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1、1、What fruit helps restore a players health in Donkey Kong 64?A、ApplesB、BananasC、PeachesD、WatermelonsAnswer:D 2、Vectors defineA、magnitude.B、direction.C、magnitude and direction.D、a location.Answer:C 3、What is the 5th planet from the sun?A、UranusB、SaturnC、MarsD、JupiterAnswer:D 4、What is the greatest c

2、ommon factor of 6 and 12?A、2B、3C、4D、6Answer:D 5、4 * 17 = ?A、21B、48C、68D、71Answer:C 6、Which item is not a weapon in the first Streets of Rage?A、Baseball BatB、BottleC、KatanaD、Pepper ShakerAnswer:C 7、How many points are the cherries woth in the original Pac-Man?A、100B、500C、700D、1,000Answer:A 8、What is

3、the normal range of pH for blood?A、6.8-7.0B、6.9-7.1C、7.0-7.2D、7.35-7.45Answer:D 9、What is the Unix command to show a list of files in a directory?A、mvB、lsC、cpD、pwdAnswer:B 10、Which instrument is not a member of the woodwind family?A、BassoonB、ClarinetC、SaxaphoneD、TrumpetAnswer:D 11、This NES add-on, d

4、eveloped by Codemasters, allowed certain unlicensed games to work on the system.A、Aladdin Deck EnhancerB、DatachC、Game GenieD、ROBAnswer:A 12、In the sitcom Threes Company, what is Jack Trippers profession?A、ChefB、WriterC、ActorD、TeacherAnswer:A 13、In which year were the very first modern Olympic Games

5、held, and where?A、1892, AthensB、1900, ParisC、1896, AthensD、1904, St. LouisAnswer:C 14、Which rock bands drummer lost an arm from a car accident?A、Def LeopardB、ForeignerC、Van HalenD、WingerAnswer:A 15、Which country lies on the Adriatic Sea?A、MacedoniaB、SerbiaC、KosovoD、MontenegroAnswer:D 16、A _ burn des

6、troys the entire dermis.A、1st degreeB、2nd degreeC、3rd degreeD、4th degreeAnswer:C 17、In which year were Olympic medals restored to Native American, Jim Thorpe?A、1990B、1920C、1916D、1924Answer:D 18、Which programming language is used to write operating systems?A、JavaB、COBOLC、AssemblyD、CAnswer:D 19、In whi

7、ch country is it legal to marry a dead person?A、JapanB、FranceC、IranD、ThailandAnswer:B 20、Johnny Cage is absent from which game?A、Mortal Kombat 1B、Mortal Kombat 2C、Mortal Kombat 3D、Mortal Kombat 4Answer:C 21、Who was the first country music artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album?A、Garth Bro

8、oksB、Kenny ChesneyC、George StraitD、Randy TravisAnswer:A 22、What was the first music video to air on MTV?A、Jessies GirlB、Video Killed the Radio StarC、You Better You BetD、Strawberry Fields ForeverAnswer:B 23、How many sides does a pentagon have?A、5B、7C、9D、11Answer:A 24、The American video game crash occ

9、urred in which year?A、1977B、1983C、1985D、1990Answer:B 25、During the early years of the iPod, what other computer manufacturers name can be seen on some models?A、DellB、HPC、SamsungD、SonyAnswer:B 26、According to the Periodic Table, what is the symbol for Sodium?A、SoB、SuC、NaD、NuAnswer:C 27、What color is

10、the hexadecimal color code #151B54?A、CoralB、Deep PinkC、Medium Spring GreenD、Midnight BlueAnswer:D 28、What California city did the last Pony Express ride end in?A、Los AngelesB、OaklandC、SacrementoD、San FranciscoAnswer:C 29、All the organisms plus the nonliving components of a defined area is a(n)A、popu

11、lation.B、community.C、habitat.D、ecosystem.Answer:D 30、The language, Java, was initially calledA、CoffeeB、OakC、GreenD、DalvikAnswer:B 駕考寶典網(wǎng) 駕考寶典2016科目四31、Which computer was used as the worlds first web server?A、DellB、IBMC、NeXTD、SunAnswer:C 32、What century did Rembrandt live in?A、17thB、18thC、19thD、20thAn

12、swer:A 33、Who was Val Kilmers character in the 1986 film Top Gun?A、IcemanB、MaverickC、SliderD、ViperAnswer:A 34、What is the worlds largest volcano?A、DamavandB、Mauna LoaC、Mount VesuviusD、StromboliAnswer:B 35、A software application that you can try for free for a limited time is calledA、adware.B、freewar

13、e.C、shareware.D、software.Answer:C 36、Which provides the quickest access to data?A、ROMB、IDEC、SCSID、RAMAnswer:D 37、How much did Levi Strauss get for his first pair of jeans in 1850?A、$6B、$8C、$20D、$40Answer:A 38、What animal undertakes the worlds longest migration each year?A、Arctic TernB、Pacific Herrin

14、gC、Gray WhaleD、Storm PetrelAnswer:A 39、The sakbut is which instrument from the Renaissance era?A、ClarinetB、SaxaphoneC、TromboneD、TubaAnswer:C 40、Opera, Chrome, and Safari are allA、text editors.B、operating systems.C、virus protection utilities.D、web browsers.Answer:D 41、Which country is known for being

15、 shaped like a boot?A、FranceB、ItalyC、MexicoD、NorwayAnswer:B 42、What was the first personal computer?A、Apple IB、Commodore PETC、Kenbak-1D、TRS-80Answer:C 43、Which was the first sports film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture?A、HoosiersB、Raging BullC、RockyD、RudyAnswer:C 44、In Threes Company, what w

16、as Jacks restaurant called?A、Jacks CafeB、McJacksC、Jacks BistroD、Jacks PlaceAnswer:C 45、Which of the following terms means to play loud?A、AllegroB、ForteC、PianoD、CodaAnswer:B 46、In the Y2K Family Guy episode titled Da Boom, what did Stewie turn into?A、ButterflyB、DogC、OctopusD、ZebraAnswer:C 47、Which te

17、am lost the first ever Super Bowl?A、Kansas City ChiefsB、Oakland RaidersC、New York JetsD、Baltimore ColtsAnswer:A 48、Which type of virus that replicates itself, causing your computer to slow down or even crash?A、AdwareB、SpywareC、TrojanD、WormAnswer:D 49、Which consoles controller lacks a select button?A

18、、Nintendo Entertainment SystemB、Nintendo GameBoyC、Sega GenesisD、Sony PlaystationAnswer:C 50、In 1935, what was Bugs Bunny originally called?A、Funny BunnyB、DocC、Wuzz UpD、Happy RabbitAnswer:D 51、Which was the first phone to run Android?A、HTC G1B、Motorola DroidC、Nexus OneD、Samsung MomentAnswer:A 52、Whic

19、h of the following terms means to play slow?A、AdagioB、PianoC、AllegroD、poco a pocoAnswer:A 53、What is the Roman numeral CXL?A、140B、540C、950D、1,090Answer:A 54、Sam Malone, from the sitcom Cheers, was an athlete of which sport?A、BasketballB、BaseballC、FootballD、HockeyAnswer:B 55、What gymnastic event ofte

20、n sees men performing the Iron Cross or Crucifix?A、Uneven BarsB、RingsC、Balance BeamD、Floor MatAnswer:B 56、In the A-Team, Mr. T had a fear ofA、snakes.B、spiders.C、flying.D、showing his emotions.Answer:D 57、What body of water does the Danube River flow into? A、The Red SeaB、The Dead SeaC、The Black SeaD、T

21、he Indian OceanAnswer:C 58、Which candy bar does not contain peanuts?A、Baby RuthB、Milky WayC、PayDayD、SnickersAnswer:B 59、From the 2011 movie, Limitless, NZT gave a person the ability toA、use all of their brain power.B、teleport.C、predict the future.D、read minds.Answer:A 60、Where did Ferdinand Marcos d

22、ie?A、ManilaB、HonoluluC、PalayanD、QuezonAnswer:B 61、What decade saw the launch of the PlayStation?A、1990sB、2000sC、1980sD、1970sAnswer:A 62、Who was the Beatles bass guitarist?A、George HarrisonB、John LennonC、Paul McCartneyD、Ringo StarrAnswer:C 63、Who created characters such as Mario, Link, and Donkey Kon

23、g?A、Nolan BushnellB、Eugene JarvisC、Shigeru MiyamotoD、Yu SuzukiAnswer:C 64、How many colors are in the rainbow?A、6B、7C、9D、15Answer:B 65、What was the first company in the world to post $1 billion in annual earnings, in 1995?A、FordB、General MotorsC、HondaD、VolkswagenAnswer:B 元貝駕校網(wǎng) 元貝駕考66、What profession

24、sports leagues MVP trophy is call the Podoloff Cup?A、The NBAsB、The NHLsC、The BWBLsD、The MLSsAnswer:A 67、Which world leader is officially referred to as the Dear Leader?A、Kim Jong IIB、Ali KhameneiC、Vladmir PutinD、Fidel CastroAnswer:A 68、For what movie did Julie Andrews win her first Oscar?A、The Sound

25、 of MusicB、The Americanization of EmilyC、Mary PoppinsD、Torn curtainAnswer:C 69、What yachting race was called the Hundred-Guinea Cup until a team from the U.S. won in 1851?A、The Admirals CupB、The Stanley CupC、The Americas CupD、The Gascoigne CupAnswer:C 70、Which of these plays were written first?A、Mac

26、bethB、Romeo and JulietC、The TempestD、Much Ado About NothingAnswer:B 71、Who won the BCS National Championship in 2010?A、AlabamaB、OregonC、AuburnD、MemphisAnswer:C 72、In their 1966 hit, where did the Monkees take the last train to?A、ClarksvilleB、Baton RougeC、NashvilleD、BrooklynAnswer:A 73、The Great Pyra

27、mid of Giza was built for which Egyptian ruler?A、King TutB、Ramses IIC、HepshetsutD、CheopsAnswer:D 74、Which nation was settled by the Amorites in 2100 B,C,?A、Israel B、SyriaC、JordanD、Saudi ArabiaAnswer:B 75、What was Woody Woodpeckers hometown called?A、PuddletownB、BurgstownC、BirdsvilleD、GerpsiodtownAnsw

28、er:A 76、How many 2 element subsets does a 4 element set have?A、2B、4C、6D、8Answer:C 77、Who plays a palientologist on the show Friends?A、RossB、RachelC、JoeyD、ChandlerAnswer:A 78、What was the name of Weird Al Yankovics parody of Queens Another One Bites the Dust?A、Another One Gets Some RustB、Another One

29、Made A FussC、Another One Rides the BusD、Another One Called Me GusAnswer:C 79、Mt. Fuji is the highest point in what Asian country?A、BangladeshB、BurmaC、ChinaD、JapanAnswer:D 80、Which fast food restaurant is credited with introducing the modern-day drive-thru window?A、Burger KingB、McDonaldsC、SonicD、Wend

30、ysAnswer:D 81、What is the sum of adding the numbers 1 through 9?A、10B、37C、42D、45Answer:D 82、What is the atomic number for nickel?A、38B、48C、13D、28Answer:D 83、What is the most common blood type?A、O PositiveB、A PositiveC、B PositiveD、AB PositiveAnswer:A 84、The character Gonzalo is from which play?A、Macb

31、ethB、The TempestC、The Taming of the ShrewD、HamletAnswer:B 85、Which Legend of Zelda game was released on the Wii launch?A、Link to the PastB、Sacred StonesC、The Minish CapD、Twilight PrincessAnswer:D 86、What is the sub-brand used for many Sony computer products?A、InspironB、PresarioC、ThinkPadD、VaioAnswer

32、:D 87、The concertmaster of an orchestra plays which instrument?A、ClarinetB、OboeC、TimpaniD、ViolinAnswer:D 88、Everything you know is wrong comes from which 1980s video game?A、BattlezoneB、Dragons LairC、I, RobotD、Marble MadnessAnswer:D 89、What is the tallest mountain in the United States?A、Mount HoodB、Mount McKinleyC、Mount RanierD、Mount RushmoreAnswer:B 90、The Canaanites were one of the two main groups that made up the Phoenician civilization. Who was the other?A、ArmoritesB、HittitesC、JebusitesD、PhilistinesAnswer:D 91、What Monay Night Football announcer was known as


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