受了一次牙科

54、大手術(shù)。) 2.齒音的n.(名詞 noun)1. 齒音Crefer to 33ph.(片語 phrase)1. 與關(guān)連Brand image refers to the ways in which con sumers p erceive the company and the bran d.( 品牌映像和消費者對其公司及牌子的認(rèn)知度有關(guān)。)2. 提到議論3. 參考,參照Dont refer to this matter agai n, piease.(請別再提這件事。)perceive KK: P擴$2 33vt.(及物動詞 tran sitive verb)W1.意識到;理解+that+wh-He gradually perceived that his parents had been right(他漸漸地了解到他的父母是對的。)2. 察覺;感知+thatI cant P erceive any differe nee betwee n these coin s.(我看不出這些硬幣有什麼差別。)simply KK: *INpll 35 ad.(副詞 adverb)1. 僅僅,只不過Desig ning a new brand is not si


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