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1、What is happiness? What makes us happy? There are so many different definitions for happiness. Research has found a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, extraversion, marital status, employment, health, income and proximity to other happy people.A

2、fter studying this unit, you will be able to: Understand the key factors contributing to a happy life. Explain how people can feel happy by living a rich life although they are not economically well-off. 1) Are you happy with your present life? If your answer is YES, what might be the key factors th

3、at have contributed to your present state? If your answer is NO, what might be the reasons and which aspects of your life should be improved? 2) In your opinion, what are the basic needs that must be met in modern society to maintain the minimum of happiness? 3) Do you agree with the order of priori

4、ty in Maslows hierarchy? 4) What does “rich life” mean to you?In pairs or small groups, discuss the questions below and take notes. After the discussion, please summarize .I. Topic PreviewDirections: Listen to the passage three times and fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. H

5、appiness or glad is an 1._ or affective state that is 2._ by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. As a state and a subject, it has been 3._ and commented on extensively throughout world history. This reflects the 4._ importance that humans place on happiness.emotionalpursueduniversalcharacterized

6、II. Listening PracticeStates associated with happiness include well-being, delight, health, safety, 5._, and love. Contrasting states include suffering, 6._, grief, anxiety, and pain. Happiness is often associated with the 7._ of favorable circumstances such as a 8._ family life, a loving marriage,

7、and economic 9._. Unfavorable circumstances, such as abusive relationships, accidents, loss of employment, and 10._, diminish the amount of happiness a person experiences. However, according to several ancient and modern thinkers, happiness is influenced by the attitude and 11._ taken on such circum

8、stances.conflictsperspectiveII. Listening PracticecontentmentpresencestabilitydepressionsupportiveA. Read each of the sentences below. Choose the answer that is closest to the meaning of the italicized word in each sentence. (p.104)III. Vocabulary Preview_ 1. equivalent _ 3. equate_ depression_ imag

9、ined_ reality_ distort_ 2. exclusion_ 4. internal_ abundance_ pursue_ regardless of_ fascinatedaabb cabc accbB. Fill in the blanks with the italicized words from the previous exercise. Change the word form if necessary. (p.105)III. Vocabulary Preview1. _ 7. _ 2. _ 8. _ 3. _ 9. _ 4. _ 10._ 5. _ 11. _

10、 6. _ 12. _ imagine distortedpursuedequivalentrealityexclusionregardless ofdepressionfascinatedequateabundanceinternal By Paul MckennaA happiness scale a formula to calculate how much money to earn to get the same level of happiness as they can from the simple pleasures of a rich life having an acti

11、ve social life; living with a loved one; having a “clean bill of health”People tend to filter out all the areas of their life where they are already rich and focus on whats missing from their lives instead. 1. I am not living a rich life which I want. I will change my life style to cherish what I ha

12、ve got. 2. They devised a formula to calculate how much extra money the average person would have to earn every year to get the same level of happiness as they would get from the simple pleasures of a rich life. 3. It refers to the pleasure or satisfactory you get from living an active social life,

13、living with a loved one, having a good health and the alike. 4. As a society we are better paid, fed, educated and housed than ever before in history, yet since the 1950s we have become less and less happy. Statistics show there has never been so much depression in the world as there is right now. 5

14、. Peoples idea on money or wealth is distorted. They filter out all the area areas of their life where they are already rich and focus on whats missing from their lives instead. 7. The more you focus on those areas where you are already rich, the more you will realize how wealthy you already are. Th

15、ere are many ways in which you are already as rich as the wealthiest billionaire on the planet. Any time you have good nights sleep, you are sleeping rich. A billionaire may be able to buy a more expensive mattress, but they cant buy themselves a more restful night. 8. We should change our way of th

16、inking on wealth and happiness. Appreciate what we already have and become aware that what we take for granted in our lives is actually priceless. They are valuable wealth for us. So we are already rich enough. By Paul MckennaFor the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked

17、 myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever the answer has been No for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Steve Jobs, billionaire founder of Apple ComputersIn a fascinating study done at the University of London

18、,a team of researchers developed a happiness scale,designed to measure peoples relative sense of well-being from moment to moment. They then devised a formula to calculate how much extra money the average person would have to earn every year to get the same level of happiness as they would from the

19、simple pleasures of a rich lifeHow do you understand “a happiness scale”?For instance, having an active social life brought the equivalent satisfaction of a 63,844 annual salary increase, while living with a loved one was found to bring the same amount of satisfaction as being given an 82,500 annual

20、 pay rise. Good health was found to be the most valuable aspect of well-being having a clean bill of health was equated to a 304,000-a-year pay rise!Yet, for all this, money still cant buy happiness. As a society we are better paid, fed, educated and housed than ever before in history, yet since the

21、 1950s we have become less and less happy. Statistics show there has never been so much depression in the world as there is right now. The reasons for this may surprise you wealth dysmorphia. Over the years I have worked with many people who have body dysmorphia, a condition where people distort the

22、ir view of themselves to such a degree that they cannot bear to look in the mirror because they believe themselves to be hideously ugly.This has nothing to do with how someone really looks it is an internal filter that searches for everything that is wrong and blocks out everything that is right. So

23、 someone with this condition will focus upon some tiny aspect of their appearance that they dont like say a wrinkle or a fold of skin to the exclusion of everything else. Whats interesting is how many people do the same thing with money they filter out all the areas of their life where they are alre

24、ady rich and focus on whats missing from their lives instead.An exercise I often do with my clients is to ask them to imagine that, for whatever reason, money is no longer an issue in their lives. Within the realms of physical reality, they are free to pursue whatever they want to be, do or have. I

25、then ask them to make two lists. The first list is of all the things they would change; the second is of everything they can think of that would stay the same. What is remarkable is how little most people would stay the same. What is remarkable is how little most people would actually change their l

26、ives if they had more money.Sure, they might switch jobs, take more holidays, get a nicer car or move to a larger house but they wouldnt dump their friends, stop visiting their favorite restaurants, watch different movies or laugh at different things.Heres the payoff: Everything you wouldnt change i

27、f you had more money is an area of your life where you are already living rich!How would you translate this sentence?當(dāng)你有了更多的錢卻不去改變你生活中的方方面面,就說明你當(dāng)你有了更多的錢卻不去改變你生活中的方方面面,就說明你已經(jīng)生活得很富足了。已經(jīng)生活得很富足了。True and lasting happiness never is and never will be the result of how much money you have in the bank its t

28、he product of living a life rich in value, meaning and purpose. Thats why being happy and living rich are experiences you can begin to cultivate now, regardless of how much or how little money you are already making.12(1) The more you focus on those areas where you are already rich, the more you wil

29、l realize how wealthy you already are. There are many ways in which you are already as rich as the wealthiest billionaire on the planet. For example: Any time you have a good nights sleep, you are “sleeping rich”. A billionaire may be able to buy a more expensive mattress, but they cant buy themselv

30、es a more restful night. Any time you go into a restaurant and can order anything on the menu, you are having the exact same experience of possibility and abundance as the wealthiest man or woman alive. Any time you walk down a beach or look up at a sunset, you are experiencing the same beauty and s

31、plendor as the most financially well-off person in the world.In their book The Maui Millionaire, authors Diane Kennedy and David Finkel make this point in a very direct and somewhat shocking way: “Some people think that everything has its price. Well, if thats true, how much would it take for to sel

32、l your ability to see? Would you accept a million dollars in return for your ability to see? How about ten million dollars? What about your past? What would you sell all your memories for? Would you trade all your memories, good and bad, leaving you bereft of any past, for a million dollars?”Now, ho

33、w wealthy are you really? On a scale from one to ten, how wealthy are you when you stop and look at the full picture of your life?15 While this can be an uncomfortable exercise for some people, the point is clear what we take for granted in our lives is invariably priceless. In this sense, the reaso

34、n so many people feel poor is because they are already so rich. They have stopped paying attention to all the good that is a constant in their lives, and are only noticing the situations where unexpected problems break through into their consciousness. So why dont we usually appreciate what we alrea

35、dy have? Surprisingly, the problem isnt with our values, or even with our society its with the hard-wiring of our brains.How would you translate this part?-問題出在我們根深蒂固思維模式。問題出在我們根深蒂固思維模式。Meaning: 1. ifsomethinghappensseveraltimesin a row,ithappensinexactlythesamewayeachtime,andnothingdifferenthappens

36、inthetimebetween一連串(preface) in a rowThis is her third win in a row.2. ifsomethinghappensforseveraldays,etc.in a row,ithappensoneachofthosedays連續(xù)不斷地Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row.fascinating adj.Meaning:extremelyinterestingandattractiveExamples: The book gives a fascinating glimps

37、e of the lives of rich people. a fascinating story/subject/film Its fascinating to see how different people approach the problem.(para.1) fascinating adj.Meaning:extremelyinterestingandattractiveExamples: The book gives a fascinating glimpse of the lives of rich people. a fascinating story/subject/f

38、ilm Its fascinating to see how different people approach the problem.fascinate v.Meaning:tointerestsomeonealotExamples: Science has always fascinated me. Anything to do with aeroplanes and flying fascinates him.(para.2) equivalent a. & n.Meaning:havingthesameamount,value,purpose,qualities,etc.;等同的so

39、methingwhichhasthesameamount,value,purpose,qualities,etc.assomethingelse等同物Examples:She will do the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.There is no English equivalent for “bon appetit”, so we have used the French expression.Twenty thousands people a year die of the disease - thats t

40、he equivalent of the population of this town.equivalence n.Meaning: toconsiderthattwothingsaresimilarorconnectedCollocations: equate something with something Some people equate wealth with success. I dont see how you can equate the two things. equate to something: beequaltosomething a rate of pay wh

41、ich equates to $6 per hour. Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law.(para.2) equate v.amentalillnessinwhichapersonfeelsverysadandanxiousandoftenhasphysicalsymptomssuchasbeingunabletosleep,tiredness,lossofappetite,etc.If you suffer from depression, you should get professional help.Th

42、ere was a feeling of gloom and depression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.(para.3) depression n.(Para.4) ,a condition where people distort their view of themselves to such a degree that they cannot bear to look in the mirror because they believe themselves to be hideously u

43、gly.Meaning:It is a condition that people change the view about themselves so much that they dare not look themselves in the mirror because they think they will look strangely ugly in the mirror. ,即扭曲對自己身體缺陷的看法,這種扭曲達(dá)到了無即扭曲對自己身體缺陷的看法,這種扭曲達(dá)到了無法忍受照鏡子的程度。他們認(rèn)為自己的身體的某部分極法忍受照鏡子的程度。他們認(rèn)為自己的身體的某部分極其丑陋,丑陋得不敢自視

44、。其丑陋,丑陋得不敢自視。Meaning: tochangetheappearance,sound,orshapeofsomethingsothatitisstrangeorunclear Radio signals can be distorted by all tall buildings. His statement has been completely distorted by the media.(para.4) distort v.Meaning: inaextremelyuglyway SYNONYM revoltingly His face was hideously def

45、ormed. hideously fat/ugly A hideously misshapen body(para.4) hideously adv.(Para.5) , it is an internal filter that searches for everything that is wrong and blocks out everything that is right. Meaning:There exists a sort of filter inside the person which will keep anything that is wrong and let go

46、 anything that is right., 而是因?yàn)樗麄兩眢w內(nèi)部好像有一個過濾器,過濾而是因?yàn)樗麄兩眢w內(nèi)部好像有一個過濾器,過濾掉一切好的方面,卻保留了不好的方面。掉一切好的方面,卻保留了不好的方面。Meaning: existingorhappeninginsideaperson,object,organization,placeorcountryOPPOSITE external He stood injuries to his arms, legs and several internal organs. The company conducted its own interna

47、l investigation into the robbery. The government warned other nations not to interfere in its internal affairs.(para.5) internal adj.1. n. adevicecontainingpaper,sand,chemicals,etc.thataliquidorgasispassedthroughinordertoremoveanymaterialsthatarenotwanted an air/oil filter a coffee/water filter filt

48、er paper for the coffee machine He smokes cigarettes without filters.(para.5) filter2. v. (filter something) topassliquid,light,etc.throughaspecialdevice,especiallytoremovesomethingthatisnotwanted All drinking water must be filtered. Use a sun block that filters UVA effectively. My secretary is very

49、 good at filtering my calls. (= making sure that calls that I do not want do not get through).(Para.6) they filter out all the areas of their life where they are already rich and focus on whats missing from their lives instead.Meaning:Like people with body dysmorphia, they deal with money in the sam

50、e way, i.e. they remove all the area in which they are already rich and only give special attention to what they dont have.他們忽略掉所有他們已經(jīng)很富有的生活方面,卻把他們忽略掉所有他們已經(jīng)很富有的生活方面,卻把精力集中在他們生活中缺失的方面。精力集中在他們生活中缺失的方面。Meaning: toremovesomethingbyusingafilter The pump filters out mud. The test is used to filter out can

51、didates who may be unsuitable. The software filters out Internet sites whose content is not suitable for children.(para.6) filter out(Para.7) Within the realms of physical reality, they are free to pursue whatever they want to be, do or have.Meaning:With the permission of their physical condition/as

52、 long as their physical condition permits, they can choose to be, do and have whatever they want.在他們身體狀況允許的情況下,他們可以自由地追求在他們身體狀況允許的情況下,他們可以自由地追求任何他們想要的,去做他們想做的任何事情,擁有他任何他們想要的,去做他們想做的任何事情,擁有他們想擁有的任何事物。們想擁有的任何事物。Meaning: 1. anareaofactivity,interest,orknowledge; Her interests are in the realm of Englis

53、h teaching. At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy.2. (formal)acountryruledbyakingorqueenSYNONYM kingdom the defence of the realm(para.7) realm n.Meaning: 1. tochangeormakesomethingchangefromonethingtoanother She started studying German at college, but switched to

54、 finance in her second year. After the attack, the terrorists switched their car.2. todosomebodyelsesjobforashorttimeorworkduringdifferenthourssothattheycandoyourjoborworkduringyourusualhours I cant work next weekendwill you switch with me? Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone?(para.9

55、) switch v.switch (over) (from sth) (to sth) switch between A and Bswitch A with Bswitch sth.switch (with somebody)switch sth. (with somebody) switch (sth.) (over/around/round)Meaning: 1. togetridofsomethingyoudonotwant,especiallyinaplacewhichisnotsuitable As it was such an unpopular tax policy that

56、 the government decided to dump it. Several old cars have been dumped near the mountain.2. (informal)togetridofsomebody/somethingorleavethemforsomebodyelsetodealwith Hes got no right to keep dumping his problems on me.3. (informal)toendaromanticrelationshipwithsomebody Did you hear hes dumped his gi

57、rlfriend?(para.9) dump v.dump somethingdump somebody/something (on somebody) dump somebodytheresultofasetofactions,orexplanationattheendofsomethingThe payoff of years of research is great.The company is offering large pay-offs to anyone accepting voluntary redundancy(裁員).(para.10) payoff n.(informal

58、)(ofaplanoranaction,especiallyonethatinvolvesrisk)tobesuccessfulandbringgoodresultsThe gamble paid off.pay offtopaysomebodywhattheyhaveearnedandtellthemtoleavetheirjobThe crew were paid off as soon as the ship docked.pay somebody off1.Totrytodevelopandimprovesomething She has cultivated an image as

59、an tough teacher.(para.11) cultivate v.2.Togrowplantsorcorps The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.培育種培育種payingnoattentiontosomething/somebody;treatingsomething/somebodyasnotbeingimportant The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequen

60、ces. The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.(para.11) regardless of prep.(formal)alargequantitythatismorethanenoughabundance (of something) There is an abundance of things to talk about regarding the holidays so go for it. Phrases:in abundance 大量的;豐富的;充足的


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